Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Will love conquer all? ❯ Doubts ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4


Serena walked out of the laser game on Christopher's arm, like she always did with Darien. She walked straight past him without even a hello or goodbye; Darien felt an ache in his heart that he had never felt before.

He ran to catch up with Serena to find out what was wrong and why she was all over this new guy.

" Serena, wait up," Darien called running after them. Serena and Christopher stopped so he could catch up.

" Serena, didn't you see me back there, and why are you hanging off Christopher?" Darien asked afraid of the answer.

" Darien I'm glad you came after us, there's something I need to tell you." Serena spoke very slowly as if he were a child. " It's not working out between us Darien, Christopher's my new boyfriend now," she told him with a smile that chilled him to his core.

Darien couldn't believe what he was hearing, not even 2 hours ago she was giving him the most passionate kiss now she was all over another guy, Darien felt a hurt inside that made him feel as if he was going to die, but he never let it show.

" Well, if that's the way you feel, then I guess I'll see you around," Darien said holding back the tears.

" I guess so," Serena said walking off and leaving him there in his sorrow. Darien watched her walk away and could no longer hold back his tears; two steady streams of tears ran down his cheeks stinging his eyes, he ran to his car and went home to think about what had just happened.

At Darien's Apartment

" What am I going to do?" he said to himself. So many thoughts run through his head, he felt that if he didn't contain them his head was going to explode.

" I need to talk to someone," he said reaching for the phone, he dialed in Mina's number and got the answering machine, he tried Lita and Amy and got the same result, finally he rang Rei.

" Hello, this is Rei," Rei's voice was a warm welcome to the day he had just had.

" Hey Rei, it's me Darien, sorry to call you without notice but I need someone to talk to," Darien's voice was shaking just as bad as his body was.

" Darien what is it, you sound upset?" Rei sounded concerned for her friend.

" It's Serena she…" He couldn't finish his sentence; it was too painful for him.

" What has the Meatball head done now!" Rei was getting angrier by the minute; Serena was always doing something wrong.

" She broke up with me over that new guy, what was his name, oh yeah Christopher," Darien's blood run cold just mentioning his name.

" Say what! Serena broke up with you. That doesn't sound like Serena, she loves you Darien, something must be wrong with her." Rei was getting worried with her friend's actions.

" Don't worry Darien I'll check it out ok."

"Ok Rei I'll call you later," Darien said and hung up the phone, ` I hope Rei is right and it's just that something is wrong with Serena' Darien thought to himself as he cuddled a bunny Serena had left in his apartment.

At Christopher's Apartment

Christopher opened his Apartment door and let Serena enter before him, he had only one thing on his mind, and nothing was going to stop him from having her here and now.

" Wow this place is so cool," Serena stood in the middle of his Apartment looking it over.

" It's ok I guess," Christopher said walking up behind her, he slid her arms around her waist and started to kiss and nibble on her neck.

" Oh that feels good, " Serena said turning in his arms, " now do that all over my body."

Serena had stopped crying out inside because she new it would do no good, but this made her scream even hard than she had before. Her body backed away from his and fell to the floor in pain, her hands shot up to her head and she let out a blood-curdling scream.

" No, she can't be resisting, how can she be, that's impossible!" Christopher said standing there watching the girl in disbelief.

Serena stopped screaming and stood to look Christopher in his eyes, " what did you do to me?" She said staring at him in horror.

" The same thing I'm going to do again," He said grabbing her and looking into her eyes.

She tried to look away but it was to late, she was lost in his eyes yet again, she let out one final whimper before he took her again, " Darien, I'm sorry."

He looked into her eyes and saw fear for only a moment, but that was quickly replaced with desire. She reached in and kissed him with a passion and force that caught him if guard. Once he regained his wits, he kissed back with equal passion and led her over to his bed. Her skin was so soft and smooth as he ran his hand up her leg to rest on her thigh, his other hand was pulling up her shirt so he could see her beautiful silky stomach.

His hand reached up and caressed her breasts and she arched her back let out a moan of pleasure. In one swift motion her shirt was on the floor and she was lying there under him in her white lace bra framing her perfect breasts. He kissed her again running his tongue along her bottom lip begging for entrance, she opened her mouth and greeted him with her own tongue.

His kisses flowed from her mouth down to her neck where he found her sensitive spot and she arched her back and moaned with pleasure once more. He took full advantage of this moment and unclipped her bra and tossed it on the floor. He traveled down her body and teased her nipple with his tongue. Serena had the sheets gripped tightly in her hands and was bighting her bottom lip as not to scream, it felt so good, the only other person that had ever made her feel this good was Darien. At that thought, her eyes snapped open and she stared and the man on top of her, she felt a pain inside her head and immediately stopped thinking about Darien and just enjoyed what he was doing to her, what he COULD do to her. Christopher's had traveled up he thigh to her panties and he could feel her warmth and wetness even through the fabric. He couldn't take it anymore; he wanted to be inside her NOW! Serena could see the look in his eyes and agreed she too wanted him inside her. She pulled his shirt over his head and lingered for a minute, he had such and incredible body lean and tanned. Her hands went lower and undid the buttons and zipper on his pants, she could feel his manliness pressing against her leg and it was driving her insane.

