Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast: Chronicles of a lost writer ❯ Fighting ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a new fanfic. Is a Sakura Taisen story. I don't own Sakura or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.
Signed: Benji Himura.
Chapter two: Fighting
Teito August twenty second 1922
A hissing sound cuts his thoughts and he raises his left arm hardening his muscles. A loud thud echoes in the dark halls. Benji feels the sting of the pain on his forearm. He can see a long rod connected on his arm being held by a dark figure. Before the person can attack again Benji twists his arm grabbing the rod and with his right hand he grabs the attacker neck and slams him into a near wall. Two metallic sounds are heard. Benji feels a body warmed barrel on his chest. But he is pressing his razor sharp butterfly knife against the back of the attacker neck. He can fire but the motion will cause the knife to cut the attacker neck severing the jugular. The sound of a hammer being pulled back is heard. “Ai uchi.” Benji says calmly. Is the only way in Japanese to him to say `if you kill me I kill you.' Outside a cloud moves away from the moon giving a bit of more light in the dark halls. “Maria?” Benji says recognizing his attacker. Her eyes also show surprise. But it quickly fades being replaced by anger. To her surprise Benji removes the knife from the back of her head and let go of her collar and remove his forearm from her chest no longer pressing her into the wall. “Sorry.” Benji says in English closing the butterfly knife and pocketing it. “I could kill you if I wanted to.” Maria says also in English. “I know.” Benji says picking up the fallen rod. Maria looks at his wide back. He gun is still aimed at him. Benji hears with relieve the hammer being rested and the sound of the gun being holstered. “What you are doing walking around in the theater this hour of the night?” Maria asks. “I can't sleep.” Benji says handing to her the rod. “I fell in sleep in the afternoon. And my body needs to compensate it. So I don't sleep in the night.” Benji says half joking. She receives the rod “I thought that you where a thief.” Maria says “You shouldn't be walking around the theater in the night. And especially bare footed.” Maria says turning on a flashlight aiming it to his feet. Benji blinks many times adjusting to the new light level “I didn't want to wake anyone.” Benji says “And you shouldn't be doing the night patrol with that wounded hand.” Benji adds pointing to her right hand. He notices Maria frowning “I am sorry for that. I didn't mean to toss the knife so hard.” Benji gives her his honest apologies “I can understand why you did it. But that don't mean that I will accept then or forgive you.” Maria says in an ice cold tone. “I am not asking you to accept. I am offering then. If you accept is up to you. I won't force. But I wanted to say it.” Benji says moving to return to his room. “And I don't hold any grudges about you shooting me. You did what you needed to be done to protect your home.” He adds sliding back into the dark halls now moving to his own room. Maria stands there absorbing the information. And she misses Benji sigh with relieve for not being killed. “That was close.” Benji whispers in Portuguese. “Odd man.” Maria mutters in Russian before resuming her job. She reaches to her neck. She feels on her fingers the warm and wet feeling of blood. “Really sharp.” Maria whispers in Russian recalling the coldness of the blade pressed there and by just being pressed was enough to cut her skin a bit. She shivers by a second thinking that his words where perfect for the situation. “Ai uchi. A draw of death for both.” She adds in Russian. She can picture the event. She shot him in the chest. That wouldn't kill him immediately. She can almost feel the cold blade slicing her white neck in bone deep severing her jugular leaving both to bleed to death in the dark hall. They would fall together and they blood would mix while they slowly die a cold death. Maria shakes her head trying to remove the thought. She doesn't know that Benji is doing the same thing few meters ahead of her. Maria fills up with anger. It is the second time that Benji matches her. And she did not like it. A factor that would add a new level of rage on the blonde soldier is that Benji is actually an amateur. Taking out a huge load of fights with brawlers and training hours Benji don't have any combat experience in what came in military. And that Benji is matching her experience with instinct would flare rage in an epic level on the Russian markswoman. In the morning Benji is on the dinning room having breakfast with everyone. Maria doesn't see any signs of the tiredness that he had some hours before. Ayame is near him but the Brazilian stays quiet eating. Ayame translate Benji will to wash the dishes since he haven't helped on cooking. The hanagumi happy in skipping the chore accepts. Ayame and Benji move to the kitchen to clean up the dirty dishes. Benji rolls up his sleeves and begin to wash then. “How you got that bruise?” Ayame asks seeing a small bruise. “I accidentally slammed my arm in the door knob.” Benji says. The bruise is very small comparing to the rod that produced it. Ayame accepts the excuse noticing the small lie but letting it be. By the shape she can guess what caused it. But since he didn't said a thing she let it pass. “The manager decided to delay the oath until you are able to talk Japanese.” Ayame says “Okay.” Benji answers handing