Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction ❯ Muerte Carcel ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Saiyuki. Never have and never will.


Author’s Note: Parings for this fic are: Goku/Sanzo, Gojyo/Hakkai, Kougaiji/Dokugakuji, Zenon/Shien, Homura/his own loneliness (which means, I don’t know). No matter what happens, these are the standard parings. Now with that said, on with the fic.


Muerte Carcel

Chapter Two


<I>“Stupidity consists in wanting to reach conclusions. We are a thread, and we want to know the whole cloth.”</I>
<DD> -Gustave Flaubert

<I>“There are some people that if they don’t know, you can’t tell ‘em.”</I>
<DD> -Louis Armstrong

<I>“Rhapsody, a word used for the innocent.”</I>
<DD> -Anonymous


Goku stared at the sleeping blond. To him he looked so peaceful and innocent, despite where he was. He didn’t know anything about the man, other than his name and why he was there, and perhaps his sharp tongue. He wasn’t surprised when he heard foot steps coming closer, no one was. Afraid, maybe, but surprised, no. He heard the foot steps stop in front of Gojyo and Hakkai’s cell, heard a laugh, then the foot steps walk over to his cell.

“Hello Goku,” Shuro’s cold voice said. Slowly, but not showing any emotion, he turned.

“An honor,” he said bitterly.

“I though I would give our newest resident a welcoming party, but it seems he’s the only one asleep,” he said smirking. Goku’s golden eyes changed from cold to horror.

“No please,” Goku said with out thinking, but didn’t regret it. Through the façade, he knew the blond was innocent, of what, he didn’t know. He just didn’t want him to be corrupted by Shuro.

“Oh, and what do you propose we do?” he asked, Goku sighed.

“Take me,” he said, jumping off the bed and walked to the black bars, with a spell that prevented anything form entering or exiting unless they had a key. The whole prison was like that. Completely indestructible, even for him. He looked at Shuro, it seemed as if he was contemplating it, even though they both knew the answer.

“Very well, I’ll have more fun with you. I always do,” he said and opened the bars letting Goku out and not even bothering to close them behind him. He took one last glace at the sleeping blond, thanking that he was actually still sleeping. Goku didn’t look at Hakkai or Gojyo, who were most likely giving him looks of sympathy or disapproval.


Goku didn’t refuse when Shuro took off his close or when he laid on top of him. Goku just let the man kiss him and let his hands roam freely about his body. For a long time, all he could remember was Shuro, oh, and how much he hated the man. He hated him more than anything possible. It was just that…

“A little less enthusiasm, and I would have to invite the human,” Shuro said tauntingly. Goku sighed and flipped over, putting Shuro on the bottom. Goku kissed him forcefully but with out merit. “Now, that’s more like it,” Shuro said when their mouths parted. Goku felt disgusted and beyond, but there was nothing he could do about it.

He traced his tongue down Shuro’s slender chest and up his hard arousal, making the man shutter. He put the member in his mouth, tracing his tongue along the way. Goku moved his mouth in a rhythmical motion, causing Shuro to gasp. He put his hand on Goku’s head, pushing him down faster and further, not caring that he was having a gag reflex. Shuro arced his hips and released into Goku’s mouth, who swallowed it all. He had attempted one time to spit it out, however, Shuro quiet literally made him lick the liquid off the floor.

Goku again trailed his tongue up his chest and into his mouth. Shuro then shifted and was now on his hands and knees. Emotionlessly, Goku put him self in. He steadied him self at an increasing pace. He, himself, may have disliked it, but his body didn’t. Goku felt himself tense, then released. Quickly, he removed himself, and hoped that would be enough for the bastard.

“That will be all,” Shuro finaly said. Instantly, Goku was up and getting dressed. “I trust that you’ll find your own way back,” he said, but was met with no reply as Goku walked out the door.


As he walked passed the cells, he noticed that everyone was sleeping. Figures, now that that danger was over. Though, when he walked passed cell 308, he saw Hakkai curled in Gojyo’s arms, sleeping, and Gojyo staring at him with piercing crimson red eyes. Goku stopped to look at the red head. If anyone knew why he was doing what he was, it was Gojyo. It was known throughout Muerte Carcel, that Shuro favored Goku over anyone else there. Whether that was a good or bad thing, he didn’t know. It’s also known, well, by most, that every night, Goku offers himself to Shuro in exchange for someone else. Gojyo had done the same thing at one time. Unable to hold the gaze, Goku turned away and went into his own cell.


Sanzo just stared blankly as Goku almost inhale his, and other people’s, food. However, no one but him seemed fazed that he was jumping around the table and taking their food, like a wild… monkey.

