Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast: Chronicles of a lost writer ❯ And when things go wrong ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a new fanfic. Is a Sakura Taisen story. I don't own Sakura or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.
Signed: Benji Himura.
Chapter three: And when things go wrong
Teito August twenty third 1922
Benji grabs his clothes and walks to the shower room keeping the clothes in front of himself. After a freezing cold bath Benji erection fades and he moves back to his room. He reaches to his bag pack and carefully empties it on the floor. He places the palm top, a CD player, a CD case, a photo album and a battery charger back in the bag and he organizes a bunch of weapons on the floor around him. He picks the Fukushu and his knifes and places on the floor too. He places his right knee on the floor to not force his right ankle and he looks at his belongings.
The katana is on his left, the combat knife is in front of him, the butterfly is besides the knife, there are five metal rods of thirty centimeters each with a screw tip placed beside the other, the two tekkos are near of the rods one beside the other, there is a long and slender knife on the proper sheath near of the tekkos and metal baton.
“It is good that I was going to camp with the others. At least I have some clothes and weapons.” Benji says in Portuguese checking his arsenal. “It is a good thing that we tend to practice on our camps.” He adds with a wistful tone.
He reaches to the photo album and opens it. He sees a group picture. There is him on his usual t-shirt and jeans, Julietta wearing a tight tank top with military pants and jacket, a tall blonde with long hair wearing jeans and a button blue shirt, a girl with Japanese features with short black hair wearing jeans and a t-shirt, a teen with short brown hair wearing a tank top and a tight gym shorts and a woman with black hair and a graffiti black eyes with a pearly white skin that is wearing black overalls over a red shirt.
“I bet that you guys are worried.” Benji says in Portuguese. “Juli, Kimihito, Yuki, Rosetta and Lisa I bet that you are all worried about me.” He whispers closing the album and placing back on the bag. He opens another compartment and he retrieves few leather straps and he puts on a shirt, the chain mail and a long sleeved shirt over it and the leather straps. They are like a shoulder gun holster but with leather rings to hold on the weapons that are scattered in the floor.
Benji places the knifes on his waist horizontally, the metal rods on his back and the metal baton between his shoulder blades. He covers up with a black vest. “I am forgetting the cross.” Benji says to himself. He scoops a small leather case and places on his belt and he places the bag pack under the bed and leave to have breakfast. Benji opens the door and see Sakura ready to knock on it. She looks surprised and confused.
“I think that I should say something.” She thinks looking at Benji. To her surprise is Benji who break the silence “Ohayo gozaimasu.” Benji says in a bad Japanese to Sakura. “…eh Ohayo gozaimasu!” Sakura says recovering from the initial shock
“Ayame-san told us that he speaks just a little bit of Japanese. Barely enough to greet someone or ask for food.” Sakura thinks recalling of Ayame words. Benji moves besides Sakura and close his bedroom door and he begin to move away.
“Chotto mate kudasai!” Sakura cries to him. “Nani?” Benji says turning to her. “Eto...Asameshi!” Sakura spurts confused.
“Wakarimashita.” Benji says continuing to move to the dinning hall. “I wonder how much Japanese he truly knows.” Sakura thinks following the older man. In the dinning hall Benji seats on his usual spot. He can hear Kohran talking happily about something. Benji feels like something is moving around his guts. After the breakfast they move to the underground area and by Maria request Benji goes with then. But the brunet notices that the blonde is not really happy with his company. The hanagumi chat on the way. And they arrive in a large room, Benji sees Ayame and Yoneda there too and he notices the evil smirk on Kohran face.
“This is not good. That smile seems the ones that Juli gives when she got some idea that ends on me hurt.” He thinks nervous. Benji stay few steps behind the hanagumi and Ayame moves to him. “I would like to introduce to you all, the new training dummy that I created.” Kohran says and Ayame translate to Benji who is busy placing two of the metal rods together and placing then back and repeating it one more time. “I programmed it with the data of us. So we can practice with an opponent that can match our skills.” Kohran says. Ayame looks at him not understanding why he is doing that. But he now has two sixty centimeters long metal rods on his back. Ayame could barely hear the two clicks of the rods locking together, especially with Kohran science talk. Ayame scans Benji and notices that he is with his tekkos and knifes.
