Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Again ❯ Taken ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Another chapter… almost done
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Hakkai cleared his throat, “so it seem we'll be sleeping out in the forest tonight. Are we sure that's wise under the circumstances?”
“We don't have a choice,” Sanzo said irritably. Anger wasn't the word for what he felt at the moment, furious was even too tame. He couldn't get the image of Mitari hurting Sasami out of his mind. It killed him that she had coughed up blood and he couldn't do anything about it. His anger was focused on Mitari and his own inability to protect those he cared about. Not one more word left his lips throughout the whole day. Even Goku and Gojyo's fighting didn't get a peep out of him though he did shoot at them twice.
“We should camp here,” Hakkai finally said as he parked the jeep. Sanzo reluctantly released Sasami as they got out. She watched him with worry, hoping he didn't decide to do anything stupid. “Don't worry about him,” Hakkai smiled gently at her.
“I can't help it,” she whispered, “he's like this because of me.”
He chuckled, “that and he lost to a demon, well not lost but didn't exactly kill him. You know Sanzo hates losing.”
“In other words don't be so full of myself to think I can upset him like that,” she said softly, “I suppose you're right.”
He sighed, “I didn't mean that exactly.”
She tucked her hair behind her ear, “no you're right. It's more than me that has him this upset.” She inwardly scolded herself for letting Sanzo's words the night before get to her head. Even if he did love her, it didn't change who he was. She had to handle Mitari on her own without Sanzo's or anyone's help. She didn't say anymore as she helped set up camp, shooting glances at the still upset priest.
“Oi you damn monk aren't you going to help?” Gojyo asked, which only earned him a shot from the gun. Sasami sighed and while no one was looking headed into the forest. She could find Mitari, she knew she could. Once he was gone she could stay with Sanzo for however long she wished. She just had to end this Mitari problem now. She let out a shudder of disgust at the very idea of him. She barely noticed when strong hands landed on her shoulders. She let out a soft gasp when she was turned around and pushed gently but firmly against a tree.
“Where do you think you're going?” Sanzo demanded.
“I'm going after Mitari,” she said simply.
His eyes narrowed, “I told you I would handle him.”
“I know but… but this is my fight,” she barely managed to protest.
He leaned in so his nose was touching hers, “stop trying to protect me, I don't need protection.”
Her eyes widened, “I-I didn't say you did.”
He gave her an almost cruel smirk, “don't be condescending either. You and I both know you're trying to protect me now just like my master did.”
“Is that so bad?” she whispered, “to want to keep you safe?”
“Yes!” his hand slammed down hard on the tree next to her head, “this guy wants to hurt you not me. I refuse to let you die to protect me.”
“I won't die,” she said with as much conviction as she could.
“I won't let you,” he leaned in to kiss her softly, “he said you were his, you're not.” Her heart sped up as his hands went down to her hips then wrapped around her. His voice and eyes both softened as he pulled her closer.
She gulped, “of course I'm not Sanzo.”
He gently guided her head to tilt back, “that's because you're mine.” He softly kissed down her neck as her fingers tightened around his robes.
“Sanzo I have to do this,” she managed to gasp out as he continued to kiss down her neck.
“No you don't,” he whispered against her skin, “I refuse to let that bastard take what belongs to me.”
She could barely form coherent thoughts much less an argument, “Sanzo…”
He kissed the base of her neck before making her look at him, “I am not losing you to anything or anybody.”
“I swear I'll come back to you,” she promised.
“That's not good enough,” he said firmly, “you're staying with me so that I can protect you. It's my turn.” He kissed her again, this time more firm and deep. He didn't let her pull back until they were both desperate for air. She let out a soft content sigh, barely registering when he led her back to camp.
Gojyo smirked, “hey did you just-“
Sanzo pointed the gun at him, cutting him off, “finish that sentence and die.”
Goku blinked, “wait do what?”
Hakkai sighed, “never mind let's just get some sleep.”