“Hey Sanzo,” Goku (who was now fighting with Gojyo), called out to the blond. “Are you going to eat that?!” he grinned and ran over to the blond. For a second, Sanzo just stared at him with his blank look.

“Yes!” he yelled, and out of nowhere came the giant dictionary over Goku’s head. Everyone just stared at him. Sanzo wordlessly closed his eyes and sat back down, the book magically disappeared.

“Anyway,” Hakkai smiled, always the one to break out of an awkward situation. They resumed eating as Hakkai continued looking at the blond next to him. “It’s time for introductions. Everyone, this is Genjo Sanzo. Sanzo, this is everyone, well at least everyone on the East wing on the third floor.”

“Ecstatic,” Sanzo said sarcastically and lit a cigarette. He looked around the mess hall, there had to be at least twelve tables, one for each wing of each floor. At each table, they had to sit in number order. Despite it’s reputation, Muerte Carcel wasn’t that big, it only had about 120 inmates, well 120 inmates at a time, who knows many inmates had resided there. Each wing only had five cells, even though they were big.

“So, we’ll start from the end,” Hakkai started. “Next to Goku is Homura,” the blue haired man looked up briefly, then went back to what was left of his food, after Goku took it over. “That’s Shien and Zenon,” Hakkai pointed out.

“Yo,” the orange haired man said and gave a small wave.

“Pleased to meet you,” Shien said politely, but didn’t look away from his food. Sanzo didn’t say anything back to them.

“That’s Kougaiji,” Hakkai said, and the maroon eyed man didn’t even look up. “Next to him, in Gojyo’s seat, is Dokugakuji, Gojyo’s older half brother,” Hakkai said, smiling the whole time, which was really starting to get on Sanzo’s nerves. Though, he figured that the green eyed man had his reasons. Doku regarded him politely, but didn’t say a word.

“Sit down 'Kai,” Gojyo said and pulled the brunet down onto his lap. “Breakfast’s almost over, and ya haven’t eaten a thing. Plus, I had to keep the damn monkey away from it,” Gojyo said and rubbed Hakkai’s arm affectionately.

“Yes,” Hakkai said and ate his food. As soon as he was finished a fimilar figure came out.

“Hello everyone,” Shuro’s voice traveled. As soon as he spoke, Sanzo noticed that everyone and the table halted from what they where doing or saying, to be replaced by an expression akin to fear. Even from the cold and lonely looking Homura. “As many of you know, it’s the start of spring, which means new schedules and posts,” people at other tables groaned, though at Sanzo’s, everyone stayed silent and found their plates quiet appealing. “Starting in a day, morning Roll Call is at ten, seeing that some people like to sleep late.” Shuro kept his gaze on table twelve, more actually, on Goku. Then the wheels started turning in Sanzo’s head, which way, he didn’t know. He just knew that there was something between Shuro and the E3-wing.

“Breakfast will start at ten thirty and end at eleven,” Shuro continued. “Eleven fifteen, the wings appointed to take showers will do so. Eleven thirty to twelve will be rest time.” Again, more groans were heard. “I know a half hour isn’t that much, but we decided to break the rest times up,” he said with mock concern. Which, in reality, he could care less about those shmucks, well, all but one. “At twelve, everyone will do their designated post until five, when lunch is given out. At six, well, you’ll just have to wait and see for that. Dinner is served at nine and evening Roll Call is at ten.” Shuro finished. “Any questions?” He really didn’t expect any, nor did he get any. “Good,” he turned and started to leave but then turned around. “Oh, and inmates of 3E, meet me back at your wing recreation center in ten minutes. I have special posts for you,” with that said he left. If it was at all possible, Sanzo noticed that they became even paler, then some one at the table dropped a utensil, it sounded like it came from where Goku was sitting.

“There’s something, someone’s not telling me,” Sanzo said, blunt as ever. Everyone snapped out of his daze, but didn’t look at him.

“Ever hear the expression, ‘ignorance in bliss’?” the one named Kougaiji asked. Everyone looked at the slate eyed youkai. He was the last person they’d expected an answer from. Though, it did confirm Sanzo’s suspicions. There was something about Shuro that they were hiding, and he would get it from them, even if he had to go to the source to get it. Sanzo it another cigarette before speaking.

“Bliss you say? That may be true, but ignorance is also stupidity. And stupidity consists in wanting to reach conclusions.” Sanzo blew out smoke and stood to walk in the general direction of the cells, leaving eight bewildered men to look at his back. More bewildered than he would have thought. Perhaps there was more to this Sanzo than they though. Or perhaps, they were just in this death prison for too long that they lost all sense of life, maybe that’s why they named this prison what they did.

