Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One Night ❯ Chapter 2~Reviesd ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2

Serina woke up at six o'clock on Friday morning. She got dressed in a black mini skirt and a red v-neck shirt that had a slit on both sides. Her hair was pulled back on both sides and clipped in the back. A few strings on each side of her face were curled and she put on her makeup. She put her black notebooks in her forest green backpack. She put on her new leather jacket and set all her stuff together, then carried it all downstairs.

She walked into the kitchen and told Jake that she only wanted some toast. She sat down at the small table in the kitchen and took a bite, then picked up the newspaper. On the front cover, in big bold letters read: YOUNG CHIBA FINDS LOVE. She took a drink of her orange juice and flipped the paper over. She almost choked when she saw a picture of her and Darien kissing at the mall.

"Are you ok Lady Serina?" Jake asked coming toward her.

"Oh NO!" She yelled and put her head down on the table with embarrassment. Darien came running in the kitchen along with John and Martha.

"What happened?" Darien asked walking to her quickly. He heard Jake start to laugh a little, then his parents. "What's so funny?"

"Young Chiba finds love." His father announced. "How cute!" Darien took the paper room his father's hands and looked at the paper. He too, started to laugh a bit.

"I don't know why you think this is so funny?" Serina announced. "Now my reputation will be so-"

"Great." Darien interrupted her. She looked up at him.

"Darien's right honey." Martha added. "How many girls do you know wish to be with Darien?"

"A lot."

"Right, so what do you think the girls will say when they see this picture of you and me?" Serina just shrugged her shoulders.

"They will be jealous. You have instant popularity my dear." Martha added while smiling. "Don't worry about it. Besides, I think it is kind of cute." She said looking at the picture again. "I think I might have it framed." Martha smiled at the two blushing teens.

"It was a favor, noting more; and how did they get this anyway? This happened on Saturday, almost a week ago anyway." She said while a bit annoyed. Everyone looked at Darien.

"I guess the press had to get the picture from someone, and check sources and stuff."

"So Dare, how was it a favor?" His father asked while winking. Darien started to stammer, and then Serina stood up.

"Good-bye dear." She patted his face and smiled. "Did you want to take me to school, knowing that I don't know how to get there." She said teasingly. He nodded almost to soon. Everyone just laughed. "Well hurry then, I'll follow you."

Serina followed Darien to the school and they both parked in the student parking. Darien got out and walked over to Serina's car and grabbed her book bag for her.

"Thank you." She said as he helped her out of the car after putting the top up. He walked her through the halls to the office to check her in. He opened the door for her and walked in.

"Mr. Chiba, so nice to see you again." An older man shook Darien's hand.

"Hello Mr. Snail. How are you doing?"

"Good, who is this young beauty with you?" He said while kissing Serina's hand. She forced herself not to slap the man, and plastered a fake smile.

"This is Serina Stevens, she is new to the school. We were on our way to get her schedule so she could get on her way." Darien replied while placing an arm around Serina, saying 'she's mine'.

"Oh I see. I should get going. Nice meeting you Serina." He called then left the office.

"You need to watch that guy, he tries to date all his students." Serina nodded and continued to the registration desk. "Mrs. Angel, I'd like you to meet Serina Stevens." He said to the older lady behind the desk. She had on a loose sundress and her hair was turning gray.

"Hello Serina, I've heard a lot about you from Mrs. Chiba." She pulled out some papers and handed them to Serina. "There is your schedule, a map of the school, your locker number and combination and a few other stuff. Have a good day." Darien smiled and thanked the lady then walked Serina out of the office.

"So what is your first class?" He asked while looking at her schedule.

"Literature with Mr. Blake, room 236." Darien nodded.

"I had him, he is a bit on the weird side, but he is nice, sort of." Serina giggled and walked with him. "Your locker is here." He pointed to locker number 318.

"Thank you Darien." She smiled and walked into the door that he opened for her.

"Mr. Blake, this is Serina Stevens, she is new to the school." The bald guy looked up at her and smiled.

"Good morning Miss Stevens. My, you look lovely." He smiled at her. She just blushed a little. "I will take good care of the little lady Mr. Chiba." He gave Darien a weird smile, which Darien gave back. "You may sit wherever you would like."

"Thank you." She nodded and walked over to a desk in the front row. She noticed a bunch of girls were all watching her and she smiled.

"You want to give them a show?" Darien whispered into her ear. She laughed a little and nodded her head. Darien made like he was going to leave, but turned around, grabbing her chin with one hand and pulled her close to him. He gave her a short, yet passionate kiss, then left.

"You are soo lucky girl!" A girl called out from the back row. She was tall and had short blond hair. She walked over to Serina and extended her hand. "I'm Stacy, you are?"