to her a damp dish. Later Ayame drags Benji to a room and begin to tutors him. They stop only for small pauses to fetch some water or toilet breaks. That ignoring one hour break for the lunch. Being trapped in Japan sure makes Benji puts more effort in learning the language than before. Ayame smiles at it. After all it is funny. She patiently teaches him until the dinner time ending the day lessons. To the brunet relieve. She smiles seeing him walking away saying that he was up to take a long bath. Conveniently forgetting to mention to the young man that it is time of the girl's pre-dinner bath hour. Five minutes later she hears six females screams filling the air. In the bathroom Benji is with a damp towel wrapped around his waist running and dodging many flying bath items that are tossed by the infuriated hanagumi members. And the girls are blocking the only exit. Benji run to then and slides between Kanna legs. His wet body gives him the lack of traction needed to perform the action. Kanna blushes in a deep shade of crimson and turn around in time to see Benji grabbing his pants and running away. The girls only wearing towels chase him. Benji leaps down a row of stairs doing a somersault on air and putting on his pants in a skillful move. He lands on his feet and keeps running closing the button of his pants. The girls are few meters behind him. Benji can't understand they words, but he can tell that re insults and death threats from the tone. Benji runs by the dinner hall doors followed by the hanagumi. Before Ogami and the kazegumi can ask what is happening Benji slides again under a table that Kanna turns over. Benji leaps breaking a window and landing on the safety of the garden. “I doubt that those girls will have the courage of following me naked out here.” Benji says in English catching his breath “You doubt?” Maria whispers in English on his ear from behind. Benji reacts leaping forward avoiding being grabbed by Maria. By reflex Benji grabs the blonde arm and grab her clothes. That in the moment is only a single pink towel. Benji tosses her over his shoulder tossing her in the ground. He don't realize until is too late that the towel was only wrapped against her body. And she falls on the ground on her birthday suit. Benji stares at Maria for a second before being hit in the head hard by something really hard. Benji falls forward and he rolls almost falling over Maria naked form. Benji gets up rubbing his head seeing that Sumire broke a broomstick against his head. Sumire is taken back by the fact that he is still up after that strike. Benji notices that he is still with Maria towel. He smiles evilly making Sumire shiver. He spins the towel with his two hands. A snap cuts the air “AAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!” The hanagumi froze hearing the high pitched and very loud scream. They run to the garden and found Sumire jumping in pain rubbing her backside shedding tears of pain and shame. Benji is spinning the towel again. There are a few red lines trickling from Benji head running on his neck, back and face. Maria is getting up. Kanna charges at Benji. And the young man dodges and gives to the tall woman a taste of what Sumire is feeling. The towel snaps in Kanna backside “AAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!& #8221; the Okinawan screams in pain now doing the exact same thing that Sumire is doing with tears building up on her eyes. The others girls try to picture how a towel can make the duo suffer so much. But none of then is quite willing to found out by themselves. Benji is trying hard to control himself. Seeing in real life half naked duo of Kanna and Sumire jumping up and down rubbing them backsides and the duo breasts bouncing on the movement is a bit too much for a healthy young man as Benji. Maria notices it and decides to attack him while he is distracted. Maria grabs Benji. But both of then are covered in sweat and Benji is only with his pants and Maria is naked. The result is that Benji feels very well Maria breasts and body rubbing against his before he escape and whips Maria backside with the towel. The hanagumi now can see the large red imprint of the towel appear on Maria well shaped backside. “AAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!& #8221; Maria shrieks in pain with tears on her eyes. The added sight of Maria naked breasts moving up and down as she jumps in pain rubbing her backside is far too much to the young and sex lacked man. He got a nosebleed and faint. Following Ogami who did it after Benji whipped Kanna. Ayame arrives before the trio can recover and lynch the unconscious man. “All of you dress up. Then I will hear both versions of the story.” Ayame says to the half naked hanagumi. Sumire, Kanna and Maria look at Ayame with pleading looks to beat up Benji. But they obey. “Kasumi help me to take Benji-kun to his room.” Ayame says to the older kazegumi member “Yuri, Tsubaki take Ogami-kun to his.” The trio obeys. One hour later Benji wakes on his room. “God. I have a really odd dream. The hanagumi chased me around the theater half naked. And I whipped Maria, Kanna and Sumire with Maria towel.” Benji says in Portuguese “Well mind in translating that?” Ayame says looking at him. She is sited beside the bed. Benji sits and see the towel on his hand “Your weapon of choice. You give then some really bad damages.” Ayame says teasing recalling that the trio used a cushion each on the chairs where they sited. “God it wasn't dream.” Benji says in English. “No it wasn't. Let