Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction ❯ Muerte Carcel ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I'm still no where close to owning it.


Muerte Carcel

Chapter Three


"Give Sorrow words. The grief that does not speak
Whispers the o'erfaught heart and bids it break."
- William Shakespeare

"Whoever is abandoned by hope has also been abandoned by fear; this is the meaning of the word 'desperate'."
- Arthur Schopenhauer


It was raining. A harsh bitter, cold rain. Though, he didn't care, all Kouryuu cared about was he beloved master, his father, starring at him. Those painful, honey eyes. Blood was seeping through bullet wounds in his back.

"Be strong," the brown haired man whispered and fell to the ground, Kouryuu fell with him, blood and water accumulated on his face.

"No," Kouryuu whispered. Either he didn't hear or notice the blaring sirens in the background. He only clenched his master with one arm and held his gun in the other.

"Kouryuu, The River Rat," the dying brunet said with a ghost of a smile.

"Don't talk," the young man said.

"Be strong and live the life you chose." The sirens were getting closer. "Remember what I told you," he gasped for air.

"'If you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha. If you meet your Father, kill your Father. Free of everything, you are bound by nothing. Live the life that is given to you'," the man recited.

"Very good. At one time, those words will be the only thing you will be able to live by," he coughed up blood, but still smiled weakly. "Remember to always be strong, my son," he said and put a bloodied hand to the porcelain face.

"Father, no!" Kouryuu yelled as the man in his arms took his last breath. He was still smiling a full-hearted smile. "No!" he yelled again as people came, taking him away from the man and ripping the gun from his hand. "No!"

"Quiet!" Someone yelled and hit him in the back of the head with some kind of heavy object.


"No!" Sanzo yelled and sat up. He quickly shut his mouth, afraid that someone might have heard him. Though, he had no such luck. He turned to see Goku sitting on his bead next to him. Sanzo Stared at him, in which Goku starred back.

"What the hell are you doing on my bed?!" Sanzo yelled, though halfheartedly. His nerves were still shot because of the cursed dream he had. Again.

"You were yelling in your sleep," he started solemnly, no hint of emotion crossing his face. "Then you started crying. I can't stand seeing anyone cry," Goku told him and started wiping the moisture off one of the blonde's cheeks.

"Damn!" Sanzo swore and swiped Goku's hand away to wipe his own eyes in embarrassment.

"Why were you crying?" Goku asked.

"That's non of your damn business!" Sanzo yelled. He hopped that Goku didn't hear his voice waver. But then again, he didn't have the best luck in the world. Goku starred at him. Was that pity or concern he saw in those golden eyes? "What the hell are you looking at?!"

"You're in pain," Goku stated plainly.

"Yea, it's you being a pain in my ass," Sanzo retorted coldly. Though, Goku didn't seem fazed at all. Was he that transparent? Was the boy that used to insults, or was he able to read his emotions? Both thoughts made him wrench. "What the hell are you still looking at?!" Sanzo yelled, trying to cover his own mortification. Before he could react, he was drawn into a tight embrace. Instinctively, he tried to flinch out, but strong arms held him tighter. Sanzo stopped struggling as Goku put the blondes head in his chest. Sanzo did nothing but close his eyes.

"Sleep, and I promise that I'll keep you safe, no matter what," Goku said as Sanzo drifted to sleep. "Nothing will ever harm you."


"Interesting," Shuro said, pacing in front of the nine men with a paper in hand. "A Battle League?"

"That's what it says," Sanzo said sardonically, but seemingly went unnoticed by the corrupted warden

"It just needs a little changes, then it'd be perfect," he said while scratching things on the said paper. After, he read the document out loud:

Battle League


Only 32 people per week.

Day One:
16 people
8 matches
25 minutes each match (at the most)

Day Two:
16 people
8 matches
25 minutes each match (at the most)

Day Three:
8 people
4 matches
45 minutes each match (at the most)

Day Four:
8 people
4 matches
45 minutes each match (at the most)

Day Five:
Remaining 8 people
4 matches
45 minutes each match (at the most)

Day Six:
Remaining 4 people - 2 matches - 1 hour each match (at the most)
Last 2 people - 1 match - 1 hour (at the most)

Day Seven:
Sign up/Practice/Rest


(1) Disqualified if:
Killed or killed opponent
Lost more than a gallon of blood
Out of ring for more than fifteen seconds
Unconscious for more than ten seconds

(2) No hitting below the belt

(3) No out side weapons

"You changed the rules around," Hakkai said, fully aware of what he was saying. He wasn't one too much for death, regardless of why he was in prison in the first place.

"I believe it would a lot more interesting around here," Shuro said. If he wasn't too pleased with the idea he was just presented with, he would have noticed that it was Hakkai who had spoke. "So, what does the winner get?" Shuro asked.

"What ever you wan-" Sanzo was interrupted by Gojyo.

"What ever they want," the hanyou corrected. He, and the other seven of them would agree, did not want to leave the decision to the perverted warden. "In reason of course," he added.

