Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast: Chronicles of a lost writer ❯ Man against machine ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a new fanfic. Is a Sakura Taisen story. I don't own Sakura or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.
Signed: Benji Himura.
Chapter four: Man against machine
In the briefing room
“The kishi is moving again. All frame received damage. Operational parameters have all fallen on thirty percent.” Kasumi says “That adding the previous damage?” Ayame asks “No ma'an. The previous damage was not added.” Kasumi says.
“Where is Benji?” Ayame asks “We can't found him on the security cameras from the area where he was moving. He must be hiding from then or he is on a blind spot.” Tsubaki says
“This is not good.” Ogami says “ma'an permission to go assist Himura on his task.” The lieutenant asks.
“Denied.” Yoneda says “But sir…” “Don't argue.” Yoneda says cutting Ogami. The young man stays quiet. “Where is Maria-san?” Sakura asks looking around the room “She walked away before we came here remember?” Sumire says “But she might be in danger.” Sakura says
“Look so far she hasn't show in any cameras. So it is safe to assume that she is on the theater where we don't have cameras.” Ayame says “She is safe.” Sakura stays quiet looking at the major.
In the loading dock
The kishi moves over broken boxes and he grabs a metal bar with his remaining hand and he keeps moving to the direction where Benji is.
On the stair way
Benji is hanged by his left arm on the metal stairs. Under him there is a large fall. Blood drips from his right foot. His palm lays flat on the steel frame of the small platform of the stairs. He swings a bit unconscious. He cringes with pain and slowly wakes. “Damn…this hurt like hell.” He says in Portuguese feeling jolts of pain running on his body.
“So much to have endorphin running on my veins now.” He adds looking around. He slowly moves. He gasps in pain but he feels the adrenaline beginning to run on his veins again and this time a numbness follow as the endorphin follows. Benji looks up and see the blades of his shuko on the mesh. But one is missing and he knows that it broke with the impact. He raises his right arm and curses feeling his broken ribs poking his internal organs. He grabs the mesh with his right hand and slowly pulls himself up.
“Keep moving. `Groan' Forget the pain. `Gasp' The pain is good. It means that I am alive. `low growl' It pumps adrenaline on my system.” Benji says in Portuguese pulling himself up. Now both of his hands are over the mesh and one of his left hand blades snaps. Benji slides back hard and he grasps the mesh cursing as his wound ache. His grip is weakening but he grips harder. His right hand slides and another blade break on his left palm. A gloved hard grabs his right wrist. He looks up and sees a shadowed form. He feels a familiar perfume. And he holds on the wrist that is helping him.
“Thanks Maria.” He says forcing himself up while she pulls him. He feels her other hand gripping on his back to help him up. “Thank me later.” She says with her voice low with the effort. Soon he is back on the platform. Maria is breathing hard with the effort and so is Benji.
“Men weight more than they look.” Maria says in English. “I weight eighty kilos.” He says in English too. “Still too much.” She says “You are not so under it.” Benji says recalling of Maria personal file that he have on his computer. “I bet somewhere around the sixty. Maybe sixty five.” He says. By Maria face he knows that he is right. And he is right. “And how you know that?” she asks suspicious
“I guessed by your height.” Benji says hiding the real reason. “You don't look very good.” Maria says looking at the bleeding, tired, war-torn and oiled-speckled Benji. “I have seen better days.” Benji says looking at Maria and seeing her on her uniform. “And you look hot.” Benji says with a smirk. Maria blushes and mutters something in Russian. Benji don't understand but he is sure that she called him of pervert. Benji grabs on the rail with his right hand and pulls himself up.
“Hey take easy! I heard something breaking before I found you!” Maria shouts in English. “Those were my ribs and my left wrist.” Benji says groaning in pain but now standing on his left foot. “You need medical care.” Maria says “I need destroy that robot first. Then I go to a hospital. If I live so long.” Benji says trying to take a step, but his ankle is not helping.
