Saint Seiya Fan Fiction ❯ Mob Boss ❯ first day together ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey before you stared I changed some things in the last two chapters, its nothing much just more description. Ciddy Cat mentioned that it needed more, so added it. AND thz to everyone who reviewed Any way that's all, on with chapter three of Mob Boss!
/that night/
Seiya walked into the living room, to find Shiryu sitting at the computer. “What cha doin'?”
“Writing the ransom note, and sending the keychain I go out of Shun's bag with it.” Shiryu told him, not looking up form the monitor. “Did you get the clothes from the house.”
“Yeah, but it's not what I expected it to be.” Seiya told his lover.
“What do you mean?” Shiryu asks as he looked over at him.
“It was a normal two story house, no major security, no servants, nothin' like that.” Seiya told him, as he put down the duffle bag full of Shun's clothes. “I don't think the kid knows what his brother is, I think the phoenix hides it from him.”
“I drought that Seiya, it would put him in to much danger, your just over thinking it.” Shiryu told the younger man. Seiya let out a sigh and nodded in agreement. That was something he was used to, Shiryu always had a way of making him stop worrying about everything.
“OK, I'm done.” Shiryu told him. “You go get our bags, while I close this box up. Then we'll be on our way.”
“Where going to be going to China first, right?” Seiya called from the bedroom.
“Yes.” Shiryu told him, not looking up as he pushed print. After taking the paper, putting gloves on first, and put it into the box with the keys. Seiya came back into the room, two bags in hand.
“Ready?” he asked him, and the other nodded.
“We drop this of in front of the house, then we head to the airport.”
“Then why didn't I drop it of when I got the clothes?”
“Because you needed the keys to get in.” Shiryu told him, simply.
“Oh yeah!” Seiya put in, and headed out to the car. Shiryu joined him minutes later with Shun's bag and the box. After putting them both in the trunk and shutting it, he got into the driver set and began the trip to drop of the box.
/Shun & Hyoga (next day)/
The two disembarked the plane and headed for the exit. (A/N: I don't know how long it takes to get there, but we'll pretend that that's how long it takes.) The two headed out into the streets of Siberia. Shun found that the sight was breath taking. The streets where covered in snow, everything was white as far as one could look, and a heavy snow fall toped of the `winter in wonderland' look.
Hyoga left Shun and went to get his bearings. He hadn't been there in years, since his mom had died. After making sure that he knew which way the two of them would have to walk to get to his house on the outskirts of town, he turned back to the younger boy. Shun was looking around with childish delight at everything, not taking notice that he was shivering violently. With a sigh, Hyoga realized that the boy was wearing nothing but his thin school uniform. “Shun?”
Shun turned around and smiled at him, giving another violent shudder. “Yes?”
“Come on. We're going to get you a coat.” Hyoga told him. The three of them never thought of the fact that the boy would need something but what he had on his back.
“You don't have to, I'm ok.” Shun told him, once again shivering.
“No, I don't need you getting sick. Come on.” Hyoga told him. He stared down the street, to where he could remember a clothes store; he just hoped that they were still in business. Shun fallowed silently behind, looking at everything with the same interest as when he first stepped out onto the Russian streets.
“Hyoga?” Shun called him guilty.
“Why would you move to Japan?” Shun asked him, curiously. “I mean, why would you want to leave a place like this?”
“Bad memories.” Hyoga told him, without thinking about it. He stopped walking and looked back at Shun. `Why did I tell him something personal like that?'
“I'm sorry. What happened?” He asked him. Hyoga started to walk again, not intending to answer. The two continued in silence, coming to the store that Hyoga was looking for. “Hyoga?”
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.” Shun told him quietly, eyes felling with tears. Hyoga being shocked was an understatement. He didn't understand why Shun was getting upset over something silly like not getting an answer to a question.
“I'm not mad at you. My mom died a few years ago and I just moved to get away from the memories of her. I haven't been here since she died.” Hyoga told the boy, and couldn't understand why his tears began to fall faster.
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you remember bad things. I wont ask anymore questions.” Shun told him.
“It's ok. Ask what you want, I don't mind much.” Hyoga told him, and opened the door. The two walked in and the owner looked up form the book he was reading.
“Yes, how can I help you two today?” He asked. He came around the counter and smiled at them.
“A coat for him” Hyoga told him, while pushing Shun forward. The man looked him over and nodded his head. He headed over to a rack of coats. After going through them he came back with a white one. He held the coat out to Shun and he slipped it on. The pure white coat went to around his knee, with large buttons up the front. Hyoga nodded his agreement and went to the counter and paid for the coat. He turned back to Shun and motioned for him to fallow. The boy fallowed quietly behind, afraid to ask how much the coat cast, he'd have to remember to ask his brother to pay the blond back. “Keep up Shun”
“Sorry.” Shun called after him, and speed up to walk next to the Russian. He smiled up at him, and was gifted with a slight smile back. The two walked next to each other through the small town, and soon found themselves on the outskirts of town. “Where is your house?”
“A little farther and we'll be there soon.” Hyoga told the younger boy. He had noticed that the boy seemed to be getting tired, but that didn't quite surprise him. Shun hadn't slept the 14 hours on that they were on the plane, and that meant that he hadn't slept in around 20 hours. The two kept walking for about 30 minutes, before coming to the house. It was a simple one story house, painted a light pick. “My mom's favorite color.”
The two walked up the front path, or what used to be one. `Looks like I'll have to clean this place up some.' Hyoga unlocked the front door and opened the door for Shun to enter first. “I'll have to cut some fire wood tomorrow, so it's going to be cold in here till then.”
“That's alright.” Shun told him, as he fallowed him down the hall.
“This will be your room, mine is the one on the right side of the hall.” Hyoga told Shun, as he let him into his mom's old room. Since he was taking his old room, the master bringing back to many memories, and Seiya and Shiryu would be coming in a few day, he figured it was best to put Shun in there. Shun nodded and headed into the room.
“Goodnight, Hyoga.”
“Night.” Hyoga told him, before heading to his own room. “Sweet dreams” he called back to his guest.
Ok that was the newest chapter! Hope you like it! Review PLZ! KaL KeY out!