"Serina." She shook the girls hand. Several other girls followed Stacy.

"This is Tracy…" pointing to a girl with mid length wavy brown hair. "Amanda…" she had shoulder length black hair, "and Robin." Pointing at a girl with red hair.

"It is nice to meet all of you." Serina said smiling.

"Well class is going to start soon, so we better get to our seats. It was nice meeting you too Serina." The girls waved and went to their seats in the back of the class. The bell rang and everyone scrambled to their seats.

"Ok class, we have a new student this year. Miss Serina Stevens." He told her to come to the front of the class, which she did. "Does anyone have any questions about Miss Stevens?"

"I have one." A girl with short brown hair stood up in the middle row. "Do you have a relationship with Darien Chiba?" She sat back down.

"You could say that." She nodded her head. Darien is going to kill me. She laughed to herself.

"What kind of car do you drive?" A guy from the back called out.

"A black corvette convertible." She said proudly.

"Where do you live?" Asked another guy from the back.

"I live in the Chiba residents." When she said that all the girls' jaw's dropped. Everyone started to ask questions all at once.

"Does the father really shot whoever comes onto their property?"

"Is it true that Darien was a bastard's child?" Asked one guy in the front row. Everyone shut up when they heard that.

"Do the Chiba's really have 30 rooms in the house?"

"Actually I have only seen the West wing, and it has 20 rooms, so I don't know how many there are all together." She answered.

"Ok class, any questions about Serina, not the Chiba's?" Mr. Blake asked.

"Where are your parents?" One girl asked. Serina didn't want to tell them that she was an orphan.

"They are off on a trip in America. They wanted me to stay here and finish high school so that's why I am staying with the Chiba's."

"Ok, enough questions." He turned to Serina. "You may have a seat now Miss Stevens." She nodded and took her seat.

At lunch a group of guys asked her to eat with them, but she decided to eat with Stacy, Tracy, Amanda and Robin. They were more then happy to let her eat with them.

"Serina how was your day so far?" Stacy asked before biting into a green apple.

"It has been so exhausting. I've never had to answer so many questions in my life. Now I have to go home and get the history on the Chiba family to see if all these rumors are true." The girls all laughed as Serina sighed.

"Speaking of the Chiba family…" Tracy pointed behind Serina with her mouth wide open.

"Wha?" She turned around and found Darien walking toward her with a rose in one hand and a large case in the other hand. He reached her and handed her the rose and kissed her on the cheek. "What are you doing here?" She squeaked out.

"Well, I figured that you might need this for your next class." He gave her the case and inside was a black lap top computer and a few disks and C/D's. "Your next class is computer management or something like that. This is my old computer, since I didn't have time to buy you a new one." He smiled at her.

"Darien, I don't need a new computer." She blushed as he lowered his head to her ear so nobody could hear him.

"I know, I just wanted to see you. Oh and there is a document on the orange disk, check it out when you can." He backed up just a little then looked deep into her blue eyes and kissed her softly on the lips. At least that was what it was meant to be. He quickly deepened the kiss, setting his hands on both sides of Serina's face. He pulled away when everyone started to clap. "I'll see you at home Sere." He waved then left the cafeteria in a hurry.

"WOW!" Was all the girls could say. Serina was still in a little daze after kissing the man of her dreams. When she snapped to, she pulled out the computer and inserted the orange disk and opened the file up.

Serina, I just wanted to thank you for all that you have done for me in the past few days you have graced me with your presence. I am sure you don't remember who I am, but I remember you. I was younger and my parents were out of town. I got hurt and was in the hospital. For some reason you had a rose and gave it to me and told me that everything would be ok. That day I promised my self that I would find you.

When I saw you alone in the alley, I grabbed you up into my arms and never let you go. I had finally found the angel that I have been looking for my entire life. I never saw any other girl, because I knew I would find you one day. You have made my dreams come true.

I love you Serina.

Your knight and shinning armor,

Darien Chiba

Serina closed the computer and sighed. I remember giving the boy a rose, he was so cute, even though we were very young. She let out a soft giggle. The girls at the table just sat in their seats watching her. When Serina noticed that half the room was looking at her, she blushed a bright red.

"What did it say Serina?" Amanda asked.

"Oh…He is so romantic." She said while playing with the thorn less rose in her hands. "He loves me." She whispered quietly so only the girls could hear her.

"WHAT!" They stood and shouted.

"Shhhhhhh!" Serina hissed and made them sit back down. She handed each of them a slip of paper with her phone number on it. "I have to get going. I still have to go to my locker." She stood up and carried the computer to the class then went to her locker and grabbed her backpack that she put in there for lunch.

