Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction ❯ Muerte Carcel ❯ Chapter Ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: No, no, I still don't own Saiyuki. We all love Kazuya Minekura and she still loves her boys, most likely even more than we do. Though, we can all love Shiro too, he my boy, as evil as he might be, he's mine.


Muerte Carcel

Chapter Ten


"If you're going to tell people the truth, be funny or they're kill you."

- Billy Wilder

"The only Zen you find on the top of mountains is the Zen you bring there."

- Robert Pirsig


After at least an hour of walking, Sanzo sat to rest. What he wouldn't give for a glass of water, and perhaps even some bread. He sighed, it was wishful thinking he knew, and he wouldn't even dare hope, it was against his nature to do so. So instead, he took out the half a journal and looked at it. What was it? he asked himself. He hadn't any proof if it was real or not, it just couldn't be. If it were, that would me that Goku was over five hundred years old, and that just wasn't possible. There was nothing he could do about it, at any rate, so he just opened the old book.


I decided to visit Homura the other day, because I haven't seen him in a while, being to preoccupied with Konzen, but he wasn't there. I asked the guards, but they wouldn't tell me anything. Very like them, nobody in heaven really likes me too much, they say I'm "too dangerous" because I'm a heretic and a "child of the earth". Although they don't say anything, I know they're all afraid of me.

I wanted to talk to Homura about Konzen. To see if he knew anything about the man, because Konzen doesn't say very much about himself. I figured if I asked Homura, he would know something about him, but Homura wasn't there and the guards wouldn't tell me anything about him. So, as much as I didn't want to, I went to Kanzeon.

"Where is Homura?" I asked her, not bothering with formalities, it wasn't really her style anyway.

"Homura is an outcast," she said, avoiding the question entirely.

"I know that already. I want to know where he is."

"He's been transferred to another prison," she said, not looking at me, but at her pond.

"To the one that Konzen was building on earth?" I asked, and she finally looked at me when I said that.

"No, Goku, Muerte Carcel's not ready yet. Though, he will go there eventually," she said, and she actually had a genuine smile on.

"Why?" I asked, I don't know why I asked it, but I just did. That was when her smile became a smirk, and that's when I knew that I asked the wrong question.

"You don't know why?" she asked. Of course I knew why he was in prison. What I wanted to know was why he would bee sent to a god's prison on earth. She knew what my question was, she just liked to play games, and that meant it was most likely that she wouldn't give me a state answer. So I didn't asked again. I asked a question I she would answer. It was a game she played. Ask her as many questions as you want, and she would only answer half.

"Where is Homura now?"

"The guards tell me that you go to see him all the time. So to make them happy, I had him transferred," she said with that same smirk.

"Are you going to tell me where he is?" I asked. I knew if I weren't strait forward, she would never give me any kind of answer. It was then that I wondered why I knew her so well, well, at least more than some others.

"I figured that I'd let you figure that out on you own, I know you will," she said to me. I sighed, always games within games with her. I wondered why she likes them so much, but than again, one had to find some sort of entertainment in heaven. I sighed again and started walking away, there wasn't much I was going to get from the merciful goddess.

"So how are you and Konzen doing?" she asked. It was the way she asked it that made me turn around to face her. She smirked as if she knew something that I didn't. I had to cautious with this topic.

"Fine," I said slowly. "Why?"

"Oh, I was just wondering. I hope you two are getting along well," she said again with that smirk that suggested that she knew something.

"I'm going to see him now, he asked me to run a few things for him," which was a lie and she knew it. I just wanted to see if I could get a few answers from her. Though, I knew it was pointless, and she did too. It was just that when you were with her, your only option for an eventful conversation was to pay with her rules.

"Well, when you see him, give him my regards and that I wish to speak with him," she said. Though, we both knew that Konzen would care less.

"I'll do that," I said and walked away.


"Tenpou," I said when I got to the god's library, who was thankfully not preoccupied with Kenren. I swear, those two are like rabbits.

"Yes, Goku?" he asked in that teacher-like tone.

"Do you know where they transferred Homura?" I asked.

"No, Kanzeon wont tell anyone. She wants to keep it a secret, and most likely see if you can find him. 'Games within games', is what they say," he said, it was the answer that I expected, although not liked. So I moved on to other matters.

"Have you seen Konzen? I haven't seen him since this morning." I asked.

"So, the monkey misses his master?" Kenren mocked as he walked into the room. It was pointless to tell him not to call me that anymore, he never listened.

"Have you seen him?" I asked irritably, it wasn't such a wonderful day, and I wasn't going to let Kenren get to me.

"Well, from that attitude, I could guess that you've been talking to Kanzeon," he said as a statement of fact, so I just let it go.

"So you haven't seen him," I said, yes everything was getting to me. I really had to talk to Homura, he always seemed to get things off my mind and in order.

"No," Kenren's face suddenly became serious, that's when I was worried. "But when you do see him, tell him we have to talk," he said. I nodded and walked out of the room. What even Kenren had to say, it was important and I had to find Konzen.


Sanzo had finished reading the entry and decided to read the next one later. He was getting tired and was running out of energy. If he couldn't eat, he had to get some sleep at least. So he lie on the oddly warm stone floor and fell asleep.

