Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ What if Sailor Pluto died? ❯ The Search ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon sadly.

The Search.

Amara was on her way to the nearest town to look for Logan when two men stepped out of the woods and said." you should not be walking alone because of what we and people like us will do to you."

Amara looked over the two men and laughed at them and said," you can try but you will not get anywhere with it."

The first man who looked to be about 21 years old and was about 6 feet tall well built, walked up to her and tried to grab her arm . Amara stepped back and took a swing at him with her right hand and hit him in the face and knocked out a couple of teeth and broke his nose. The man let out a very pain fell yell and said, " I'm going to kill you for that you bitch and I'm going to do it slowly so you hurt very much."

Amara laughed again and said, " You can not even get a hand on me so how do you think you can kill me?"

At this time the other man tried to get her so his friend could have some fun with her. He was about the same age but he was about 5feet 11inches tall and was heavy set he was also slower then his friend.. As he was about to grab her she turned and kicked him in the balls and said to him, " If you try that again I will do more then kicked in the balls I will make it so you can not have any kids at all." The man just laid on the ground trying to get his breath and kill the pain that he had from her kick.

As she was talking to the other man the first one tried to grab her and beat her up for hurting his friend and him. As he came up behind her she turned around and punched him in the gut knocking the wind out of him. As he tried to get his breath back she said to him, " You should be more careful about who you pick on because they might be a better then you are in fighting." she the punched him in the face knocking him out.

Amara left them there and started for town again. As she neared the town a little girl came running up to her crying. The child was about 6 years old with fire red hair and blue eyes that were red from crying.

Amara held her as she asked, "What is wrong , why are you crying?"

The child said, "I am lost and can not find my way home can you help me? And can you make the mean man stay away from me so he does not hit me any more."

Upon hearing this Amara was seeing red. How dare anyone hurt this child like that? She would teach this man a lesson if they ran into him. She said to the child, "I will help you get home. What is your name? My name is Amara."

The child said, "Thank you Mara. My name is Tara and where I live is in a little green house some where in the woods."

As they walked Tara told Amara how she got lost and about the man who tried to take her away from her house so she ran into the woods to hide but the man came after her. All of the sudden she stopped and started to cry. The man was right in front of them. The man was about 38 years old and about 5 feet 5 inches tall and very skinny.

The man was looking at the little girl and said to her, "You little bitch you will come with me and do as you are told."

The next thing the man knew is that he was sitting on the ground looking up at Amara who was standing over him with her fist clenched trying not to kill this man for hurting this child.

Amara said to him, " You better leave or I may hurt you or even kill you for what you have done to this child."

The man laugh and said, " You can try but you will not get anywhere with it." With that he got up and took a swing at her but she was able to sidestep it and land her own punch on the side of his face.

Amara told him, " If I ever hear of you hurting her or anyone else I will be back to finish what I started." With that said she hit him one more time and knocked him out.

Not long after that thy found Tara's home and her mother was so happy to see her. She told Amara " That the man was trying to make the child pay off a debt to him. He would make the child work in his store to pay it off."

Amara told them that she was going to town and she would see what she could do for them. Amara thought ' I will tell Trista and have her help them out if she can.'

As she reached town the three man that she had beat up stopped her and said that they were going to beat her up for what she had done to her. Just as they were about to start a well dressed man said to them. " If you think you can win go ahead and try to but before you do I think you should know that you are facing the Princess of Uranus Amara." Hearing this the three men turned tail and ran away.

Amara said, "Thank you" to him and asked him not to tell anyone who she was and asked if anyone new had showed up in town.

He said, "There had been one man and he was working in the stables in town." He was not for sure but he though his name was Logan.

An: Thank you everyone that reviewed. I can't wait to see what happens next either! Keep those reviews coming.