Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Who d'ya love? ❯ Break out ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Saiyuki.
Warnings: Yaoi ficlet, slight OOCness
Summary: Our healer and beloved monk have both taken a liking for a certain Kappa of the group...weird isn't it, especially for Sanzo. Hakkai one day notices that Sanzo is eyeing HIS Gojyo up a little too much; Sanzo had been thinking the exact same thing about Hakkai that day. The two get a little jealous of each other behind one another's back at first, Gojyo and Goku being totally oblivious of the jealousy act of course. It gets worse after they realise they both want Gojyo... how will it turn out?
Beta: Jay. ^^ ty buddy!
Pairings: Getting there
Chapter 2
The Sanzo ikkou finally arrived at the next town by late evening the same day. This last trip had been weird from the beginning for both Gojyo and Goku because Sanzo had done the most unexpected thing in history…well his anyway.
- Flashback -
“Goku, you're sitting up front with Hakkai.” Sanzo said, climbing into the back of the jeep with a much startled water-sprite, ignoring the murderous glare from Hakkai on his way. Goku's golden eyes widened in question.
“But…Why? You said you'd hate to be around Gojyo fo-” Goku was cut off mid-sentence by a sudden storm of large fan reigning down over the top of his head, making him cower for a moment. Sanzo slipped the fan back up his sleeve and got comfortable in the seat, sending a rather triumphant look back at Hakkai through the mirror. Hakkai looked away and kept silent, ignoring Goku as he clambered into the front seat next to Hakkai, bewildered by the seat change, nor scolding Sanzo for hitting the boy. He started the jeep and set off once more in the only direction they could go, towards the next town.
About three hours later, Goku was asleep, and so was Gojyo. Hakkai and Sanzo both had settled themselves into an uncomfortable silence. Jeep purred a concerned `kyu' to his master, which was returned by the healer with an unusually soft reassurance even as he sent a sharp glare to the priest sitting in the back.
Sanzo pulled out a cigarette, deciding it was time to have another one—he had rationed them since it was his last pack and the last town hadn't had any more to buy. He reached a hand into his pocket to get the lighter, but then stopped in his tracks as a sly plan came to mind. Amethyst eyes trailed from the back of Hakkai down to Gojyo, his hand withdrawing from his robes, making to touch the Kappa on the shoulder. As his finger neared, the jeep suddenly jerked to the side, awaking the sleeping men and sending the monk into silent a panic.
“Hakkai?! What the hell!?” Gojyo yelled startled by the movement of the jeep, but Goku, strangely, uttered nothing. He was terrified by the look Hakkai had on his face... the eerie grin, much darker than what the cheerful man usually pulled and when Hakkai spoke, Gojyo, too, started to worry a little.
“Oh, I'm sorry Gojyo… I had to dodge a large rock in the way of our path. Sorry for waking you.”
“O-oh... Hakkai?”
“Are you okay?”
“Of course I am, Gojyo… why?” Hakkai asked, the smile plastered across his lips. Gojyo hesitated.
“Ah... It's nothing.”
With that, Goku huddled back up on the seat, finding sleep once more. Gojyo on the other hand, couldn't get back to sleep. He looked over at Sanzo, he looked as troubled as he, himself, felt, and it showed unusually clearly in his eyes as the monk gazed back the way they had just come. Gojyo quickly lit a cigarette and took a drag to calm himself, releasing the smoke a moment later. He nudged the priest gently with his foot.
“Hey, what're you looking so freakin' glum for?”
“Tch, nothing's wrong Kappa.”
Gojyo leaned over towards the priest to talk to him better, Hakkai glancing to the mirror again as Gojyo's movement caught his eye.
“You sure about that, priest? I mean, ya' really look down.”
“I'm fine!”
“All right, all right. Sorry I freakin' asked.” Gojyo sighed, moving back across to the other side closer to Hakkai. Sanzo kicked himself mentally for answering Gojyo like that. He hadn't meant to make him go away. Silence lingered in the air for about twenty minutes more and, to his disappointment the kappa found himself still wide awake. Sanzo turned his gaze from the rear view to the red-head.
“What is it?” Gojyo answered, sounding a little huffy from lingering irritation.
“Got a light?”
“Wha? Yeah, sure I do.”
Gojyo took out his lighter and handed it to the monk, then seconds later was slightly stunned when he heard the monk faintly thanking him as he handed it back.
- End Flashback -
They found an inn in the next town easily enough and registered early, picking up their keys as they made their way to the rooms. Hakkai, his mind set on sharing a room with Gojyo, sent a dark scowl towards Sanzo, who he knew had the same thing on his mind. Sanzo's mind raced, trying to think of something to make the kappa share with him for the night... then it suddenly clicked in the back of his head. He smirked confidently at Hakkai.