“Why you are armed Benji-kun?” Ayame thinks looking at him. “I would like to ask to Kanna come forward and give the first performance test to the kishi.” Kohran says. “Kishi means knight right?” Benji asks to Ayame in English. The major nods confirming. “How much Japanese you truly knows Benji?” Ayame asks “Just a bit. I know the meaning of few words. But I can't really talk.” Benji answers. Benji takes a carefully look on the so called `kishi'. It is a robot with about two meters tall that is basically what would be a man inside a full plate medieval armor. Benji notices that the abdomen, forearms and joints are covered in a black metal. And he can quickly see that is made of the same material of his chain mail. The robot have gauntlet like hands with armored wrists, elbows, knees and feet. The head is covered by a helmet with a thin mesh covering an optic sensor. And the chest plate adds more defenses to the machine.
“Hajime!” Kohran shouts and Kanna attacks the machine. Kanna powerful punches are blocked by the kishi metal hands. And then the machine counters attack. Benji feel his hairs standing on the end. The machine punches Kanna abdomen hard, another punch connected with Kanna jaw and a last one in her chest. Kanna coughs blood and Kohran tries to stop the kishi by remote commands. The kishi tosses Kanna hard on the floor and is about to punches Kanna again. The hanagumi watch in shock. And a sound of metal hitting metal is heard. Benji have slammed both rods in the kishi making it fall back feel meters. He quickly unites then forming a one hundred and twenty centimeters long staff and he holds it by the middle with his left hand and he leaves his right hand above the rod. The kishi moves trying to attack Benji who block the attacks with the staff.
“Kohran can you shut it down?!” Ayame asks to the Chinese woman. “No! It is not accepting the commands!” the Chinese screams scared. “RUN!” Benji shouts in English “I can't hold him forever!”
“Hanagumi retreat!” Maria shouts moving to Kanna. She helps the Okinawan and they run away. “Iris!” Sakura shouts. Benji sees a bundle of blonde hair behind the kishi and he sees that Iris is sparking. The kishi realize it too and turns to charge Iris. Benji runs and slides between the robot legs and takes him down with the staff. Benji grabs Iris by the waist holding the staff like a sword and putting Iris over his left shoulder.
“Hurry Benji we are closing up this room!” Ayame shouts to him from the hall. He sees Maria retreating half carrying and half dragging Kanna. The kishi charges Benji. And Benji charges too. But Benji uses the staff as a pole and leaps over the robot. Benji change the grip on the staff and he lands hard on his feet cringing on pain on his right ankle. He runs to the door with the robot on his heels. Benji tosses the staff over the hanagumi and he takes a leap. Ogami and Sakura close the door and Benji lands hard on his side with Iris in top of his chest. They hear the kishi slamming on the door. And a new set of metal doors cover the first one. Benji is breathing hard and in short and painful gasps.
“Damn…now I am sure. I got cracked ribs.” Benji thinks “Iris Daijobu?!” the hanagumi members asks to the shocked girl who nods confirming. “Gee, never mind me.” Benji says in English placing Iris on the floor so he can breathe. He sits gets up and reaches the staff. And Ayame hands it to him. “Good job.” Ayame says smiling at him “You saved two of our members.” She adds as he grabs the staff. The pounding keeps sounding. “How long to that thing runs out of power?” Benji asks to Kohran knowing that Ayame will translate it. “It won't. It is moved by a spirit crystal. And in that room have the kishi weapons. It is only matter of time until he breaks out.” Kohran says and Ayame translate. Benji lets out a stream of curses in Portuguese letting out what they all are thinking. “I guess that you all should be going now.” Benji says in English
“But why?” Maria asks “She programmed that machine to be the perfect opponent to the members of the hanagumi. That means Kanna fighting skills and Ogami strategic thinking. That for an example. And that means…” Benji answers and Ayame cuts in “That the members of the hanagumi can't face it. Since it knows how you will react.” Maria looks at Ayame not believing on her ears. “You want to place him to destroy that machine that knows all about us? You think that he is better than us?” Maria asks in a cold tone
“Actually Maria I know that you all are far more experienced than he is in battle. But his style is something that the kishi never saw before. And as you know he is skilled. I am sure that he can deal with that. And no. I don't believe that he is better than you or the others. I just believe that now he is the most suited to this task.” Ayame answer in a calm tone.