me guess they walked in?” Ayame says “Yes.” Benji says “Then they begin tossing things at me. So I escaped from there.” Benji adds “Well Kanna said that you sled between her legs. And she wasn't wearing anything else than a towel.” Ayame says with a cat like smirk “I didn't exactly did in purpose. I just reacted at it.” Benji says blushing. “I am sure that you enjoyed your view.” Ayame says teasing seeing Benji blushing more. But she notices the corners of his lips rise just a little bit confirming that he did enjoy the view. “What you are thinking now?” Ayame asks “Now I am sure that they are natural.” Benji says with out really think abut the answer. Ayame smiles evilly as Benji blushes understanding what he just said. He hits his forehead with his free hand. “Great. I just screwed myself now.” Benji says “Well you are a healthy young man. Is only natural that you think about that. Just try to keep it for yourself from now on.” Ayame says in a half teasing, half serious tone. Benji nods recalling the sights that he had during the day. “Go take a bath. You are covered in blood.” Ayame says. Benji nods walking away “And use the showers.” Ayame says “I was planning in doing so.” Benji says walking away. Ayame moves away with a smile. “He is so easy to tease.” She thinks moving to her office. Benji enter in the showers room and after undress he enter in one stall and wash himself to remove the blood from his form. “It hasn't passed two days that I am here and I saw then naked.” Benji thinks “At least I took more time that Keitaro. He saw Naru naked on the day one and in the first hour. I hope that I live thru dinner.” He adds sighing under the warm water. He is so focused on his thoughts that he doesn't notice that he no longer alone in the shower room. Maria, Kanna and Sumire have entered to have a bath too. Since they backsides are still very sore at the towel whipping the showers was the best to then. And they are greeted by the sight of a naked Benji washing himself humming a low tune with his back turned at then. Sumire is about to shout something. But Kanna muffles her and Maria gives a light tap on the brunet backside. Sumire feels the sting of pain because of the whipping and she nods. The trio decides to walk away and not provoke him. At least while he has a towel near him. After ten minutes Benji walks out of the shower room fully dressed. The trio looks at his retreating form. “It is clear now.” Maria says “At least he is not with a towel.” Kanna says seeing the wet towel in a basket in a side of the shower room recalling very well the intense pain that have only subsided a little since she was whipped. The trio just decides to take they own baths and try to forget the painful stings that they are still getting from the whipping. Later in the dinner Benji is sited near of Ayame with his back really close of the wall and near of clear window. Ayame chuckle at the young man precautions. But she is aware even thought the window is closed it didn't mattered to him. After all he leaped thru closed windows twice since he arrived. She knows that he is not very used to hanagumi and the fact of the previous incident make it worse. The others are sited in the same table as then. Chatting among them. Benji is studying they faces. After all that is the only way to him to know if they are going try to kill him again. They tried it twice and he honestly didn't like it. Ayame sigh mentally the ice between then have grown thicker. And she knew that Benji would have to work really hard to break it. After the dinner everyone moved to they own rooms. Sometime pass two in the morning the alarm sounds. Benji grab some clothes and run to the briefing room. Unlike the hanagumi who have they tunnels. He reaches the room while finishing buttoning up his shirt. Yoneda smiles at it Yoneda brief the hanagumi while Ayame does the same with Benji. The Brazilian is in shock Ayame is holding something that he recognizes. “My bag pack?” Benji asks in English not sure if he can trust on his eyes. “Yes. I found it when you landed.” Ayame leans closer of him “War Master-dono.” She whispers the last part low enough just to him hears her. Maria sees that but don't understand what she said to make him blush that deeply. “That was in my wild days.” Benji whispers back embarrassed about her knowing his title in his old boarding school. Ayame smiles at him. She sees him pull two metal tekkos. He put then on and the sound of the metal locks clipping is heard. Ayame smiles and walks to a corner and returns holding a fukuro and a black long sleeved coat. “Here. You will need this.” Ayame says handing the items to him. “But why you are giving me this sword?” Benji asks. The hanagumi are leaving to the koubus. “Watashi shinjiterimasu.” Ayame replies to him in Japanese. Even with his crude Japanese Benji understood the meaning. “I am not worthy.” Benji says “You are.” Ayame replies softly leading him away to the transport that she and the commander use to get in the battle site. “This coat is made of a special brand of steel carefully wired and turned into fabric. It is very light and is better than many armors.” She says while he puts on the shirt like coat. “A chain mail?” Benji asks “Like that. The hanagumi don't like using it. Since they fight in the koubus they say that is unnecessary. And Sumire complained that it was blocking her energy.” Ayame says lifting the skin tight coat collar to cover his neck. “But since you are aligned with electricity that will not be a problem.” She adds. Benji