Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Only A Memory Away ❯ Scouts and Generals Reunited ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3
Scouts and Generals Reunited
It's been a few days since Usagi and Chibiusa met Akira. Usagi is on her way to Rei's temple for a Sailor Scout meeting. Usagi reaches Rei's temple just as Chibiusa arrives. They go into to where the other scouts are waiting.
“What you two so long?” Rei asked.
“It's my fault because I didn't want to leave Mamo-chan.” Usagi answered.
Rei shakes her head. Makoto, Ami and Minako shake their heads too.
“I envy you so much.” Minako said.
“What do you mean?” Usagi asked.
“I just wish that I had someone that loved me as much as Mamoru loves you.” Minako answered.
Rei sighed.
“Are you ok?” Ami asked look at Rei.
“No I'm not because I really miss Yuuichirou and I just wish that he hadn't of left like he. I really want to give things a chance with him.” Rei answered.
“Why did he leave?” Minako asked.
“He got sick and tried of waiting for me to admit my feelings to him.” Rei answered.
A few hours later they are in park. All of a sudden four general appear.
“What do you four want?” Ami asked.
They look at each than at the girls.
“We aren't the same generals that you are thinking of. We are actually the generals of Earth and we are the ones that protect Endymion.” Kunzite answered.
Minako smiled.
“Oh yeah I remember them now. They use be our lovers in the Silver Millennium.” Minako said looking at Rei, Ami and Makoto.
Rei walks off.
“What's her problem?” Zoisite asked.
“The guy that she had feelings for got sick and tried of waiting for you to admit her feelings to him so he left her.” Ami answered.
“Well in that case than I should go after her.” Jadeite said.
Jadeite walks off to find Rei. Jadeite finds Re sitting on a cherry blossom tree. Rei notices him.
“What do you want?” Rei asked.
Jadeite sits down next to Rei.
“I want to know if you are alright.” Jadeite answered.
“Yeah I'm fine and I don't need your worry about me because I'm a big girl.” Rei answered.
Jadeite sighed.
“You ever think that guy that left wasn't the right guy for you.” Jadeite said.
“What do you mean by that?” Rei asked.
“If he couldn't wait for you than it just wasn't meant to be and you deserve so much better than him.” Jadeite answered.
“Well I'm done with love.” Rei said.
“Rei, please don't give up on love because you never know when you will meet the special someone that you are meant to be with.” Jadeite replied.
“Alright than I won't give up just yet.” Rei said.
Rei and Jadeite walk back to where the others. Kunzite and Minako are caught up in passionate kiss. Rei looks at Usagi.
“How long have they been kissing like that?” Rei asked.
“They have been kissing like that ever since Jadeite went to find you.” Usagi answered.
All of a sudden Mamoru appears and wraps his arms around Usagi. Jadeite, Zoicite and Nephrite smile at Mamoru.
“It's so nice to see again your highness.” Jadeite said.
Mamoru smiled and tightens his grip on Usagi.
“I'm glad to see all you again. Minako and Kunzite stop that.” Mamoru said.
Kunzite and Minako stop kissing.
“We're sorry we just got caught up in the moment.” Minako replied.
“If I remember you two never could stop kissing the Silver Millennium.” Mamoru said.
Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoicite and Kunzite suddenly noticed Chibiusa.
“Who is this pink haired-girl?” Kunzite asked.
“I'm the daughter of Usagi and Mamoru in the future. My name is Chibiusa.” Chibiusa answered.
Kunzite stares at Mamoru.
“I can't believe that you two have a daughter.” Kunzite said.
“Well we do.” Mamoru replied.
Chibiusa sighed. Jadeite looks at Chibiusa.
“What's wrong little one?” Jadeite asked.
“I really miss the special guy in my life.” Chibiusa answered.
“Who might that be?” Kunzite asked.
“He was also in the Silver Millennium with you four and my dad.” Chibiusa answered.
“That doesn't explain who he is.” Nephrite said.
Chibiusa's eyes fill with tear and starts running off. Helios suddenly appears in front Chibiusa.
“Where do you think you're going my little one?” Helios asked.
“Nowhere now.” Chibiusa answered as she wraps her arms around Helios.
Kunzite, Nephrite, Zoicite and Jadeite exchange looks.
“That's Helios the Dream Priest of Elysian.” Kunzite said.
“Yes it is. He and Chibiusa have grown a very special bond.” Mamoru replied.
Chibiusa looks at Helios and he looks at her. Helios leans down and kisses Chibiusa. All of a sudden Akira shows up again.
“Oh no not you again.” Usagi said.
“Chibi Eternal Make Up.” Chibiusa yelled.
“Venus Eternal Make Up.” Minako screamed.
“Mercury Eternal Make Up.” Ami yelled.
“Jupiter Eternal Make Up.” Makoto screamed.
“Mars Eternal Make Up.” Rei yelled.
“Moon Eternal Make Up.” Usagi screamed.
Akira goes to attack Chibiusa. All of a sudden Queen Mikazuki appears.
“What you doing here my Queen?” Akira asked.
“I want to make sure you do your job.” Queen Mikazuki answered.
Akira attacks Helios.
“HELIOS.” Eternal Chibi Moon screamed.
Eternal Chibi Moon runs over to Helios. Helios looks up at her.
“Chibiusa, please leave me. You have to be strong and fight this evil.” Helios said.
“No, I'm not leaving you because I love you remember.” Eternal Chibi Moon replied with tears stream downing her face.
Queen Mikazuki looks at Chibiusa and that Helios.
“I had a feeling but I had no idea about this.” Queen Mikazuki replied as she disappears.
“Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss.” Eternal Sailor Moon yelled.
Akira screams than runs back to Queen Mikazuki's layer. Eteranl Chibi Moon turns back into Chibiusa. Rei sighed. Jadeite looks at Rei and smiles a little which makes Rei smile.
“Did I just see Rei-chan smile?” Usagi asked.
“Yeah she did.” Makoto replied.
All of a sudden Queen Mikazuki shows up again.
“What do you want this time?” Chibiusa asked.
“I'm taking you hostage.” Queen Mikazuki answered as she grabs Chibiusa than disappears.
“No Chibiusa, my maiden.” Helios screamed.
“Why would she take Chibiusa?” Mamoru asked.
“I don't know but have to get her back.” Usagi answered.
“Not without a plan because we don't' one than we can't.” Ami said.
Usagi starts to cry.
“We have save her.” Usagi replied between tears.
Mamoru wraps his arms around Usagi.
“Usako, we will save her I promise you that.” Mamoru said.
All of a sudden Unazuki, Motoki and Reika appear.
“What's going on?” Reika asked.
Usagi hugs Mamoru.
“Chibiusa has been kidnapped.” Rei answered.
“Oh my that's terrible.” Unazuki said.
Helios sighed than looks at Mamoru.
“Are we going to rescue her?” Helios asked.
“We still need a plan.” Mamoru answered.
Helios sighed again.
“I can't take being away from her like this.” Helios said.
Motoki looks at Helios that at Mamoru.
“Who is he?” Motoki asked.
“His name is Helios and he is Chibiusa's boyfriend.” Mamoru answered.
“Since when?” Reika asked.
“They have been in love since Chibiusa was 10 years old but Helios had to go away for awhile but he promised Chibiusa that he come back someday and he did now they are together.” Mamoru answered.
Helios sighed very angrily.
“We have to save her now because if anything happens to her I'd blame myself.” Helios said.
“Yes I'd feel the same way.” Mamoru replied.
Helios smiles a little at hearing Mamoru say that.