Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction ❯ Muerte Carcel ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Saiyuki. That honor belongs to Kazuya Minekura.


Muerte Carcel

Chapter One


"Manifest Plainness,
Embrace simplicity,
Reduce selfishness,
have few desires."
- Lao-Tzu

"There's right and there's wrong. You get to one or the other. You do the one, and your living. You do the other, and you may be walking around but you're dead as a beaver hat."
- John Wayne


“Shien Kouryuu, age twenty-five, is hereby sentenced to a minimum of fifty years at Muerte Carcel Penitentiary for Humans and Youkai,” the judge said. “Do you have anything else to say in your defense?”

“No your honor,” the young man said emotionlessly.

“Very well,” with that said, the judge slammed his hammer down. Two men in police suits took him each by the arm and walked out the doors. He ignored the both sympathetic and angry looks of the people he once knew. The people he would most likely never see again.


“Kouryuu!” a voice bellowed as the blond stepped forward. He was handed two pairs of blue jeans three white t-shirts, three muscle shirts and a pair of plain black shoes. On top of the pile was a metal slate with a five-digit number etched into it. He was number 18254, his new name. “You’re on the third floor in cell 309,” the guard smirked. “Oh, and remember your number, #18254. It’s a severe punishment if you were to forget,” with that said he was dismissed, and walked up the stairs to the third and final floor.

The cell bars to room 308 were open. Residing in it, he saw a man with short brown hair and was reading a book. Over his eyes was a pair of wire frame glasses. On one of the beds, he saw a man with striking long red hair and the eyes to match. A taboo child, he thought. None of them seemed to notice him as he walked passed to his own new room. On the top, it read 309 in block letters. He stopped and looked in to it to see a man, no a boy, looking through the bared windows, with an unreadable expression. He couldn’t have been older then eighteen, nineteen at the most. Though, it wasn’t soon until the boy turned to look at him.

“Oh, you must be the new guy they paired me up with. I’m Son Goku,” he said and jumped off the ledge. He had the most exotic looking gold eyes he had ever seen on a person. They looked both wise and old, despite the boy’s appearance. “And your name is?” The blond had to think for a minute, it was now or never he thought.

“Sanzo. Genjo Sanzo,” he said a bit unsure, though he liked how it sounded.

“Sanzo huh, interesting name, I like it,” the one named Goku said and put his hands behide his head. “I haven’t had a roommate for a while, that I almost forgot what it was like.” For a while?! How long had this kid been in for? “You must have done something really bad to get here on the third floor. So, what did you do?” he asked. Did he ever know when to shut his mouth?

“Now Goku,” a voice said from the doorway. It was the man with the brown hair and green eyes. “You know it’s rude to ask questions like that,” he said with a plastered smile. Then he looked at the blond. “Forgive him. Sometimes he speaks without thinking first. I’m Hakkai, by the way, and the one groping me is Gojyo,” he finished and elbowed the red head in the stomach, the smile never leaving his calm face.

“Genjo Sanzo,” the blond said placidly.

“Ah, so you’re the new guy,” the one named Gojyo said and put a cigarette to his mouth. “So, what did you do to get up here with the stronger ones like us?”

“Gojyo, you’re as bad a Goku!” Hakkai scolded, then turned back to Sanzo. “I’m terribly sorry for both of my friend’s rudeness.”

“You got a smoke?” Sanzo asked the red head.

“Yea, here,” he threw him a pack and a lighter. “Keep ‘em.” Sanzo lit one up and took a long drag.

“Murder,” Sanzo said suddenly, not looking at the three of them and put his semi long/short hair up.

“Murda, hu?” Gojyo said. “That’s what Hakkai’s in for,” he smirked and put a hand on the said man’s bottom, which, again, ended with an elbow to the stomach.

“What about you?” Sanzo asked, directing it at Gojyo. While they were on the subject, why not prowl in to other’s business?

“I’m just here because of what I am,” he shrugged, it wasn’t the entire truth, but they didn’t have to know that. Then Sanzo looked at Goku.

“What about you?” he asked the boy.

“I’m hungry, when’s dinner?” Goku asked, rubbing his stomach. Sanzo’s eye twitched. How dear he blatantly ignore him! He looked around for the closest heavy object, which happened to be a dictionary. He calmly walked over and hit the boy over the head many times.

“When I ask some one some thing, I expect an answer,” he yelled, hit him one last time then sat back down.

