Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Who d'ya love? ❯ Unusual Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Saiyuki.
Warnings: Yaoi ficlet, POV, OOCness.
Summary: Our healer and beloved monk have both taken a liking for a certain Kappa of the group...weird isn't it, especially for Sanzo. Hakkai one day notices that Sanzo is eyeing HIS Gojyo up a little too much; Sanzo had been thinking the exact same thing about Hakkai that day. The two get a little jealous of each other behind one another's back at first, Gojyo and Goku being totally oblivious of the jealousy act of course. It gets worse after they realise they both want Gojyo... how will it turn out?
Pairings: You'll see.
Chapter 1
- Scene description: The four are sitting at a table in the room they got (yes they all shared the one room) having breakfast before setting out for noon. Sanzo sits beside Gojyo and Hakkai takes the empty seat next to Goku, Hakkai sitting across from the monk and the kappa sitting across from the monkey. -
Sanzo's been acting strange ever since he'd gotten up this morning...he was the first one awake out of us, including Goku who'd usually be up for breakfast long before him... I thought it was a little strange of the monk though I let it slide, even after I followed his gaze which had led straight over to the other side of the room...directly at Gojyo. He'd been watching him sleep soundly with unusually soft amethyst eyes.

I now sit across from said monk, who at this point is placing down his paper and glasses neatly on the table. We're not long started on eating our morning meal, the bickering between Gojyo and Goku going on as usual...Sanzo though? He'd have tried to stop the fighting by now but hadn't even blinked an eye at the two throwing their usual insults. I study him with careful emerald eyes, the way he was sitting as well as the way he was slyly eyeing the Kappa out the very corners of his eyes. He was also leaning towards Gojyo...way too closely for my liking really.

I catch their shoulders brushing against each others slightly and a wave of jealousy courses over me and I feel my eyes narrow at the monk instantly, clearly disapproving the fact that he was eyeing up someone that didn't belong to him... Gojyo was oblivious to what Sanzo was doing, still continuing his banter with Goku which was starting to phase out slowly of my mind.
Sanzo frowned slightly; probably frustrated as to why Gojyo hadn't turned his attention to him when their shoulders brushed together, which in fact I was glad Gojyo was oblivious to the monk's actions. The blonde had went to do it again pretending to have "dropped" his cigarette on the ground, and as he came back up he made sure he'd nudged Gojyo, who'd only raised a brow at him and went back to Goku.

