Saint Seiya Fan Fiction ❯ Armours, secrets and amazons ❯ Doubts and vague answers ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4. Doubts with vague answers.
It was a peaceful afternoon in the Sanctuary. Marin felt relief that she was almost finished repairing the archives she took home the night before and she was happy she didn't go to work at the general archives but instead stayed home. She observed the registry that caused her such amaze the last night, and noticed that the sheets were not only disorganized, but some were really damaged that she had to read them to know in what order to put them. She had the perfect excuse, so she began to read out loud:
Linx, Silver Armor. Name: Cagglio. Age: 20 years. Leader of the amazons. Hidden fugitive, she is accused of thievery and treason to Athenea”.
Amazon in training. Name: Misha. Age: 8 years. Hidden, fugitive. “
For not returning the armors they were in charge of, and even hiding one more. Athenea had imposed punishment that could not be carried out. Both attacked the other saints and fled, which is considered theft and treason to Athenea. Once they are found and their sentence has been carried out, their names will be erased, and their armor will be given to the best candidate.”
-Well, I didn't believe such events were registered - Marin whispered to herself - So, not only Aioros was considered a traitor during Saga's regimen… I wonder what ever happened to those amazons.
She continues reading: “The Sanctuary will be in charge with the rest of the amazons. Anyone of them, who oppose, will be executed without exception”.
Marin stop reading, disgusted - So this is why there are so few amazons left today. I better relax a bit and take a walk.
She put on her mask and started walking through the cliffs when she felt a strange cosmos. She immediately ran there, but it disappeared as fast as it appeared.
-What the hell…?
-That's exactly what I said - Said Hyoga behind her - It's not the first time I sensed it. It's the same one I felt yesterday when I took the archives to your home. And I also felt it on other occasions but it always disappears before I can find out where or whom it comes from.
Marin remembered how Aioria followed him due to his insistence in finding out about that cosmos. And how he was very upset since Hyoga ruined their night.
Hyoga then asked her, getting her out of her thoughts. -Can it be an enemy?
-I don't know, but it's really strange it disappears so quickly.
-And to think that Aioria told me I was being paranoid and that I should enjoy the peace and tranquility. Since no one else seems to notice it. I'm just glad to know you feel it too.
Marin didn't answer; she just started walking back to the archives.
-Then, what can I do?
-I don't know, Hyoga. But it's time we get out of here. I can't think clearly, but if there's someone who can help you, it's Mu.
-OK then, see you later. I'll ask Mu without drawing much attention.
Marin just stands there for a moment while he leaves. I don't think it's a good idea.
-Come with me and I'll tell you why.

Shaina opened her eyes and the bright light blinded her for a moment. Once her eyes settled she noticed she was back… at the Sanctuary. It was very cold, that her bones hurt, even when the sun was shining high. She her someone call her name and turned around, She saw herself getting closer to a women with white hair who waited for her with open arms.
-Did you finish your training Shaina?
-Yes sensei!
-“Teacher…? I had none…” - She thought - “This is nothing but a damn dream”.
While thinking this she found herself in a deep hole… Cagglio said to her: “Then it's time you tried to make your cosmos explode. I've shown you what to do. Try it!
Shaina closed her eyes before a torrent of dirt traveling at a great speed fell on top of her from a channel in an old quarry. It was the equivalent to many dump trucks, because the hole filled up almost completely.
-Concentrate Shaina - Whispered the women - You can save yourself. If you can't get free from this task, then you can't burst out your true potential.
Shaina could smell the dirt and feel once again the pressure from it.
-What's going on? Get me out of here!
She started pounding, trying to escape, but she only managed to get more dirt in than what she removed, or at least that's what she thought. Because in reality, a branch was holding on her foot. What was also true is she was starting to suffocate, she didn't have much air or time left.
“Shaina, don't worry about making a path.” -She heard a voice- “There's only one way to free up this place. With your cosmos, you know that very well… but in order to do that you have to let go of Misha.”
Shaina thought: “But… I'm not going to do that”.
“Come on, you want to save yourself. Don't you? Save yourself, make your cosmos explode and let go of the girl.”