“Well,” Hakkai started and stood up, for he was still sitting on Gojyo’s lap. “Shall we? We wouldn’t want to keep the mighty Shuro waiting, now would we,” the brunet said distastefully, though it seemed his smile couldn’t leave his face.

“Not funny,” Zenon said, and stood to walk away, Homura and Shien fallowed. Doku, Kou, and Hakkai also left. Leaving Gojyo and Goku left at the table.

“Goku,” Gojyo started quietly, not looking at the boy.


“You know you don’t have to do this,” he didn’t need to go into detail; Goku knew what he was talking about.

“I know,” Goku said as equally quiet.

“Everyone can take care of them selves, it took me a long time to figure that out,” Gojyo said. Goku contemplated on changing the subject about how hypocritical the red head was, but than again, Gojyo was never one to easily have a change of subject.

“I know,” Goku said again. “I just don’t like to see anyone else get hurt.”

“Damn it!” Gojyo slammed his fist on the table. “How many times have I told ya to only look after your self, and no one else!?”

“What about you!?” Goku look at him. “You’re being a damn hypocrite!” Gojyo was at a lose of words, so he changed the topic somewhat, another hypocritical notion.

“So, why did you protect that man, he hasn’t even been here a day? How do you know he couldn’t take care of him self?” Gojyo asked.

“He looked so innocent, I didn’t want him to know,” Goku said.

“He’ll have to know some times.”

“No, he doesn’t. Kougaiji was right, sometimes ignorance in bliss,” Goku said.

“But blonde was also right,” Gojyo said.

“Perhaps, but I still don’t want him to know, I want him to stay innocent.”

“Innocent you say?” Gojyo smirked. “We’re in a prison, where the word ‘innocent’ is only used in bad jokes.”

“You’re one to talk, Gojyo,” Goku said and stood up. “We should go, we don’t want to keep up is Royal Impatient Ass, waiting.”

“Right,” said Gojyo, and fallowed Goku to the E3 wing.


“So, how is everyone faring?” Shuro said when they were in the E3 recreation room, staring a Goku the entire time. No one but Sanzo looked his way; they all found the wall behind him the most interesting thing in the world. Sanzo was getting sick of it. Sick of every one turning into jelly at the mere name of this man. Sanzo wasn’t having any of.

“Well actually, my breakfast sucked and I couldn’t eat it anyway because of a rude interruption,” Sanzo had to refrain from smirking. Nine heads turned to look at him, dumbfounded.

“Oh really, well, my sincere apologies,” Shuro said sardonically and walked closer to the blond.

“Apology accepted,” Sanzo said and didn’t back away when Shuro was clearly violating his personal space.

“You have quite a mouth on you,” Shuro said.

“I though we already established that?” Sanzo ignored the looks he was receiving. It became apparent that Shuro would have a hard time getting the last word, if at all.

“You have no idea what you’re up against, do you?” Shuro smirked.

“No, I was told that ignorance was bliss,” Sanzo said pointedly.

“Ignorance is just plain stupidity,” Shuro said.

“Funny, I said the exact same thing,” Sanzo retorted.

“You’re really starting to get on my nerves.”

“Glad to here it.” Sanzo was not going to let him get the last word, no matter what it took. Shuro forcefully took Sanzo’s chin and looked in the deep persistent violet eyes.

“No,” he said suddenly. “I don’t think I’ll tell you why these eight men are so afraid of me yet,” with that said, he kissed Sanso and forced his tongue in, expecting the blond to back away, leaving him the last word. However, that didn’t happen. Sanzo, knowing what the man was trying to do, accepted the kiss and even took control of it until Shuro backed away. Shuro smirked, he would have so much fun with this human, but for some reason he decided to wait. Sanzo smirked as well, knowing he had gotten the last word.

“Now, where was I?” Shuro walked away from Sanzo, but glairs still lingered. “Ah yes, your posts,” he took out nine pieces of paper with identical writing and handed it to the men. “Since I like all so much, I decided to give all of you special posts. It’s a lot better than the crappie posts the other inmates are getting,” he finished and every one just stared at the paper in front of them. Out of curiosity instincts, Goku was going to say something, but then common sense got the better of him. Seeing this, Sanzo sighed.

“Quiet a vague description, if you ask me,” Sanzo spoke for all of them.

“I’ll just take that as you don’t understand,” Shuro started, but not with one of Sanzo’s remarks.

“Well then, please enlighten us.” Shuro decided to give the blond that last word of the argument for the second time in the past five minutes.

“It’s exactly as it says. You are to establish, maintain, and participate in a social event of you choosing,” Shuro was loving the expression they were giving him. They were actually looking at him that had to say something of their surprise.

“And why is this?” Sanzo asked, for once he wasn’t trying to be a smart ass.