removed the tekkos and Ayame look at then while he adjusts the mail. The metal covering the arms are thin. But reasonable thick considering that was made from a better mix of steel. It has small clips on the extend of the arm. The joints are covered with small metal plates one over the other giving movement freedom and resistance. The joints also have steel wires adding more protection. It has a metal plate where the back of the hands are with a metal bar to be slided on the hand over his palm. Over the fingers more metal plates with a ring on each. The ring reaches the middle of the fingers where the plate ends giving each finger independent movements. “A mix of a gauntlet and a tekko.” Ayame thinks hitting on the spot the use of the garments. Benji puts then on over the mail. He removes a katana from the fukuro. “Think as a gift from me.” Ayame says as he looks at the sword. “I am not worthy.” Benji says once more “You are fighting for my city that makes you worthy.” Ayame says to him. Benji knows that Ayame truly loves Teito. And he recalls her words to Maria when she recruited her in the OVA *Teito is a city that holds many of my memories.* “It is called Fukushu. It means revenge.” Ayame says to Benji. His eyes wide a bit and he have a small smile. What Ayame didn't know is that Benji's knife is called Vingança, which is revenge in Portuguese. Benji ties the fukuro in the tips of the sword sheath and he places it on his back. Benji reaches in the bag pack again. He retrieves a large piece of cloth. It is a dark blue bandana that he ties on his forehead. They arrive in the battle scene and Benji leaves. He sees the military. He can see in a short distance the hanagumi facing the wakijis. But his mission there is another. “Ayame can you give me a crowbar?” Benji asks to the female officer. “Yes I can.” Ayame says “But why?” she asks confused. Benji smiles not answering her question. But a soldier gives to him a large crowbar. It is an ninety centimeters black steel bar, with two sharpened tips. One curved and the other straight. Benji smiles grew evilly when he hits his left hand with the crowbar causing sparks to fly on the air with the contact of the two metal forms. Benji runs to the battle knowing very well what he has to do. “I trust in you.” Ayame whispers before Benji leaves her line of sight. Benji races in the streets. He slams his crowbar against the head of a man. The head explodes in a bloody mess and the corpse falls. Around Benji there is dozens of men and women charging at him with a slow speed. That is his assignment eliminate the humans who where turned into mindless demons by Setsuna powers. The heavy metal bar smashes another head when is swinged strongly by the tall man. More blood flows and another corpse falls. Benji is not exactly enjoying himself. But by instinct he is smiling he knows that here that tactic won't work. His smile is a tactic to make his opponents fear him. If his ferocity in combat wasn't enough for that. Ayame saw everything from her binoculars as did Yoneda. He was honestly impressed with Benji performance. “Just like was written in that diary.” Ayame thinks recalling of her time with Benji belongings. Including a palm top that held a diary that he kept. “I wonder why he wrote in English.” She adds in her thoughts. She didn't know that it is a hobby of his write in English. Mostly because he didn't wanted to his younger cousins or some of his friends read it, so he wrote in another language. Benji hits another man in the knee smashing the bone and making the man fall before crushing his skull. He nails another one with the curved tip and slams him into the asphalt. “A weapon with a blade would be much better.” Benji thinks. He knows about the sword on his back. But he can't make himself use it. “I am not worthy using a katana.” Benji thinks as he kills another one, now a woman. He notices that the numbers are not lessening. He runs while hanging the crowbar on his belt. He pulls back his fingers almost like claws and with his thumbs he presses a button on the tekkos. Four blades appear from the bars in the middle of the palms leaping from the resting places. Benji leaps and slams his hands on the wall of a building and climbing it. He uses his hands as climbing hooks and his feet to gain leverage and speed. Quickly reaching to the roof. In there he tosses on the crowd of mindless demons a pair of grenades taken from a small bag given by Ayame. The grenades explode and transform the large crowd into a bloody mess. But more keeps coming. “I have to found Setsuna or this will never end.” Benji says to himself. As long that demon brat is turning civilians the battle would not end. And Benji would not be able to rest peacefully with out making that demon pay for killing so many innocents. Then he felt it again. He felt sick but not truly sick. He can feel all his hair standing on the end. Then it hits him “He is close.” Benji says understanding. He is feeling Setsuna evil energy Benji spit on the roof as if trying to removed a foul taste from his mouth. Benji looks down and fighting his fear of highs he grabs the crowbar and leaps in to nearest lamp post. He uses the crowbar as a hook and he slides down the metal pillar. He can feel the feeling grow weaker and understand that he is moving away. And Benji races after the demon boy in the direction that his instincts lead him to knowing that now more than ever he should trust in his instincts. He feels a sharp pain run in his right ankle. And he fall not knowing that it just