“Then you will both die if you try to save Misha. Free yourself Shaina! Free yourself!
Shaina started to scream and complied with the voice in her head. This voice was so familiar and felt confidence in it that she had no doubt in agreeing. She concentrated in raising her cosmos to the limit, a level she had never reached before. She raised it until she felt something inside her exploding and freeing an energy she never felt in her before.
Cagglio smiled satisfied at seeing the swamp starting to glow. But the energy freed up threw her dozens of feet from there. She clutched to a tree while trying to see something inside the bright light emitting from the swamp. When the light dissipated the swamp was empty. She expected to see mud, water or something that was there before, but the swamp was empty, to the exception of Shaina standing still in the middle of the enormous crater that was left in place of the swamp. She had on a different armor and this cloth glowed almost the same as the light from Shaina's cosmos, who was breathing heavily and had Misha on her arms.
Cagglio started to laugh -Finally someone made it! Shaina made it!
Shaina removed her mask, looked up straight at her, her eyes glowing. -You owe me an explanation. And I want it now!
-With pleasure -said Misha with a happy voice and jumped to the ground, Shaina was dumbfounded, she did not look weak or hurt after what happened. -Now the armor belongs to you. The holder of the armor symbol of the amazons deserves to know the whole truth. You have passed the test.

Marin led Hyoga to the Archive. The place looked deserted, but she made sure no one was there, the she offered Hyoga a seat. -We better not involve anyone else, not until we're sure.
-What do you think is going on, Marin? -He saw her perplexed with his blue eyes.
Marin responded worried -Well Aioria… he's not the same since you all returned from hell and I'll tell you why. He asked me for his personal archive the other day. I have no idea what for. Also, I can tell you that Shun relates to Athenea now more than ever.
Hyoga answered downcast. -I've notice that too… I believe it's because of what they went through.
-That's what I thought too, but just thinks Hyoga. What would happen to the rest that died in the battle against Hades and now continue to live?
-You're referring to the Golden Saints. I don't know… haven't seen anything weird from them.
-But they also act in a different manner as me, who has lived and trained in the Sanctuary I once knew. I didn't give it much thought, until now.
Hyoga crosses his arms -You may have noticed, but I can't say the same. I'm not very close to any of the golden saints.
Marin started walking nervously -But we can keep an eye on them, we must if we're to find out the truth.
-You're asking me to distrust my friends. Aren't you exaggerating a bit?
She slammed her hands on the table. -Hyoga, you're the one that said you felt it before, the one from the cliff, now you're backing out? That doesn't seem very brave, does it?
-Marin… we're not talking about bravery, but mutual confidence.
-I know… and I understand, sorry - Frustrated, she sat down - It's just that I have a bad feeling about what happened before, and personally I rather be sure about things, no matter how bad, than be on doubt.
-You're right; I've had enough with what's going on.
-That's why I'm saying we should find out, now I know I'm not crazy.
-I also thought that about me -Said Hyoga- At least I'm not the only one.
They both laughed nervously, what happened at the cliffs was not normal. Marin was the first to react -For our friends and for the safety of Athenea; we must keep an eye out on the place and watch over everyone.
-What should I do Hyoga? -Asked Marin- It only takes one suspicion to start a witch hunt or a war. And I don't think Athenea would be very pleased if we're the ones to start it.
-Hyoga thought for a moment, then stood up and said: -Ok, I'll do it; I'll keep a look out on Seiya…
Marin walked him to the door - And I'll look over Aioria and everyone else I can, but now I have work to do.
-Then I'll see you at you're cabin.
-I'll wait for you- She responded, not knowing Aioria arriving there. Upon hearing this, he clutched his fists and turned back.
He wasn't the only one… a mysterious figure wrapped in shadows smirked a bit and thought: “The seeds of doubt are starting to sprout. Soon they will all be under my control”.
Then he disappeared.

In the Amazons, Shaina came out of her shock, after seeing Misha fully recuperated when moments earlier she felt she was going to die. The little girl took off her mask and smiled… then she knew she was never in any danger.
-You're going to tell me why you made all this farce -Demanded Shaina.
