Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Who d'ya love? ❯ Unexpected Action ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Saiyuki.
Warnings: Yaoi ficlet, slight OOCness
Summary: Our healer and beloved monk have both taken a liking for a certain Kappa of the group...weird isn't it, especially for Sanzo. Hakkai one day notices that Sanzo is eyeing HIS Gojyo up a little too much; Sanzo had been thinking the exact same thing about Hakkai that day. The two get a little jealous of each other behind one another's back at first, Gojyo and Goku being totally oblivious of the jealousy act of course. It gets worse after they realize they both want Gojyo... how will it turn out?
Pairings: Getting there
Chapter 3
Gojyo pushed the door open gently, surprised that the monk had actually left it unlocked for anyone to come in and disturb him. What he wasn't at all surprised about was seeing that gun of his in his hand, ready to blow someone's brains out. After he had closed the door behind him, he backed up and calmly leaned against the door, sending the monk a calm questioning look, patiently waiting for the gun to be put away.
“Tch. What do you want kappa?” Sanzo huffed, gently throwing his gun down on the bed sheet. The priest kept his dark violet gaze on the red-haired man standing in front of him. Gojyo never replied to him but got up off the door. He sauntered over to the priest's bed, sitting himself down on the opposite side.
“Well in case you'd forgotten, monk…we're sharing this room because you demanded it so. What I wanna' know is what the hell went on down there.”
“Aw, come on Sanzo! Something serious had to have happened between you tw-”
Gojyo stopped abruptly as Sanzo snatched up the gun from the sheets and trained it on him, threatening to pull the trigger if he didn't shut up.
“I don't want to talk about it, got that?! Or must I make myself clearer to you?”
“N-No, you don't have to…just lower the stupid gun already.”
“Hmph, you're so annoying.”
“Likewise…” said Gojyo as he stood up and walked away from the ill-tempered man's bed to his own and lay down with a long drawn sigh. He closed his eyes, not bothering to attempt another question round with the priest.
Sanzo stared at Gojyo with a darkened gaze, even if he had told the kappa what had happened earlier he'd no doubt have taken sides with that demon friend of his. Sanzo felt a twinge of jealousy rip through him at the thought of Gojyo automatically taking sides with Hakkai. The monk eventually tore his gaze from the kappa, sighing inwardly and stared hard at the ceiling.
In the next room, Goku was having the same problem; he couldn't get Hakkai to talk to him about the incident at all. Innocent golden eyes watched the healer silently from their side of the room. They trailed to the white dragon, who had been trying to comfort his master, sensing the uneasiness in the atmosphere around him. Goku, too, had backed off from questioning Hakkai after he'd earned an unusually severe glare from those now unreadable, emerald eyes that were so welcoming any other time.
No more than ten minutes later, the youth stood and proceeded to the door without a single word, opened it after hesitating a moment, and shut it quietly behind him. Goku's expression turned sad as he leaned against the closed door. His friends knew too well that he hated having secrets kept from him, Hakkai most of all. His eyes trailed to Sanzo and Gojyo's door…that's right! Gojyo said he'd talk to Sanzo! Perhaps he'd managed to get better luck with finding out about what had happened. A grin pasted itself to his lips as he made his way across the hall and knocked on the door.
“Gojyo, can I talk to you for a moment?”
“What? Oh, right… yeah sure, gimme' a moment.” Gojyo called back, sat up from the bed and stretched.
Sanzo set his eyes back on Gojyo as the man made his way to the door and opened it, revealing the saru on the other side. He had to admit, he was even a little jealous of Goku talking to Gojyo, although not on the same level as he had with Hakkai. Gojyo left. Sanzo turned to lay back on the bed.
Gojyo followed Goku downstairs into the lobby where it was fairly quiet and sat at a vacant table in the far corner.
“So, did you find out anything about those two?” asked Goku as he rested his head on the tables surface, golden eyes turned towards the kappa in question. Gojyo leaned forwards onto the table a little and shook his head, sighing.
“Ch' no, Sanzo's being a tight ass as usual.”
“I think you're wrong,” Goku muttered bringing his head up so that it could rest in the palm of his hand, elbow still on the table top.
“You heard me…Hakkai wouldn't say a word about it to me either.”
“Damn, what's going on that it's so damned secretive?”
“Beats me…What do you think we should do?”