“And why we all can't fight?” Maria says “Even adding him we can defeat that machine.” “Because he needs experience. His techniques lack spirit. His style is untamed. And he is an instinctive fighter. And above all that he is an amateur comparing to Kanna and Sakura who lived they lives for they art.” Ayame says to Maria and sees her eyes grow wide with shock “He is an amateur?!” the blonde shouts in English in shock. The hanagumi hears the dialogue with out understand since it is in English.
“She is right. I am not a trained soldier or a martial artist like Kanna and Sakura. I do have martial training. But not enough to compare to then. I have fighting experience against humans. But nothing more than that.” Benji says in English “I am so…….” Benji sentence is cutted because Maria punches him hard in the ribs. “Son of a bitch!” Maria says in Russian. Benji feels some of his weakened his ribs break with the punch “I don't believe that an amateur could do this to me!” she shouts in English on his face before walking away. Benji breaths hard feeing the broken ribs poking his lungs.
“Give her time to digest the information.” Ayame says “Now let's get in the briefing room and Kohran will tell you what weapons the kishi got.” She adds and they walk away. Iris moves closer of Benji staying deep on his personal space. “Okay to begin with I will keep this simple.” Kohran says and Ayame translates to Benji. “The kishi is made of steel and it was made to resist concussive damage and bullets. So only attacks with cutting power can do some damage. That is passes by the armor. The same goes to concussive strikes. It will only slow him down.” Kohran says pointing into few schematics
“It doesn't have a weak point and it has the must cutting edge technology on it. Honestly I don't know how you will beat him.” She adds looking at Benji with a bit of disbelieve and hope. “Where are the energy supply and the processor?” Benji asks and Ayame translates. “The crystal is on the chest. And is heavily armored. It can't be breached. And the processor is on the head. And is also armored. You can't break it.” Kohran says bitterly “My pride is our ruin.”
Benji removes the vest and the leather stripes to the embarrassment of the hanagumi and kazegumi girls. He stays with the chain mail and he puts the vest back on. “Why the vest?” Sumire asks and Ayame translates. “It is made of silk. And silk is hard to cut.” Benji adds closing the vest up to the last button. He attaches the last rod on the staff. “A staff won't do any good.” Ogami says.
Benji gives a last spin on the freshly added rod and a twenty five centimeters double edged blade pops out from the tip. “This is a spear.” Benji says “And why you were carrying that around?” Ayame asks “Bing chased by then twice in one week is more than enough to make me walk armed and armored.” Benji says. Ayame can't help on nodding. He checks his knifes and sheathe then again and he pulls the metal baton and he places it on his shoulder blades with a holster. “So what weapons does it got? A sword maybe an axe?” Benji asks
“Actually have a machine gun and a grenade launcher.” Kohran says “Okay next time you do one with out weapons or I will beat you up. Understood?” Benji says. Kohran nods when Ayame says “If this happens next time I will be waiting.” Kohran says. “Seal up the exits. I will need every single space to fight. So it is better that it don't have people around.” Benji says and Ayame nods. Benji stays more ten minutes hearing everything that he can from the kishi in hope to use it to destroy it and get out alive. Benji walks away and sits in front of the door hearing explosions inside.
