Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One Night ❯ Chapter 1~revised ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 1

It was the first day of school; Serina was finally a senior. She had just left the mall and was on her way back to the orphanage. Serina had long blond hair, which went a little past her knees, baby blue eyes; she was about 5'7" and was very slender.

Her parents left her when she was young and ever since then she had to stay at the orphanage because nobody would adopt her. She took it hard that nobody loved her, or even cared for her. Sure, all the guys at school wanted her but because she was pretty. She had one really good friend, Amara, who was an excellent racecar driver. When Serina turned fifteen, Amara was the only one to take her out and teach her how to drive.

She heard a crashing sound behind her and turned to see a cat run out from behind a trashcan. The alley was very dark and had boxes and trashcans everywhere. She let her breath out and continued on her way. She was near the end of the alley when she heard another noise behind her and then felt two strong arms around her neck.

"Didn't your mommy tell you not to walk alone in the dark?" His breath was very harsh and the smell like alcohol surrounded him like a second skin. A cold steel of a knife on her throat snapped her back into reality.

"What do you want with me?" Her voice trembled and knees were shaking, clattering together. She felt his free hand reach down and grab her thigh and move its way up, crossing her stomach and across her breasts.

"What do all guys want?" She felt his hot breath and sticky tongue on her neck. She was too scared to scream, to scared to move, all she could do was stand there.

"Please don't do this." She pleaded but his only response was a hand under her skirt. He tightened his hold on her neck and with in a few minuets she was out cold.

Serina opened her eyes and found herself in a large pink room. She sat up in the large king size bed and looked around some more, she couldn't make out where she was at; it couldn't be the hospital, it was to fancy for that, and she wasn't back at the orphanage.

"Hello Miss Stevens, how do you feel?" A man with midnight hair and perfect blue eyes walked into the room.

"I suppose I am fine, what happened, and who are you? How do you know my name?" She looked at him again and her eyes widened. "You're D…Darien Chiba!" She blurted out as he chuckled lightly. Darien Chiba was the only son of the Chiba family, one of the richest in all of Tokyo. Not only that, but he was also the most eligible batcher.

"I am indeed Darien Chiba." He tossed her a small plastic card. She looked at it good it was her student ID. He looked at her sadly and told her that she was raped, and has been in a comma for a few days now. They had caught who had done this to her by the semen they had found on her.

"When can I go home?" She asked almost immediately when she heard all of this.

"Miss Stevens, I am not so sure you should go back to the orphanage. You are going to be 18 in a few months, and you are more then welcome to stay here." He walked closer to her and sat in a chair beside the bed.

"Hello Miss Stevens, it is good to see you awake." Said a tall guy wearing a pair of black dress pants and a white dress shirt.

"Miss Stevens-" Darien begun, but Serina stopped him.

"Quit calling me Miss Stevens, my name is Serina." She snapped at him. "I am sorry for snapping, I didn't mean to.

"It is ok, Serina. This is our butler, Jake. If you need anything, he will be happy to get it for you." He smiled, which made Serina melt. "Think about what we talked about, I will be back soon. I have some work to finish." He waved and walked out the door. Once he was out of the room Serina blushed and sighed.

"I think he has his eye on you Lady Serina." Jake said as he walked over to her.

"No, I don't think so, he was just being nice." Her smile grew brighter when Jake shook his head.

"He has never acted like this, usually he just lets the staff take care of everything. But when he brought you home, he never left your side for more then an hour." He sat down in the seat where Darien had just been. "You DO know that he is only 19." He smiled and left the room.

A few days went by and Serina was up and walking around. There was a light knocking at the door. Before Serina could answer Darien walked in with a handful of long dresses. He smiled at her then walked into the closet and hung up the dresses.

"Have you thought about staying yet?" He asked as he walked back to where she was.

"I would love to stay, that is if it won't be a problem." He smiled and shook his head.

"It won't be a problem at all." Serina felt herself melt when he smiled at her again. "Now, I suggest that you go get dressed for dinner. It will be ready in an hour." He started to leave.