"Of course," he said half heartedly. "So, when does this start?" he asked.

"Tomorrow," was Sanzo's answer.

"Very well. You'll spend the rest of the day preparing," he said and walked off, with the paper still in hand.

"That couldn't have gone better," Zenon said sardonically.

"Well, lets get to work," Hakkai said with one of those fake smiles that pissed every one off.

"Let's" Sanzo said and walked away with a cigarette in his mouth.

"What's with him," Gojyo asked, looking at the back of the blondes head.

"Who cares," Zenon said while lighting a cigarette of his own and sitting down.

"All right," Hakkai interrupted again. "We'll set up a location, then at lunch, we'll get fighters. Dinner is when we stop excepting entrees. Sense this is the first time, all of us should sign up. It that all right with you Sanzo?" The brunet looked over at him.

"Hn." The said man had his eyes closed with his arms folded across his chest. An ash from the cigarette in his mouth, fell in his lap. It went unnoticed by him.

"Hey, asshole!" Gojyo started. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"He's probably still mad about-" Goku started.

"Monkey," the blond yelled. Goku turned to look at Sanzo, however, he was met face to face, quite literally, with an extremely large and heavy book. Sanzo did not want these people to know how he woke up that night.

"Goddamnit! What the hell was that for?!" Goku yelled. What was so wring about telling them? Then Goku stopped his train of thought. He would be being a hypocrite if he said that man should be more open with them.

"Because you're an idiot," he said calmly, interrupting Goku from his thoughts. He was in the same position, except that now the cigarette was now in his hand.

"I'll take that as a 'yes' then," said, as always, Hakkai, before a fight could break out.


"Everyone, thank you for sining up and willing to participate," Hakkai told everyone at dinner. "Unfortunately, not all of you will be able to participate in the Battle League this week. However, those of you didn't, will have first priority the following week," the green eyed man smiled evenly. "To see who will be participating, see the bulletin every morning," Hakkai continued. "This weeks entrees along with tomorrow's participants will be posted tomorrow morning. Any questions?" There was none. "All right then, enjoy the rest of your meal," he finished and walked away.

"Well, that went betta then expected," Gojyo said. Hakkai smiled and turned to Sanzo.

"So, how's the counting going?" he asked the blond.

"Besides that the monkey can't count for shit?" Sanzo asked sardonically.

"Hey, it's not my fault that I can't remember if I learned how to count, or even read for that matter," Goku said in his defense.

"There's approximately fifty-eight entrees including our selves," Shien said in a low voice. "I have already chosen that other twenty-three who will be participating, including Shuro," he finished and everyone gasped.

"S-Shuro's fighting too?" Goku asked, he seemed almost terrified.

"It's really no surprise," Sanzo shrugged, he had expected the man to join. Besides, there was no rule as to who could fight.

"So all we need to do is to chose who will be fighting each day?" Hakkai questioned, trying desperately to change the subject somewhat.

"By choosing lots," Homura said plainly and everyone turned to him. Him and Kougaiji were the ones to listened to when they spoke, for they only speak when they have something to say.

"Lots?" Gojyo questioned.

"We equally divide the people between two days. They then draw lots to see who fights who," the war prince finished.

"Brilliant," Hakkai said, of course, smiling. "That simplifies things quite dramatically."

"So, what do we do now?" Goku asked, still stuffing food in his mouth, the whole Shuro thing seemingly forgotten.

"First, you stop talking with your mouth full," Sanzo said, hitting the boy with his infamous dictionary. "Then we figure out which one of us is going to fight tomorrow."

"We will," Gojyo spoke for him and Hakkai.

"So will we," Dokugakuji said, volunteering him and Kougaiji.

"Oh, me too!" Goku said excitedly, though getting all ready chewed food in Sanzo's face. The said man's eyes twitched as the magic book came out of no where.

"Damn Monkey! What did I just tell you about talking with your mouth full?!" He yelled, while hitting him with each syllable.

"What about you Sanzo?" Hakkai asked.

"What day will Shuro be fighting?" he asked. They all looked at Goku, then back at Sanzo.

"The day after tomorrow," most of them seemed to say at the same time. Once more, this didn't go unnoticed by Sanzo. It was truly starting to get on his nerves.

"Then that's when I'll fight," Sanzo said with a tone that dared questioning.

"It's settled then," Hakkai said and smiled, though he did not like the idea that the new inmate could be fighting Shuro. The blond truly didn't know what he was up against, but then again who's fault was that? Theirs of course. Somewhere in the background they heard a familiar ringing. Quietly, Sanzo stood up and walked away.

















"In attendance."


"Here," came Sanzo's sigh.

"All right, then every one back to your cells," the man said and walked away as the inmates went to their respective cells.


"Do you really think this is a good idea?" Gojyo asked Hakkai. He held the said man close to his chest.

"I don't know Gojyo, I honestly don't know," he seemed sad, as if his happy and cheery facade disintegrated.