“It founded the grenade launcher.” Benji says. “It seems so.” Ayame voice come by from a speaker. “What you plan on doing?” she asks “I don't plan. I will improvise.” Benji says getting up when the door being to bulge. Over his shoulders there is a small shoulder protection that Ayame handed to him. What he doesn't know is that the small piece of armor is not an armor. But a monitor for spirit energy and body functions. That is mainly informing a computer about Benji vital status. The door explodes and Benji moves to the side of it. The kishi moves with the armed arm first. Benji slams his spear on the large grenade launcher over the barrel aiming on the chamber with the grenade and he run away. The kishi fires. Or at least tries. The jammed gun explodes in a large could of smoke and fire.
“One down. One to go.” Benji mutters. His words are cut by a spray of bullets. Benji feels then slamming on his back only to being stopped by the mail. He lost his breath and jumps inside one room coughing hard. “There goes more ribs.” He thinks seeing a small amount of blood on the floor after he coughs.
“Benji what is wrong?” Ayame voice came from the speakers. “I am recovering my breath.” Benji says in a whisper knowing that the armor will pick it up “What is the machine gun rounds caliber?” Benji says “Thirty eight. Kohran says that since they where under pressure they used revolvers rounds in an altered machine gun.” Ayame says “That explains why the mail stopped the bullets. Anything more powerful and I would be dead.” Benji says in a cold tone happy for Kohran problems. He can hear the heavy footsteps from the machine.
“Where the machine gun is attached?” Benji asks recalling that the kishi was holding the grenade launcher with both hands. “It is attached to the right shoulder.” Ayame says. Benji can hear Kohran talking on the background. Benji sees a chain over a pile of boxes and picks it. He runs out of the room and the kishi aims at him. But Benji with a skillful move wraps the chain around the kishi legs preventing it from turning on him to shoot. Benji reaches on his belt and pull a thick twenty centimeters long metal bar. And it unfolds to a cross and he tosses it on the kishi. The cross cuts the machine gun feeding rail and nails itself on a wall. Benji runs to the kishi and slams the spear on the weapon and run away grabbing the cross on the move. The kishi rips the chain and run after Benji. The sharp cross in his left hand and the spear on the right, he turns to the right hearing the machine skidding on the floor.
In the briefing room.
“So far so good.” Ayame says seeing the images from the security cameras and one from the kishi. “How is the diagnosis going?” Ayame asks to Kohran. “Bad. I can't found what caused this.” The Chinese says. In the kishi camera there is many graphics and information concerning the fight. “But I don't think that he can win.” Kohran says looking at the image and seeing Benji turning another corner. “He just got into the loading dock.” Kohran says recognizing the surroundings. All of sudden the image shakes hard.
In the loading dock.
Benji slams the spear on the kishi head as he entered in the docks. It makes the CPU slower and Benji nails the blade tip of the spear on the kishi right knee. Benji feels the blade snap when tucked on the metal joints. He pulls the remaining blade and hits the back of the kishi left knee making it fall. Benji slams the remaining blade on the back of the fallen machine shoulder feeing the joints give bit by bit under the broken blade but never breaking the metal mesh. The kishi tries to attack Benji who leaps back barely dodging it. The kishi gets up and using a single moment where Benji weak ankle unbalanced him packs a powerful attack with the knee on Benji chest. Benji lets out an odd sound when the air is harshly expelled from his lungs and many of his already cracked ribs break with the impact. He coughs blood and falls few meters away. The kishi dashes at Benji, who raise the spear forcing the bladeless tip on the floor. The kishi speed makes the spear bury deep inside the machine abdomen. Benji take a deep breath and tackles the machine down and removing the spear run away in a cat walk putting distance between himself and the killing machine so he can recover his breath.
In the briefing room.
“Kishi mobility fallen to sixty percent. Attack power of the left arm reduced to fifty three percent.” Kasumi says reading the data. “That is impossible! My kishi was supposed to be unbeatable! He doesn't have weak spots!” Kohran says not believing on the data. “He created weak spots Kohran. Nothing like the good and old will to survive to turn a man in a fighting machine.” Ayame says to the Chinese. “And it is good that he is weakening the machine. After all it is trying to kill us.” Sakura says and the others nod. They see Benji on the cat walk breathing hard. He leans in a rail and recover as the kishi moves in a slow pace to him. The kishi accelerate on the catwalk making the metal frame shake.