Students ran through the halls and out of the school when the bell rang. The first day was finally over and Serina took her time to get to her car. She went to her locker and put her books that had been assigned to her away, then walked out toward the student parking lot. The same man she had met in the office that morning stopped her.

"Hello Serina, how nice to see you again." He said with a cheesy smile.

"Yes, nice to see you again too, Mr. Snail." She bowed a little and tried to excuse herself, but his hand stopped her. "What do you think you are doing?" She started to panic.

"What does it look like I am doing?" Her mind began to replay the night she was left in the alley. "I am doing what you want me to do." He whispered in her ear. Oh my god! Oh my god! She screamed over and over in her head.

"Serina?" She didn't answer. Mr. Snail held out a book that he picked up. "SERINA!" She looked at him in horror. Did I imagine it? "You dropped your book." He handed it to her and let go of her arm.

"Th-thanks." She took it and ran out to her car.

A group of people all surrounded her car when she reached it. Many of the guys were all smiling and the girls were jumping up and down. She unlocked her car and put her stuff in the trunk.

"Hey Serina!" Kyle yelled when he saw her. Kyle was in her second period history class. "A bunch of us are all going to the café in town. We were wondering if you wanted to come along?" He had on a white polo shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Before she could answer her car phone rang.

"Hold that thought." She told Kyle before picking up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Sere, it's me, Darien." She nodded.

"Yeah, I got that, who else knows this number, I don't even have it." She joked. "Anyway, what did you need?" Should I tell him about Mr. Snail? No! I can deal with this on my own.

"Um…actually, I thought I could show you around town a little more."

"Well…I am going to some café in town with a group of people, I'm sure they won't mind if you come." She looked over at Kyle who just nodded.

"Sure, I know the place, I'll see you there."

"Bye." She hung up the phone and turned back to the group. "Ok, lets go." She got into her car and followed the other ten cars in front of her.

Serina walked into the Sunlight Café and sat at a long booth where everyone else sat. She ordered a chocolate milkshake and some French fries. Most of the others got a hamburger and a coke, along with some ice cream afterwards. She was surprised when another group of people from her school came in and sat at the booths around them. The café had a small counter with bar stools and the walls were all painted yellow and orange. There were many pictures of the beach and sunsets.

"Serina right?" A guy with brown hair and green eyes held out his hand. She nodded and took his hand, but what surprised her was that he kissed the back of her hand. It made her blush a little but blushed even more when she saw that Darien had walked into the small café and was glaring at the guy.

"Well, I am Tom, it is very nice to meet you." Serina nodded.

"Nice to meet you too Tom." She turned a little to face Darien who seemed a little angry with the man. "I see you made it Darien." She tried to calm him down a little. She scooted over a little and patted the bench next to her for him to sit, which he did.

"Darien, it is nice to see you again. Where have you been?" Tom asked.

"I've had to do a little work. It hasn't been so fun out of school as I thought it would be." The waitress walked over to him with a small notepad.

"What will it be Darien? The usual?" He nodded and she went to the back kitchen. Moments later she came out with a chocolate milkshake and a small order of fries, the same thing that Serina had already ate.

"Dude, you know, I have never seen someone with such a strange order besides you, and Serina." James added.

"Oh, that reminds me. Darien I need you to check something for me." She pulled out the orange floppy disk and handed it to him. "The computer is in the trunk." She handed him her keys and smiled. She leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear. "I think you might want to hurry before I change my mind." She let out a little giggle when he suddenly jumped from his seat and practically ran out of the café to her car.

"What's with him?" Amanda asked Serina.

"He just forgot that he had a paper to do, I typed it up for him."

Darien opened the trunk and pulled out the computer and plugged in the disk. He opened the file that read: For Darien.

Darien, as you can see, I didn't erase the document, but I don't want to rush things. I will just give you the privilege to take me out, maybe declare that I won the most handsome, polite guy.

Your Angel from Heaven,


He smiled and closed the computer and walked back into the café. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder calmly and watched the girls sigh.

"Your angel from heaven eh?" He whispered in her ear.

"I thought you would like that." She smiled proudly.

"How right you were." He kissed her cheek and pulled her closer to him and turned his attention toward the group. He grabbed for his milk shake to take a drink but it was all gone. "Hey, who drank it?" He pouted a little. Everyone pointed to the blushing girl in his arms.

"Sorry, but you were gone for a little longer then I expected and I got thirsty." Darien just shook his head, he should have known, she does have a healthy appetite.

"That reminds me…there is a back to school party tonight at the Anderson house. You and Darien are invited, well actually, it is an open party." Gary smiled at her, who was another classmate.

"I'll think about it, thanks." She turned to Darien. "I think I outta head back to the house. I want to finish my book I'm reading." Darien nodded. "You stay here and talk, I'll be fine." She knew what he was thinking.

