Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ What if Sailor Pluto died? ❯ The Truth Is Out ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon.

The Truth Is Out.

As Trista's horse ran toward the cliffs on the other side of town everyone was running to try to stop it but know one could get close to grab the reigns of her horse they thought all was lost and she would die. When all of the sudden a man in a Knights suite steeped out and in the old langue of Pluto called for the horse to stop and it did. The man helped Trista down from the horse.

He asked her, "are you ok?"

She said, "yes, thank you very much."

"Why do you not what to see me any more Trista? I love you." He said to her.

"Logan is that you? I love you to but my father is making me marry someone else and I do not know what to do about it because I what to be with you."

"I have put that in the works for you will marry me Pluto Knight or there will be no more Sailor Pluto's because we are the ones who will give birth to them." He told Trista.

At that they saw at the transport of Queen Serenity landing near the town and ran to see it and what brought her there.

The Queen of the moon asked to be taken to the place so she could talk to the king and queen in peace.

Trista was getting worried because they had been in her father's study for about 3 hours and she did not know what was going on than all of the sudden the doors flew open and the Queen of the moon asked her to come in.

Trista walked slowly in the room and looked around she saw that her father was pale and her mother was beet red.

"What's going on here?" Trista asked.

"Queen Serenity just said that we should let you marry that man you have been seeing and if we do not there will be no more Sailor Pluto and our planet might die And that you have a very important mission to do as time keeper." her father said.

Trista looked at her mother and then at the Queen of the moon and said that she would do what every it took to keep the planet alive.

As she said this her father was seeing red because this man could not give him what he whetted and that was power but he knew that his child would not let it happen knowing the people could die.

Trista found Logan waiting for her outside the place.

"Well how did it go?" Logan asked her.

"Well my father is pissed off and my mother I do not know. How did you know she was coming?" Trista asked.

"Some how I could fell it as I could fell the other knights come forth on the other planets." Logan said.

Trista took Logan into the place and they started to make plans for there wedding.

While her father made plans to try to get ride of him.