saved his life. Right where his head was a huge gray fist flied and destroyed a wall. Benji rolls over and cringing in pain gets up placing his weight on his left side. “Rasetsu.” Benji mutters seeing the giant man. He knew that Setsuna is close too. Benji was pale he know by sure that he can't even match Rasetsu strength. Rasetsu matches a koubu in strength. And Benji was a bit weaker than Kanna, faster than Kanna but weaker. And his ankle gave up on him he knew that he couldn't run fast enough. Benji curses himself for forgetting many times that his ankle was still healing even thought his wounds where fully healed by his fluke move in the hospital his ankle weren't. And he forced it a lot. Leaping out windows, climbing walls, dodging the hanagumi and running. Now his weakened ankle gave away. “I am a sitting duck.” Benji thinks looking around for any way to escape. Benji leaps backwards avoiding a punch from the giant demon. Benji cringes in pain when his right foot reaches the ground. He tosses a grenade on the demon but as the Brazilian ninja expected it didn't harmed him. But he used that time to get some distance between then. He tosses his last grenade at him trying to delay him a bit more. Benji don't have any control over his energy. He tried to use it many times after the first one just to found his efforts being futile. So he was not going to face Rasetsu like he is. Maybe coming back with a tank or a bazooka he would. But not in melee and wounded. Benji reaches on the bag that Ayame have given to him. He pulls a small black vial. “This might turn really bad. The last time that I took this was in the dorms wars and I still remember what happened then.” Benji thinks. But he can hear Rasetsu charging at him. He opens the bottle and gulps down the contents. The overly bitter and sweet taste of a very personal mix of guaraná powder, guaraná syrup, açai syrup and tea fills his mouth. His fast working system absorbs the powerful energetic mix in a fast rate. Benji feels his heart rate increase and his muscles tensing. More adrenaline runs thru his veins and the pain lessens. Benji dodge another attack from Rasetsu and slashes him with his knife. The cut was shallow, but deep enough to draw blood. Benji grabs the crowbar with his free hand and spinning slams the steel bar on Rasetsu knee. The giant fall and Benji leaps on the air and holding the crowbar with both hands slams it on Rasetsu head. The giant mask falls. “Shit!” Benji thinks seeing that. Rasetsu haven't fallen unconscious or at least being stunned by the hard blow. Instead he grabbed Benji by the neck and slams the man into a wall. Benji can feel the over growing pressure on his neck suffocating him. He tries to struggle burring deep the blades on his palms in Rasetsu arm. But his efforts are in vain. Benji feel an intense pain as his lungs burn begging for air. “I have to break out of his grip!” Benji thinks with his mind running at unthinkable speed “I can't die! I can't die here! But if I die here what would happen?! I would go back home?! I would die my final death here?! With no one that I know knowing about my death?!” his mind runs in despair as he begin to feel his muscles relaxing. His hands release Rasetsu arm. The knife is attached to Benji arm by one of the metal clips. And the crowbar is hanging on his fingers. Benji eyes begin to close as the oxygen deprivation gets in the near deadly level. “I don't want to die….” Is his last thought. Something burst inside him. His fingers grip strongly on the crowbar and he slams the flat and sharp tip of the steel tool on Rasetsu arm. A greenish goo flows from the wound. Benji eyes are foggy. He twists the crowbar causing to Rasetsu scream as his bones that where broken when the tool pierced his arm shatter. Then Benji twist the tool to a side and Rasetsu arm lose his strength. But driven by the rage he punches Benji with his good arm. The Brazilian ninja fly back and breaks a shop window and slams in the counter after take down many goods. He lies sited gasping for air. Rasetsu falls on his knees trying to remove the tool that is buried deep on his arm with out damaging himself more. In the darkness of the room Benji half closed blue eyes glow in an eerie shade of metal blue. He takes deep breaths feeing the air on his lungs and the oxygen running on his muscles. He hears something moving on his right. But he is not recovered yet to fight the threat. He moves his head to the side and sees an attractive woman wearing a yellow kimono moving toward him. “Daijobu?” the woman asks to him in a worried and scared tone. “She is a human.” Benji thinks in pain “Nigeru.” Benji says trying to move. “Demo anata wa….” “Nigeru!” Benji says in a commanding tone cutting her sentence. She seems to be confused. She says something that he doesn't understand and presses few points on his body. “A gata sabe acumpultura.” Benji think feeling the pain subside until disappear. They hear Rasetsu scream. She presses a last point and get up. She bow at Benji and run away to the back to hide. Benji smiles “Ela salvou minha vida. Vou pagar o favor.” He says in Portuguese. He removes the sword from his back. He ties it on his light leg and makes an improvised splint. He makes sure that it is tight and he ties the fukuro just above his knee where the sheath ends and ties his bandana on the tip around the ankle. He can't move his foot anymore but the sword will give him the stability that he will need to fight. He shakes his head trying to remove a familiar face from his