Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Personnal Hell ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: Thanks so much for the reviews!!!
Disclaimer: Don't own any of the Sm characters in this fic!
Serena swallowed deeply and was streaming lines of curses through her mind. She watched as her Mother's look of anger turn to that of deep concern, looking over her daughter's current state.
“Oh my God…Honey what happened to you?” she closed the bedroom door behind her and made her way to her daughter, who was leaning against her dresser for support. She cupped her daughter's face between her hands, tears welling up in her eyes.
“Who did this to you…Are you in a gang?” asked Mrs. T
Serena slowly shook her head. “I'm not in a gang mom.” She shifted her eyes down, not wanting to look her mother in the eyes. “I can't tell you,” Mrs. T furrowed her brows, becoming angry; she was going to get to the bottom of this damn it.
“You better explain yourself young lady…unless you want me to bring your father in here.” Serena's eyes widened and tears began to well up, much to her mother's surprise.
“Mom…you don't understand! I can't tell you…” her voice broke off, and she visibly began to quiver. Mrs. T enveloped her daughter in a hug, never seeing her daughter look so distraught, she was becoming scared.
“Is someone hurting you in school, Sere?” She felt her daughter shake her head against her chest, than felt her tears seeping though her shirt; she was terrified now.
“Honey, I swear this will stay between you and me…just tell me what is going on.” her voice cracking along with her plea. She felt her daughter stiffen, and felt her chewing on her bottom lip, deep in thought; she asked a question so softly, she nearly didn't hear it.
“You promise you won't be mad?” Mrs. T nodded, swallowing deeply and preparing herself for the worst.
Serena pulled back from her mother and kept her eyes to the floor. “You remember hearing about the Sailor Senshi fighting off those monsters in the city?” Mrs. T nodded, not understanding what this had to do with her daughter's battered form.
Serena swallowed that lump that formed in her throat. “I'm one of the Sailor Senshi.”
Serena closed her eyes and waited for the worst, but was shocked when she heard her mother start to giggle, than it transformed into a full blown laughter. She looked upon her mother as if she had grown another head. Mrs. T wiped the tears from her eyes and looked upon her daughter disbelievingly.
“You expect me to believe that? Come on Honey; be real with me…what's really going on, you can tell me if you've been fighting.” Serena shook her head with a frown.
“I'm not lying mom…I'm being serious.” Mrs. T crossed her arms over her chest.
“So, you're telling me you're running around in a little skirt and throwing magical powers at evil monsters?!?...Prove it.” Serena sighed and took a hold of her transformation broach. She called out the infamous words and the room was engulfed in light and ribbons. When it all cleared away, Sailor Moon stood in Serena's place. Mrs. T looked at her daughter with wide eyes.
“Oh my God!” Moon swallowed deeply, and stared her mother in the eyes.
“I'm Sailor Moon, the fighter of love and justice. I am as well the reincarnated Princess Serenity of the Moon.” She de-transformed, her moon insignia lingering on her forehead. Mrs. T touched it softly before it too disappeared.
“I knew I seen that before,” she whispered. Serena arched a brow in confusion.
“Seen what before?”
“That crescent moon, it flashed on your forehead the day you were born…the first time I was able to hold you. It appeared and disappeared so fast, I thought I was seeing things.” A grin slowly placed itself on Mrs. T's face.
“My baby is a super hero!” she exclaimed, causing her daughter to blush deeply.
“But this has to stay between you and me mom…you aren't suppose to know.” Mrs. T nodded enthusiastically.
“How long have you been Sailor Moon?” Mrs. T began to escort her daughter into the bathroom to tend to those wounds.
“The day Luna woke up. She is my advisor, she awakened my powers.” At this, Mrs. T arched a brow.
“That cat?” Serena nodded.
“She's not really a cat, she can speak. She was my past mother's advisor and she was sent here to advise me and teach me how to defeat evil.” Mrs. T frowned.
“Is that where you got that bruise from on the side of your head, fighting those monsters?” Serena slowly nodded. She chewed on her bottom lip.
“I need to go to the arcade today.” Mrs. T's eyes widened.
