Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One Night ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 4

"Darien, will you hurry up and choose a ring. This is already the forth store." His father complained when they walked into Paradise Rings.

"Oh John, will you leave him alone." She walked over to her son and wrapped her arm around his shoulders. "You just take your time dear."

"Thanks mom." He walked over to the case with engagement rings in it. The cashier walked up to them and smiled.

"Hello, is there something I can help you with?" She smiled while batting her eyes at Darien.

"Yes actually, I need a ring." He smiled to himself when the girl's face went a few shades paler then usual, she then forcing a smile.

"Um…ok, do you see anything you want to see?" Darien looked into the case again and pointed to a ring in the far corner.

"That one." She nodded and pulled out a large diamond ring. There was a large diamond in the middle with smaller diamonds surrounding it, forming a crescent moon. He took it from her fingers and examined it closely. "Mom." He called turning to Martha. He showed her the ring and smiled.

"It's perfect Darien." He nodded and handed it back to the cashier.

"I'll take this one." Darien danced inside, but forced himself to calm down. The cashier rang up the ring and boxed it in a small velvet case.

"It will be 11,962 dollars." The girl cringed at the price. She had never sold one that cost so much, but after all, these were the Chiba's. She took the credit card from John's hand and slid it through the machine. He signed the slip and put his card back into his wallet.

"Thank you very much." John and Darien bowed slightly and walked out of the store.

Martha, John, and Darien got into the back of the limo. Darien never understood why his parents never drove anywhere, but he didn't like going around flaunting his money around. They pulled up into the driveway and Darien got out of the car, helping his mother out as well.

"Thank you Darien." She smiled and patted her son on his back. "Now, go find that lovely girl and spend some time with her." She shoved him into the house.

Serina walked out of the room in a dark blue formal dress. It wrapped around her neck and ran down to her feet. The back was open and there were slits on both sides. Her hair was pulled up half way and curled into little ringlets. Darien walked over to her and handed her a single red, thorn less rose. He had on a crisp black tuxedo and his hair was slicked back with jell.

"You look gorgeous Sere." He breathed out kissing her cheek. She giggled a little and grabbed his hand.

"Thank you sweetie." She gave him a small peck on the cheek. "I wish you would have told me that I had to REALLY get dressed up for dinner tonight. That way I would have had more time to prepare."

"Yes, but I did take the liberty of getting you your dress, so you didn't have to worry about it." He smiled softly.

"Yeah, you did, so I guess you can be off the hook, besides, I'm too happy about Amara, I haven't seen her in almost two years." She grasped onto his arm and they walked down the stairs. "What car are we taking?"

"The limo, I think it is will fit in with the restaurant." She nodded and let him take her outside to the waiting limo. He eased her inside, making sure she wasn't going to bump her head then got in himself.

"Where are you taking me Darien?" He kissed her softly.

"You are just going to have to wait and see."

A few minutes later the limo stopped in front of the Moonlight Towers. The Moonlight Towers was the most well known restaurant in Tokyo. The driver got out and opened the door for them. Darien got out and helped Serina. Camera's flashed and reporters tried to get questions answered. They just smiled and walked into the restaurant hand in hand.

"You know we are going to be in the paper tomorrow right?" Serina told Darien, who just nodded. They were seated in the best seats in the place and were given some water and bread to tie them off.

"I don't have a clue what to order Darien." Serina said while looking at the menu. "It's all Spanish." Darien chuckled.

"No darling, it is French. Try the seasoned chicken, it taste the same in every language." He kissed her hand as she laughed, and took a drink of his water.

"What are you getting?"

"I think I'll get the steak. I am a steak kind of guy." He beamed at her while raising his chest. Serina just snickered to herself. She remembered a book that she read, it was all about language other then spoken, and guys flirt by puffing out their chest. The soon ordered their meals and dessert afterward.

Darien got up from his chair after they finished their ice-cream cake and moved toward Serina. He smiled when he saw her eyes go a little wide. He grabbed her hand and kneeled on one knee. He pulled out the ring he had just bought earlier that day and opened it up.

"Serina, my love…" Everyone in the place was silent and watched Darien, who turned a little red at the attention. Serina just smiled.

"The great Darien isn't getting embarrassed is he?" She asked mockingly.

"Just a little." He let out a small laugh. "I don't know how to do this really but…" he took a deep breath. "I love you Serina, with all my heart. You have shown me how to love and to laugh, you have rescued me from my fear of being alone and I hope that you will continue to rescue me for the rest of our lives. Serina Stevens…will you do me the honor of being my wife?" Serina got up from her seat and helped him up from his kneeling position.

"Of course I will be your wife Darien." Both of them were gleaming with delight. He took out the large ring and slipped it on her finger, which fit her perfectly, and kissed her. Everyone clapped and some of them cried for the couple. Darien tightened his grip around her waist and kissed her deeper. He pulled back when he saw a flash of light and placed quick butterfly kisses on her lips.

"Congratulations Mr. Chiba." The owner of the restaurant shook his hand.

"Thank you." Was all Darien said then pulled Serina close to his side. "Thank you for making me the happiest guy in the world." He whispered into her ear.

"No, thank you Darien, for making me the luckiest girl in the world." She kissed his cheek and grabbed his hand.

"Come on, we still have to be at the airport in less then ten minutes." He tightened his grip on her hand and took her out to the waiting limo. Once inside the car Darien took her into his arms. "I love you Serina." He kissed her left hand and smiled.