"Wait!" She called out. "I don't know if I can do this."

"Do what?"

"I don't know how to act here. I am use to just going to the cafeteria at the orphanage and taking it back to my room. I never had to dress up for a dinner." Darien chuckled a little and walked over to her. He helped her out of bed and took her over to her closet. She almost fainted when she saw the size of the closet, it was almost as big as the room that she use to have.

"Now, what is your favorite color?" He asked.

"Pink." He led her over to the back of the closet where a few dresses were in pink.

"Now, these are for formal dinners, like with important guests." He pointed to a few elegant dresses. "These are for balls." He pointed to the few gowns in there. "And these are for just regular dinners. All of these dresses in here should be your size." She looked at them all, they were all a size three. "At dinner, you will have many forks, just work from the outside in."

"Thank you." She whispered.

"You're welcome. I will be back to take you downstairs." He said then left her alone still in the closet. She grabbed a long, tight, pink and white dress. The bottom flared at her waist, and she grabbed some light pink shoes to match.

After a little while she was fully dressed and waited for Darien to come get her. She had never been out of her room and didn't know where anything was. Luckily there was a bathroom connected to her room.

At seven o'clock, Darien came to her room again and escorted her to the dining room. The walls were all decorated with different things from all over the world. One thing that caught her eye was a small portrait of Darien when he was younger. He looked so peaceful and happy.

They reached the dining room after about five minutes. There was a long table with ten chairs around it; the plates were all set up and there were three forks along with a knife and spoon.

On the two ends of the table was an older couple. The male wore a gray suit and his hair was a little lighter then Darien's. The lady was very elegant; she sat straight in her chair and she had on a blue dress, the same form as Serina's. Her hair was a light brown, and her eyes were an orange color. Both people stood up when Serina walked into the room.

"Welcome Miss Stevens, it is so good to see that you are okay." Said the older gentleman.

"Thank you, but please call me Serina." The man nodded.

"Oh, where are my manners? Serina, this is my parents, John and Martha. They have been out of town for the last few days." Serina slightly bowed her head.

"It is good to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Chiba. I thank you for your hospitality." The two smiled.

"Please, just call us John and Martha, there is no need to be so proper all the time." Mrs. Chiba announced. "Have a seat." Darien pulled out her chair for her. She sat down quietly and said thank you to Darien. He then took his seat on the other side of the table.

"We hope you like your stay here. I must tell you, when Darien first brought you home, we were worried that you weren't going to make it. Luckily you are a fast healer my dear."

"Yes, I have been known to heal quickly." She said quietly.

"Serina, my dear, I know it will take you a while to adjust, but we are here to help you." Mrs. Chiba added. "I took the liberty to enroll you in Tokyo High. You don't have to go if you do not wish."

"No, I have always wanted to go there." Serina said excitedly. "Thank you." Tokyo High was the best high school in the country. She was never allowed to go because it cost too much.

"You start on next Friday. That is the first day of school there." Mr. Chiba added.

"Thank you very much. Nobody has ever been so nice to me before." They all smiled. I'm gonna like it here. She thought.

"It is our pleasure Serina."

After dinner, Darien showed her to the study. There were many books of all sorts that lined the walls and a spiral staircase that led to the upper deck where the computers were held.

"I have to go do a little work, will you be able to find your way back to your room?" She nodded and watched him leave. She walked down the stairs to the computer and found that it had a complete list of the books that were in the study.

She found a romance novel and sat on the small couch that was in there, and started to read it.

"My Prince, please don't go, I love you!" The princess of the moon pleaded.

"I am sorry Serenity, but I must go, there is a war going on. I can't let my people die. You should understand that." The prince wiped the tears off her face and kissed her. "I love you too Serenity." Then he was gone.

"Serina?" She looked up from her book and saw Mrs. Chiba there. "What are you reading?"

"The legend of the Moon, it is quite good." Mrs. Chiba chuckled.