“You are insane.” Maria says standing too. “And you are sexy.” He says with a smile. “I can toss you down there again.” She says menacing in English. “And I could take you with me.” He says smiling in pain. Maria passes Benji right arm over her shoulders and passes her left arm around his waist.
“Don't get any ideas. I will help you get down the stairs and only that.” Maria says in a cold tone. “Fine. Then show me where I can found metal and tools.” Benji says “And why you need that?” Maria asks while they slowly move down. “I need something to patch up my broken joints and something to give that piece of junk some massive damage.” Benji says.
“You are insane for sure.” Maria says “But I guess that Kohran workshop will do just fine.” She adds. They stay in silence the entire way to Kohran workshop. Benji feels curious about why Maria is avoiding the cameras but he keeps his mouth shut. After all she knows how to move there and he is not in his best shape to run away from her blast. Soon they reach Kohran workshop. Benji gasps in surprise seeing the mess that is the large room. With pieces of metal and blueprints all over the place. Benji grabs a flat metal bar and moves to a large table and bends it forming an L then he picks another one and bends it forming a tight U Maria looks at him with curiosity. Then bends the two tips outwards and with a hammer he presses then tight around the sides.
“What you are doing?” She asks curious. “You will see.” Benji says he founds a blowtorch and he founds a welding mask. After weld the two pieces together he cool the on a faucet. He sits on a chair and removes his right boot. Maria gasps seeing the sock dripping blood. Benji turn the boot upside down and more blood comes out. He puts the metal frame on his foot with the longer bars up on his calf and he found some wires and he ties the odd looking splint on his leg. He frowns while trying to move his foot and the metal frame don't budge.
“Good. Tight but not uncomfortable.” He says now putting on his boot again. This time leaving space for the splint but tight enough to not slip out from his foot. Benji get up. He takes few steps happy to see that his weight is now being held by the frame that transfers it to his knee.
“Now I can walk again. And now for my wrist.” Benji says picking another bar and tying his tekko and tying the tip on the palm bar fully immobilizing his left hand. But he still can move his fingers. “And what you plan on doing now?” Maria asks feeling curious about the Brazilian man plans. Benji grabs a long metal bar and begins to sharp it on a motored emery.
“You will see.” Benji says while sparks fly on the air. “You are not worried about the kishi?” Maria asks. “Not much. The damage will slow him down. If this ends fast enough I can meet him on the halls.” Benji says sharpening the long and curved bar. Maria picks Benji right tekko that is on a desk and exam it with curiosity.
“You used this to climb, but where you got leverage with this?” she asks to him. “Press the small switch on the right side of the palm blade.” Benji says still focused on sharpening the bar. Maria does and four blades eject from the palm. “Wow! This so nice feature.” Maria says
“It is. But sadly is not strong enough when comparing to the real shuko. But it helps.” Benji says “Shuko?” Maria asks “Ninja climbing claws. It can also be used to fight.” Benji says “I see. Since these ones are mobile they are weaker.” Maria says understanding, Benji nods confirming. One hour later Benji is holding a long hand made sword. “This might help.” Benji says happy with the job. Using some wires he makes an improvised hilt and a guard.
“So can you give that back now?” Benji says to Maria who is still looking at the tekko now looking at a razor sharp steel wire that came from the inner wrist.
“This is for climbing?” Maria asks “It is too sharp.” She adds “That is not for climbing.” Benji says picking it back and seeing the wire being rolled again inside a hidden compartment. “This is for cutting.” Benji says. Maria understands the use. It is made to strangle or cut of heads like a piano wire. Benji bust in laugh and Maria looks at him confused.
“What is so funny?” She asks curious “It is half past nine in the morning. It is not even close of the lunch time and the day will turn worse!” Benji says between laughs. Maria doesn't understand but the day has only begun and the accident happened. Benji grabs a long chain and he leaves the room and Maria follows him.
“Let's pay a visit to the armory I need to get some armor piercing bullets.” Maria says “I don't mind if you get then. But the kishi is my kill.” Benji says.
