Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One Night ❯ chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 5

Serina held up the morning paper to show Darien. On the front cover was a picture of him, on his knee, proposing to Serina at the restaurant. The large diamond ring was in its box, and the diamonds twinkled when the flash hit them. Under the picture it read: Darien Chiba, heir to Chiba in companies, proposes to Serina Stevens in the Moonlight Towers.

On Saturday, Darien Chiba, heir to Chiba in companies, proposed to Serina Stevens, a local senior at Tokyo High. Mr. Chiba, when asked about the young lady, replied, "Serina is every mans dream girl, smart, intelligent, and very cheerful." We were unable to get a statement from Miss Stevens nor have we been able to locate anything about her family. "She is like an angel that dropped out from heaven." Says John Chiba, father of Darien.

Miss Stevens now wears the eleven thousand dollar ring that Mr. Chiba gave to her at the Moonlight Towers. We congratulate them both on their upcoming wedding set for a week after Miss Stevens eighteenth birthday on September 21.

Serina put down the paper and laughed at the picture again. She turned to her fiancée and smiled.

"You do know that everyone will be so…astonished that Mr. Darien Chiba was on his knee in front of a girl." She teased and patted his head. "Now, I have to get ready for school." She stood from her seat at the table and put her dishes in the sink. "Oh, and by the way…I think I might have that picture blown up and put it on our bedroom wall." She kissed his cheek and walked upstairs. She wondered why he hadn't said anything, but didn't really care.

"Darien, come on!" Serina pulled Darien toward Victoria Secrets. Amara was on the other side helping him along. Both girls couldn't stop laughing each time he turned around and started to walk away.

"Do I have to?" He whined.

"Yes, now a bet is a bet, I won fare and square. Lets go." She gave him a tug, which sent him flying into her arms. He wrapped his arms around her and made it so they wouldn't fall.

"You don't really want to embarrass your future husband now do you?" He hoped she would say no, but he was wrong.

"Absolutely." She pulled him through the doors and into the nightclothes section of the store. "Besides, this way, you can pick out all my clothes." She teased and kissed his cheek. He sighed and followed her wherever she went.

"Girl, you got him on a leash." Amara laughed and patted Darien's head. "Good doggie." Serina laughed at the site Darien made, his hair was hanging in his face, and his lips curved in a pout.

"Oh Darien, don't be such a party pooper." Serina teased as she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him. "Are you going to corporate or not?" She batted her eyelashes and kissed his nose softly. "Cause if you don't, then you will be sleeping on the couch our wedding night." She heard Amara snickering behind them.

"Ok." He grumbled. "I'll be good." He smiled at Serina and wrapped his arms around her. "If…I get a kiss." He swayed her from side to side and moved his lips closer to hers.

"That can be arranged." She smiled brightly and touched his lips with hers.

"Come on, do the two of you never stop?" Amara whined and grabbed her best friend's hand and pulled her away from Darien. "We have to get you ready for your honeymoon." She winked over at Darien, who seemed to like that idea.

The two girls started to go through the racks but stopped when they looked over at Darien. A girl with blond highlighted hair walked up behind Darien, who was sitting on a small couch in the store, and wrapped her arms around him from behind.

Darien was by the dressing rooms sitting on the couch reading the paper when he felt two arms wrap around his body from behind. He smiled, and was about to kiss the woman, but stopped himself short. This can't be Serina. He whipped around and saw the tall figure in a short leather dress.

"Samantha Jorganson." He growled. She was one lady who wanted him, not for the money, or for love, just to have fun.

"Hello Darien, its nice seeing you again." She smiled. "What brings you in here?" She teased and sat down next to him.

"Um…well, it was sorta a bet that I lost. I don't really want any company right now if you don't mind." He smiled inside, hoping she would leave, no such luck. Instead she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close, totally catching him off guard. She closed her eyes and quickly moved closer, but when her lips came into contact, it wasn't with his lips, but a piece of paper. Her eyes shot open and looked at the tall blond holding the morning newspaper with a picture of Darien proposing to Serina on the front.

"Hi, I don't think we met." She held out her hand to Samantha.

"No, I don't think we have either, but right now isn't a good time." She growled and moved her attention back to Darien. She watched as Serina bent down toward Darien and gives him the kiss she was about to. Her anger rose to its peek. "Who the hell do you think you are!"

"I'm Serina Stevens…" She paused and smiled, holding out her right hand to her again. "Darien's fiancée, and you are?"

"Samantha Jorganson, and very pissed off." She spat out.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What got you so worked up?" Serina said innocently, but inside she was laughing hysterically. Samantha just stood up and marched outside of the store, but not before taking the paper out of Serina's hands. Amara walked up to Serina and patted her on the back.

"You go girl!" She laughed, then they both turned to Darien.

"Thank you sweetheart, she caught me totally off guard and-" he was cut off by Serina's lips on his. The kiss was short but intense.

"If any other girl's lips fall onto yours, you better remember that one, cause it would be your last for a very long time." She warned, with her face so sad, and walked into the dressing room with a few items that she picked up. Once Serina walked into the room Amara sat next to Darien.

"Cheer up Darien, Serina can't stay mad forever." She smiled and tugged on him.

"I don't know why she was so upset." He dropped his head in his hands and sighed. Her eyes softened when she saw him.

"Ok Darien, look at it from her view. You…very rich, wanted, handsome; She is not rich and she feels she don't fit in. She wears a ten thousand dollar ring and stands by your side. She knows that many girls want you Darien, and is afraid that you will fall for one of them and leave her."

