Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Only A Memory Away ❯ Rescuing Chibiusa ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 4
Rescuing Chibiusa

“What's the plan Ami-chan?” Usagi asked.
Ami sighed.
“We were keep her busy while Mamoru and Helios rescue Chibiusa. They go Queen Mikazuki's layer.
“Moon Eternal Make Up.” Usagi said
“Venus Eternal Make Up.” Minako replied.
“Mars Eternal Make Up.” Rei said.
“Jupiter Eternal Make Up.” Makoto replied.
“Mercury Eternal Make Up.” Ami said.
Mamoru turns into Tuxedo Kamen. The scouts run inside Queen Mikazuki's layer.
“It's about time you showed up.” Queen Mikazuki said..
Helios and Tuxedo Kamen sneak to where Chibiusa is. Queen Mikazuki has Chibiusa all tied up. Helios unties Chibiusa and she hugs him. Helios takes Chibiusa's hand and they sneak out with Tuxedo Kamen. The scouts are still fighting Queen Mikazuki. Helios hugs Chibiusa again and than she hugs Tuxedo Kamen.
“You are both my heroes.” Chibiusa said.
Helios wraps his arms around Chibiusa.
“I'm just glad that you are safe my maiden.” Helios replied.
Chibiusa smiled. Helios takes Chibiusa's hand and they go to the forest where they met all those years ago.
“What are we doing here?” Chibiusa asked.
“I just wanted some time along with you my maiden.” Helios answered.
Chibiusa smiled again. Helios wraps his arms around Chibiusa and kisses her passionately. A few minutes later they break apart and Chibiusa starts singing.
Ever since I first met you
I've been shining in my heart
My love causes so much sorrow
I broke off my glance so quietly
Your insignificant gestures
And your ordinary words
Every time
I think of them I feel like I'm going to cry
Love brings a lonely lonely heart
I'm just all alone now
Lonely lonely heart
All the joy and pain I feel, I'm always
Dreaming it by myself
Love brings a lonely lonely heart
But I know that someday it will come
While I'm being held in your strong arms
Wanting to be together with you...
Right at your side, I'm standing there
I'm always waiting for you
But you don't return my advances
I've been disappointed so many times
When I fall in love with someone
Why does it cause me so much pain
All alone, by myself
It's like I've fallen sick
And now it's baby baby love
Please, I beg of you
Baby baby love
When I feel I am going to lose to this loneliness
I have to look into my hand mirror
And now it's baby baby love
Seems like every day I'm crying through the night
I long for the past, smiling to myself
Wanting to be together with you...
Nobody knows about these
Secret tears
The one to wipe them away is
Not just myself
Wanting to be together with you...
Love brings a lonely lonely heart
I'm just all alone now
Lonely lonely heart
All the joy and pain I feel, I'm always
Dreaming it by myself
Love brings a lonely lonely heart
But I know that someday it will come
While I'm being held in your strong arms
Wanting to be together with you...

Helios looks at Chibiusa.
“How come you never told me that you could sing like that?” Helios asked.
“That easier my dear dream priest you never asked me.” Chibiusa answered.
“Ha-ha very funny my maiden and you such a beautiful singing voice.” Helios said.
“Do you really think so?” Chibiusa asked.
“Yes I do my maiden.” Helios answered.
“Can you sing?” Chibiusa asked.
“Yeah I can but I prefer not to.” Helios answered.
“Oh please I want to hear you.” Chibiusa said.
“Alright anything for you my maiden.” Helios replied.
Chibiusa smiled. Helios wraps his arms around Chibiusa again and starts singing.
The gentle breeze blows back just a little bit
Look! The season moves while I dream
I am a rascal when I want to be, but I can stop
Even if I end up crying, I still win
But, someday, it will come easily
I'm used to believing in important things
A more beautiful morning will come
Everything began inside the light
Take control with new courage
When I close my eyes at the end of today
Joy will have taken over here and there, remembering what I saw
Girls always feel this way
It is different from yesterday, though
The stars are definitely watching over me
I let myself fly swiftly, held up by wings
A more beautiful morning will come
I prepare my best smile
As I await the new situations
*I'm used to believing in important things
A more beautiful morning will come
Everything began inside the light
Take control with new courage

“Wow you have a gorgeous singing voice.” Chibiusa said.
“Thanks my maiden. I got it from my mother because she was an amazing singing when I was younger.” Helios replied.
“I'd really like to meet your mother someday.” Chibiusa said.
“I would really like for you to meet her someday too but it might a little hard for that to happen.” Helios replied.
“What do you mean?” Chibiusa asked.
“My mother disappeared a few years ago and I haven't been able to find her anywhere.” Helios answered as tears fill his eyes.
Chibiusa hugs Helios.
“Don't worry I'll help you find her.” Chibiusa said.
“I really didn't want you to see me this way but I just miss her so much and we use to be so close but things started changing a few days before she disappeared.” Helios replied.
“What do you mean changing?” Chibiusa asked.
“She didn't seem like the same person and she was always yelling at me for no reason. It was weird because before that time she never once raised her voice at me.” Helios answered.
“What was her name?” Chibiusa asked.
“Her name was Mika.” Helios answered.
“Doesn't that mean new moon?” Chibiusa asked.
“Yeah it does.” Helios answered.
They stay like for awhile than Chibiusa finds herself in her bedroom. Chibiusa falls asleep dreaming of helping Helios find his mother