Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Personnal Hell ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Arthur: Thanks so much for the reviews!

Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the characters in thins story!

Serena sat on the roof, that was over the garage and outside of her window. Her parents were arguing again and it consisted of the same topic, her. She laid back on the roof and closed her eyes, she would be starting school tomorrow and didn’t like the thought of it.

She sat up and decided that she wanted to look around some. She climbed off the roof, not caring to tell her parents that she was leaving. She jumped over the fence and started her walk down the street. Her house was about three blocks from the city, so she didn’t have far to walk.

She reached the city in less then 10min. She smiled as she saw the large buildings and the large amount of people running their busy lives. The people smiled at her as she walked by, something she wasn’t used to. Surprisingly, Serena smiled back and said ‘hi’ every so often.

She stopped when she came up towards an Arcade. ‘Hmm this looks like fun.’ thought Serena. She opened the door and was preparing to walk in , but was knocked down to the floor. Serena looked up with anger burning in her eyes. There was a young man about 16 years old with short black hair and midnight blue eyes. He glared down at Serena with as much anger as she held.

“Watch where you’re going,” growled the teen. Serena stood to her feet.

“ME! You’re the one who ran me down!” exclaimed Serena.

“What ever, I don’t have time to play with children, so step aside.” growled the teen as he pushed his way past her.

“Jerk,” muttered Serena as she turned from him and walked inside of the arcade. The teen turned and watched as the young girl entered the building. He had a small smile gracing his lips. ‘The princess has arrived,’ he whispered before he turned and walked off.


Serena walked inside the building with a frown and then smiled when she saw the amount of people eating, chatting, and playing games. She was startled when she felt someone take a hold of her shoulders. She turned and looked into the warm green eyes of a teen who looked to be around the same age as the guy who had rudely ran in her just few seconds ago. He had blond short hair and was tall with a well built frame.

“Hi, I’m Andrew,” replied the man. Serena smiled.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Serena,” she greeted. Andrew smiled brightly showing off his pearly white teeth.

“Hey, I saw what happened between you and Darien out there. I don’t think he meant anything by it, he’s had a bad day.” replied Andrew with an apologetic expression.

“Um, it’s okay. It was an accident,” said Serena. Andrew nodded.

“I don’t know if you’ve seen me, but I live in the house across the street and three doors down from your place.” said Andrew. Serena examined Andrew closely and smiled.

“Yes, I’ve seen you walking down the street the other day,” replied Serena.

“Yeah.” said Andrew. “So, where are you from?” Andrew began, leading them to a near by table where they could sit and chat.

“”I just moved here from America,” responded Serena.

“Wow, that’s a long ways from here,” whistled Andrew. Serena laughed and nodded.

“Yeah, a long way.” she replied.

“ANDREW!!!,” screamed someone by the entrance of the arcade. Andrew and Serena raised their heads towards the door. A group of four girls stood by the door grinning from ear to ear. Serena stared at them flabbergasted. She was getting this weird sense of déjà vu. Serena snapped out of her reverie and smiled when the girls walked over to the table. The one who screamed out Andrew’s name smiled at Serena and rose out a hand for her to shake.

“Hi, my name is Mina,” replied the young girl who looked to be Serena’s age. She had long blonde hair held up in a ridiculously large red bow and had bright blue eyes. Mina then pointed to the rest of the girls who looked to be the same age.

“This is Rei, Lita, and Ami,” replied Mina. The girls smiled and greeted Serena warmly. Andrew looked between them before he quickly stood from his seat.

“Oh, I have to get back to work,” replied Andrew. He turned to Serena.

“It was a pleasure meeting you.” he said before he took off towards the counter. The girls sat at the booth with Serena. Lita, Mina and Rei sat across from Serena as Amy sat next to her.

Serena looked at the raven haired girl, who’s hair reached mid back. She had large and gorgeous amethyst colored eyes . This one was known as Rei. She then turned her attention to Lita, who had chocolate brown colored hair that was held up in a high ponytail. She was very tall and had piercing green eyes. Next, she turned her eyes to the girl who was sitting next to her, Amy. Amy had short blue hair that was cut a bit past her ears. She was a rather petite girl with dark blue eyes. Serena raised her eyes from examining the girls to Mina.

“So, what’s your name?,” questioned Mina with a large grin gracing her pretty face.

“It’s Serena,” Serena replied. Mina nodded.

“That’s a pretty name,” replied Mina.

“Thank you,” replied Serena with a small blush hinting her cheeks.

“Your welcome,” said Mina.

“So where are you from, I haven’t seen you around here before,” said Rei. Serena shifted her large blue eyes to the raven haired girl.

“I just moved here about a week ago, I’m from America,” stated Serena. Rei nodded.

“Wow that’s pretty far from here, what made you move all the way here?,” questioned Lita.