“I don't think so! You need rest.”
“Mom I have too,” Mrs. T cocked a brow.
“What's his name?” Serena blushed and looked at her laced fingers, as her mother began to thoroughly clean her wounds.
“Darien.” Mrs. T smirked.
“The one that dropped you off last night…the one Sammy was talking about?” Serena blushed even deeper and nodded her head.
“We just found out each other's identities.” She sighed heavily. “He's my destined prince; reincarnated prince of earth, Endymion. He saved me tonight against a really strong Youma.” She closed her eyes and leaned against her mother's shoulder.
“We have to talk to the girls too; they don't know who I am.”
“What girls?”
“My friends, the ones' that I met at the arcade.” She winced when her mother dabbed peroxide on a gash on her side.
“They are my guardians. They know that I'm their princess, but they don't know I'm Sailor Moon.” Mrs. T sighed deeply.
“I want you to shower, and I'll bandage you up. I'll make you some breakfast and I want you to rest. I can't stop you from doing you're job, but we will talk more about this later.” She kissed her daughter on the cheek and helped her off the sink counter.
“I do want to meet this Darien too!” she remarked, and Serena blushed and pushed her mom out of the bathroom, making the older woman giggle.
“I'll be up soon.”
Serena nodded, “Oh and can you tell Luna to come up here.” Mrs. T nodded and left. Serena closed the bathroom door and leaned heavily upon it with a sigh.
“That went better than I expected.”
Serena yawned tiredly, pulling on her sneakers. She felt much better after eating and having a good couple hours of rest, though she was still very tired. On a better note, she healed up a lot and all of her small cuts and small bruises were not even visible; even though she was still in a lot of pain. She smiled at Luna and scratched the sleeping cat behind the ears, causing her to roll over and stretch lazily in her sleep.
Serena giggled remembering Luna's reaction to Mrs. T finding out the princess's true identity. For the most part, the feline was pissed beyond belief, but after an EXTREMELY long talk, Luna accepted it.
She stood from the bed and headed downstairs, where she spotted Mrs. T in the kitchen preparing lunch, Mr. T lounging in the living room reading a newspaper, and Sammy sprawled out on the couch sleeping. She walked into the kitchen just as Mrs. T began to head to the table. The woman smiled at her daughter and placed the food on the table.
“You look much better.” She replied, walking over to Serena and running her fingers through her bangs.
“Much better,” she turned her head, hearing a car pull up, causing her to grin.
“Darien's here!” she quickly kissed her mom on the cheek and bolted out of the room, and soon out of the house. Mrs. T shook her head, and headed into the living room to see her husband peaking out of the window and Sammy rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“Who is she getting in the car with, Elaine?”
“With a boy she met,”
Sammy looked up at his mother. “Is it Darien?” Sammy grinned seeing his mother nod.
“I knew it!” he exclaimed, causing Mrs. T to laugh. Mr. T frowned deeply.
“There is nothing funny about this; she doesn't need to be around any boys.” Mrs. T rolled her eyes.
“Wow, you actually sound concerned for your daughter for once.” She retreated back to the kitchen with her son following behind, Mr. T glaring heatedly at her back.
Darien pulled up to the Arcade; he turned off his car, stepped out and went around the vehicle, and opened up Serena's door. He took a hold of her hand and helped her out of the car, closed the door, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. The couple walked rather slowly to the arcade, still feeling rather crappy.
Darien opened the door and let Serena step inside, before he placed his arm back around her shoulders; the duo jumped hearing glass shattering. They both spotted Andrew beside the bar, staring at them with his mouth wide open, and a whole order of food and dishes all over the floor.
Darien chuckled, as Serena giggled with a blush. The two made their way to a booth, and heavily sat in it. Darien took a hold of the princess's hands and rubbed his thumbs over the back of them, staring upon her intently. Serena blushed, diverting her eyes to their hands.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” she questioned.
“You're the most gorgeous person I have ever laid eyes upon.” He clasped both of her hands in his and kissed them gently. He suddenly became teary eyed, and trailed a hand delicately down her cheek.
