Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One Night ❯ Chapter 3~revised ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3

Serina and Darien pulled up to the Anderson house at eight o'clock sharp. Darien got out of his car and opened the door for Serina, who was wearing the same black mini skirt she had on earlier, and a black tank top that tied behind her neck and in the back. The whole back was open and so was half of her stomach. She pulled her hair up into a braid so that it wouldn't get in the way. She had on her black leather jacket and a pair of knee length high-heeled boots.

She looked up at the giant blue and white house. The front had a small porch which had a covering held up by posts. It was a three-story building and was about the size of a baseball field, not nearly as big as the Chiba house. Darien knocked on the front door and Tom opened it.

"Chiba, you made it!" He yelled out. "Nice to see you again Serina." He bowed playfully and laughed. "Come on in, the party has already started." The music was blaring, causing the house to shake. Darien took Serina's coat and put it on the chair with all the rest of them.

"WOW!" Cody, the football caption, cried out when he saw Serina without her coat. "Damn Chiba, where did you find this fox?!?" Serina just laughed as Darien pulled her closer.

"It don't matter, I got the one and only." That made Serina blush big time. Darien told Cody in his own way to get lost, which he did. Many of the people were dancing in a large room, which seemed to be the living room, except that the furniture had been taken out. Each time someone bumped into her, she jumped.

"Don't worry Sere, I'll be here so that nobody can touch you." He gave her a reassuring smile and kissed the top of her head.

"Come on Darien, let's dance." She pulled on his arm, but he wouldn't budge. "Darien, come on!" He stayed in his spot and didn't move an inch. "Fine, I'll go dance with Tom." She turned around and made it so she was heading straight for Tom, but was stopped by a strong hand. I knew that would work. She giggled to herself.

"Ok, I'll come, but we need to make a stop by the punch." He pulled her to the snack table and poured a glass of punch and drank it fast, then drinking another one. Serina went to get a drink but Darien handed her a coke in a can. "The punch is spiked." He warned her, and then took another drink.

"You ready yet Mr. I'm-to-special-to-dance?" He sighed and took her hand and allowed her to take him to the center of the room. The music was mostly stuff for a club and easy to dance to.

Serina let go of his hand and let him stand in the middle of the room. She circled around him, tracing his chest with her finger. She smiled when she heard him groan and moved in front of him, pushing her leg between his. She slid her hands down his arms and settled on his waist, pulling him closer to her.

"Ok Darien lets dance." She moved her hips from side to side, pushing her leg closer to him. His hands shot up behind her and wrapped around her back, moving with the music. Many people followed their lead, and soon everyone was grinding.

Soon Serina was turned around, pushing her butt back into him. She guided his hands up and down her stomach, stopping right below her chest and right above the middle of her skirt. Darien was looser then he was when they got there. He kept drinking the punch to keep himself calm, but in truth, it made him more hyper. All of the girls were jealous that Serina was the one who finally got Darien to dance. Nobody ever saw him at any dances or parties.

It was now almost one in the morning and Serina was getting tired. She had Tom help her get Darien, who was drunk beyond belief, into the car. She drove home quickly and got Jake to help her get him into the bathroom. She felt so bad when he started to throw up. Jake was going to take care of him, but Serina just told him to get her a picture of water, washcloth, and a glass.

Each time he threw up, Serina helped him to get cleaned up and gave him some water to get the taste out of his mouth. Jake had told John and Martha that Darien was drunk and they all went to comfort him, but stopped when they saw Serina. She was sitting on the bathroom floor, wiping off his face with a washcloth and singing 'Amazing Grace', which just so happened to be his favorite song. He fell asleep with his head in her lap.

"How about we help you get him into bed?" John asked while walking toward her. She nodded and gently pushed his head off of her and stood up. Jake and John carried Darien into his bed and left Serina and Martha with him.

"You know Serina, you did a very good job with this whole situation, and very responsible not to have done the same." She smiled down at her soon to be, soon to be daughter. "I don't think another girl is right for my little boy. You are perfect for each other." She hugged Serina and left her alone in Darien's room. Serina grabbed his hand and held it in hers. She climbed into the bed and wrapped her arms around him and fell asleep.

Darien woke up in the softness of his bed. His head was pounding and he was very hungry. He tried to get up but he soon realized that something was holding him down. His face went white when he realized there was a woman in his bed. SHIT! What have I done? Serina is going to hate me. He pulled the sheet off of her head and saw the long blond hair and the perky little pink lips she had. It was Serina. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her and kissed those lips he had been thinking about.

"Whoa!" She almost jumped out of the bed. She flipped around to see Darien sitting up in his bed staring at her with wide eyes. "Damn those dreams." She mumbled then forced a smile. He kissed her again, and this time she responded. "Darien?"

"Yes?" He began to kiss her cheeks and neck. She let out a soft moan as he began to go lower, pulling her shirt up a little and kissed her flat stomach. Then the door swung open and Martha walked into the room not paying attention.

