Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Only A Memory Away ❯ Small Lady’s Birthday ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 6
Small Lady's Birthday

It's been a few months since Chibiusa was sick. Chibiusa is sitting on the steps of Juuban Junior High School Momoko walked over and passed Chibiusa a present.
“Happy Birthday Chibiusa.” Momoko said.
Chibiusa smiled than unwrapped it to find it's a little pink bunny that says friends forever on it. Chibiusa smiled and hugged Momoko.
“I love it Momo-chan.” Chibiusa replied.
Momoko smiled too.
“I'm glad to her that and Kyusuke helped me pick it out for you.” Momoko said.
Kyusuke came up behind Momoko and wrapped his arms around her.
“That's right I did help her and Happy Birthday Chibiusa.” Kyusuke replied.
Chibiusa smiled.
“It is also my mother's birthday today too.” Chibiusa said.
“You were born on your mother's birthday?” Momoko asked.
Chibiusa nodded her head.
“Yes I was when she was 22 years old.” Chibiusa answered.
Robert walked over to them and smiled at Chibiusa.
“Happy birthday.” Robert said.
Chibiusa's rolled her eyes.
“Cheer up small lady.” A voiced said
Chibiusa turned around to find Setsuna standing behind her. Chibiusa ran over and hugged Setsuna.
“I've miss you so much Puu.” Chibiusa said.
Setsuna smiled a little.
“I've told you a million times small lady to call me Setsuna.” Setsuna replied.
“I'm sorry I keep forgetting.” Chibiusa said.
Momoko looked at Setsuna and than at Chibiusa.
“Why did she call you small lady?” Momoko asked.
Chibiusa looked at Setsuna just as Usagi and Mamoru appeared. Chibiusa ran over to her father and hugged him. Mamoru looked at Chibiusa and gave her a little wink. Chibiusa stopped hugging Mamoru than looked at her friends.
“I knew this day would come but I didn't think it would be on my birthday.” Chibiusa answered.
“What do you mean?” Robert asked.
“I have a secret that I've been keeping from all of you.” Chibiusa answered.
“What kind of secret?” Momoko asked.
“You are about to find out.” Chibiusa said.
“I don't understand.” Kyusuke replied.
Chibiusa smiled than took out her eternal compact.
“Chibi Eternal Power Make Up.” Chibiusa said.
Chibiusa turned out the Eternal Chibi Moon. Kyusuke, Momoko and Robert can't believe their eyes.
“Wow I never would have thought she was Eternal Chibi Moon.” Momoko replied.
“I'm also Princess Usagi Serenity of Crystal Tokyo.” Chibiusa said.
“You're a princess?” Robert asked.
Eternal Chibi Moon nodded her head.
“Yes I am.” Eternal Chibi Moon answered.
“That's so cool.” Momoko said.
Eternal Chibi Moon sighed than turned back into Chibiusa. Mamoru looked at Chibiusa.
“What's wrong princess?” Mamoru asked.
“I miss him dad and he doesn't even know that today is birthday.” Chibiusa answered.
Mamoru smiled than disappeared to Elysian.
“Helios, I need to talk to you.” Mamoru yelled.
Helios appeared in front of Mamoru.
“What do you need to talk me about?” Helios asked.
“My daughter misses you a lot and today is a very special day for her.” Mamoru answered.
“What do you mean a special day?” Helios asked.
“Today is her birthday.” Mamoru answered.
“Her birthday?” Helios asked.
“Yes that's what I said.” Mamoru answered as he disappeared.
Helios smiled than walked to the garden of Elysian and picked a single red rose. Helios put on his necklace than went to where Chibiusa is with her friends and her parents.
“Chibiusa.” Helios said.
Chibiusa smiled than hugged Helios. Helios took the single red rose out from behind his back and gave it to Chibiusa.
“It's beautiful.” Chibiusa replied.
“Yes I know that is but you're far more beautiful.” Helios said.
Chibiusa looked up at Helios than get caught up in passionate kiss. A few minutes later they break apart. Chibiusa looked up into Helios's golden eyes.
“Take the necklace off.” Chibiusa said.
“If I did that you were friends will know who I really am?” Helios replied.
“That's the whole point because I told them who I am.” Chibiusa answered.
Helios smiled than takes the necklace off and turned back into his true forum. Momoko's eyes widened in shock.
“Who are you?” Momoko asked.
“I'm Helios the dream priest of Elysian and the Guardian of the golden crystal.” Helios answered.
Momoko smiled than looked at Chibiusa.
“You are truly lucky to have him as your boyfriend.” Momoko said.
Helios wrapped his arms around Chibiusa.
“That she is because when she needs I'll always be there.” Helios replied.
Chibiusa looked up at Helios just as Akira.
“Oh no not you.” Usagi said.
“Yes it's me.” Akira replied.
Usagi looked at Chibiusa.
“Eternal Moon Power Make Up.” Usagi said.
Usagi turned into Eternal Sailor Moon. Chibiusa sighed.
“Chibi Eternal Make Up.” Chibiusa replied.
Chibiusa turned into Eternal Chibi Moon again. Akira used his powers making Helios and Mamoru go flying. Eternal Sailor Moon looked at Eternal Chibi Moon. They took out their Eternal Tiares.
“Double Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss.” Eternal Sailor Moon and Eternal Chibi Moon said together.
The attack sent Akira flying than he left. Eternal Chibi Moon turned back into Chibiusa. Chibiusa ran over to Helios and Usagi ran over to Mamoru.
“Mamo-chan wake up.” Usagi said as tears started to stream down her face.
“Please Helios wake up.” Chibiusa replied with tears in her eyes.
Helios opened his eyes and looked at Chibiusa.
“My beautiful maiden please don't cry because I'm fine now.” Helios said as he gets to his feet and pulled Chibiusa close to him.
Chibiusa looked up at Helios. Helios smiled than kissed Chibiusa. A few minutes later they break the kiss. Chibiusa looked over at her father who still hasn't woken up. Chibiusa ran over to her father.
“Papa, wake up please.” Chibiusa replied.
Mamoru doesn't wake up. Chibiusa started crying again. Helios walked over and wrapped his arms around Chibiusa than looked at Usagi.
“Have you tried kissing him?” Helios asked.
Usagi shook her head.
“No I haven't.” Usagi answered.
“Why not give it a shot?” Helios asked.
“Ok I will.” Usagi answered.
Usagi kissed Mamoru passionately for a few minutes than broke it but still nothing happened.
Usagi sighed than got her feet and started to leave. Mamoru opened his eyes than got to his feet.
“Where do you think your going Usako?” Mamoru asked.
Usagi stopped in her tracks than turned around to face Mamoru and hugged him.
“I'm not going anywhere now and I was so scared that you weren't going to wake up.” Usagi answered.
Mamoru wrapped his arms around Usagi.
“You're worry to much about Usako.” Mamoru said.
“Well I can't help because I love you.” Usagi replied.
Mamoru smiled and kissed Usagi. A few minutes later they broke the kiss.
“This is for you.” Mamoru said as he passed Usagi a little pink bag.
“What it is?” Usagi asked.
“Open it and find out.” Mamoru answered.
Usagi opened the bag to find rabbit necklace.
“Aw Mamo-chan, it's so cute.” Usagi said.
“Would you like me to put it on you?” Mamoru asked.
“Yes I would.” Usagi answered.
Mamoru took the necklace and put it around Usagi's necklace. The rest of the day went by. Chibiusa is bed dreaming about Helios. Helios is his bed in Elysian dreaming of Chibiusa. Mamoru and Usagi asleep in each other's embrace in their room.