Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ One Night ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Serina walked into the mansion and dropped her keys on a small table by the front door, along with her purse. She ran her fingers through her hair to try to smooth it out from the ride home from school. She continued her walk to the study, where Darien usually was after school.

She opened the large door and peaked in, sure enough Darien was sitting on the couch reading a book. His hair fell into his eyes and his shirt was wrinkled, but still neatly tucked into his pants. She walked over and kissed his cheek, then sat down.

"Hey honey." She adjusted herself to get comfortable. "What are you reading?" She grabbed the book out of his hand. Moon Princess finds her Prince.

"You would like the book." He said while marking his page, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "How is my angel doing today?" He asked while kissing her cheek softly. She turned to face him and was about to say something but was cut off by his lips.

"Mmm" She wrapped her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss, which took no effort. She pushed him back so that he laid on the couch, and slipped herself on top of him. Her hands slid down his chest to the top of his pants and quickly un-tucked his shirt.

Darien quickly turned them around so that he was on top of Serina, and began to kiss her neck and face, ending up back on her lips. He groaned as she sneakily slid her leg between his and twisted it around his own, making it so he couldn't get away. His shirt was quickly unbuttoned and discarded to the floor.

"Serina, I just wanted to tell you that I-WOAH!" Amara quickly turned around. "I'm so sorry." She said quietly. Serina sighed, kissed Darien on his cheek and rolled out from under him.

"What did you need Amara?" Serina asked while straitening out her clothes. Amara turned around with an apologetic smile.

"I was just going to tell you that I found an apartment. I will be moving in tomorrow." Her face was still red from embarrassment. She looked over at Darien, who was shirtless, and was still lying on the couch. His hair was all over, and his face was distant, maybe disappointment. Serina followed Amara's glare and watched Darien look up at the celing. Amara walked closer to Serina and bent down. "Is he ok?"

"I don't know."

"Find me when you are done with him." She turned around and walked to the door. "Oh, and if I were you, I would lock the door before anyone else catches you."

"Don't worry, you are already the third person." Serina let out a little giggle and waited for the door to close, then she walked back to Darien. "Darien?" She slid her hand over his cheek.

"Hm?" He looked over at her and lifted his head for her to sit down. She put his head in her lap and pushed his hair out of the way.

"Is there something wrong?" Darien looked up and into her eyes.

"Not really, I'm just a little…just a little scared."

"About what?" Serina asked while kissing his forehead. Darien just sighed and took her hand from his head and kissed it.

"That you will find someone better then me…I mean I know you don't care about the money, and you don't like the fame much, I'm scared that you will see someone who can give you a normal life." His voice went into a whisper. "I'm afraid that I'll lose you."

"Oh honey, you will never lose me." She got up and kneeled down beside the couch. "I love you, and you're right, I don't care for the money or the fame, but as long as I'm with you that's all that matters to me." She smiled and wiped away a tear that fell down Darien's face. "Don't cry Darien, you have to be the strong one, besides if you cry then you will make me cry." She laughed a little with tears forming in her eyes.

"If you start crying, I will just have to…hmmm, what should I do?" He smiled and sat up. "I'll just have to NOT kiss you." He got down on the floor next to his fiancée. Serina took a deep breath and smiled.

"You wouldn't dare to deprive me from my kiss." She teased and scooted close to him.

"You don't think so?" He smiled and cupped her chin and pulled her close, lips mere centimeters apart. She could feel his breath on her skin. "You're wrong." He smiled, got up and walked out the door.

"I know he did not just do that!" She quickly jumped up and marched over to the door. She opened it and saw a smiling man leaning on the wall across the hall. He pushed himself off the wall and walked over to her. He quickly grabbed her around her waist and kissed her.

"I had you, didn't I?" She nodded and kissed him again.

"Ahem!" They separated their lips and looked toward John. "If you two don't keep yourselves in check, we might have to separate you." Serina just blushed and dug her head into Darien's, still bare chest. "Anyway, um…well Martha would like Serina to go help her plan the wedding." Serina nodded her head and walked out of Darien's arms, not looking up at John, and went to find Martha.

"Is there something wrong dad?" John's face looked too serious.

"Come to my office." They walked down the hall until they reached the end. There was a door on the right and they walked in. The room was large; it had an oak desk with a computer and a bookcase full of records and folders. The walls were painted blue and there were hard wood floors. Darien sat down in a chair by the wall.

"What is this about?"

"Your wedding. Have you though about your best man yet?" Darien shook his head. "Well you should, your wedding needs to be perfect or your mother will have my head." Darien let out a soft laugh.