-I had a feeling you'd say that -Responded Misha- When I felt your presence getting near the day you arrived, I had to make sure you were capable of obtaining the armor, and that you were not a dog of that Patriarch traitor, Saga like you said.
-I said that:
Cagglio got of the tree in one jump -You must understand, we had to make sure. We're not about to give something that important to just anyone. That's why we didn't hand over to that stupid saint that came here a few weeks before you. Not even if he was a golden saint.
Slowly, Misha was getting closer to Shaina, She seem to be having fun with the situation while Shaina, on the other hand, was still furious.
-That Saint was big and strong- said the young Amazon -But the armor can't be touched by anyone, only the one it chooses and approves. You should know, that's how they are.
Shaina was still standing in the middle of the crater she formed with her cosmos. Her eyes were filled with uncertainties and recriminations, but her body greatly exhausted from all her efforts.
-Now, if it's answers you want. You know that Cagglio is my teacher and I'm her student, it's just that I already have my armor, I didn't need this one. Better say, I wasn't capable to gain it.
-Then. Why did you lie to me…? -She asked but her body could resist no more and she fell because of all her efforts. Cagglio got near her.
-She's still not ready for the battle, huh? - Asked Misha.
Cagglio fondled Shaina's hair and said: -It's because she hasn't fully awaked yet, if that doesn't happen soon, the outcome will not favor anyone. We must take care of her, Misha. Now she needs us more than ever.

Marin took advantage that she was in the archives, and finished her work. At nightfall, she got back to her cabin, she was thinking on how she would keep an eye on Aioria. It isn't easy fooling a gold saint, and, as Hyoga, she had her doubts about watching Seiya. For Marin it was especially hard suspecting of Aioria, he was more than a friend. What she felt for him was stronger than anything. But lately, his insistence to find her in any place and at every time was intriguing. Even more because they both new they were playing with fire, they knew the rules they were submitted to as saints and amazons forbid any type of relations above friendship, and the fact that she was so excited the night before, she secretly thanked that Hyoga appeared. Because she couldn't permit that her feelings cloud her reason. Her loyalty to Athenea was first and that's what she needs to think of, only in this.
Aioria waited for her outside with a smile, it looked so normal that she felt bad to suspect of him, just because he asked for his personal archive. Maybe he was just curious, like he said.
-You're came back late -said Aioria -Hyoga came looking for you and left.
-Oh yeah…? What did he want?
-He didn't say, only that he would come back later.
Marin responded, trying not to look nervous. -Couldn't imagine what he wanted.
Aioria stared at her: Me neither, but let forget about that. How about some fish soup? It's good for the fatigued mind.
Marin thought she would need of her mind from now on, so she accepts.
Aioria showed her he was a great cook, the soup tasted really well. Like always, he showed respect and tried not to look at her while eating. Hid did, however, ask her a question:
-Marin, why are so serious today?
She finished her bite and answered trying to change the subject: -I'm not, just tired from all the work. This reminds me… What do you know about a pair of amazons that fled this place, about ten years ago?
-Amazons? -Aioria heard this and gulped nervously.
-Yes, amazons like Shaina and me. I found an archive and don't know on which category to put it on. But the strange thing is I have never heard of this before.
Maybe they're the ones that stole something from the master. At that time, moods were hot boiled and the master considered a traitor anyone who would rebel him. Whether, they were right or wrong.
-I know… like happened to you - Replied Marin - Do you know what…?
-I can't remember what they stole. And frankly I don't care, is hard to remember those days.
-Sorry Aioria. -Said Marin, while she put on her mask- I was just curious.
-Remember, curiosity killed the cat…
-Aioria got up -Forget it, it's late and I have to go. Good night Marin.
-Good night… -She saw him leave while thinking on what he said and the way he said it. Minutes earlier she felt bad for suspecting of him, now she doesn't know what to think. She couldn't find out more from him if he wasn't close, but she couldn't force the situation either. She doesn't know what to say or think.

Hyoga was having dinner with Shun and Ikki, the night looked peaceful. But lately, Shun can't stop talking about what happened that day between Saori and Seiya. Hyoga only looks on in silence, while Ikki always the silent one shared his torture. Suddenly, Shun got upset for receiving only nods for answers.