All of a sudden he heard his mothers voice "Christopher, come her now! We've found a crystal."

" Mother I'm kind of in the middle of something!" he practically screamed at his mother.

" I SAID NOW CHRISTOPHER, DON'T MAKE ME SAY IT AGAIN!" he knew his mother was angry, and winced at the thought of what she could, and would do to him.

" Ok, ok I'm coming alright" he said looking down and the half naked goddess lying underneath him.

" I think you should go home Serena I'm going to be gone for quite a while," Christopher sighed and he looked down at the bulge in his now undone pants.

" Awww, ok," She sighed as she put her bra and top back on and straightened herself up.

Serena walked out the door and when he knew she was gone he screamed in frustration.

At the Warf

A young man cowered in the corner with a figure hovering over him.

" Who are you what do you want?" Cried the young man, sweat dripping off his forehead.

"It's time for you to awaken," The figure exclaimed with a smile on his face.

"Awaken, what do you mean?" he looked up at the figure with terror in his eyes.

"I was hoping you'd asked me that," he said and pulled the crystal from the terrified man in front of him. The young man screamed in pain as the transformation took place, but his screams subsided and his transformation was complete. All of a sudden, he heard "Venus Love Chain Encircle" and a beam of hearts came flying at him from the darkness.

" What! who is that? How dare you attack me!" Christopher yelled at the person in the shadows.

The person, or should I say people came from the shadows. " I am sailor Venus!" Mina exclaimed with pride.

"I am sailor Jupiter!" Lita said.

"I am sailor Mercury!" Amy said.

"I am sailor Mars!" Rei said.

"Wait weren't there five of you? Where's that pea brain Sailor Moon?" Christopher asked, smirking at them.

All the girls suddenly realised that Serena was missing, " Where is sailor Moon?" Amy asked.

"Probably scoffing donuts as usual," Rei said clearly annoyed.

They suddenly saw a familiar figure in the corner of their eyes; there standing on the dock looking out to sea was SERENA! They all but forgot about the monster, and were so worked up and angry at Serena for just standing there enjoying the view while there was a crystal to fight for. All of a sudden the monster lunged for Serena, she turned around to look it in the eyes as she was knocked to the ground.

"SERENA!" everyone cried at the same time (yes even Christopher). Christopher forgot all about the crystal that dropped from his hand when she was attacked and flew to her side.

"Serena are you ok?" Christopher asked.

"What's with him? Why is he protecting Serena, he's from the Negaverse!" Rei said staring in disbelief.

"Don't you see it Rei?" Amy asked.

"See what?" Rei was getting confused.

"He's in love with her." Amy dreamily said, caught up in the moment.

Serena was still unconscious on the ground when Tuxedo Mask showed up to retrieve the crystal. He had the crystal in his hand and was smiling to himself when he turned towards the water, his smile quickly drained from his face, along with his blood. There was the love of his life, just lying there unconscious; he rushed over to help her only to come face to face with a Negaverse soldier. His eyes went wide as he realised who it was that was in front of him, " Christopher!?!?"

He cocked and eyebrow and looked inquisitively and the man in front of him, " How do you know my name?"

" That's not important, Serena needs help!" Darien yelled in his face trying to get passed.

Christopher looked into this mans eyes and saw something that reminded him of Serena's ex boyfriend, Love and determination.

"She needs help!" he cried, " Look at her, she fucking unconscious for gods sake, let me help her!" Darien's eyes pleaded as well as his works.

" No I can take care of her myself, she doesn't need you!" Christopher spat at him, eyes just narrow slits. The last thing that had come from Christopher's mouth hit Darien like a ton of bricks, ** she doesn't need you! ** the words screamed in his mind. He looked at the girl on the ground, his heart said he was lying, that she did need him, but he couldn't ignore everything that had happened that day, could he? With a heavy heart and with tears threatening to break forth from his crystal blue eyes, he left in a hurry in the opposite direction.

The scouts had all but forgotten about the monster on the pier when a long tentacle came rushing for one of the scouts, which they narrowly avoided. They scouts defeated the monster, with great difficulty (because sailor moon wasn't there) and looked to where the unconscious girl was lying. All faces turned to looks of shock and horror, she was gone.

Hey people, I know I know you want to know what happens, but just wait I'm working on chapter 5 as we speak so just wait. I hope you like it so far, send me reviews please, and helpful criticism will be very handy, so don't be afraid to right what you think.

Until next time readers remember to stand for love and justice and you'll always come through. ^_^