In the catwalk.
Benji waits the kishi get close enough and slam the staff on the kishi. Sparks flow on the contact and Benji raises the lower part of the staff hitting the kishi in the jaw. The ninja knows that the damage was bellow minimal. But when all the minimal damages are joined there is a serious damage. The kishi attacks back and Benji barely blocks the punches with the spear. Benji tosses the spear hard in to a wall and the remaining two inches of the blade burry on the wall nailing the spear on the walk. Benji packs a combo of punches on the kishi head. His breath is short and in an unstable rhythm. The kishi armor is bended to inside in many spots, some are long and thin that was made from the spear and some are large and circular made from the metal enforced punches from Benji. The ninja can hear the hydraulics pistons whining inside the armor because the damage. Is not enough to disable the machine. But enough to make it a bit less dangerous to a wounded and tired ninja. The barrage of punches gets thinner and the machine strikes back. Benji ducks avoiding a punch. But he hears something snapping. He looks up and sees that the kishi broke one of the metal bars that hold the catwalk. And under then there is a ten meters tall fall. Benji is blocking the attacks with his armored arms and feeling that under the heavy pounding the hardened steel of his tekkos are bending. Benji unsheathes his larger combat knife and stabs the kishi on the left shoulder. He feels the joint give in and he punches his own hard up forcing the blade up and ripping off the kishi arm. A powerful jet of hydraulic fluid gushes in the air staining the ninja, the catwalk and the floor bellow then. Benji feels the catwalk rocking and the metal screeching. He turns his back to the machine and tries to run away. He sheathes the knife and grabs the cross. He removes a thin steel wire from the left tekko inner wrist and attaches on a small clip on the cross and tosses it hard into a beam on the roof. The cat walk gives in. Benji screams in pain. The kishi is gripping on his right ankle and both of then are hanging on the air. The steel cable is overly tense and the cross is only wrapped around the beam. Benji feels every joint from his left arm stretch and pop. He kicks the kishi head with his left foot while holding on his left write with his right hand to ease the stress on his joints. Seeing his efforts useless Benji draws his larger knife again. The kishi is slowly climbing on Benji leg. Benji hits the kishi forehead with the butt of the hilt that is enforced to act like a hammer. And the kishi helmet bends inwardly with each strike.
In the briefing room.
“Cranial damage in five percent!” Kasumi shouts. The hanagumi watch in shock by the kishi visor Benji pounding the kishi head. And in each blow the camera fills with static. They see Benji toss the knife on the air inverting his grip on it and he begin to stab the kishi with the blade. And then the kishi hand let go and the camera go black. In the depot camera they see Benji hanging by his arm breathing hard and slowly swinging back and forth.
”What he plans on doing?” Sumire asks. “I don't think that I want to know.” Kohran says.
In the catwalk
Benji swings and sees that he is almost reaching the other side. He cuts the steel cable with the knife and lands hard on the remaining catwalk. But the catwalk begins to give in. Benji gets up fast and moves as fast as he can with out putting his right foot down. He leaps the last meters holding on the doorframe. The cat walk falls and Benji slowly climb up to the solid ground. He leans on his back breathing hard trying to get as much air as he can on his wounded lungs. The knife is few inches away from his hand and the tekkos palm blades are open. The shoulder armor from Ayame is broken and he tries to sit up. After a couple minutes he manages to sit. He can hear from the loading docks the sound of wood breaking. And he knows that the kishi is still operational. Benji hides the palm blades and sheath the knife. He gets up and walks leaning on the wall moving to finish off the machine. Under his right roof a train of blood forms. On the corner of his lips there are two thin lines of blood.