-What's wrong with you guys?
-Huh? -Answered Hyoga- What do you mean?
-You're both very quiet. Well, I know that's who you are Nee-san. But you also Hyoga?
He apologized; he was still thinking about what Marin and he talked about this afternoon and has no idea how to handle the situation.
-I Think I'm just tired, that's all. Sorry for not paying attention.
-Well, if you're not feeling well, it's all right. I forgive you.
-Well well, the kid is talking like an opportunist -Said Ikki without showing emotions.
-It's late, and Hyoga should go home and rest, and you, stop talking and eat, your food's getting cold.
Hyoga felt he was literally being kicked out. But in a way he was thankful to Ikki. He really felt tired, he would think more clearly in the morning. -Good night. - Hyoga said and left. Almost arriving home he felt an incipient cosmos near him. He looked around him, but the feeling was gone. He didn't feel paranoid this time. He thought “I better be more careful from now on”.

When Shaina woke up well into the day, on top of that tree, thought she was going crazy. She no longer had on that strange armor. Everything looks so weird, like if she had falling asleep.
-Hey Shaina! - Cagglio shouted -Ready to head back to the Sanctuary?
-Cagglio! Damn it! - She responded and jumped towards her, pinning her against the tree.
Misha step in between them - Easy, my teacher did what was necessary to protect our treasure Ophiucus. - She said while Shaina was chocking Cagglio against the tree.
-Tell me, are you not capable of doing anything to protect your goddess or what's precious to you? Athenea… is waiting.
Shaina released her grip.
-Good- said Cagglio - Athenea needs us more than ever.
-Shaina lets out a heavy laugh, if she were told this prior to leaving, she would had laugh even more, it was obvious that Amazon has been away a long time. -Athenea needs a couple of cowards like you…? Yeah right. She doesn't even need me, I'm just a pawn in her battles- She suddenly felt a strong pain in her head and said: “But a pawn is capable to check mate a queen…”
Shaina couldn't believe what she just said while Cagglio looked on without any reaction.
-What are you talking about? The armor is by the river, it's time to go. You wanna hurry up? There's our ride.
-Just wait - Shaina followed them angry and got on board a cargo ship. She still had her doubts, but neither Misha nor Cagglio said a word during the whole time, Cagglio then sat on one of the crates.
Misha finally talked -She'll be like that for a log while, she'll not talk unless she wants to. But what happened to you? You weren't son edgy when you were a kid.
-Do you think you know me?
-Hey… we trained together; well actually you started after me.
-That's impossible.
-No it's not, because I'm 18 years old.
Shaina started laughing and took a while to get a hold of her while the little girl looked on upset. -Wait… Did you say 18? You look younger, since you're really… short.
-I'd suppose its bad luck- responded Misha -But that allowed me to fool you.
Shaina almost strangles her, she held back because of what Misha said: -You want to know more about your childhood, don't you?
She then let her go; she had to take them both back to the Sanctuary. -Start talking.
-Well, all I can say is that she began your training, as everyone else's and mind. My teacher taught you everything she could while working hard. She had more amazons to train after all. But I remember you trained at the same pace, she'd asked the same from you, even more and you didn't fall back. My teacher was very proud.
-I know that, tell me about my family.
- Your parents? How should I know? I just remember how excited she was with your arrival. She said she felt a strong cosmos in you and was happy she found you. But I'm certain that before she trained you, she made sure no one would look for you, to keep the amazons tradition. And you haven't let her down.
Shaina changed the subject. -I don't understand why all of a sudden Saga would want the armor, he already controls the sanctuary.
Cagglio answered -It was my error to talk about you two to who I thought was the Pope. I told him how proud I was to find in you the possibility to use the armor we guarded, our treasure. That the cosmos the resided in you was very powerful, that maybe… you would become our leader. We never thought he tried to get rid of the menace.
-Don't try to buy with such a lie; he tried to kill Athenea for power. I'm just a simple mortal, like you.
-But a strong Amazon too- Added Cagglio -Strong enough for our treasure, the armor, to accept you.