“I'm sleeping next to Sasami again,” Goku said happily. Sanzo ignored him as he wrapped an arm around Sasami's waist and pulled her into his chest. He had no intention of letting her go anytime soon. There was a small grumble from Goku when he realized he wouldn't be able to curl up with the older girl, not with Sanzo there at least.
“Good night love,” Sanzo whispered in her ear so only she could hear.
“Good night koibito,” she whispered back. He tried to stay awake as long as he could to sense for strangers, his arms securely around her. He watched her sleep for a few moments before drifting off himself. He had every intention of keeping her from getting hurt.
In the middle of the night Mitari walked quietly into the camp. He made a small sound of disapproval towards Sanzo before kneeling to look at Sasami. He covered her mouth with his hands which caused her eyes to snap open. “Be quiet,” he smirked, “wouldn't want to kill you in front of your lover.”
She glared at him angrily before mumbling under his hand, “asshole.”
He yanked her up, “does it look like I care what you think of me?”
Sanzo's eyes shot open and he immediately pointed the gun at Mitari, “put her down this instant I mean it.”
Mitari held Sasami in front of him, “if you shoot me you'll have to shoot through her. I really don't care but I have the distinct feeling that you just might.”
Sanzo grit his teeth, “you goddamn bastard.”
Mitari chuckled, “don't worry I won't kill her right away. I plan on having some fun with her first.” He forced her head to the side and licked her face, “she is quiet beautiful isn't she priest?”
Sanzo's hand tightened around his gun, “stop that.” The look of absolute disgust on her face was more than enough to piss him off.
Mitari only smiled, “say goodbye miko.”
“Don't you fucking dare try to take her,” Sanzo snarled.
“I really would put her down if I were you,” Gojyo said behind Mitari.
“Your touch seems to want to make her barf,” Hakkai smiled.
Mitari's eyes narrowed, “do you three really intend on fighting me?”
Gojyo's eye twitched, “it would be four but the stupid monkey won't wake up.” He nudged Goku with his foot but the boy only rolled over and continued snoring.
Sanzo clicked back the safety of his gun, “I suggest letting her go.”
Mitari smiled, “no.” He disappeared with Sasami in his arms, narrowly missing the bullets shot at him.
“Godammit,” Sanzo shouted.
Hakkai frowned slightly, “this is not good. That guy moves much too fast for us.”
Gojyo scowled, “we need to figure something out.” Sanzo had stopped listening. All he could think of was what Mitari could be doing to his Sasami. The very idea of that asshole laying his hands on her was enough to infuriate him beyond reason. He was going to kill that bastard for taking her. Images of what he could be doing to Sasami flashed through Sanzo's mind, each worse than the last.
“We need to go now,” Sanzo said coldly.
Hakkai hesitated, “we don't even know where to start looking.”
“Does it look like I care?” Sanzo growled, “wake the damn monkey so we can get going.”
Gojyo grabbed his arm as he headed to the jeep, “Sanzo, man, you need to calm down first. You're not thinking straight and if you go after this guy now then you'll definitely get killed.”
Sanzo yanked his arm free, “did I ask for your opinion or advice kappa? I know what I'm doing.”
Gojyo frowned, “you know it's going to kill Sasami if you get hurt or killed. Don't act stupid.”
Sanzo grabbed him by the front of the shirt, “if I don't do something the only girl I have ever actually loved and cared about will die. I refuse to just sit back and let it happen.”
Gojyo sighed, “all right man let's get going.”
Goku yawned sleepily, “where's Sasami? Why are we getting up in the middle of the night?”
Sanzo hit him with a fan, “just shut up and get in the jeep.”
Goku rubbed his head, “ow what's wrong with him?”
Hakkai sighed, “I'll explain later Goku, for now we should just hurry and get moving.”
“Would you idiots hurry up?” Sanzo shouted.
Hakkai flinched, “this is definitely not going to be good.” Anger was radiating off of Sanzo in waves, making the other three stay silent in fear of angering the monk even more. Of course they also didn't want him letting loose on any of them either.