"Yes, I know. It is my favorite." She sat down on the couch next to Serina. "Serina, I don't want you to be afraid of us. I hope that you will be able to open up to me one day. I know you have been through a lot and I wish I could help you. But I can't unless you allow me to."

"Thank you Martha. I've just been so scared and imitated in here. I don't know how to be the proper lady. I grew up with no guidance or parents. I don't know how to act." She whispered.

"Oh honey, you don't have to worry about it. I will teach you all you need to know, and I know Darien will help too. He is a wonderful young man." Serina nodded and blushed a little. "I see you like him huh?" Serina blushed more. "Don't worry about it, most of the girls do."

"See, that's a problem. EVERYONE likes him, they all have their expensive little cars, perfect hair, perfect nails, and are like Barbie dolls." Martha had to laugh at that.

"Darien hates girls like that. Trust me, you have a better chance then any of those other girls." She winked at her. "Come, I want to show you something." Martha grabbed Serina's hand and led her out of the house.

Serina was awe struck when she finally saw the front of the house. It was bigger then the white house in America. The yard had a large fountain shaped like a crescent moon, with roses imprinted on the cement bench that surrounded it. They walked out to the garage and when Martha opened the doors, Serina gasped.

"You may pick any one of these, except the red convertible, that one is Darien's." The entire garage was full of cars. There were twelve different cars, which went from impala's to Lexus'. Serina's favorite was a black corvette convertible.

"What about that black one over there?" Serina pointed to the black convertible.

"You like it?" Serina nodded her head. "Then it's yours."

"Really?" Martha nodded her head. "Thank you so much." She squealed and hugged her. Martha just laughed and hugged her back.

"Come on now, it is getting late. You need to get some sleep. If you ever want to go anywhere, feel free, but all I ask is that you tell someone first." Serina nodded her head and they walked inside.

On Saturday morning Serina got up and went down to the kitchen for breakfast. Darien had already beaten her there and had a head start on the pancakes and bacon. Jake gave her a plate and she dug in.

Darien just watched her scarf down her pancakes like they were nothing. When she looked over at him he did the same. She had to laugh at seeing the hottest guy in all of Tokyo, trying to keep up with her. When they were done, Jake took their plates and pushed them out of the kitchen.

"So…Serina, are you planning on doing anything today?" He asked while walking her up to her room to get dressed.

"Actually I was thinking of going shopping. I don't think I should wear gowns to school on Friday, do you?" He smiled and shook his head.

"Do you mind some company?"

"Not at all." She smiled at him. "I have to get ready first." She teased and walked into her room.

After twenty minutes she came back out of her room. She wore a long black skirt she found in the closet and an open back, yellow shirt. She pinned her hair back on the two sides. She had on a pair of black heels and some stockings. She found Darien downstairs talking to his mother in the living room. They both smiled when they saw her and she walked over to them.

"Serina, you look lovely dear." Martha said.

"Thank you, but it isn't really my style. I was hoping I could go shopping today." She said brightly.

"Yes I heard from Darien, I don't have a problem with that." She handed Serina a credit card. "You have a weekly allowance, try not to exceed five thousand. But if you do, that's ok, we'll just subtract it from next weeks allowance." Serina's jaw dropped.

"F…five thousand dollars?" Martha smiled and nodded. "I don't think I will spend that much, not even close to that." Martha just smiled.

"With Darien with you, everything is possible. He spent ten grand the first time we gave him his card." Darien just looked down at the floor. Serina just laughed.

"You ready to go?" Darien asked her. She nodded and walked out of the door.

"First we need to go to the mall. I need a new purse, I don't know what happened to my last one." She said while walking to her NEW car that she had gotten two days before. She got in and looked over to Darien. "Are you coming or not?"

"You want me to go to the mall???"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Do you know how many girls come after me if they see me, and the mall is full of them." He said while scrunching up his nose.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you." She teased. "Just get it." He got in the passenger side and buckled his seat belt.

"You DO know how to drive, don't you?" He looked over at the girl and smiled.

"Yes I DO know how to drive." She rolled her eyes and took off.


"Serina, come on!" The girl with short blond hair called out from her yellow sports car.