"Ok, I'll work on it." He turned to his father. "Is that all?"

"No, try to save your play for your honeymoon, it is more 'romantic' for your wife." Darien nodded.

"Mother talked to you too?" John nodded.

"Yeah, she said to knock some sense into you." The guys laughed and Darien walked out of the room.

"Now, what flowers would you like to have?" Mrs. Jones, the wedding planner, asked.

"How about roses dear?" Martha asked Serina who just nodded.

"Good, now how about the wedding colors?"

"Um…I think the two of you can work this out right? Well I am just going to take a little break and play some tennis." The two ladies nodded and let Serina leave. She went upstairs and into Amara's room. "Hey girl, I challenge you to a tennis game, I'm on a roll." Amara looked up at her best friend and nodded.

"You're on." The girls rushed to get ready and grabbed some water from the kitchen then they raced out to the courts. They threw off their coats and Serina ran to her side of the court.

"OK, Lets Go!" Serina called out and Amara served the first ball. Serina ran and hit it after it bounced once on the ground. The ball went back and forth until finally Amara hit it out of bounds. "YES!" Serina jumped up and down. "1-0 lets go." She served the next ball.

Darien watched the game from the gate. None of the girls noticed him standing there. Finally he saw Serina win the game, the same way she beat him. She was so excited and finally saw him standing there and ran to him.

"Hey honey, did you see that? I beat Amara!" She jumped in his arms and kissed him.

"Yes Angel, I saw the whole thing." He smiled at her proudly.

"That was great Sere, you've never beat me before." Amara came up behind her smiling. "But I have to go shower and finish packing tonight so I'll be ready in the morning." Amara patted Serina on the back. "Good game Sere." Then left. Serina turned her attention back to Darien.

"So…what did your dad want?" She asked while walking her fingers up and down his shirt. Darien grabbed her hand and kissed the ring that he had put there just two days ago.

"You know, it is getting late and you DO have school tomorrow." He grinned. "How about…" he kissed the side of her neck. "I help you to your room." He kissed her again. "Besides, we don't want you to fall and hurt yourself walking up those stairs, now do we?" He teased and picked her up, carrying her to her room and closing the door.

Serina walked into the school and was instantly surrounded by a group of giggling girls. She just smiled and slowly made her way out of the center of attention and to her locker. Serina had on a pair of bootlegged blue jeans and a black sleeveless turtleneck. Her hair was down flowing freely and her boots lifted her three inches off the ground.

Her locker opened easily and she grabbed a few books then closed it. She turned around and ran into Samantha Jorganson. Serina's eyes went wide as she saw Samantha starting to back her into the lockers.

"You are never going to live long enough to marry Darien!" She laughed a loud wicked laugh and pushed Serina back, causing her to drop her books. Several people started to surround the two girls and watch as Samantha yelled threats at the soon to be bride. Serina had enough. She pushed herself off the lockers and moved out of the way of Samantha's glare.

"Why don't you go find someone who is not a pushover Samantha." She cautiously bent down to grab her books, but never got to them. Samantha kicked toward Serina's head, but was blocked. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Serina yelled as she stood up. "Darien doesn't want you, he never did, get over it! Quit feeling so sorry for yourself and go find someone who does want you and leave my man alone!" Samantha stood with her mouth wide open and stomped off. Serina sighed and walked into her classroom with her books in hand. Is this how it is going to be when I marry Darien? That thought ran through her head throughout the rest of the day.

The apartment door opened and Darien walked in carrying a box of stuff. Amara was right behind him carrying her own box of things. The apartment was fairly large, with two bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, living room, and a bathroom. The Chiba's bought Amara living room furniture and some kitchen supplies to get her started over. Darien had volunteered to help her move in since it would keep him from doing a bunch of paperwork, and besides, she was his fiancé's best friend.

"Darien, thank you for helping me out and everything. I really appreciate it." She put her box down on the couch that arrived earlier.

"It's no problem Amara, besides it gives me an opportunity to get to know you a little better. And the fact that you have known Serina longer then I have and you can share all her embarrassing moments so I have something on her." He gave her one of his dashing smiles and laughed, as did she.

"That would take forever." Amara said while laughing. "You know, I'm really happy she finally found someone worth her time."

"I'm happy she gave me her time. I have never felt so close to anyone before in my life, and I love it. I love her!" He grinned and set a box down. "Is this all of it?" Amara nodded and smiled. "Now, if you need anything, anything at all, give me a call, ok?"

"Thanks Darien, I really appreciate it a lot." He nodded, gave her a small kiss on the cheek, and left.