thoughts. “The last thing that I need now is recall of that promise. Is not time to be a nice ninja guy. And I am no longer dating Ciel.” Benji mutters to himself. He growl on anger recalling that they broke up and keep feeding his anger with others memories that he hates to recall. The times that his father beaten him, every time that he hold beck when people provoked and the time that a guy who lived on his dorm tried to rape Ciel and Julietta. Benji feels the anger filling him up. Combined with the energetic mix he races to Rasetsu. He no longer feels pain thanks to the adrenaline and the woman pressing his pressure points. He slashes Rasetsu who roars in pain with the now deeper wound. Benji slides on the sidewalk and dashes back to the giant. He notices happily that the crowbar is still on Rasetsu arm. And that means one less powerful member to worry about. “Not that I can't remove another one.” Benji mutters in English. He slashes Rasetsu behind the knee. With a smirk Benji feels the tendon there being cutted and the giant fall unable to stand over his right leg. Rasetsu roars loudly in rage. Benji leaps over the giant and avoids an attack from him. Benji lands hard on his left leg. He rolls minimizing the impact and gets up reading himself to another attack. His dash is broken by an invisible force shoves Benji back into the store slamming him against the counter again. Benji still feeling numb gets up. “This one is resistant.” A young voice says “Setsuna.” Benji says recognizing the young demon. “You know me?! How pleasant. Now let me see how we can play.” Setsuna says. Benji cringes in pain feeling the demon forcing to read his mind. “He is a kid. So let's try something really naughty.” Benji thinks in Portuguese seeing the confusion on the demon as he reads but don't understand his thoughts “You won't need to understand my language to know the meaning of what I will show you.” Benji says in English and seeing that Setsuna understood it. Benji flood his mind with the most shocking, depraved, violent, wicked, nauseating, obscene, gruesome and filthiest sex scenes that he have seem in his comics, movies, series and on the internet. Setsuna gasps at the flood of images. “What the hell is that?!” the demon boy shouts. “That is just some porn.” Benji says moving toward Setsuna with a wicked smirk on his lips and a cold glow on his eyes “And I haven't even got on the yaoi yet.” Benji adds. He can see the understanding on the demon boy face. After all he took the image from his mind. “No! Stay away! Stay away! I don't want to see more!” Setsuna cries moving back. “What is wrong kid? Can't stand a bit of hardcore porn?” Benji taunts the kid that is beginning to run away. Benji sees on Setsuna hand an odd staff with an odd looking skull on the tip. Setsuna lifts Rasetsu with his powers and they hover away. Benji runs to the window `Come back here kid. I haven't even got on the juicy part!” Benji shouts as Setsuna looks back to him “Ahh muleki!” Benji shouts seeing the demon fleeing. Entering on the street is the hanagumi. They see everything. Benji tosses his knife up and it spins on the air and he grabs the tip. He pulls his arm back all the way and tosses the knife over Setsuna with a stunning strength. The knife cuts the air in an amazing speed and the demon shouts with the knife cuts his thumb and the staff off his hand before he teleports away. Benji walks the distance between the store and the knife that is nailed in a wall in the other side of the street three shops down. The hanagumi moves closer of him. Benji sheaths the knife and he bends over dusting himself and untying the bandana from his ankle. He grabs the now broken staff “Well my part of the job is done.” He says “And yours?” Benji asks clearly to Maria since no one else speaks English. “We finished too.” The blonde says a bit surprised to see Setsuna and Rasetsu running away from him. Benji begin to walk to where Ayame is. “Where you are going?” Maria asks “I am going to get my ride.” Benji says walking with out limping. He begun getting some distance and with the sensors they can hear him singing in a low tune “Aiiro ni chirabaru nanatsu no hoshi yo. Sorezore ni ima omoi wa tsunori uchikudakarete ai wo sakenda. Nigedasu koto mo dekizu ni yume ni sugaritsuku. Ikasama na hibi nado ni wa mou makenai.” He sings walking away and they can't hear anymore. “I thought that he didn't know how to speak Japanese.” Sakura says “I guess that he know how to sing in Japanese.” Kohran says as they move away. “I am sure that he was emphasizing that `he can't lose'.” Kanna says “Well seeing what he did I have to agree with him.” She adds looking away. They follow him and see the mass of corpses and that Benji is just avoiding then not caring about it. No one notices that Benji is still singing they are too busy arguing over the carnage that they are seeing. After join Ayame, enters in the car and sits on the back seat tired. The hanagumi is being loaded and they leave. “Here.” Benji says handing to Ayame the sword. “I said that is a gift. It is yours.” Ayame says. Benji is happy, but he still don't feel worthy of the blade. Later on the theater the hanagumi tries to talk to him. He just walk pass then saying that he is tired and walk to his room undressing on the middle of the way. He drops his clothes, weapons and bag pack on the floor and collapse in the bed. “I am tired.” Benji says lying face down on the bed. “But even with the guaraná overdose I am too tired.” Benji whispers before falling on a tired sleep.
