Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Universe ❯ Chapter 12

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sailor Universe: Chapter 12
“MAMA?? Where are you? Mama?!”
“Princess Serenity, I cannot talk to you now.”
“What do you mean? Mom!”
“Beryl is here. In order to preserve your future, I must go now and fight. I love you my child, and will always be with you in spirit.”
“No!! Mama, you cannot go now. I need you!”
Tears began to pour down Serena's cheeks. The young girl fell to her knees because she knew she could never visit her mother again.
“Shh, shh, now child. I know that you will miss me, and I will miss you. But the future is what is important now. You will live on, and you will be a great queen. Please, don't ever forget me.”
The graceful queen slid down beside Serena and wrapped her arms around her. She then stood and left, to face her death. Serena stayed there crying for a few minutes, then slowly got up and walked through the silver and white door for the final time.
“Serena, welcome back!! Wait, what's wrong?? What did your mother say?”
“I got there just in time for the Moon's final battle. She told me she was ready to ensure our future. **sniff** She was so brave as she went to face her, and our, deaths. I can never see her again!!”
“Oh, Princess, do not cry. In a way, you will always be able to see her. She will live on in your memories, and in your dreams. Now, let's go see the other Scouts. We have made plans for the coronation.”
“Serena, we have set up a press conference for reporters all across the world. We are holding it in front of the school. You wouldn't believe how ecstatic people were because they are finally get to talk to you.”
“Thank you for setting it up. Um, when will it be?”
“It will be one week from now. We wanted to give everyone a chance to get to Tokyo. How soon are you planning to take the throne? We will need that information for the press.”
“One month from the press conference. That will give the world some time to get used to the idea.”
“Ok. Um, now that we've had some time at our houses, I think we should all return to the Temple. We cannot let our families overhear anything about the press conference. They might realize who we are before we are ready to reveal our identities.”
“You are right, Hotaru. Where are we going to live when I take the throne? There is no palace.”
“Well, after the press conference, we can have someone start building the palace. If it is not finished by the end of the month, we can just stay here until it is finished.”
“But the position of the Temple will be compromised when our true identities are revealed. It will be far too easy for people, and the Kullden to find and attack us.”
“Serena, you know better than anyone that the Temple is boobytrapped and that no one could get in without our help.”
“Why'd you have to go and bring that up?”
“Raye, what are you talking about?”
“Serena used to forget where all the traps were, Marlena. She often got caught in them. That is why we told you and Colin to always enter the same way.”
“I was wondering about your reason for that. Well, is everything set?”
“Um, no. What about Darien and me? We are not married.”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Well, he's supposed to be the king in the future. Maybe I should wait to take the throne with him at my side.”
“Why don't ya'll just get married now?”
“I'm not sure if Darien is ready to get married. I will not force him into it just to take the throne. It has to be his choice.”
“Are you ready to marry him?”
“Of course, I love him, and I know that I could never be with anyone else. However, none of that matters if he is not ready. Maybe we should just postpone the crowning indefinitely. That way, everyone will know that I will be queen, but we don't have to worry about pushing Darien into getting married while he is not ready.”
A low voice, barely even audible, called Serena's name from the doorway. As the Scouts turned, they gasped. Darien stood there, covered in blood, barely able to stand.
“Darien!! What happened??! Oh, dear God!”
“Some people… where attacked… there was no time… to call anyone.”
Serena had rushed to him, and now he leaned heavily on her while they walked to a bedroom. He spoke in between harsh, gasping breaths. Lita also came forward and took some of his weight onto her shoulder. They gently laid him on the bed, and Ami rushed in with medical supplies to tend his wounds.
“Serena, what… were all of you… talking about? OUCH!!”
“Sorry, Darien, I didn't mean to hurt you.”
“It was just some stuff about the press conference and when I should take the throne. Do not worry about it right now. The important thing right now is to get you better.”
“What… ow, makes you think…that I'm not ready to marry you??”
“What do you mean?? Never mind, don't talk, you need to rest and conserve your strength.”
“Just… look inside- ouch!- my pocket.”
Darien passed out and everyone just looked around, each asking a silent question. Finally, as if to answer them, Serena reached into Darien's pocket and pulled out a small velvet box.
“What in the world is this?? I don't recognize this.”
She slowly opened the box and revealed a silver ring. The giant diamond was in the shape of a crescent moon. Then there were six smaller diamonds set in lines of delicate silver that form the five points of a star, with the sixth one in the center, connecting with the points of the moon.
“Whoa!! Look at those diamonds. I guess he is ready to marry you.”
“We do not know that for sure. It could just be a present.”
“A guy doesn't buy a ring like that just for a present. That is an engagement ring!!”
“SHH! You are going to wake him up!!”
“Let's leave them alone. Except for Ami, of course. She has to stay to tend to his injuries.”
Everyone, except for Serena and Ami, left the room and made their way into the kitchen to make some coffee. It was going to be a long night.