"What do ya think about that Sanzo guy?" Gojyo asked and traced his hand under the brunet's shirt.

"He seems to me like the one to change everything," Hakkai told him honestly, leaning into him.

"Really," he raised and eyebrow.

"He ... seems different from the rest of us. He seems almost innocent."

"Innocent ay?" Gojyo smirked. "The monkey said the same thing."

"Well, not necessary innocent, but free. It's as if he thinks he can do anything that he wants and not care about the consequences," Hakkai said thoughtfully, well as thoughtful as he could with Gojyo trailing kisses along his neck. "That's why I think Sanzo should stay away from Shuro for as long as possible. I don't think that man should lose what little he has, even if it's more then we can even speak of."

"We have each other, don't we?" Gojyo said and stopped what he was doing to look at the brunet. "Isn't that enough?"

"But what good is it if we can't even protect each other? We have someone else do it, a child no less."

"It was Goku's choice," Gojyo tried to reason, though he knew this was a losing battle when it came to talking to Hakkai about it. He, him self, didn't even like the idea of what Goku was doing.

"Is that still a reason?" the man ask. Gojyo couldn't answer, and they both knew it.

"Goku has a kind heart, and he doesn't want to see anyone hurt. That's why he does what he does," Gojyo said, while burying his head in the man's neck.

"That's something nether of us have. A kind heart. I would say there was no such thing, if I hadn't know Goku," Hakkai said. "I wonder why none of us take that burden for at least one night?"

"Maybe Goku just knows that we have our own ghost of the past to take care of, before we have new ones." Gojyo told his lover.

"Or perhaps we're just afraid. We're afraid, that's why we let someone take what's not theirs," Hakkai said and Gojyo held him tighter as the warden walked passed their cell. Minutes later, both Goku and Shuro passed their cell. As usual, Goku didn't even glance at them.

"No," Gojyo said suddenly and Hakkai turned to look at the red head. "What burden Goku takes, is no ones to take. What happens with Goku is not supposed to happen."

"I've been here for so long, that I had forgotten what was moral and want wasn't," Hakkai admitted.

"So have I. As has everyone else, including Goku himself."

"I changed my mind," Hakkai said.


"I believe that this Battle League is a good idea," he said.

"How is that so?" Gojyo asked.

"I think we'll all learn something from it. Something that we have forgotten a long time ago."

"I think you're right," Gojyo agreed.

"I also think we could relearn something from Genjo Sanzo," Hakkai said.

"Well, I don't know about that," Gojyo said solemnly.

"Think what you want," Hakkai smiled, though not a true smile. "Now go to sleep," he said and laid on the bed with Gojyo still holding him.

"Right," he said. Though he knew that he wouldn't be getting much sleep until Goku came back. He always stayed up to make sure that the monkey came back in one piece. In the mean time he opted for watching his lover sleep and thinking about what he said. Perhaps they really were afraid. Afraid to face their problems. afraid of a man whom most of them could have taken care of under normal circumstances. Or perhaps they were just afraid of themselves and their past?


Goku didn't even look at Gojyo when he walked passed his cell. All he tried to do was not limp or look in pain, which he really was in. Shuro had been brutal that night. He didn't want to do this any more, he didn't want to feel this pain any more. Though, he wouldn't be able to live with him self if he gave it to anyone else. He didn't want to see anyone else suffer. Goku stopped to look at the sleeping blood. How glad he was to still see the blond sleeping. He walked to his own bed, but turned again to look at Sanzo. Without thinking, he laid next to the blond. He watched his pale face and moved a piece of yellow hair from his face. Yellow, just like the sun, his sun. Goku started crying, he hadn't cried in years. Not even the times when Shuro was worse than he was that night. Goku cried him self to sleep


Sanzo had no idea what possessed him to wake up in the middle of the night, he didn't have any dreams, or none that he could remember anyway. Perhaps it was the extra warmth he felt. When his senses came to him, he felt that it was someone else's warmth. He shot his eyes open to see golden orbs.

"What the hell are you doing in my bed, again?" he asked harshly. Goku didn't nothing but look at the blond.

"You have such wonderful violet eyes," the boy said suddenly and made no motion to move. Sanzo was at a lose for words. He didn't know what to say, so instead he said the first words that came to mind, and it wasn't a thank you for the compliment.

"Get the off my bed!" Again, the boy made no move to get off the bed.

"I couldn't sleep," Goku said. Sanzo was going to say something along the lines of him not caring. Though, that's when he saw the tear trails along the boy's cheek. "Can I just stay here until morning?" he asked. For the second time in the past five minutes, the heartless Sanzo was speechless.

"Hn," he said and turned his back. Goku took that as a yes. To push his luck, he put his arms around Sanzo's chest and buried his face in the man's back.

"Good night Sanzo," Goku said. Though, he wasn't expecting an answer, nor did he get one. They both fell into a peaceful sleep, with no nightmares to hunt them.