On the briefing room
“What you meant hat you won't punish him?!” the hanagumi shout at the same time. “He was following my orders.” Yoneda answers “You where facing the wakijis many of then. Benji was send to eliminate those who where corrupted by Setsuna powers.” The old man continues “But if the rod was destroyed…” Ogami begin to say and Ayame cuts him “Everyone would die anyway. The rod removed the civilians souls and corrupted they corpses turning then in demons. He did that to prevent that the army reached more civilians who where in shelters.” Ayame says “I ordered him myself.” She adds. “But the teikoku kagekidan was supposed to protect the people of Teito not kill then.” Sakura says “Benji haven't taken the oath yet.” Ayame says “Officially speaking Benji is not a member of the hanagumi yet.” Ayame adds “But we can't let him just do that slip with out a punishment.” Maria says “You think that killing demons that once where people, men, women, children and elders killing then all is something that he would just do with out any guilt?” Ayame says “He is not so cold Maria.” Ayame adds knowing more about Benji than anyone else. Maria stays in silence digesting the information. “Benji is not a trained soldier or a professional assassin. He had a pretty normal life before coming here. Try to understand his point of view. He killed about two hundred of people tonight. Fought against Rasetsu and Setsuna. How you would be feeling doing all that in one night?” Ayame says to the hanagumi “See is not so easy blain him now, is it?” Ayame asks refraining her point “And add the fact that he has absolutely no control over his spiritual energy, how you would feel facing Setsuna and Rasetsu like that?” the hanagumi silence is the answer that Ayame gets. “And he is on a strange land where everyone speaks a language that he doesn't know how to speak.” Sakura says breaking the tense silence. “That is right. Iris thinks that he must be feeling lonely. Everyone taking out Ayame-oneechan keeps distance of him. Even Iris.” The young French girl says in a quiet tone. Ayame smiles seeing that at least she have made the ice wall between Benji and the hanagumi get a bit thinner. Especially with Sakura and Iris.
Sometime during the night
Benji is laying on his bed suffering from the side effects of an high dose of guaraná, namely two strong effects, the first the total lack of sleep and the second a powerful raging hard on forming a large tend on the slight loose shorts that is his usual pajamas. “This is another reason that I hate taking that mix. Guaraná is an aphrodisiac.” Benji says to himself “And being six months with out getting laid doesn't help either.” He adds recalling of his long passed accident with a girlfriend from his early teen's days “Boy Ciel got so mad when I told her that I got drunk and fucked Sabrina.” Benji shivers recalling of the argue that they got over the phone because of that. Benji sighs “I am sure that I won't get laid anytime soon here.” He says with his eyes closed. “I wouldn't bet on that if I was you.” A familiar husky voice speaks to him in a Russian accented English. Benji eyes open in a flash “Maria?!” Benji asks half shouting seeing the Russian blonde markswoman naked on his bed moving closer of him. “And I can see that you are really happy to see me.” Maria says gently rubbing his erection, Benji gasps in pleasure and surprise “Wait a second Maria. That is too forward.” Benji says trying to move her hand away. “Lie down and relax.” Another voice says. “Kanna?!” Benji gasps in surprise feeing two arms moving on his shoulders and pulling him back down. Benji notices that his bed is warm and in a different level of softness. And he sees Kanna gorgeous boson from below. She leans a bit forward looking down at him “You are enjoying the view?” she asks to him with a sexy smile. “What is going on?!” Benji shouts in surprise feeling his pants being pulled down by two sets of hands, one in each leg. “Ayame?! Sumire?!” Benji shouts seeing the two naked brown haired women removing his pants revealing his large erection to the four sets of eyes belonging to the naked women. Jolts of pleasure run in his body. His complain is chocked when a warm pair of lips crushes against his. Kanna slide her tongue on Benji mouth. With an already conditioned reflex Benji twirls his tongue with hers. He feels two warm pressures on his palms and with the corner of his eyes he can see Sumire and Ayame pressing his hands against they breasts. “God how this can be happening?!” Benji thinks trying hard to keep himself rational as his most primal urges try to take over his mind. He feels a warm wetness on his member and he easily recognizes the texture of the flesh “God Maria is licking me…” he thinks drowning in pleasure.