"I love you too." She snuggled into his arms.

A tall lady with shoulder length blond hair walked out of the terminal. She carried a small carry on bag and wore a pair of blue jeans and a baby blue shirt. She walked out to a big group of people when she spotted a young lady in a full-length blue evening gown. She stood next to a handsome gentleman wearing a tuxedo.

"Amara!" Serina ran over to her friend, leaving Darien chuckling at his princess.

"Serina!" She dropped her bag and ran to her friend, embracing her in a huge hug.

"I missed you so much! So much has happened in the past month or so." Amara nodded and looked over at Darien who had her bag.

"Yes, I see. Who is this young man?" She let go of Serina and they both looked over to Darien.

"Oh him?" She giggled a little. "This is just Darien Chiba-" Amara cut her off.

"Darien Chiba, as in Chiba INC?" Darien smiled and nodded. He took her hand and kissed the back of it.

"Pleased to meet you Amara. I am indeed Darien Chiba, Serina's fiancé." He added with a little smile.

"My, my Serina, a lot has happened hasn't it?" Serina nodded and showed her the ring. "Whoa! That's what I call a rock!" Serina just giggled. "Well, I still have to pick up my other luggage." They walked toward the baggage claim.

"So Amara, how long will you be gracing us with your presence?" Darien asked while wrapping his arm around Serina.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I am moving back." Serina jumped up into her friend's arms.

"REALLY? This is great! Now you will be able to come to my wedding and help me with my dress!" She squealed. Both Amara and Darien shook their heads and laughed.

Amara was told that she was to stay in one of the guest rooms of the Chiba house. It was only half the size of Serina's room, but it was still quite large. She unpacked and laid on the bed next to Serina, who was just looking at her ring and smiling.

"How long have you been engaged Sere?" Serina looked up at her friend and smiled, then looked down at her watch.

"Almost two hours." Serina looked down at her ring again and sighed.

"So…is he a good kisser?" Amara sat up and folded her legs with excitement. Even though she was a serious racecar driver, she still wanted the 411 on everything.

"You have NO idea, I mean when I kiss him, everything just melts away. I can't focus on anything other then him. It's so…breathtaking." She sighed. "And his parents are so nice, they let me stay here and have been so helpful with all the things I've been going through." Amara got out her brush and started to brush out all the tangles in Serina's hair, just like they always did. "Any guys in your life?"

"Sorta, this one guy, Luke, he and I dated for a little while, but I broke up with him because I didn't want a long distance relationship. But now I don't know if I did the right thing." She dropped the brush on the side of the bed and patted Serina's head. They talked until a little after one a.m. "You should get some rest, a lot has happened today." She shooed her best friend out and closed the door.

Once out in the hall, Serina was pulled toward a warm body and pressed up against the wall. She gasped at how strong this person was and she had no way to get out. She closed her eyes tight to block out any visions of her past that came to her, but then she relaxed when she was kissed. The kiss was not full of hatred, or pleasure, it was full of love.

"Darien." She wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her eyes. A handsome young guy with silky black hair and the bluest eyes you ever wanted to see. Her eyes watered up and she hugged him.

"Serina, what's wrong baby?" He stroke her hair as she began to cry softly. She was still in her gown and her makeup started to wash off with her tears. "Come on, we'll talk somewhere else." He reached down and picked her up with her legs in one arm, and her upper body in the other. Her arms were wrapped around his neck and she continued to cry.

Darien carried his soon-to-be-wife into her room and set her in the bed. Her eyes were red and puffy from the crying and her makeup was messed up. Darien went into the bathroom and came out with a wet washcloth and washed off her face. He brought her into his arms and began to rock her.

"Tell me what's bothering you Angel." He cried out softly while kissing her forehead.

"I'm so sorry-"

"You have nothing to be sorry about Serina, you did nothing wrong." She shook her head.

"Yes I did. I let him touch me, I couldn't do anything to stop him and he did what he wanted." She broke down again, but was soothed by Darien's gentle, loving kisses. "Every time I turn around or hear something, it feels like he's there, and I am sick of it! Why couldn't I have just kicked him or something?" She pounded her fists onto Darien's chest with frustration.

"You did what you could, don't blame yourself Serina. Nothing will happen to you again, I'm here now. Why didn't you tell me this sooner Sere?"

"I was scared. I thought I could handle it by myself." She closed her eyes tight as he pulled her closer then she already was.

"No, no, no Sere, nobody can handle this on their own." She tightened her grip on him and dug her head into his chest. "If anyone touches you, I want you to tell me ok? I will make sure that nobody will ever hurt you, understand?" She nodded and wiped off her cheeks. "Now, lets get you out of this dress."

He lifted her out of the bed and walked over to her dresser and pulled out a long nightgown. He walked back to her and unhooked the dress in the back, letting it fall to the floor. Her back was to him and all he saw was a bare back and the back of her underwear. The nightgown was slipped over her head and slid down her body. He slipped her into the bed and pulled the covers up to her chest.

"Goodnight Sere." He bent down and kissed her cheek and was about to leave when her small hand pulled him back.

"Please stay with me Darien, I don't want to be alone." His heart melted when he looked over at his angel. She looked so sad, and alone.

"Anything for you." He smiled softly and walked to the other side of the bed and got in. His arm slid its way around her waist and he pulled her closer to him. That night there were no nightmares, no strange sounds, and no fears. They both slept soundly in each other's arms.