Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ What if Sailor Pluto died? ❯ The Wedding ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own SailorMoon.

The Wedding

The day of the wedding came, and Trista was scared because she knew that her father was trying to get Logan out of the picture. She was hoping that Logan would see through it. She did not know that he had already tried to buy him off, but he would not have anything to do with it, and hit her father in the jaw for even thinking of trying to do it.

As she got ready for the wedding all the other Princesses of the Planets came in to wish her well. There was Princess Ami of Mercury, Princess Rei of Mars, Princess Lita of Jupiter, Princess Mina of Venus, Princess Amara of Uranus, Princess Michelle of Neptune, Princess Hotaru of Saturn, Princess Serenity of the Moon.

Trista was dressed in a form fitting white dress with a low cut bodice, and red flowers all over it. The veil was white lace, and it had around the bottom of her forehead Bloodstones, and, Rubies. The first line around the top of the head had dark red Rose blooms , then came Nacreous blooms. Under her bodice she wore a chemise. It was white lace, and low cut about one inch under her bodice that was white. The skirt was white and it was flat so it would show off her curves, and under it she had on one very lacey petty coat. She had light green stockings on that where hooked on to her petty coat. Her shoes where white, and they had small heals.

The Temple was done up in all kinds of flowers from every planet and some silver Roses from the moon. The hall for the party had red and pink hearts and more flowers. There was a table full of food of all kinds and from every planet. And a table full of gifts from every one.

The ceremony was very nice and it took about 3 hours to do . The priest said some nice things about the couple and prayed for them to be happy and have lots of children and the the planet keep doing well under there rule.

Logan was dressed in a white tux with red hearts all over it. It also showed how well he was built.

After the ceremony they what to the hall to have the party and open gifts. And eat the food, as they eat Princess Michelle told the couple that her gift was the use of her castle for two weeks for there honeymoon.