I however could feel my lips turning up into a feral snarl and my eyes seemed to shift from their narrowed state and turned into an eerie deathly glare. The next thing I knew I'd gave a sharp kick to the priest's knee, just below his kneecap, making him flinch and come out of that 'daze' mode of his. Those amethyst eyes now turned on mine, catching my glare obviously as he now sat there in a defensive way, arms crossing his chest glaring back at me, his upper lip also turned up slightly. I could tell from then that this day wasn't going to be our usual day at all.
I'm first up today, rather early… earlier than Goku wakes up…which is unusual. I take out a cigarette and light it, taking several drags of it over a period of time as I drag my amethyst eyes around the still discoloured room looking over the sleeping form of Hakkai first then to Goku at the other side of the room then to the sound sleeping kappa next to his bed where my gazing about comes to a standstill. After I reach the end of my morning smoke I stub the end of it out on the ashtray on the bedside table, my gaze still fixed on that red haired beauty.
I repeat that word in my head, why hadn't I realised it before? Most people would think it was very unlike me to have started liking Gojyo like this, maybe it is very unlike me… after all, I'm the one with the attitude in the group aren't I? Things change I guess, even with the likes of me. I could feel eyes on my after a while but I ignored it continuing to stare at the kappa sleeping peacefully under the covers.
I pass on eating anything for the moment not quite up to it as a feeling in my stomach stirred up, it couldn't be the fact that I'm sitting next to Gojyo could it? I fix my eyes on an article for a brief moment before setting the paper and my glasses down neatly on the table. I don't bother to do anything about Gojyo and Goku's bickering, I don't even utter a single word to the pair. Gojyo's scent had long entered through my nose and I seemed to be fixed on it since, I think he had taken a shower before coming to join us at the table. I found myself even edging closer to the kappa getting drawn in by his sweet smelling scent.
I think I leaned over too far, because before I knew it my shoulder had come into contact with Gojyo's, I felt heat rising onto my cheeks but it wasn't that noticeable… at least, I hope it wasn't too noticeable.
My brows knitted together into a frown, a bit disappointed that Gojyo hadn't turned round to him or gave any notice that he was there. He had been totally oblivious towards him, continuing his carry on with the monkey. I pretend I've dropped my cigarette on the ground, of course not thinking about it first… I'd had my last one this morning. I came back up claiming to have lost it silently accidentally nudging him on the way back up only getting a raised brow in response, even at that it was briefly. He'd looked away from him as quickly as he'd turned thanks to something Goku said.
I was about to say something, more so to tell Goku off just so I could get the kappa's attention, until of course I felt a sharp pain in my knee. I flinched a bit at the pain turning my gaze towards Hakkai, I'd only just realised he'd been sitting across from me. I looked into eyes…that eerie glare he had set in them, it sent a silent shiver down my spine and I think I feared that look for a moment. I straightened up, crossing my arms over my chest. Hakkai I even know not to mess with, especially when his lips upturned the way it is. I didn't intend on it but I gave a similar growling look back at him, my eyes narrowing at the same time. I didn't know what his problem was, and I would probably find out about it later… something in my head told me this wasn't going to go well however.
I didn't wake up at my usual time this morning. Everyone was up before I was… I didn't know if I should be surprised at that or not. I used the bathroom before Gojyo had gone into it for his morning shower then proceeded to quickly dress and went to sit at the table taking the opposite side from Sanzo, the food already there I began to eat ahead of the others. After Gojyo had came out the bathroom, fully dressed and his hair only partly wet, he'd taken a seat next to Sanzo… which Sanzo hadn't objected to… which was… strange to say the least. Most times he distanced himself from the kappa as much as he could. I chose to ignore it, as it was probably just a one off thing.
It wasn't long after Hakkai had came to join us that Gojyo and I began our daily arguing over the food in front of us… not that it was my fault of course! That was MY food he just swiped off the side of my damned plate. Sometimes Gojyo could be really unfair when it came to the food. I noticed nobody had even bothered to stop us. I'd turned to glance at Hakkai and Sanzo, making sure that they were the real thing and not impostors…which would be stupid. Sanzo seemed to be acting a bit weird, stealing glances at Gojyo out the sides of his eyes, the softness in his eyes made me look not twice but thrice. I turned my attention back to the bickering match after Gojyo made a comment to me, not hearing it all though.
The next thing to catch my eye is Sanzo bending down, close to the kappa's side to apparently pick something up from the floor which he apparently dropped. He came up moments later, Gojyo had turned his head to him with a raised brow, and in that time I took the chance to say something to him, grabbing his attention once again and the fight continued on.
When I woke up, both Sanzo and Hakkai were already up, I turned my head to inspect the monkey's bed, expecting him to have been up long way before us… however I got proved wrong as I spotted that mop of light brown hair sticking up from the covers. I smiled a little, the kid was cute when he slept, and it'd bring a small smile to anyone's face, hell maybe even Sanzo's! I laugh a little at that thought, trying to imagine the monk with a wider smile than the small crappy one he gave at times. I clambered out the bed, fighting with the duvet as I did so.
I went out for a morning cigarette, then went to find Hakkai and Sanzo to see what they were up to…and for your information I had boxers and a thin shirt on at the time!
I returned to the room - which had a built in bathroom - after a while, Goku finally awake and used the bathroom before I went into it for a nice shower to wake me up. It never took long and I was feeling more than refreshed from it. I threw on my jeans and my shirt for now and towel dried my hair the best I could before heading out to join the rest for breakfast, finding Sanzo and Goku already there.
Without a thought I plop my butt down next to the monk, whining at the monkey for starting without them as I do. Hakkai had finally arrived from where ever it was he had gone to after I spoke to him and took the only space next to Goku, greeting him as I always do of course. And not long after Goku and I were going at it, throwing the old and some even new insults over the table after I had swiped a bit of food from his plate, scoffing it down of course. I noticed that neither of the other two had even bothered to put a stop to our early bickering, I saw Goku glancing to Sanzo a couple of times which made me say something to get his attention again.
I was nearly done with arguing with the monkey, noticing out of the corner of my eye Sanzo leaning over my way…I wondered what he was doing and shifted myself out of his way, returning my wandering eyes back to Goku about to start things up again until I was nudged by the priest, which seemed to be on purpose. I turn my head to look at him, a brow rising at him in question. I don't look at him for long however as Goku takes a chance to get in there with an insult. From there the fight was back on.