Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ What if Sailor Pluto died? ❯ The Dates ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon.

Chapter:6 The Dates.

As Logan walked up they said, "hi" to him.

" I did not know you knew Trista, Amara. " Logan smiled and said to Trista, " I know this was a set up you told her about me and she came and found me to set us up to see each other ."

Amara said, "I will take food to my friend so you can be alone and talk." Than Amara left them alone.

Trista said, "that's Amara for you she will do anything to make a friend happy. How are you?"

"I am fine. Trista I know that you are from a rich family and if you do not what to do this I will understand." Logan said ready to walk away from her.

"If I do not what to be here than I would not be here at all. When you helped me I had this feeling that I had to see you again so when I told Amara I guess she was going to make sure that I did." Trista said as they set out the food to eat.

Logan said, " I had the same felling to I have been working at the stables in town to make the money to try and find you so I could see you."

" We can see each other but I cannot let my father find out because he would forbid me from seeing you again." she said. "Why don't you tell me about your self."

"Well there is not much to tell I can not remember much about my life. I have know family that I know of and I have been living on my own since I was about 10 years old. So tell me a little about yourself."

" Well I am not going to tell you to much because you are right about my family and my father can be a asshole at times." Trista said.

Logan looked at all the food there was like fried chicken, roasted turkey ,apples, bread, cheese, grapes, ham, baked potatoes, and sweet meat pie with wine to drink. Logan never saw so much food in one place at one time and was not sure where to start. As they sat and eat they talked for hours and hours about every thing from how the planet was ruled to when they could see each other again.

This went on for about 11 mouths with Trista and Logan meting any time they could. Until Trista's father found out by seeing them together. When she got back that day her father told her that she was not to see Logan again and that he has arranged for to marry.

Trista left the room and ran to her bedroom and fell on her bed and cried herself to sleep.

The next mouth Trista and her family were no there way to met the man she was to marry. When they neared the town her horse just started to run and she could not get it to stop.

Oh boy what is going to happen next!