Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ When you say nothing at all ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Milliardo looked up with surprised eyes, the girl must be crazy!

"Yes, I'm talking to you! What is it with people laughing at me? Am I fly paper for you people! It does bother me, you know!" Usagi had gotten up into his face and was poking his chest with her index finger.

Milliardo blinked and said, "Please forgive me, that was rude."

Usagi stopped in the middle of her rant. "Huh?"

"Please accept my apology. That was uncalled for. My name is Milliardo Peacecraft. May I ask your name?" He gave her a smile, and looked somewhat relieved that she was no longer jabbing him. Her fingernails were sharp!

"I'm Usagi Tsukino." She said. Then she blushed when she realised that she had just attacked a complete stranger.

"Hello, Miss Usagi."

"Call me Usagi-chan. 'Miss' makes me feel old." She said, wrinkling her nose.

Milliardo laughed again, and when she frowned at him, he said, "I can see why they named you 'Bunny'."

She looked at him a second longer, then laughed as well.

The other girls were staring at Usagi like she had grown an extra head. First, she was yelling at them, now she was laughing with some guy she had just met. Usagi usually didn't have mood swings as explosive as that.

The pilots were trying to slowly back away without anyone noticing. That was twice as hard for Hiiro, because Relena was still attached to him.

"Where do you think you're going?" asked Minako, grabbing Quatre's sleeve. Once again ignoring Usagi, they crowded the boys, allowing Relena to stay attached to Hiiro.

"My sister appears to be getting along well with your friends." Milliardo said, finally finished laughing.

"That may not be such a good idea. They'll corrupt her." Usagi said. She shoved the thought of Trowa to the back of her mind. She was supposed to be having fun, and she intended to do just that.

"Would you like to join us? My sister seems to like your friends very much."

"Sounds like a good idea to me."

"Should we wait for them?" Milliardo nodded toward the mob of girls surrounding the terrified boys.

"Nah. They'll catch up eventually."

Usagi happily took Milliardo's offered arm and finally made it past the gates.