Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Future ❯ Dreams of the past ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailormoon demo I do own Jasmine and Ayame!

Flashbacks: will be in Italic.

States of unconsciousness will be in-between *

Thoughts: `Will be like this'

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Usagi sat in her bed, afraid to go to sleep.

She would have the dream again, that horrifying dream about them.

She had seen them in painting with herself and in real life; they used to be her friends.

She must've done something wrong to have them kill her like that.

Her eyes began to droop but she quickly opened them back up. She didn't like sleeping anymore.

She heard footsteps and gripped the sheets harder. It wasn't a dream; it was a look into the future.

Tears began to form in her eyes at the thought of her horrible dream coming true.

`Are you just going to keep running away?!' Haruka's voice echoed through her head.

That was what Haruka said to her in her dream. She couldn't remember what they were talking about but she remembers those words clearly and she responded. `They'll change Haruka-san, you'll see.'

Haruka was right she couldn't keep running away.

She grabbed her dagger and stood in front of the door.

She opened it and jumped on whoever was walking past.

"I knew you liked me but don't you think we're going a bit too fast," a familiar voice said.

"Demando?" Usagi asked.

"Last time I checked," he said.

"Very funny," she said.

"What are you still doing up?" Demando asked.

"I can't *yawn* sleep," she said.

Her eyes began to close again but she snapped them open.

"Looks like you don't want to sleep," Demando said. "Why?"

"Bad dream," Usagi said.

"I'll help you get to sleep," he said.

"How?" Usagi asked.

"A trick Wiseman used on Safiel and me," Demando said.

"I already know what a sleeping pill is, try it on me and I swear you'll wind up ten feet under ground," Usagi threatened.

"Believe it or not, Wiseman has a gentler side," Demando said getting up.

He picked her up and carried her back to her room.

He set her on the bed gently and then climbed in beside her.

"So what's this trick?" Usagi asked.

"Someone lays by you during the night and when you start whimpering," Demando began.

"Whimpering?" Usagi asked.

"You whimper, some thrash and some talk. We all do something different when we have bad dreams," Demando said.

"How did you know I whimpered?" Usagi asked.

"Do you really want know that?" Demando asked.

"Hai," Usagi said.

"I was wandering around and heard you whimper one morning," Demando said.

He wrapped his arms around her and she leaned back onto him.

"Do you like long walks?" Demando asked.

"Hai, especially those taken by people who annoy me," Usagi said sleepily.

She began snoring lightly and Demando cut off her lamp and stayed there for a while when she began to whimper.

"Calm down Usagi," he whispered.

The door opened slightly and a pair of eyes looked in on them angrily.

"It's just a dream," he whispered while stroking her hair.

The whimpers soon stopped and Usagi calmed down. Demando kissed her on her cheek and climbed out the bed slowly as to not awake Usagi.

He walked out backwards making sure she was still ok then closed the door softly behind him.

He turned around and saw Haruka standing in front of him.

"It's not what it looks like," he said knowing the wind-goddess temper.

"I know," Haruka said. "Thanks."

"You're welcome," he said.

"Just don't let me catch you in that room for anything else," Haruka said and he opened his mouth to speak. "You know what I mean."

He closed it and nodded.

Haruka walked down the hall mumbling about `smart mouth-ed Lunarians'.

Demando walked to his room and sat on the bed.

"You're a hypocrite," Safiel said.

"What?" Demando asked.

"Telling her to go to sleep and face her nightmare when you don't want to go to sleep for your own nightmare," Safiel said.

"Urasai!" Demando shouted. "Nothing she's faced can be worse than what we've faced."

"How would you know?" Safiel asked. "Ami says she's been through a lot."

"Ami doesn't know what we've been through," Demando said.

Safiel sighed and cut off the light for another night without sleep.

When morning came Usagi already laid awake in her bed.

"Morning Usa," Hotaru greeted and saw Usagi lying in the bed already up. "What's wrong?"

Haruka, Michiru and Ami followed the happy Hotaru in the room.

"I had a dream," Usagi said.

"I did too. We were at a party together and Haruka took you away for a moment then you came back and we had fun and left," Hotaru said.

"I dreamt that Endyimon, Minako and Rei came in my room one night. Makoto came running in and Endyimon held her, Ami came running in and Minako held her. Rei grabbed my hair and held my head up, I couldn't move my body, something was wrong, and all I could do was blink. Then as she pulled out a dagger I tried to scream and it wouldn't come.

When the dagger pierced my skin I felt my other body parts and screamed as loud as I could. I heard guards coming and Rei slit my throat. Ami managed to break free of Minako's hold too late and she shot an ice shard at Rei scarring her arm. Minako snapped her neck and Makoto cried. The guards came in and Rei, Endyimon and Minako claimed someone bewitched them.

I remember lying there when Makoto came to me and moved some hair from my face. `I'm so sorry Usa!' she cried. `I knew and I couldn't make it on time.' I brushed my hand across her cheek. `Haruka warned me but I didn't listen,' I said. Makoto kissed my crescent moon. `I'll remain loyal to you forever my queen and avenge your death,' she whispered so no one else would hear.

Endyimon shouted Ami bewitched them and she was killed on the spot. Makoto cried out in anguish and I closed my eyes for good hearing Makoto's anguish cries, seeing Ami's dead body and Endyimon, Minako and Rei with evil smirks," Usagi said.

Hotaru enveloped Usagi into a hug.

"I just have one question," Usagi said.

"Nani" Michiru asked.

"Was it all true?" Usagi asked.

"Hai koneko, it was true. All of it," Haruka said.

"I failed to protect you," Ami said tearfully. "I was just so shock it was happening that I froze," Ami said.

"It's ok Ames," Usagi said. "I know you and Makoto were loyal to me."

Later that day…

Demando hurried around the castle looking for Usagi.

She wasn't in the kitchen, none of the gardens, her room, the music room or making mischief.

Something was wrong.

He walked past the library then walked back.

He saw Usagi sitting on a ladder reading a book with a look of disgust clearly on her face.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Did you know they enslave Lunarian on Earth, Mars and Venus?" Usagi asked.

"Hai," Demando said.

"And we just sit back and let it happen," Usagi said.

Demando raised an eyebrow. Her voice was full of determination but he wasn't sure of for what.

"We've got to free them," Usagi said. She slides down the ladder and put the book on a pile of others.

"What are you doing?" Demando asked.

"I can't take on an entire army by myself, I think. I'm going to ask Haruka and the others to help me train and borrow their armies," Usagi said.

"Let me help you with those," Demando said and grabbed half of the book. "How are you going to get the others to help?"

"I asked Setsuna to call every leader of their race except Earth, Mars and Venus," Usagi said. "I plan to start with Lunarians and then the rest of the universe. No race shall be enslaved when I'm through."

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