“Just in case that you die.” Maria says plainly. Benji hides his displeasure at her statement Maria just leads the way while Benji carefully wraps the chain around his left arm. “How you knew that it was me helping you in the stairs?” Maria asks breaking the silence and the metal against metal sound of Benji wrapping the chain around his arm.
“I felt your perfume. You uses lily scented shampoo and soap. As well a lily scented perfume. So it was an easy guess.” Benji says in a casual tone. “You must like of someone named Yuri. If I am right in Japanese yuri means lily.” He adds casually. He can't see but Maria frown and her eyes show sadness. But Benji knows that he just hitted in a weak spot, after all he knows about Yuri death. He sighs a bit. He don't like to hurt people, but Maria asked for it when she said `just in case that you die' if she said in a normal tone that wouldn't bothered him since he knows that he is half dead anyway, but her tone let it know that she is actually hopping to him drop dead. So he decided to be mean to her, but just a bit. Benji stop walking and look back.
“Run.” He says to Maria. “What?” She asks quickly wiping the beginning of her tears. “I said run. The kishi is close.” Benji says “But how…” Just run!” Benji shouts before Maria can finish her question. His tone makes her believe that he mean it. And she begins to hear metal hitting metal and run to the armory. Benji grips on the crude made tachi and he races to the kishi. He pulls the sword back and gives a slash. The blade leaves a trail of sparks because the tip is touching the floor. The blade connects with a steel pipe and more sparks flow.
In the briefing room
“I spotted Maria! The kishi is being attacked by some invisible force!” the shouts of Yuri and Tsubaki mix as they shout what they see on the video feed. “Maria first! Where is she?” Yoneda says “In the area six heading to the armory!” Kasumi shouts.
“Now the kishi!” Yoneda orders “The kishi is on the same hall. But he is being attacked by something invisible. And the attacks and the damages don't stop coming.” Tsubaki says “It is not seeing the enemy?” Ayame asks. “No. The attacks come from straight ahead and still there is no sign of the attacker. The security camera only shows the kishi taking hits after hit and the armor is denting with slashes.” Tsubaki adds.
“Nothing is appearing on the camera? How then the kishi is taking damage.” Kohran asks to no one in particular. “It would be much faster if Benji could only zap the kishi.” Ayame says recalling the alignment of his powers. “What? Ayame-han can you explain your comment?” Kohran asks
“Benji spirit energy flows into electricity attacks. Remember his attack against the wakiji? Or the power surge in the hospital?” Ayame questions Kohran “That is it! Benji is attacking the wakiji!” Kohran shouts.
“And how he does it with out being seen?” Ogami asks “He must be using his powers to jam the cameras and optical sensors of the kishi. That is why we can't see the attacker. The cameras can't see him.” Kohran says “You mean that he is invisible to the kishi?” Sakura asks.
“That is right. He must spread an aura of electricity that jams optical sensors and another technological tracking ways.” Kohran says “So he is a techno ninja?” Kanna asks not sure of what she is saying. “That is right. That is exactly what he is. A ninja that can get totally invisible by electronics and cameras.” Kohran says “No wonder that he broke in the theater.” Sumire says
“That is a lie. Benji don't even know how to use his energy. Especially to something that complex.” Ayame thinks on his defense.
In the loading dock
Benji cutted the steel pipe from the kishi in pieces. His improvised sword is dented and blunt. The kishi armor has uncountable gashes in various depths. Benji packs an extra powerful attack thankful for the adrenaline rush on his system prevents him from feeling the pain that comes from his wounds. The kishi falls near of a door far from Benji and he gets up and makes a retreat. Benji sigh content because he just made the machine fall back. His breath is short and ragged. Benji takes a knee. He rests his weight on his left foot and on the right knee. He rests his left arm over his knee. Blood drips from the tekko and his hand lays limp with blood oozing by his fingers and dripping on the floor. His right ankle also bleeds. The blood oozes from the boot sewing and joints. He nails the tachi on the floor holding the blunt blade with his right hand. His mouth is open as he tries to take as much air as he can inside his blood filled lungs. His eyes are foggy and he slowly closes then. Taking out the sound of his ragged breathing the only sound on that large room is from the blood drops hitting the floor forming a crimson pool under him.
