Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Will love conquer all? ❯ A Mothers Wrath ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 8

A Mothers Wrath

Serena found Darien and the scouts where she had left them in her hurry to get away, the scouts were finally coming around (they'd been out of it for about 1-2 hours) and Darien just sat watch guarding them till they awoke.

" Darien!!" his head snapped up the moment her heard someone calling his name and hoped with all his heart it was who he thought it was.

Tears started to flow freely from his eyes as she came into view, he looked straight into her eyes and the tears came harder than before, for she was also crying and he could see the love for him had now returned to her eyes as she looked at him.

He jumped up from his seat and ran to embrace the love of his life, she buried her face into his shirt and held him so tight that it was though her life depended on her holding him and not letting go. Serena was to caught up in her own world that she hadn't noticed that Darien was hugging her back with equal dependence.

Serena looked up into his piercing blue eyes and bowed her head, she was ashamed for all that she had done to her friends, but she couldn't help it she had no control over what she did. She tensed at the thought of hurting her friends and Darien, as if sensing this Darien pulled her face up so he could look into her eyes.

"It wasn't you Serena, you would have never done this. Yes it was your body, but it wasn't your heart or soul and that's all that matters." He sighed and pulled her closer than she thought possible; she smiled and closed her eyes knowing that she was now safe, or so she thought.

Meanwhile in the Negaverse

" WHAT!!!!!!" The queen screamed at her general, who winced at the pitch and volume of her masters' voice.

" Yes I'm sorry Milady but… I saw it with my own eyes, your son is dead. And killed by the hands of his chosen bride no less." Zoicite was upset about Christopher's death for she had deep feelings for him (Zoicite isn't with Malachite in my fan fic, this makes it a bit more interesting ^_^) and vowed revenge against that utter klutzy meatball headed girl.

" HOW, HOW DID… this happen???" the queens rage had evaporated into grief as the reality of the situation hit her. She stared at the seat to her right and tears started rolling down her cheeks (yes Beryl cries in my fanfic, I know it's like soooo not in her character, but I thought what the hey ^_^), her hands moved up to her face and she cradled her face in her hands. Zoicite was still standing there unsure of what she should do so she politely started to walk backwards towards the chamber doors.

Beryl heard the doors start to open and she looked up from her hands, Zoicite shrunk back in fear at the look in her masters' eyes. Her eyes had the look of determination,

Grief and insanity, she bared her teeth and spoke with a low growl.

" And where do you think your going?" Beryl said, her fingers digging into the arms of her throne.

"I... I...Well. Umm… I... Was leaving b…because I thought you want…ted t…to be al…lone." The frightened general couldn't help but stutter the words, for her queens eyes were but narrow slits and her teeth were bared like a dog.

" No you're not going Anywhere! I need your help." The queen sat back in her seat and interlocked her fingers.

"My help?" Zoicite cocked her eyebrow at the queen, "What for?"

"I want you to do something for me."


"I want you to find the last crystal."

"You know I would do that anyway Milady, is there anything else?"

Beryl's eyes grew narrower and she smiled the most evil smile you could possibly imagine, "Yes, yes as a matter a fact there is."

"What?, name it your highness and it will be done." Zoicite bowed with this statement to show respect.

"I want you to KILL that little BRAT that my son foolishly chose for a wife, she will pay for the pain she has caused me, she will pay dearly, she will pay with her life!" A smile bigger than the one before (and more evil) spread across the queens' lips, and one crept it's way onto Zoicite's lips as well.

"As you wish milady," Zoicite bowed and retreated from the room, at last she would have the chance to kill the woman who took her love from her, she would have revenge.

Back On Earth

The scout had returned to their everyday form and they were at the crown arcade for something to eat. Serena had gone home first to change because she felt `dirty' (if you know what I mean *dirty hands*), she had emerged from her house in a pair of Nike running shoes, a spaghetti strap top that came just above her belly button and a pair of snug fitting jeans with stars and moons along the bottom sides and on her back pockets.

The group walked into the arcade to be greeted by Andrew, who was just giving people their orders.

"Hey guys what's up?" Andrew seemed in a happy mood, which was good, he looked over at Serena and looked shocked. "Wait! Weren't you with some other guy only a couple of hours ago?" Andrew's hands were now on his hips and his eyebrow was cocked waiting for a reply.

Serena felt the blood rushing to her face as she began to turn a bright shade of crimson, "Ah… yeah… about that. I wasn't really myself." Serena said hugging closer to Darien glad to be back to her old self.

Andrew looked at her like she was the weirdest person he knew (well… she is but that's not the point *~*), "What??? What are you talking about?" he was starting to get worried; Serena was acting weird, even for her.