“Simple, it’s starting to get boring around here,” he looked a Goku. “Some what,” he added as an after thought. “And I like you guys the best and trust you to make the decision of everyone of the prison,” he said smirking.

“Right, and what do you propose we do,” everyone turned to look at Homura. Sanzo smirked, so, there was someone who actually had their backbone still in tact.

“Well, Homura, you tell me, you’re the Prince of War, are you not.” Shuro retorted. Homura was about to say something more but then common sense came back to him. Shuro smirked and his victor, oh how much he loved controlling them, well, at least, most of them. “I’ll give one peaceful night to figure out what to do,” he looked pointedly at Goku. “After that we’ll figure out what post to give you for the first half of the day. “You are dismissed,” with that said, Shuro walked off. Every one just stood in silent until Sanzo spoke.

“Just when I thought my respect of you couldn’t get any lower, damn, you people are idiots,” he said in fustration.

“Why you-” Gojyo started but Hakkai put a hand on his arm.

“He’s right Gojyo,” he said low enough so Sanzo couldn’t here, or so they thought.

“So, Prince of War, what do you have in mind?” Sanzo asked turning to Homura. “Seeing I can talk to you because you have an ounce of backbone left,” he said loudly so they could here. He was just trying to rival them up, so he could get some information. Though, it seemed they knew his ploy, for they didn’t have any objections, or perhaps then thought he was right.

“Tournaments,” he said.

“Good start,” Sanzo said, lighting a cigarette, Gojyo and Zenon fallowing suite. Then everyone sat on a couch, a chair, or a table, and discussed their ideas. Well everyone but Goku, who was looking into space, he was trying to grasp what Shuro said. A peaceful night, did that mean what he thought?

“Monkey!” someone shouted, it was Sanzo.

“Yea?” Goku said absently, if it really was a peaceful night, then he sure as hell wouldn’t let it go to waste.

“What’s your idea?” Sanzo asked him. Goku thought for a second then looked at the blond.

“A battle league,” Goku finally said with a smile.

“That’s a great idea Goku,” Hakkai said with a smile to match Goku’s. They were both sad and forced, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Sanzo, the ever observer. They were hiding something, and one way or another he would find a way to get it out of these people. While he was at it, he might as well teach them how to grow a backbone. Sanzo sighed.

“Well, we have a lot of work to do,” Sanzo said, what he was referring to, he didn’t know himself.


“There’s no way you’re going to tell me what’s going on here, is there?” Sanzo asked Goku, who was, as usual, looking out the window to the almost new moon.

“No,” was Goku’s answer, no real big surprise there.

“I don’t understand, what has this Shuro done that was so bad?” Goku allowed himself a small chuckle at the man’s use of the past tense. Which again, didn’t go unnoticed by Sanzo The Observer. For what seemed the hundredth time that, Sanzo sighed and laid on his bed.

“You’re not supposed to understand. The Fates, didn’t want you to understand,” Goku said.

“A Long time ago, some one very important gave me the advice that I live by now,” Sanzo said suddenly.

“Hum?” Goku turned to look at him, but the blond was facing the wall.

“‘If you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha. If you meet your Father, kill you Father. Free of everything, you are bound by nothing. Live the life that is given to you’. Those are the words he taught me,” Sanzo said.

“What?” Goku had no clue what he was talking about.

“You’ll see soon enough,” Sanzo told him, though he had no idea why. “I just hope it’s not too late,” he finished. Unbeknownst to him, did he realize that the rest of the wing was awake, out of habit, and heard every word he had said. No one could really understand it, they heard the words, but couldn’t make anything of it. Perhaps it was too late for them to turn back, too late to make things right. But then again, what was right? Was there any real definition to it? It was like the word ‘innocent’, only used in bad jokes.


Author’s Note:

I don’t want everyone getting the impression that Goku’s some kind of slut. It’s just that Shuro’s is a sick person, and Goku, being the noble monkey he is, doesn’t was to see anyone else get hurt more than they have to. And about the OOC’nss, I’m really sorry, I don’t usually do that. I just had to change everyone’s character around a bit, mostly Sanzo and Goku’s. Though, I must say, I like how I put Sanzo’s character, and I needed for Goku to have more of a mature character. I wanted Gojyo to have somewhat of New York, well, more of a Long Island, accent. Why, I don’t know I guess I just like to write the way I talk. And Hakkai is basically the same, smiling all the time. Anyway, review and let me know.

Inmates number's so are are:

#2504 - Goku
#6070 - Homura
#6071 - Shien
#6072 - Zenon
#9927 - Kougaiji
#10086 - Gojyo
#10087 - Dokugakuji
#13602 - Hakkai
#18254 - Sanzo

They go in order of arrival. It would be good to recognize then numbers, because I use them almost as much as use their names.