"Ok, I'll see you later." She nodded and smiled then walked out of the café after saying bye to everyone. Once she left all the guys turned to Darien.

"Man, you are so lucky to have a chic like that!" Tom patted his back. Darien nodded his head and smiled.

"Yep, and if I see anyone else's lips on her, any part of her, I will be sure to crack their skull." He said calmly and ate a fry.

"No problem." They all said while shaking their heads. The girls just laughed.

Back at the Chiba house Serina walked in the side door. John and Martha, who heard her pull up, greeted her. She smiled and set her things down by the doorway.

"Hello Serina." John said while holding onto his wife. "Do you have a moment, we need to discuss something with you." Serina's smile faded and her face filled with worry.

"Don't worry dear, nothing is wrong." Serina nodded.

"Let me put my stuff up, I'll be right down." She grabbed her bag and computer and ran upstairs. A few minutes later she went downstairs and into the living room where the Chiba's were. "What was it that you needed to talk to me about?" She asked cheerfully as she took a seat on the couch.

"Well, it's about Darien." Serina raised an eyebrow at John. "As you know, he is the most sought after guy in Tokyo." She nodded.

"Anyway my dear, we feel that there is something going on between you two, which is a good thing. But we are faced with a small problem." Martha continued. "Darien's grandfather left him his fortune, but he is not allowed to get it until his 20th birthday."

"Here is where the problem comes." John interrupted. "In order for him to get the money, he must be married and for at least six months." The color from Serina's face faded. "His birthday is in 9 and a half months." A small tear fell from Serina's eye. They can't be telling me that he is going to marry someone else!

"I know this is hard for you, and we figured it would be best to tell you before we told him."

"He doesn't know about this?" The couple shook their heads. "So what are you telling me? I can't like him because he has to get married?"

"No, no, no Serina. That is all wrong. We know it is a lot to ask you." Martha wrapped her arms around the young girl.

"Ask me what? I don't understand."

"We want Darien to marry YOU." With that said Serina fainted. "Well…She took that quite well don't you think Martha?" Martha just rolled her eyes at her husband and helped him get her upstairs to her bed.

Serina was awoken an hour later by voices in the study. She slowly walked out of her room and down the stairs. Her head was like someone was pounding on it. She got closer to the study and made out that the voices were of Darien and his parents. She sat by the door and listened to what they were talking about.

"I don't understand why you won't go along with this son." John was upset a little.

"Dad, I don't want to force her to marry me. I don't want her to marry me because my parents say so. She was not born into this and she should not have to go through it." He tried to stay calm.

"You love her don't you?" His father asked solemnly.

"Yes, I do. I don't know how, but I know I do, and that is why I won't go along with this. I want her to marry me because she wants to, for love." Darien said in a quiet voice.

Outside the room Serina felt a tug on her heart. She knew she liked him, a lot, but could she love him? Was that possible to love someone after knowing them for only a few days, a week at most? Her heart begun to race as her head began to throb. She stood up and turned the knob on the door. She let herself walk inside and face the family that had taken care of her.

One site of Darien made her feel better, made her head stand still and her heart began to pump harder. Her palms got sweaty and her stomach began to turn into hundreds of knots. Her breathing began to become unsteady. Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. I LOVE HIM! Her mind screamed.

"Serina?" Darien took a step toward her, as did she. They were in reaching distance but yet stayed apart. "Are you ok?" She looked up and stared into his ocean blue eyes and nodded.

"I've never been better." She smiled and jumped into his arms. "I love you." She whispered into his ear, and laughed as he twirled her around. His parents just stood back and watched the two young people. He finally put her down and looked at her.

"Don't think I am going to marry you though." Everyone's face went blank. "You don't expect me to marry someone, who for one, has never taken me out; two, didn't even propose; and three, where in the hell is my ring." She looked him straight in the eyes. Their love was radiating in both of them.

"I will get right on that my dear." He smiled and pulled her into his arms. She moved her head in and kissed him deeply. She could hear Martha sigh, and John just laugh at his wife. Everything will be just fine. She told herself.

"What do you say we go to that party tonight. It will be our date." She kissed him lightly again.

"All right." He said softly, still out of breath from her last kiss. She smiled and patted his head.

"Now, be a good boy and go get dressed." He nodded and without a word, he walked upstairs and into his room. Serina turned around and was pulled straight into Martha's arms. Martha started to cry when Serina embraced her back.

"I'm going to have a daughter." She said in between sniffles.

"Not yet, I still didn't have a proposal." The two just laughed. "I have to go get ready." Martha nodded and let her go. "Besides, I still have a game of tennis to play also." She added while walking out of the room.