Benji jumps in the bed. His eyes scan the room with a worried rush. “God it was a dream!” Benji says in loud in Portuguese when he sees that he is alone. He sees his throbbing member “I don't know if I am happy or disappointed with that.” Benji says lying down again. He looks at his watch and sigh “Morning already. And I don't feel rested.” He mutters getting up. There is a knock on the door and Benji get up to answer it. “Ohayo Benji-kun.” Ayame says to him “Ohayo Ayame.” Benji says back. She smiles a smile that say `I will tease you so much' “Answer me Benji-kun, is that your knife or you are happy to see me?” Ayame asks in a voice dripping with her teasing. Sumire is passing behind Ayame in her sleeping kimono. “So Benji-kun I am waiting your answer.” Ayame says still teasing Benji. The ninja knows that she is teasing him and blush. “What you want Ayame?” he asks covering himself with the door. She chuckles lightly “We have classes today Benji-kun and we need to buy you new clothes.” The major answers. “Give me a time to take a bath and dress up.” Benji says to her. She smile naughtily and walk away “Don't make wait too long Benji-kun.” She asks winking at him. He closes the door and looks down seeing his erection “Get down! The last thing that I need now is you all worked up! We are not getting any service here!” Benji says to himself.
Vitória, Espirito Santo, Brazil February 1, 2005
(First person point of view)
I walk on the familiar streets that lead to his house. I still can't believe in that. But as he told me once I will take care of then. I reach the metal gate and open then with the keys that he gave me. I move the two sets of stairs to his apartment. I enter in the house knowing that is unlocked. I hear the sound of someone changing. Since Victor is on the college must be Kaori. I greet her and she smiles sadly at me. I move on the small hall and reach his room. I see the `organized mess' that he calls of room. I place the new edition of his favorite manga on the shelf. I move to Victor room and turn on the computer entering on his log. I smile seeing his hanagumi wallpaper. I get on the internet and open the NetCaptor. Knowing that as usual his favorite's pages are open waiting him to check on then, I see the unwanted pop up window appear blocking the NetCaptor. “Julietta I am going to visit him. You want to come with me?” I hear Kaori ask me in a slightly sad tone. “Sure. I was going to check on his mails and send the messages to his friends about that to tell then what happened. But I can do that later.” I say back to her. “I guess that he is no longer writing those stories anymore right?” Aunt Kaori is sad with all this I can feel on her voice and see on her eyes when she talks, the least that I can to is go with her. She is suffering a lot since that day. The mouse jams when I turn the power key. I turn my back to the computer screen and move away to be with my best friend mother when she needs company.
(Third person point of view)
The pop screen closes revealing the NetCaptor screen. I Julietta looked back she would see that on the page where there is a list of stories under the address of the
If she had looked at the first title and the name behind it she would have a heart attack. And it says: Outcast. Chronicles of a lost writer. By Benji Himura
The computer turns off just before the red head Julietta looks again to be sure of the device shut down.
End of the chapter two:
Author notes:
Please read and review. I will answer every review. Good or bad. If you have time to read and send a review. I will send you an answer.
Japanese glossary:
Ai uchi: It is a term in kendo. It is a draw where both of the swordsmen die in the fight.
Watashi shinjiterimasu: It means `I trust in you' in Japanese.
Tekko: Japanese cloth protection to the arms. An example Sango from Inu-Yasha uses it.
Fukushu: It means revenge in Japanese.
Demo anata: It means “But you”.
Sorezore ni ima omoi wa tsunori uchikudakarete ai wo sakenda. Nigedasu koto mo dekizu ni yume ni sugaritsuku. Ikasama na hibi nado ni wa mou makenai: This is the first verse of the Inu-Yasha opening theme called grip. Here is the translated version Scattered about are seven purple stars. Thoughts are brought together by each, crushing our cry out for love. Unable to escape from it, we cling to our dreams. We won't lose anymore to the everyday trickery
Yaoi: It is the homosexual genre stories in manga, amine and stories.
Portuguese glossary:
A gata sabe acumpultura: Literally means “The babe know acumpulture.”
Ela salvou minha vida. Vou pagar o favor: Literally means “She saved my live. I will repay the favor.”
Vingança: Revenge
Muleki: Actually is a corrupted way to say moleque that means brat.
Author notes P.S
I am making two versions of this story. One with out explicit sex scenes and one with then. As well with sexual related omakes. For the unedited version please go to:
For the edited version please go to:
I thank you all for the understanding. If sexual scenes offend you in any way I am giving you the option to chose a version with out explicit sexual content.