“Gojyo, you're sharing with me,” said Sanzo, turning to head upstairs. He ignored Gojyo's protests. There was no way Hakkai was going to win this one so easily without a jeep to swirve.
“Why me of all people, ya' stupid monk, you'll only end up wanting to use m-” Gojyo was abruptly stopped in his sentence by a gun barrel meeting the bridge of his nose. He put his hands up reflexively like a criminal caught by a policeman, eyes flicking from the barrel to the hard demeanour of the monk.
“Sheesh, what the hell's gotten into you lately?!” Sanzo just glared until Gojyo picked up his and Sanzo's bag to take them to the room, elbowing Goku to annoy him as he did the same for his and Hakkai's.
As soon as the two were out of eye and ear-shot, Hakkai threw himself at Sanzo with demon speed, hand catching the robes at his chest and pinning the man against the wall. Sanzo gritted his teeth at the pressure, but knew better than to struggle.
“What the hell do you think you're doing?!”
“What am I doing?! I'm minding my own fucking business, that's what I'm doing! What do you think you were playing at back at the other inn and in the jeep!”
“I'm not going to let you get remotely close to him.”
“What makes you think that Hakkai? Why are you so suddenly interested in him?”
“I've been interested in him for much longer than you ever have!”
“You keep telling yourself that pretty boy…”
For the first time Sanzo could remember, Hakkai didn't smile or laugh or reply with something clever. Instead, Sanzo found himself on the floor in the next instant, the metallic tang of blood on his lips. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and looked at it for a long moment, measuring the red against his pale skin with the red rising behind his eyes. He rose to his feet with support from the wall and lunged back at Hakkai, fist flying.
Goku finished setting his things out and left the bags in the room with the small white dragon as a guardian while he went to find Hakkai. His stomach growled and whined at him for food and he mumbled to himself something about dinner and how it wasn't soon enough. His eyebrow cocked as a yell from downstairs lured him to the end of the top of the stairway, then his eyes went wide in shock. He turned quickly, sprinting back the way he came until he was outside the door of Gojyo and Sanzo's room. He threw it open without warning, causing the kappa to nearly jump out of his own skin.
“GEEZ! Goku! Haven't you ever heard of knocking?!” Gojyo said, raising his voice as Goku made his way to him hurriedly placing a hand firmly around his arm. Gojyo could only see concern in his golden eyes.
“Gojyo! You've gotta' come with me… It's Hakkai and Sanzo…they're fighting in the lobby!”
“They're what?”
“They're fighting… and I think it's about to get a lot worse!”
Gojyo left the clothes he'd laid out on the bed sheet, slamming the door shut unintentionally as he followed Goku down the corridor and to the top of the stairs. He stared in disbelief at the scene before him, What in the world is going on? Goku's voice shook him back out of his thoughts.
“SANZO! HAKKAI!” yelled the monkey, already downstairs and forcing them apart with his deceptively strong arms. Both panted heavily.
Gojyo rushed down the flight of stairs, thanking whatever deity that nobody else was around, and went straight to the healers side, effectively blocking Hakkai from Sanzo as the priest whipped out his gun.
With Gojyo in his firing range, Sanzo lowered the gun, glowering darkly at Hakkai before storming up the steps and into the room, completely ignoring Goku's fussing.
“Hakkai? What the hell was all that about?” Goku asked still in a bit of shock, and turned to face him.
“Yeah, what happened? I've never seen you two act so violently towards each other,” Gojyo added his eyes showing concern for his friend, Sanzo had managed to get a good number of hits on him, but by the looks of things, Hakkai hadn't managed to equal the monks score. Gojyo lifted a hand to Hakkai's face, tracing a scratch with his index finger. Hakkai flinched, it might have been small but it hurt like hell. He moved away, glancing at the two with an unreadable look in his emerald eyes.
“I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me…”
Hakkai left and went upstairs before either of them could say anything to him, retreating into his and Goku's room shutting the door quietly. Gojyo and Goku traded looks and Gojyo let out a frustrated sigh, running a tanned hand through long red tresses.
“I dunno' what the heck just happened… but it musta' been hella' serious for those two to go at it like that.”
“Yeah, I wonder what happened…Sanzo's been acting really weird recently.” added Goku.
“Hakkai's been slightly off too, and I know this has to be one of the craziest ideas I've ever had… but… we should probably go check on them.”
“Yeah, should I go check on Sanzo?”
“No, I'll check on the monk, you check on Hakkai…he might talk about it more if your there.”
Goku nodded not questioning Gojyo's decision and proceeded upstairs, Gojyo close behind.