-Treasure? Why do you keep calling that cloth your treasure?
-When we get to the Sanctuary, you'll find out.
Shaina knew that by her tone, she would not get her answer from her or Misha, so she decided to ask something else, something more personal.
-And how did it really happen? Tell me
Misha got close -You don't remember, do you? We were fleeing from the Sanctuary, but the saints they send would prevent us from doing so.
-They didn't just want the treasure we amazons guarded for generations, but they also wanted you to stay with them -Added Cagglio- I did not want to lose any of my treasures.
-But the attack was to strong- continued Misha -a pair of Golden Saints was among them. My teacher decided we should split apart, she entrusted you to me, but it was nearly impossible, I'd still hadn't earned my armor, I was eight years old then.
-And you were a weakling back then too- Cagglio interrupted.
-Continue- Said Cagglio.
She continued her story. -That night, everything went wrong; I forgot something and had to go back. That's when I felt my teacher was almost killed by a Golden Saint, so I returned. He had the armor with him; I had to get it back. I was a fool, thinking I could help her, even save you both, but I couldn't.
Cagglio continued the story. -I couldn't defend either of you. When Misha got back, he attacked her cruelty, but miraculously the armor saved us both. And it let us escape with it. But we couldn't go back for you. If we did, we would both die and the armor would be lost.
-And you left me alone! You two escaped, and I alone had to endure living in a place where we were considered inferior.
-But you survived, you got stronger- Said Cagglio- They hoped that without the proper training, you would never reach you're true potential. And maybe even die during one or your trainings, alone, without protection.
-But I didn't- She said with a smile
Cagglio smiled - Did I just hear pleasure in your voice?
-No, just satisfaction, I think that throughout my life, I've always reacted differently to what they expected from me.
Cagglio responded -I just hope that now won't be an exception.
-When do we get out of this jungle? - Asked Shaina.
Misha answered: In a couple of days, this boat sails through the whole river; it's the fastest ride I could find.
-If we run, we'd get there sooner… Shaina says.
Cagglio seemed happy to hear this. -Then let's get out of this bucket and run
-To the Sanctuary!
“Yeah, I'd like to see the faces of those who'd see me dead!” Cagglio smiles with this thought.

Marin and Hyoga continued seen each other every two or three days. They would talk about anything suspicious that happen in the Sanctuary, not knowing Aioria was watching them, and that shadow was also lurking around. By the end of two weeks they met again.
-There's not much to say, Seiya is not in the Sanctuary today, I just saw that Mu is working faster than ever on repairing armors.
- All the armors recovered by Seiya, right? I also thought about that. What sense does it make to find broken down armors now? Why put Mu to repair them if not because another war is coming?
- A war? Against who will be?
-Marin pointed to the sky. -There are more gods, and Athenea seems destined to fight each and every one of them. And we are here to follow her and protect her, even if she insists otherwise. In the last war against Hades is a good example; she decided to go to hell alone, even if you followed her later. Maybe is destiny, maybe I'm being paranoid, but if it were that way, it would all make sense. Seiya came back to life, but he's not the same. We don't know how, he alleges that Athena's cosmos was enough to do so, after all, she also brought back the Golden Saints.
-Wait Marin, but what if not? The person who rules hell was Hades and we destroyed him. Doing so, all souls that died here or in hell should be there. But none is.
-I'm paranoid again… - hyoga Says - Just the idea of having Hades sealed inside Shun seems astonishing. I even start to fears he's not really dead.
-Your biggest fear is that he founds a way to posses his body again. Isn't? After all, Shun is always very close to Athenea and Seiya.
Hyoga nodded.
-Something strange really happened down there, Athenea and the Golden Saints know, but they won't tell.
Hyoga looked confused -What do they pretend to do? Wouldn't it be better to say the truth so we can be prepared?
-I'm willing to say that knowing Athenea, she would not say a word to prevent more people getting hurt. She doesn't want anyone else to die.
-But Seiya died, I saw him die and now he's here… The golden Saints are here.
-Of course I'm here! -They heard before feeling a strong cosmos hit them.