“Ow, what the hell did you do that for?!” Goku yelled and held his head where a few new bumps were forming.

“It’s no use asking him. He doesn’t even know why he’s here,” Gojyo said. Already Sanzo could tell that Gojyo was the blunt one and didn’t give damn about what he says.

“It’s true, Goku’s been here, long before we even got here,” Hakkai said. “Oh, and Goku, we ate dinner an hour ago,” he smiled. To Sanzo, he seemed like a peaceful person. Though, he had a feeling that if this Hakkai got angry, all Hell would break loose.

“How could they lock you up if you don’t even know why?” Sanzo asked. Already, his earlier suspicions were confirmed, there was more to this boy than meets the eye.

“Gojyo!” a voice interrupted them as a man with blue eyes and hair came running into the cell.

“What is it Jien?” Gojyo asked.

“It’s Shuro, he’s on the Third Floor!” with that said, the man ran back to his room. Sanzo noticed the three of them visibly freeze. Judging from their reaction, he wasn’t the best of people.

“Shuro?” Sanzo had to ask.

“You could call him the warden of some sort,” Hakkai said. “He’s probably coming to see you.”

“Yea, and he’s not comin’ with flowers,” Gojyo said and started to walk out.

“We should leave now. Just remember not to talk back to him, you don’t want to be at the top of his hit lit,” with that said, Hakkai and Gojyo walked back to their own cell.

“Keh,” Sanzo said and sat on his new bed with his back to the wall. Goku sat on his top bed, looking out the window. He heard footsteps and saw a man stop in front of the cell.

“So, you’re the new guy?” he said. He had long white hair and gold eyes.

“Shuro, I presume?” Sanzo said, not looking away from him.

“Well, word sure gets out fast,” he said and walked in. “And you are Kouryuu.” He contunued walking to the bed until he was mere inches from the blonds face, Sanzo, however, didn’t flinch or move away.

“Genjo Sanzo,” he corrected.

“You’ve changed you’re name,” Shuro said amused. “It doesn’t matter anyway, you’re now a number and your name is irrelevant.

“If you say so,” Sanzo said. He heard Goku make a noise. Though, he was never really one to listen to one’s advice.

“Well, you have quite a mouth on you,” he said smirking.

“It would seem,” Sanzo smirked, he couldn’t help it.

“So it would,” Shuro frowned. “But there are ways to end that,” he said and slapped him across the face. Sanzo’s head shifted slightly, but kept his emotionless façade on. “You are quite interesting, even if you are a human,” Shuro said a caressed the red mark on his face and than kissed it. “Well, I’ll be seeing you around,” he said and started to leave, but then turned around. “Oh, and hello Goku. I hope you enjoy your new room mate, I know I will,” he finished and left. No one noticed the boy near the window freeze.

“I think he likes me,” Sanzo said distastefully.

“That’s not a good thing,” Goku said and jumped off his bed to land near Sanzo’s.

“There’s something you’re not telling me,” Sanzo said and pulled out the handy dictionary, holding it in his lap tauntingly.

“Shuro is a sick man,” was all Goku said, before changing his shirt.

“Oh?” It really wasn’t in his nature to pester, but human curiosity got the better of him. Goku turned to him with another unreadable expression, but then quickly changed it.

“Role call is in five minutes,” he finished, again, without answering, and walked out of the cell. Though, Sanzo had a feeling that he wouldn’t get an answer, no matter how many times he hit the boy. Besides, it wasn’t that important anyway.


“Alright, lets get this over with,” a big man sighed with a chart in hand and read off the numbers from the top.


“Here,” Goku said.


“Here,” a man with long blue hair and odd colored eyes said.


“Present,” some one with light teal hair said, he also had discolored eyes.


“Yea,” said a man with short orange hair and a patch over his left eye.


“Here.” A youkai with maroon hair and slate colored eyes said coldly.


“Yo,” it was Gojyo.


“Here,” the youkai Gojyo called Jien.


“In attendance,” Hakkai’s voice rang, some what amused. The man walked passed the row of nine men. He was in charge of the East wing on the third floor.


No answer.

Some one kicked him in the back on the leg. It must have been Goku. Then he remembered that it was his number.

“Here,” Sanzo finally said.

“Right. Everyone back to your respective cells, and try to keep the noise down to night,” he looked directly at Hakkai and Gojyo. The hanyou only grinned, while Hakkai slightly blushed.

Thus the residents of wing E-3, returned to their cells to start another restless night at Muerte Carcel.