“I wonder how much more I can take. I am just human and everything hurts.” Benji thinks before reaching a stairway. “Just what I needed now.” Benji mutters in Portuguese. He slowly makes his way down. But he slides on his blood. The sound of metal meeting metal are heard as well the sound of bones breaking and then silence reign in the empty stairway.
End of the chapter three:
Author notes:
Please read and review. I will answer every review. Good or bad. If you have time to read and send a review. I will send you an answer. And I would like to thank to SilverBlue Dragon and to Greyhound Master for the reviews. I am making two versions of this story. One with out explicit sex scenes and one with then. As well with sexual related omakes. For the unedited version please go to: for the edited version please go to: I thank you all for the understanding. If sexual scenes offend you in any way I am giving you the option to chose a version with out explicit sexual content.
Japanese glossary:
Ohayo gozaimasu: Means good morning.
Chotto mate kudasai: Means please wait.
Asameshi: Means breakfast.
Wakarimashita: Means understood.
Kishi: Means knight.
Omake: Means premium or an extra.
Ecchi: Means pervert.
Hayaku: Means hurry or fast.
Benji talking to Ayame half naked and with a hard on.
Benji jumps in the bed. His eyes scan the room with a worried rush. “God it was a dream!” Benji says in loud in Portuguese when he sees that he is alone. He sees his throbbing member “I don't know if I am happy or disappointed with that.” Benji says lying down again. He looks at his watch and sigh “Morning already. And I don't feel rested.” He mutters getting up. There is a knock on the door and Benji get up to answer it. “Ohayo Benji-kun.” Ayame says to him “Ohayo Ayame.” Benji says back. She smiles a smile that say `I will tease you so much' “Answer me Benji-kun, is that your knife or you are happy to see me?” Ayame asks in a voice dripping with her teasing. Sumire is passing behind Ayame in her sleeping kimono. “So Benji-kun I am waiting your answer.” Ayame says still teasing Benji. The ninja knows that she is teasing him and blush. “And what you would do if I say that I am really happy to see you?” Benji says with a naughty smile. “Well then I would get in your pants and I would take out my delay.” Ayame says pushing Benji inside of his room while opening her shirt with one hand. “And I really need some hot and steamy sex.” She adds closing the door.
Same scene another possible way.
“Answer me Benji-kun, is that your knife or you are happy to see me?” Ayame asks in a voice dripping with her teasing. Sumire is passing behind Ayame in her sleeping kimono. “So Benji-kun I am waiting your answer.” Ayame says still teasing Benji. The ninja knows that she is teasing him and blush. “Well actually Ayame I am happy to see Sumire.” Benji says pointing to Sumire who is walking behind her with her sleeping kimono. “I am so glad to hear that!” Sumire shouts roughly pushing Ayame to a side and hugging Benji tightly and rubbing herself on his groin. “Take me!” Sumire shouts before they enter in the room locking the door. “Where she learned Japanese?” Ayame says rubbing her sore butt. “God you are so big, strong, handsome and muscular!” Sumire shouts inside the room “Give me children!” Sumire adds. Ayame gets up and pounds on the door “Let me in! I want it too!” she shouts while she hears the shouts of pleasure from Sumire “I want to fuck!” Ayame shouts slamming in the door being watched by the others members of the hanagumi who where wake by the howls of pleasure of Sumire and the shouts of jealousy from Ayame.
Maria and Benji ai uchi.
A hissing sound cuts his thoughts and he raises his left arm hardening his muscles. A loud slap echoes in the dark halls. Benji feels the sting of the pain on his forearm. He can see white arm connected on his arm. Before the person can attack again Benji twists his arm grabbing the attacker wrist and with his right hand he grabs the attacker neck and slams him into a near wall. An odd clicking sound is heard. As well a muffled gasp. Pressed between Benji body and the wall is the also tall form of Maria Tachibana. Her eyes are half closed and slightly unfocused showing that she is enjoying the kiss. Benji is softly caressing the back of her neck just where her hair begins to grow sending extra jolts of pleasure to the blonde markswoman. Benji forces his tongue on Maria mouth making her eyes get wide with surprise. He teases and caresses her tongue and soon she reciprocates the kiss. After a full minute Benji breaks the kiss pulling his tongue back to his mouth. “Ai shiteru.” Benji says calmly looking on Maria eyes. Her face shows the shock that is filling her mind and for a minute she only stares at him. She smiles warmly at him and then she kisses him. And the keep making out on the hallway.
