Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Personnal Hell ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author: Hey, thanx for the reviews!

Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the characters in this story.

Serena carried the poor unconscious cat all the way home. She kept the cat in her arms, pressed against her chest. She looked away from the cat, seeing her house a few feet away. She smiled happily when she didn’t see her father’s car in the driveway.

“Thank God he isn’t here,” whispered Serena. She looked down at the cat and ran her fingers through the dark purple fur.

“I hope I get to keep you, for some reason, I feel really attached to you,” she whispered again. Serena opened that gate and walked inside, walking up the side walk and stairs, reaching the door. She moved the cat around, so one of her hands were free. She opened the door and walked inside.

It was dark and quiet, the was she liked it. She walked through the house, looking around for her mother. She walked up the stairs and into the hallway. She poked her head inside her brother’s room, seeing that he was playing a game. She looked at the cat, and then to her brother.

“Hey Sammy,” said Serena. Sam paused the game and looked at his sister.

“What?,” he asked.

“Guess what I got,” she said. Sammy looked at her and then looked to her arms. His eyes widened when he saw the dark purple cat.

“Oh wow Serena!, can I hold it?,” exclaimed Sam, running over to his sister. Serena bent down and held the cat protectively.

“I don’t know Sam, its hurt,” said Serena, letting him pet the cat’s fur.

“What’s his name?,”

“It’s a she Sam,”

“How do you figure?,” Serena looked at her brother with a small sigh.

“Because I know these thing,” Sam just nodded and continued to stroke the fur.

“So what are you going to name HER?,” he asked.

“I don’t know, haven’t decided yet,”

“How about snowball?,

“How about not,” Sam stuck out his tongue.

“What about Tinker Bell?,”

“Hell No,” exclaimed Serena. Just then their mom walked in, with a frown. She was a tall woman with large blue eyes and short blonde hair.

“Serena, how many times have I told you not to swear?,” the woman then looked at the cat in Serena’s arms.

“Where the hell did that come from?,” she asked. Serena looked at her mother with a smile.

“I thought you said no swearing,” said Serena. Mrs. Tuskino mocked glared at her daughter and crouched down in front of the cat.

“Where did you get this?,” asked Mrs. Tuskino.

“I saved her from a group of kids who were hurting her. I didn’t want to leave her, so I brought her home,” said Serena. “Can I keep her mom?”

Mrs. Tskino looked up at her daughter, “ I don’t know honey, taking care of an animal is a big responsibility”

“Please mom, I can handle it,” said Serena.

“Serena, I don’t know how your father would like the idea,” said Mrs. Tuskino.

“I don’t care what dad thinks,” said Serena.

“Serena, watch it. Know I’ll let you keep the cat for the time being and I’ll decide if we’re going to keep it or not,” said Mrs. Tuskino. Serena smiled.

“Thanks mom!,” exclaimed Serena. Her mom smiled back and Sam grinned.

“No problem, now let’s go fix up the cat,” said Mrs. Tuskino. When the women rose to her feet, she then noticed the cat’s forehead.

‘That’s odd, that bald spot is shaped like a crescent moon, I’ve seen that before,’ thought Mrs. T. Serena eyed her mother with a bit of worry.

“What’s wrong mom?,” asked Serena. Mrs. T shook her head and then looked at her daughter.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” she said

“Are you sure?,”

“Yes, I’m sure, lets go help the cat,” replied Mrs. T. Serena nodded and walked of her brother’s room, cat held tight.


Serena now sat in her room with the cat lying on her stomach asleep. The cat hadn’t awakened and Serena was worried. The girl had one hand behind her head and the other was petting the cat softly.

Her thoughts consisted around this afternoon, the meeting of those four girls, that rude guy that ran into her, and then Andrew, who was so nice to her. Then finding the cat, who gave her sense of déjà vu; Serena sighed running her fingers through her short dyed black hair.

She smiled thinking of the four girls. They had actually wanted to talk to her, and they were so nice to her, actually wanting to be friends. She wasn’t used to such treatment. She smiled , remembering the look on Amy’s face after cracking through the code on the computer.

She had also felt a sense of Déjà vu with them, as well as that guy that had knocked her down. She had seen them before, but couldn’t place where. And what did the cat have to do with the déjà vu feeling? After all it’s only a cat.

Those were the last thoughts Serena had, before she had fallen into a deep asleep.

Author: That’s all for now, hoped you liked and please review!