"Never mind Andrew, you wouldn't underst…" Serena's words were cut off by a scream near-by. All of the scouts ran from the arcade in a hurry and left Andrew there still trying to comprehend what had just happened (you know the standing there, looking at where they were, blinking rapidly, dumb look on their face standing slouched thing ^_^)

The scouts quickly transformed as did Darien and the rounded a corner only to come face to face with Zoicite. She looked from one scout to another until her eyes came to rest on Serena, he eyes narrowed and she spoke with venom that could chill the heart.

"You! How dare you show your face." Zoicite hissed.

Serena blinked a couple of times to try and think of what she meant, when it hit her, she was talking about Christopher. Zoicite picked up the crystal and put it in her jacket pocket and turned back to Sailor Moon.

"You took the only thing the queen cared about away from her and for that you will pay, with your life! GO!" she pointed at Sailor Moon and the newly transformed Negaverse soldier hurled itself at Serena, but was interrupted by Rei. Both the monster and Rei fell to the ground with a loud thud, and Rei quickly got to her feet.

Serena turned the monster back into its rightful form and turned to Zoicite, who was standing there fists clenched by her sides and shaking with rage.

"How Dare you! You wont win against Queen Beryl and she is now after your head! You can't run or hide she will find you." Zoicite pause for only a moment and smiled, "But" she started, "I will kill you first!" and with those words she launched herself as Serena with rage and the need for revenge in her eyes. Serena was pushed out of the way by Darien, who felt the full force of the blow; he fell to the ground with a loud thump.

Serena rushed to his side and Zoicite decided then and there that this "Witch" would watch her lover die first, and then she too would die by her hands.

Zoicite's eyes glittered with insanity as she lunged for Darien, but was stopped dead in her tracks as a ball of fire hit the ground at her feet. She rushed for the scouts and one by one knocked them out again (I know I'm being mean to the scouts, but it's part of the story so plz forgive ^_^) and turned back to the couple in each other's arms. Serena stood and looked Zoicite right in the eyes, "I know your hurting, but this isn't the way to solve anything, but if you continue doing this i have no choice…" Serena closed her eyes as her sentence faded off.

"Ha.. Or you'll do what??" Zoicite glared menacingly at Serena.

"Or… I'll destroy you, I will if you leave me no other choice." Her eyes were open now and tears were streaming down her face.

"Ha… You could never beat me," Zoicite's mouth was in a wicked grin and she lunged for Serena.

Serena closed her eyes and spoke as she powered up the scepter, "forgive me!" She opened her eyes to stare into Zoicite's eyes, they were wide and afraid. Zoicite stumbled back clutching her stomach she looked up into the sky and smiled "I'm sorry… my love… I tried to avenge you…I… tried." And with that she collapsed to the ground and took her last breath.

Serena scooped up her body and cried holding her, Serena hated killing and she had done it twice that day, she didn't have a choice in the matter, everything was wrong. Everything around her and Darien went black and they suddenly found themselves in a room with two thrones and an evil looking woman (who Serena presumed was Beryl) sitting in the main throne. Beryl narrowed her eyes at the couple in front of her and spoke, "You! You are the princess Serenity, it's no wonder my foolish son fell for you." Her surprise was quickly masked by hate. Serena and Darien were also surprised by this remark, the looked at each other, and then Serena stood and looked at Beryl, "Why did you bring us here?" Beryl could smell the fear in the air and smiled.

"You are here `Princess'," Beryl spat the word princess out as if it were venom, "because you took something dear to me." Beryl's eyes narrowed to slits and she looked at Darien and smiled. "Now you shall feel the pain I feel before you die, I will take the thing you hold most dear to your heart away from you." Beryl stood and slowly walked down the steps of the throne pedestal, but stopped at the base. Serena's eyes went wide as she realised what beryl was going to do. "You shall fell the pain I feel and then you shall feel my wrath." Beryl yelled as her ands flew up and dark energy gathered around her hands. Her hands were pointed straight at Darien and she let out a laugh that would chill you to the core and let the dark energy ball fly straight for Darien.

Hmmmm, I know what your going to say, yes I am EVIL, but at least I'm keeping my readers interested ^_^. What will happen next, I'm not giving anything away about the next chapter this time you'll just have to wait and see what happens. Please review cause I'm not sure if I can continue without reviews, I need 7 reviews to continue on with the next chapter, this fan fic is almost finished only a couple of chapters left to go so if you want to find out what happens REVIEW, REVIEW, REVIEW!!!!! ^_^

Till next time kiddies, stand for love and justice ^_^.