"How do you know all this?" He asked curiously.

"We had a little chat this morning after I went into her room and found a half naked man in her bed." She chuckled a little.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault I don't sleep with a shirt on." He teased. "But what about Serina, I don't know how to assure her that she is the only woman I will ever want." He sighed and shrugged. "Why is love so confusing?" He looked up and saw Serina sitting where Amara use to be. She gave him her million-dollar smile and hugged him.

"Because if love was easy then what would love really be?" She slid her hand down his cheek and hugged him. "I love you."

"I love you too Serina." He kissed her softly. "Now, can you get me out of this store?" He begged.

"Sure." She stood up and grabbed his hand pulling him to stand with her. She bought her things, which Darien was not allowed to see, and they left.

Serina walked down the halls of the school with her head held high. There were many people looking, and wishing that they could be her. She just smiled and carried on to her literature class with Mr. Blake. She opened the large door and took her seat in the front of the class.

"Serina! Girl, congratulations!" Stacy ran down to her and hugged her. Tracy, Robin, and Amanda did the same.

"Thank you." She smiled and showed them the ring. Each of them squealed with delight when they saw the large ring.

"How does it feel to be an engaged woman, and to Darien Chiba by the way." Tracy asked curiously while taking a seat beside Serina. Serina took a deep breath and let it out.

"It's kinda…refreshing. Sorta like a little kid feels on Christmas morning and sees all the presents under the tree, knowing that Santa had come." The girls all giggled and nodded their heads. "It also sucks to be in love though." Each of the girls looked up at her. "I miss him already." They laughed and walked back to their seats as the bell rang.

"Okay class, today we will be doing our first assignment. You will be working on an essay." He turned to the board and wrote down the terms. At least three pages, typed, double-spaced, one-inch margins, twelve font. "Your topic is going to be about your life. Write it as an article, no first person. Only I will be reading them, so don't worry about anything getting out." He turned back to the class. "Ok, lets get started." He clapped his hands together.

The class begun to work and Serina got out some paper and her black pen. She begun to write about her life, when she was born, about her parents dying, the orphanage, the horror of waking up on Christmas and nothing was under her Christmas tree, the teasing, torture, chores, and finally about the rape. She looked up at the clock; thirty more minutes until class was over. She got up and walked over to Mr. Blake's desk.

"Is there something you need Miss Stevens?" He said while still looking down at his lesson plans for the next week.

"Um…well I was hoping to go to my locker to get my computer to type up the essay if you don't mind." His eyes went wide.

"You're finished already?" Serina giggled a little and nodded. "S-sure go ahead." She nodded and walked out of the room and grabbed her computer that was in her locker like she said.

When she got back into the class she booted up the lap top and begun to type. It didn't take her too long to type it. After hitting the spell check and setting the margins she saved it to disk and walked over to Mr. Blake again and asked if he could print it, which he did. She took her seat again and put everything away and sat quietly.

Mr. Blake sat in his desk reading her paper. It was titled ONE NIGHT.

Serina Renee Stevens was born in a small town of Richmond Hill, Georgia. Her parents, Isabelle and Mark, were poor and could not afford to keep their child. Serina was given up for adoption and lived there for most of her life.

In her time there she experienced sorrow, regret, and was always alone. She had no friends there and would be put under immense torment because of the way she did things like brush her hair, or set her things in a certain order. One Christmas morning when she was six or seven, she woke up and looked at her stocking that was at the far end of the others. She took it and walked to her room, not wanting to face anyone, and opened it up. Nothing was there, not even a single piece of candy.

On her first day of school on her seventh grade year, she met Amara James. Amara was a few years older and already could drive. She befriended Serina without any worry or doubt. They soon did everything together and that year at Christmas was the first time she got a present.

Mr. Blake had a tear in his eye that he quickly wiped away before anyone could see him. He continued to read the next few pages.

Tragedy hit on one night of Serina's life, something that she will never forget as long as she lives. She was on her way back to the orphanage when a drunken man stopped her. He held a knife to her throat and proceeded to take advantage of her. She blamed herself for what he was doing, if she had only not have gone out that day. If she would have taken the long way instead of being lazy. If she would have tried harder to get out of his grasps. But it was too late; he had raped the defenseless girl.

Serina awoke in a large soft bed and soon after in walked the man of her dreams, her knight and shinning armor, Darien Chiba. He nursed her back to health with the help of some of his family. She was given a place to stay and a family she had always wanted. She soon realized that she wasn't alone in the world, but she had the perfect guy to share her life with, and on Saturday, August 12th, her dreams came true with just a few words: Serina Stevens, will you do the honor of being my wife? Those words rang softly in her head, and still do. Soon the orphan girl will marry her Prince Charming, just like in the fairy tails and live happily ever after.

Mr. Blake put the paper down on his desk and wiped the new tears that fell down his face, and this time the students saw it. He heard some of the students talk. "What just happened? Mr. Blake would never get emotional." "What was he reading?" "Wasn't that Serina's paper?" The bell rang and the students leaped from their seats and out the door.

"Serina, may I speak with you for a moment?" She nodded and walked over to him. "Your paper, it's-"

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it would hurt to actually write it, I…I didn't think it was that bad." She said quietly.

"No, Serina, it was wonderful. I've never read anything so great. The reason I wanted to speak with you is because I want your permission to show this to some other teachers. I can change the names so they won't know who it is about."

"Ok, but change the names thought, I don't want it getting out how Darien and I met." Mr. Blake nodded and Serina left the class.