In the hallway
Maria runs to the loading dock. She is carrying a machine gun, a bag pack, a gun belt filled with bullets and her revolver on the holster on her hip. “I can't hear the battle. It is over or moved to another place?” Maria wonders on loud. With the sound of the ammo rattling she can't hear the soft sounds that are produced inside the loading dock just a couple of meters away. But she can feel the very familiar scent of blood mixed with hydraulic fluid. And she knew very well that Benji was soaked on his own blood and the kishi fluids. Unlike she let out she didn't smiled or even smirked at the thought. He fought hard to protect then even being by far the more inexperienced of then all taking out Iris. He couldn't even use his spiritual energy. Maria loads a bullet in the machine gun chamber and prepares herself to the worse.
End of the chapter four:
Author notes:
Please read and review. I will answer every review. Good or bad. If you have time to read and send a review. I will send you an answer. And I would like to thank to SilverBlue Dragon and to Greyhound Master for the reviews. I am making two versions of this story. One with out explicit sex scenes and one with then. As well with sexual related omakes. The unedited version can be found in MediaMiner fanfiction page. The link is on my profile.
Japanese glossary:
Tekko: Ninja climbing claws. Can be used as a weapon to block swords or to climb walls.
Yuri: Means lily. It is also a common girl name. Sometimes used by boys too.
Tachi: It can also be called of taichi or no-daichi. Tachi means long sword.
Sukebe: It means bold person. But can also means someone bold enough to go groping on girls and doing others indecent things.
Chikan: It means sexual pervert. But is truly an insult not so gentle as hentai or ecchi. It is also used to describe rapists.
Yarashi: It means indecent.
Yaro: It can mean man. But is also an insult that means scoundrel. Or can mean “you fool!”
Baka: It means idiot.
Aho: Other way to call someone of idiot.
Bakatare: It means something like asshole.
Bakayaro: It can mean fool or jerk.
Benji guessing Maria weight:
“Well I guess that you must weight at least sixty five.” Benji says in a casual tone. “At least?!” Maria says with her voice raising an octave. But Benji in his actual state misses it. “Yeah. Maybe more. I am quite used to the feminine body. And from what I saw yesterday you seemed to sag a bit.” Benji adds absent minded.
“Sag?!” Maria asks with her voice raising another octave. “You got a really nice set of tits and a great ass. But you need to work out then a bit more they are flaccid. It really shows up in those tight pants. And the panty line is really easy to see thru. You are using black or another dark color. It really shows up when you used white over it.” Benji spurts recalling over the many lectures that his ex-girlfriend gave to him about not using strong colored underwear with white or light toned clothes.
“It shows?!” Maria eyebrow twitches with her voice raising a bit more. “I am sure that Ogami must enjoy the view.” Benji says looking at her moving hips from behind. “That explains why he never ran faster than me!” Maria voice shakes when she says it. “Or faster than the others girls.” She adds recalling the others attacks.
“I heard that he have a bromide collection of you girls.” Benji states casually “I am pretty sure that he `homage' you girls very often seeing those pictures of you all in different costumes.” Maria turns into a deep shade of crimson with Benji words.
“If you want I can give you few exercises to prevent any more sagging and to firm your ass and tits. It really works.” Benji says trying to be helpful. “Sukebe!” Maria shouts punching Benji hard on the jaw. He falls on his butt.
“Ogami no chikan!” Maria shouts with an evil shine on her eyes. “Benji no yarashi sukebe!!” she adds moving away. “Yaro! Baka! Aho! Bakatare! Bakayaro!” Benji hear Maria cursing in Japanese before disappearing into a corner. And he can still hear her cursing in Russian for a while.