Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ What if Sailor Pluto died? ❯ The Set Up ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon.

The Set Up!

Amara went to the stables to have a look at the guy that Trista seemed to fall for. When she saw him she thought that 'there must be a mistake he most have royal blood because of how he looked.

Logan saw her watching him but he just keep on working. All he could think about was making enough money to find Trista and may be take her out and get to know her and find out why she left so fast that day.

Amara thought she had better to watch him some and try to catch him alone because to many people knew who she was and Trista be not what him to know who she was. That night she followed him into the woods where he was camped she looked around the camp to make share that he was alone before she would talk to him.

As Amara walked into the camp she said, " hi " to Logan and asked him what his name was and why he seemed to be working so hard.

For some reason felt he could talk to her and she would not laugh at him, so he said, " my name is Logan and I am working so hard because I meet someone and I would like to find her and get to know her. But there is one thing I may have to work at she is of royal blood and I am not so her family my not let me see her. But I will find a way around that."

Amara thought about it and then asked him, " do you know her name maybe I can help you find her and by the way my name is Amara."

Logan said, "thank you very much Amara but I could not asked you to do that. And her name is Trista and she was riding a very nice white and black horse.

Amara said, "that's ok I would like to help you out you seam like a very nice guy and you could use a break in life." Most of that night they stayed up and Logan told her how and where he and Trista meet.

The next day Amara told Logan to be where he and Trista meet and not to ask why just be there at supper time

Then she left for the place to find Trista and set things up with her so that they well meet. She already had a plan to do this. She would tell Trista that she would like to go on a picnic because it was a nice day. She would also tell her about the child that she met to explain why there was so much food because she was taking it to them after they eat.

When she got back the King asked to see her so she went to see him. When she got there he yelled, "where have you been! I have been looking for you and so have my men. If anything were to happen to you your father would be very upset with me and it might start a war."

Amara said to him, "I can take care of my self and if you do not stop yelling at me I will tell my father that you were mean and what do you think he will do to you for that?"

She did not wait to find out what the King thought about that and she did not care either. She thought he was a asshole but she would not tell that to her friend.

She found Trista in the gardens and told her about the child and her plans. Trista felt sorry for the child and her mother and told Amara that she would do all she could to help them and she would like to meet them.

As they rode there horses to the spot Amara told her about how she met the child and that her name is Tara and what she looked like.

As they stopped to eat Trista was ready to cry for they were at the spot were she and Logan met. Then she saw him coming to them and said to Amara, "you found him and set this up. I hope you did not tell him who I was."

Amara said, "no I did not he does not know that I know you at least at the time. He does think you are important person but how he does not know."