Maria and Benji ai uchi 2 another possible way.
A hissing sound cuts his thoughts and he raises his left arm hardening his muscles. A loud slap echoes in the dark halls. Benji feels the sting of the pain on his forearm. He can see white arm connected on his arm. Before the person can attack again Benji twists his arm grabbing the attacker wrist and with his right hand he grabs the attacker neck and slams him into a near wall. An odd clicking sound is heard. As well a muffled gasp. Pressed between Benji body and the wall is the also tall form of Maria Tachibana. Her eyes are half closed and slightly unfocused showing that she is enjoying the kiss. Benji is softly caressing the back of her neck just where her hair begins to grow sending extra jolts of pleasure to the blonde markswoman. Benji forces his tongue on Maria mouth making her eyes get wide with surprise. He teases and caresses her tongue and soon she reciprocates the kiss. After a full minute Benji breaks the kiss pulling his tongue back to his mouth. “Ai shiteru.” Benji says calmly looking on Maria eyes. Her face shows the shock that is filling her mind and for a minute she only stares at him. She smiles at him and then she hits Benji in the groin with her knee. She let go of him and look down at him while he holds his broken part kneeled in pain “That is for breaking my fingers.” She says coldly. She turns her back to him and walk away “And I am dating Sakura.” She adds before turning a corner “Damn. I am too late.” Benji says in pain.
Kohran secret use for the kishi.
“Now Kanna can you help me to demonstrate the kishi?” Kohran says to the Okinawan
“Sure. My pleasure.” Kanna says cracking her knuckles. “Hajime!” Kohran shouts. And from the kishi groin a large phallic device pop out and begin to vibrate. Kohran goes into a deep red shade.
“Kohran no ecchi!” Benji says in a teasing tone. The kishi rips Kanna kimono top “Help!” Kanna shouts trying to get away from the machine. Kohran face get even redder. “Benji go help Kanna.” Ayame says
“Why me?” Benji asks not taking his eyes from the show. “Because I am telling you to do so. If you save her I will do something nice with you later.” Ayame says.
“Okay. One rescue on the way.” Benji says moving to help Kanna. “I am charging it.” Benji says joining the rods.
“Hayaku daskete!” Kanna shouts while the kishi rips her pants. “Hai, Hai.” Benji says slamming the staff on the kishi vibrator breaking it. The machine let out sparks and stops.
“That was easy.” Benji says hitting his hands together as if he was removing dust from them.
“Arigato!” Kanna says giving on Benji a tackle like hug and kissing him. “Lucky!” Benji mutters before Kanna kisses him. “Kohran what I have said about you making out sex toys?!” Ayame says looking at the Chinese.
“To call you first to test then.” Kohran says making Ayame blush. Most of the hanagumi girls have fainted when Kanna was being attacked. Only Sumire and Maria are still conscious. Ogami is lying on a pool of blood that is coming from his nose and Yoneda is on the floor with his right hand over his heart and he is very pale and not breathing.
“Give me some space ape-woman! I also want him!” Sumire says taking out her kimono and joining Kanna and Benji on the floor. Maria sigh in disbelieve.
What might happen if Ayame asked why Benji is armed.
“Why you are armed Benji-kun?” Ayame asks seeing that Benji is carrying weapons. “I was chased by those girl two times in one week and they tried to kill me in the two times. So now I will strike back.” Benji says to Ayame.
“And how you plan on doing that?” Maria asks provoking “Like this!” Benji says punching Maria. And the new project of Kohran is forgotten and a huge fight involving the entire hanagumi begins. “I should not have asked that.” Ayame says covering her eyes in disgust.