“My dad lost his job in America and he decided to move down here,” said Serena.

“That’s cool,” replied Lita with a grin. “Well the part about you moving here, not your dad loosing his job.” Serena smiled and nodded in understanding.

“So, what school will you be attending?” questioned Mina.

“Um, I start school tomorrow. I believe it’s called Juuban High.” replied Serena.

“Great!,” exclaimed Mina. “Amy, Lita and I attend to that school” Serena smiled.

“What about you Rei, don’t you go to school there?” questioned Serena. Rei shook her head no.

“No, I got to a catholic school for girls,” replied Rei. Serena nodded. She turned to Amy, who hadn‘t said a thing as of yet. The young genius had a little laptop on the table and was typing vigorously onto the keys. Serena perked up an eyebrow. When did she bring that out? Serena looked at the computer with interest.

“What are you doing?,” questioned Serena. Amy paused in mid type and looked towards Serena.

“I’m trying to break into this program. It’s for school, I’ve been working on it all week and I can’t figure out how to get in,” replied Amy with a frustrated sigh. Serena smiled and pointed to the computer.

“Do you mind if I give it a try?,” questioned Serena. Amy looked at Serena curiously and nodded.

“Sure, give it a try. I doubt that you’ll get it though.” replied Amy. Serena ignored that last comment and took the laptop from Amy. She looked at the computer for a second and then tapped three buttons. Amy’s eyes widened in surprise. Serena broke into the program. Serena handed the computer back to Amy with a smile.

“How did you do that?,” exclaimed Amy in shock. Serena grinned.

“Oh, that was easy. I’m used to things like that, I’m always on the computer hacking into things,” replied Serena casually. Serena looked at her clock and grimaced. She had been in the arcade for about an hour. Man, doesn’t time fly by when you’re having fun? Serena stood from her seat and turned towards the girls.

“I have to go home.” replied Serena. The four girls nodded and smiled.

“It’s ok,” replied Amy. Serena smiled.

“So, I’ll see you guys tomorrow then?,” questioned Serena.

“Yeah, we’ll see you tomorrow,” replied Lita. Serena nodded and turned to leave.

“Hey Serena, wait,” replied Mina. Serena stopped and turned.

“How would you like it if you came with us to this arcade tomorrow?,” questioned Mina. Serena’s face beamed.

“Yeah, sure. If it’s ok with my mom, I’ll be here.” replied Serena. Serena waved the girls goodbye and walked out of the door. Once Serena was out of site the four girls faced each other.

“Our princess has arrived.” replied Rei. The other three nodded.

“She seems different then I expected,” replied Amy.

“Yeah, she seems darker and less trusting.” replied Mina as she kept her gaze where Serena had just went off.

“Yes she does, but all that matters is that she is here,” responded Lita.

“Do you think we should notify the Outers and Tuxedo Mask of the arrival?,” questioned Mina, reverting her eyes back to the group.

“No, there is no need, They know she’s here. I can feel it. She’ll have her encounter with them, if she hadn‘t already.” replied Rei. Then girls nodded and stood to their feet.

“Let’s go tell Artemis,” replied Mina. The four girls waved Andrew farewell and took off to Mina’s house to have a little meeting.


Serena walked down the street with a grin gracing her usually dark and gloomy features. She felt really good for once in her life. She hadn’t felt this good since when she first met Tyler. Her face suddenly darkened over the thought of her best friend.

She shook her head violently from the depressing thoughts when she heard a small yelp. She quickly raced down the street and found her self facing a couple of kids bothering a cat. She saw one of the boy’s pulling the poor cat by it’s tail, causing her to frown.

Serena moved in and pushed the boy aside and picked up the poor little cat. The boys looked at her surprised and then they frowned.

“What do you think your doing?” exclaimed the boy who was dragging the cat. Serena glared.

“What do you think I’m doing?,” growled Serena with venom dripping from her voice. The boy backed up. He glared and turned to his friends.

“Come on guys, let’s go somewhere else. We have better things to do then to mess around with a stupid cat,” replied the boy. The rest of the kids nodded and ran off down the street. Serena turned from the group of boys and down to the cat she now held in her arms. It was a cute little thing that had a rather peculiar dark purple fur and matching colored eyes. The cat blinked for a moment before it passed out.

Serena frowned when she noticed a band-aide on it’s forehead. She peeled off the band-aide slowly, as not to hurt the cat. When it was off, Serena cocked and eyebrow in surprise. The was a crescent moon shaped bald spot in the middle of it’s forehead. Yet again, a sense of déjà vu hit Serena. Serena shook the feeling out of her and held the cat close to her and turned to walk home.

“I guess I’m going to have to take you home, I hope mom let’s me keep you,” replied Serena as she continued her journey down the street.

Author: That’s all for now. I hoped you enjoyed. Please review.