“I feel like this is all a dream…and I'm going to wake up and you'll be gone.” Serena shifted her eyes sharply and stared into his eyes with seriousness.
“I'm not going anywhere.” Darien gave her a crooked smile.
“Everybody I care about leaves me.” Serena stood from her seat, and slid in beside him.
“Darien I'm not going to leave you!” Darien laid his head on her shoulder; he placed several small kisses on her neck.
“You promise?” he whispered. She nodded, placing a kiss on his cheek.
“I promise.” Darien grinned and pulled her onto his lap and held her closely him.
“You don't know how hard its been to refrain from holding you.” He whispered huskily.
“You can hold me all you want.” she giggled, as he buried his face in her neck, and she felt the slight stubble of his beard tickle her.
“You need to shave!” she exclaimed squirming, causing him to pout.
“I didn't feel like it!” The couple suddenly jumped when they heard something slam on their table. They saw that it was a menu clipboard just as Andrew slid his way into the booth seat opposite of them.
“When the hell did this happen?!” he looked at the couple and cocked a brow. “What the hell happened to you Serena, you look like shit,” exclaimed the blond. Serena's jaw dropped and Darien rolled his eyes.
“Damn Andy, nice to see you too.” Andrew chuckled, before all humor was wiped clean from his face.
“Seriously, when did this happen, and what happened to you Serena?”
“Uh, well…I…I was jumped last night.” stammered Serena. Andrew's eyes widened looking upon his friend with deep concern.
“Oh my God; are you alright?” She nodded her head.
“Yea, I'm good. Darien stepped in and helped me out.”
The blonde's eyes shifted onto his best friend. “Really; are you alright?”
Darien nodded, “Yep, I was stabbed, but nothing too bad.”
Andrew's eyes just about bugged out of his head. “You were stabbed!?”
“Yea, and after that we kind of…eh…hooked up.” replied Darien, `God that was such a lame ass story.' he thought silently to himself.
“Damn you guys! Well, congrats on hooking up though.” He took a hold of his previously forgotten clipboard and held it up. “So, what will you have?”
“I just want a small chocolate shake and a small chili cheese fry.” replied Serena.
“Make that a large chocolate shake and a large chili cheese fry.” corrected Darien, causing Andrew to smirk. The blond stood to his feet and straightened his apron.
“I'll have that for you in a moment.” With that he disappeared, leaving the couple to themselves once more.
Serena was slurping the last bit of the shake she shared with Darien, lying back heavily against his chest.
“What's you're favorite color?” that was about the 30th questioned she had asked him.
“Blue, what's yours?”
“White; Pepsi or Cola?” Darien rubbed his chin thoughtfully and was about to respond when they heard a shriek. The duo quickly turned their heads towards the bar to see the four Inners making their way to their table.
“Andrew told us what happened! You alright?” questioned Rei, with much concern.
“Who was it, I'll hunt them down and kick their ass!” exclaimed Lita.
“Girls, calm down…that's not exactly what happened.” replied Darien.
A smirk appeared on Mina's face. “Oooh, when did you two love birds hook up?” Serena turned bright red, and buried her face into her hands out of embarrassment. Darien shook his head, and held his girl all the more closer to him. He waited for the girls to get comfortable in the booth before he began to speak.
“Youma attack.” replied Darien. The Inners' eyes widened and looked at Serena than back at Darien.
“She knows…she's also Sailor Moon.” By now, the Inners' jaws have dropped.
“Holy shit, you're that Senshi?” squeaked Lita, trying to keep her voice down. Serena nodded, looking down at her laced fingers that were upon the table. Rei looked around them becoming nervous.
“Look, let's finish this conversation at the temple. I think the Outers would like to hear this too, and we need to go to a more private setting.”
“I also need to get Luna.” replied Serena.
“Luna?” questioned Mina.
“Yea, she's my advisor.”
“Like Artemis?” Serena shrugged her shoulders.
“I guess so.”
“Well then, well all meet up at the shrine in a hour.” replied Rei, exiting from the booth and heading to the door.
Author: Hope you enjoyed! Review and tell me what you think!