"Darien, I think it is time for you to-" She looked up and saw Serina and Darien staring wide-eyed at her. "Oh…um…" She blushed a little. "I guess I came at a bad time huh?" They both nodded vigorously. "Good, you two can wait a few months, now get showered and dressed, we are going out." She turned around and closed the door. As soon as she did she turned a bright red. Those two are going to be a handful.

Serina sat in her bed reading the book she started the other day. Her feet hung off the bed and her hair was pulled into a loose tie.

"NO! Eddie, don't leave me!" Serenity held his bloody body close to hers, soaking her long white gown in blood.

"I'm sorry Serenity, I love you." He said with his last breath. Tears ran down the princess's face. She picked up his sword that laid next to his body and drove it through her chest.

"I will not leave you my Prince." She collapsed to the floor next to her only love. The End

Serina closed the book and sighed. How sad. She got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. She checked herself out in the mirror and walked back out to her room. There was a light knock on the door.

"Come in!" She called out as she put a C/D in her stereo system. The door opened and Darien walked in. She smiled and walked over to him. "Did it take you long enough? You've been gone for over three hours." She wrapped her slim arms around his neck.

"Well, mom had to get a vase for the kitchen since we broke the last one and dad wanted a new gun." He held her in his arms and passionately kissed her. "Are you ready for our tennis game?" He kissed her softly.

"Hmm…No, I have to get dressed." She kissed him again and moved him toward the door, and reluctantly pushed him out into the hall.

A few minutes later Serina walked out of the room in a pair of short white shorts and a dark blue tank top. She had her hair pulled back with a small white hair tie. She jumped down the stairs and walked toward the kitchen to get a few water bottles.

She stiffened when a hand grabbed her from behind. She was pulled against his body and he started to kiss her neck. She panicked; she ripped herself from his grasp and turned around quickly. Her breathing was heavy, and her heart was pumping fast. All she could think of was the drunken guy's hands all over her.

"Serina?" Darien cautiously walked over to her. He wiped the tears from her face that fell and pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry Serina, I truly am." She sniffled and dried up her tears. No, I will not cry in front of him.

"It's ok, I…I'm fine." She forced a smile and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Now, we have a game to play." She teased and grabbed his hand.

"That we do."

"HA! I win!" Serina cried off and ran to the other side of the net. Darien kneeled to the floor with his head in his hands. The final score was 14-15.

"Yeah yeah, just don't let it get out." She ran over to him and jumped in his arms. They both fell to the floor and laughed.

"I don't see why you can't get your prize though, it was a tie game for the longest time." She grinned and bent her head down, her lips touched his and Darien pulled her down further onto his body.

"Do I still have to go into Victoria's Secret with you?"

"You can count on it!" She nodded her head and laughed. She placed butterfly kisses up and down his neck and face.

"Excuse me." The two looked up from their spot on the tennis court floor. Jake was standing in front of them with a cordless phone. "Lady Serina, you have a phone call."

"Tell them I'll call back." She slowly got off of Darien.

"She says her name is Amara James." Serina's head popped up and grabbed for the phone.

"Amara!" Darien smiled seeing her so happy. "Hey girl, what's up?" She smiled. "That's great…No, don't worry about it, I'll come pick you up…When is your flight…Ok, I'll be there…yeah, see you then…bye babe." She turned off the phone and hugged Darien.

"What's going on?" He asked while holding her in his arms.

"Amara is coming to town, her flight gets in two weeks!" She giggled as Darien picked her up and carried her off the court to the house. Jake followed with the rackets. "Where are we going Darien?" She teased.

"I'm taking you to get ready, we are going out to the movies, it is what normal people do on dates right?" She giggled and nodded. He carried her through the living room and up the stairs. They passed his parents on the way; they just watched the two and laughed. Darien opened her bedroom door and dropped her on the bed. "Now, get ready so we can go." He kissed her lightly and left.

Serina and Darien walked into the theater and bought their tickets for Heart Breaker, which was a new movie that just came out about a small farmer who meets a young lady who wins his heart and breaks it. It was Serina's idea to go see it. Together they stood in line for popcorn and drinks.

"Serina!" Serina turned around and saw four girls approaching them.

"Hey guys, what's up?" She smiled at Stacy, Robin, Amanda, and Tracy. Tracy stood silent while the other girls talked.

"Oh, you know…just wanted to get out of the house, catch a movie, stuff like that." Stacy glanced over at Darien, who was just standing next to his girlfriend with his arm around her protectively. "So, what are you two doing out here? I mean, I have never seen Darien anywhere near a movie theater before."

"Well, I wanted to see the new movie Heart Breaker, and I bugged Darien until he finally gave in." Serina knew that it was actually Darien's idea to go to the movies, but they didn't have to know. Darien had his own little way…he never went out and mostly studied or worked…nothing else.

"Well I'm glad someone finally got him to get out of the house." Stacy stared at Serina with jealousy.

"Yeah, well babe, if you want to see the whole movie, we better get going." Darien said while excusing them from the girls. Once they were far enough away so that the girls couldn't hear Darien turned to Serina. "Those girls give me a bad feeling Sere, be careful around them, okay?" She nodded her head and kissed his cheek.

"Sure thing, babe." They walked into the theater hand in hand.