He dreamed of being Konzen, dressed in purple robes and long blond hair. He dreamed that he was sitting by a window while the Goku was painting him. In his dream he felt very strongly for the boy, the boy who was much older than him. The boy said that he was finished with the painting and wanted him to look at it. It was a beautiful painting. It was of Konzen, of him sitting on the bed, violet eyes looking out on a moonlit night, stairs were painted like fireflies. His long golden hair glittered in the moonlight. His chin rested on folded arms on the windowsill, the lavender robes were tight to his skin. The painting was beautiful and mainly detailed on him.

Then, in his dream, he was standing behind Goku and put his arms around the boy, kissing the back of his neck and hair. He told the boy how beautiful the painting was. Goku traced his fingers along his arms. The two were in love, nothing but simple touches and kisses between the two. There was so much love in those gestures, he realized, without any words.

Then, abruptly, others were rushing in the room, separating the two. He saw Goku fly into a wall and rushed to him. Though, before he could get to the boy, everything went black, and he was drifting in a dark void calling out desperately to Goku, who wouldn't answer.

Sanzo sat upright sweating. The dream was too real to be just a dream. It felt that he was actually Konzen, a man who looked just like him. The Goku in his dream looked just like the Goku in his life. The dream felt too real. He could still feel the lingering touches of Goku's fingers, of his kisses. He could still feel the men ripping them apart. He could still hear himself calling out to Goku, could still hear the desperation. He could not get the painting out of his mind, it was likely an image that wouldn't leave him for as long as he lived.

Standing up, started walking again. He didn't read the journal like he planed. A small part of him thought that was the reason for his dream, but he knew better. What ever triggered that dream had nothing to do with that dream, it had to do with something else, he just couldn't figure out what it was.

Sighing again and wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, he started walking. It was all he could do.


Breakfast started off silent. Not even Goku's complaining about still being hungry was present. It was the third day, and still no word of Sanzo. Though he hadn't been there for very long, they all had some sort connection to the blond man. None of them, save maybe Homura, even if he wasn't saying anything, could say why. It seemed that when he first entered their life, everything changed, but it didn't at the same time.

It was still silent until they seen the woman, Kanon her name was, walk up to them. She wore a business suite, but different from the one she wore the day before. She carried a food tray and walked over to their table. Goku tensed. He couldn't say why, but the woman was dangerous, but not to them. In short, the woman made him uneasy.

"This seat taken?" she asked, smiling, but Goku could tell that it was a forced smile, that she was hiding the smirk that was trying to show through.

"No," Goku said, not missing the look that Homura gave her. What was that about? Though, he didn't get to think about it before she starting talking to him.

"Sleep well?" she asked. Goku tried to not show how tense he was. If she noticed, she said nothing, or indicated that she did.

"Yes," he lied, in truth, he hadn't had a "good" night sleep in a long time.

"Well, I didn't," she said. "The room that man gave me was crawling with rats."

"Are you kidding me!" Gojyo suddenly blurted, making Hakkai and Goku jump in surprise. "You're lucky that's all that was in your 'room'." He said with so much destine that Hakkai had to nudge him with his elbow. Gojyo ignored him. "Try sleeping when vermin all kinds are 'living' in your 'room'." He didn't know why, but he knew that he shouldn't like this woman, not even trust her for that matter.

"I apologize if I have offended you," she said suddenly. Her expression had undergone such a transformation that he wasn't sure that it was the same woman. "I meant to harm." She showed nothing of being offended, that Gojyo was sorry that he said anything.

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have snapped like that," he said.

"Accepted," she said and her face turned back to what it was. Suddenly, without warning, Homura was laughing in front of them, it was a sort of laugh that someone uses when they hear something ironic. There was no reason they could see why, so they all just looked at him, him not caring that they see even that much emotion from him. To say that they were surprised and a bit unnerved would have been an understatement. Then, as if realizing that no one got the inside joke, he stood and walked away, the mirth still radiating off him.

"I wonder what that was about?" the woman next to Goku asked, the look she wore was seemingly too innocent. "Was it something I said?" Then without warning, Shien and Zenon stood as well and walked away without a word.

"Don't know," Goku said anyway, just to see what her reaction would be. There was none.

"Well, in any case, breakfast is almost finished," she shrugged, looking only at Goku. "I see that you're fighting today. Good luck." She finished and walked away, leaving everyone bewildered.


Someone was there, he could feel it. After almost five hundred years, there was a presence that he knew, if somewhat different. It was a presence that could set him free of his own prison. A prison that he was doomed to rule since his fall from heaven. It was a presence that could finally set things right again.

...A presence that could finally bring him back to his love.


Author's Note:

Well, this chapter came out MUCH faster then I had expected.

I hope you guys like this chapter. I figured that you needed more of an insight on Sanzo, he is in fact the main character after all.

Question. Can anyone guess whom I was talking about at the end. I don't think that it's that hard, but then again I know who it is. Though, I know that if I seen something like that, I would guess the same person. Anyway, I would like to know who you guys think it is. I actually like when people predict what I write.

Anyway, review if you want and let me know how you feel about this chapter. I don't know when the next chapter will be out, though I have an idea what I want in it. However, that means nothing when it comes to me. Even if my work is predictable, I'm not, not even to my self.

Also, something I just thought of (don't know why I just thought of it know, though), is the quotes I always use. Sometimes I wonder if you guys understand why I use some of them when they seem to make no sense to the chapter. Those of you who have a great sense of irony and humor would know. I love irony, I do, and that's why I find the strangest things funny. I use them because it triggers some sort of irony (at least in my own mind). If anyone doesn't get it, don't be afraid to ask, I would be more then happy to explain, I really would.