“Hell if I know, those two are scary when they're pushed too far.” Gojyo muttered back to Goku and leaned back again, unable to decide what to do exactly. His attention went back on Goku, however, when the younger boy stood up.
“Won't we have a big problem ahead of us?”
“With those two acting weird…I'd say we have a big problem.”
“I'll talk to Sanzo,” said Goku as he turned to head back upstairs. He stopped and turned to Gojyo again when he protested.
“It won't do any good Goku. They're not likely to talk about it to either of us.”
“It won't stop me from trying! I'll keep on at Sanzo until he says something to me!” Goku said confidently, determined to not give up hope of finding out what had happened. Gojyo backed down and gave up easily on his attempt to try and stop the monkey from doing what he wanted.
“All right, talk to him…but…let me try one more time.” crimson eyes turned to golden eyes and pleaded with them. Goku huffed a little, disappointed, but finally nodded.
“Fine, but I think you should talk to Hakkai, you two are best friends after all.”
“I know, I swear that I'll talk to Hakkai if I don't get anywhere with Sanzo, deal?”
“Yeah, sure!” Goku and Gojyo grinned at each other.
Both young men headed back up to their rooms, entered them silently and closed the doors just as silently.
Goku didn't attempt to try and talk to Hakkai about the incident again, but managed successfully to make conversation in other subjects.
Gojyo, however, didn't have such luck. He ended up meeting the barrel of the Smith & Wesson again, blood-colored eyes reflecting its threat with perfect clarity, then flicked up and met with cold amethysts. The kappa moved and expected the priest to lower the gun from his face…only that wasn't what happened.
Sanzo grabbed Gojyo by the collar of his white shirt and pressed him roughly up against the door, the gun barrel firmly pressed against his lower jaw. Gojyo backed up further - if it was at all possible- against the door, his hands came up to grasp firmly at Sanzo's wrist. The more those stones hardened, the more those hands tried to match them...
“What…the hell is your problem, monk?!” hissed Gojyo as he tried to pry the gun hand away from him. Sanzo leaned his weight on the cornered kappa, and pressed the gun against him with more force... made Gojyo loosen his grip, and finally back down from trying anything else.
“I want you to answer some questions for me kappa…and I don't want any of your bullshit or I'll fucking blow your brains out,” Sanzo threatened as he cocked the gun. He felt it send a wave of fear through Gojyo as he shivered suddenly, just briefly, “Do you understand me?”
“Fucking crystal, just lower the fucking gun already!!”
“Tch, get over to the bed…” Sanzo demanded, lowering the gun away from the kappa's neck. He waited for the other man to make his way, and then followed after.
Gojyo sat down warily, keeping watch on the monk from the corners of his eyes; when he looked, he found the gun pointed at him yet again.
“I thought I asked you nicely to lo-”
“Don't talk unless I ask you a question… sit there and shut the hell up.” Sanzo seethed and made sure Gojyo heard the click of his gun, which instantly shut him up.
Gojyo swallowed back a hard lump of nervousness…he hadn't expected the monk to react this way.
“What's your relationship with Hakkai?” asked Sanzo, finally, as he set the gun on his own bed and himself on its edge. Keen eyes scanned over the kappa's face, reading his expression like a book.
“Come again?” said Gojyo, a bewildered look upon his face at the sudden question. Sanzo scowled at him but repeated himself anyway.
“I said…What is your relationship with Hakkai?”
“We're best friends…or has it just take-”
“Don't get smart with me kappa…answer the fucking question.”
“Sheesh! Fine, we're best friends…”
“Just best friends?”
“What? Yeah…What the hell are you getting at?!” questioned Gojyo although stopped abruptly when Sanzo reached for his gun again.
“I believe I'm the one asking questions here…Do you have a crush on him?”
Sanzo never repeated himself this time. Instead, he got up and grabbed a fistful of Gojyo's hair, forcing from him a pained wince. He truly hated to see Gojyo hurt, but he couldn't make himself obvious to anyone now that Hakkai knew.
“FUCK OFF, SANZO!!” yelled Gojyo, desperately prying Sanzo's fingers from his head. Gojyo suddenly found himself being pinned to the bed by the smaller man.
“Don't fucking tell me what to do!” Sanzo hissed in reply and yanked hard on the redhead's hair, which coaxed out a cry this time, clipped short into silence...