"On my way, chill Amara." Serina grabbed her purse and ran out the gates of the orphanage. She jumped into the car and they drove off to the school parking lot. "Are you sure you want me to drive your car?" Amara just nodded and got out and let Serina scoot over to the drivers seat.

"Ok, first you have to check all your mirrors, make sure you can see out of them." Serina adjusted the mirrors then looked over at Amara again. "Now, find were all you things are, lights, blinkers, everything."

"Where are the blinkers?" She asked while playing with a few switches.

"See the little lever next to the wheel on the left side." Serina nodded. "Flip it up or down, depending on which way you want to go." She flipped it up and the right blinker came on. "Ok, now put your foot on the brake and put the car in drive." She did. "Switch from the brake to the gas and push slowly." Serina did as she was told and floored the gas. She made a few quick turns then made a perfect stop.

"How's that?" She smiled at her best friend.

"I think we need to work on your led foot."


Serina walked into the mall with Darien right behind her. She first went into NY and Company. She saw a small black purse that had a built in wallet and a thin strap that went on her shoulder. She grabbed a short black skirt and a few tank tops. She went and tried them on; each time she had something new on she showed Darien. Each time his jaw dropped she bought it.

"I don't know if you want to come with me to where I have to go." She told Darien while heading toward Victoria Secret.

"Why not?" He didn't know where she was going. But when they stopped Darien saw where he was. "You're right…um…I'll be getting some ice cream, you want anything?" She shook her head and walked in. When she started to check out she heard a bunch of girls screaming and laughed. The cashier gave her credit card back and Serina walked out with her bags.

Darien was standing in the middle of a mob of girls, trying to get out. She chuckled a little to herself and made her way through the mob, stopping right in front of Darien. She gave him a you-owe-me-big smile, then kissed him. The girls groaned and broke up. Serina was surprised when Darien deepened the kiss. It was meant to be a simple kiss just to fool the girls, but now their tongues were dancing and his arms held her closer. They finally broke the kiss and Serina stumbled trying to sit down on the nearby bench.

"Um…Serina…I'm sorry about that. I guess I got caught up in the moment." She turned to the blushing Darien and smiled a little. Wow! At least he kisses better then…NO I will not think about that! She scolded herself.

"Don't worry about it, I started it. Just forget it ok?" He nodded and helped her up. He grabbed her Victoria secret bag and tried to look in it.

"So what did you buy?" He asked while moving away some of the paper. She quickly snatched it from him.

"Noting for you." She played.

"Are you sure?" He winked at her. She just smacked his shoulder a little.

"Come on, I still need to get a pair of tennis shoes." She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the Shoe department.

"You play tennis?" She nodded her head. "I bet I can beat you."

"Oh yeah?" He nodded. "Ok, it's a bet, what are the terms?"

"Ok, if I win…I get another kiss-"

"And if I win?"

"You get to go out on a date with me." He said while grinning. She just rolled her eyes.

"It sounds like a win-win situation for you." She said while smiling. "If I win, you will have to…go into Victoria Secret with me and stay for at least ten minutes." She held out her hand for him to shake. "Deal?"

"Deal." He grabbed her hand and shook it. "How did you learn to play tennis?"

"Do you know Amara James?" He nodded.

"Yeah, she's that race car driver right?"

"Yeah, she was the one who taught me to drive, and to play tennis." He raised an eyebrow. "She is my best friend. We did all sorts of things together, but she moved away to America to race."

"I'm sure she will come back soon." He wrapped his arm gently around her shoulder and smiled at her. "You do know that it is going to be cold soon. Do you have a jacket?"

"Shit, that's what I forgot." She looked up at him and cringed. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't swear. Its bad isn't it?" Darien just laughed.

"Serina, don't worry about it. Believe me…they just pop out sometimes." He smiled down at her.

"Thanks…I just need to get a hang of everything I guess." She sighed. "I have school next week too, I haven't gotten any supplies or a backpack." She sighed again. "Looks like we are going to be here for a while."