Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast: Chronicles of a lost writer ❯ Prove of worth ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a new fanfic. Is a Sakura Taisen story. I don't own Sakura or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.
Signed: Benji Himura.
Chapter five: Prove of worth
Maria walks inside the loading dock and she gasp at the sight of Benji kneeled with the sword in his right hand. “Is he dead?” she asks to herself while moving to him. She steps back when she sees Benji eyes open all of sudden, the angle and the eerie glow on then makes Maria shiver for a second.
“What took you so long?” Benji asks in a husky and tired voice. “What you are doing like that? You should be after the kishi.” Maria says embarrassed from being admonished by Benji. “I was waiting for you.” He says moving to the hall that the kishi entered.
“You are too weird. Others would not be so excited about going after a machine in your state.” Maria states seeing Benji war-torn clothes. She moves after him. He bends down to pick something and Maria sees a cross with a long steel wire on it.
“What is that?” Maria asks seeing the odd looking tool. “This is my cross shuriken. It is not exactly a shuriken but does the job pretty well.” Benji says removing the long wire and folding the cross and placing on his belt pocket. He wraps the wire around his hand before pocketing it. As they walk he ties the knifes on his thighs.
“You will use only that against the kishi?” Maria asks to Benji. “I don't have any other weapons with me. But the kishi is pretty damaged now. So my knifes will do the job.” Benji says between short breaths. Maria notices that he is not talking much and his short and quick breaths. “He is not in a good shape. If I let him die Ayame will be disappointed. I will aid him now. I will set our scores later.” Maria thinks looking at Benji back. Soon they reach the kishi. Before they can react bullets fly. And they don't leave Maria machine gun. But from a machine gun the kishi.
“Where he found that gun?!” Benji shouts from behind a metal door. “I don't know!” Maria shouts from behind a corner. “Do you have a clear shot?” Benji shouts the question. “No!” There are many doors blocking my sight!” Maria shouts back. “Toss me a gun!” Benji shouts.
“You know how to use one?!” Maria shouts her question “Yes! I trained a bit with a thirty eight and rifle.” Benji shouts back. “You are better with which one?” Maria shouts. “The rifle!” he answers. Maria tosses the machine gun to him sliding it on the floor. Benji grabs it and Maria draws her revolver.
“The safety is already off!” she shouts to him. “Understood!” he shouts back. He fires few rounds against the kishi and Maria runs thru the hall reaching on Benji hiding spot. “I think that only point blank shots will do a real damage.” Benji says while the kishi fires a new array of rounds.
“Or if hit one of the weakened parts of the armor.” Maria says “I cover you and you fire.” Benji states to Maria. She nods and he fires at the kishi and Maria runs to another door using the barrage of shots from Benji to get closer. She fires twice making the kishi stumble backwards. Benji fires too trying to give more damage. Maria moves closer and Benji is forced to stop firing because she entered on his line of fire. The kishi uses the moment and fires at Maria. Three shots hit her in the abdomen and she falls back. Benji fires again this time moving to reach Maria.
Maria point of view
I fire two shots against the beated kishi and I move closer to it to destroy it and steal the glory from Benji. That man doesn't deserve the honor of defeating something that the hanagumi can't. The machine behind me stops. I realize my mistake I entered in Benji line of fire and he stopped to not hit me. The kishi uses my mistake and shots me. I can't feel the pain before I faint…
I feel cold. I look around me and found snow. I recognize this place. Yuri, my beloved captain was killed here. And I am forced to watch it again. Seeing how my mistakes cost the live of the one that I love most. I see him pulling the pin of the grenade and being hit. But before anything can happen I feel a strong jolt of pain on my abdomen. I look down and see a metal floor. My arms are hanging limply in front of my eyes. I am facing a large black body and I can see black boots pacing in front of my eyes. I feel pain again when my body rocks on a shoulder. I look around and see now clearly where I am. I am on Benji left shoulder and he is carrying me. I am facing his chest. And his arm is around my waist. Before I can do something I faint again…
My first impression is that is hard to breath. And the feeling of something soft on lower face. I open my eyes and I close then again when smoke hits then. I hear Benji voice cursing. Not in Japanese or English, it must be Portuguese. And I hear shots, many of then. I also feel my body shake in a fast rhythm and I understand that he is shooting. More pain runs thru me when he run. How he can run wounded and carrying me? I am heavy. Liking or not I weight sixty five kilos. I can hear his painful gasps for air as he run. We pass thru a door and he slams it shut, quickly locking it. And I hear strong pounds against the metal door. Is the kishi. Benji moves away from the door. I look up at him. He is with a black mask on his lower face. That covers his nose and mouth. “You woke Maria?” I hear him asking to me in English. “Where are we?!” I ask looking around but the dark and smoke filled room doesn't let me recognize it. “The koubu loading docks.” Is his answer. He moves to my koubu. I don't understand how he passes by everyone else koubu and climbed the stairs to mine. He places me a bit harshly on the cockpit. And I can finally take a good look at him. His pants legs are ripped on several spots with blood oozing from many cuts. His shirt sleeves are both missing. And he has many bruises and cuts on then. I see his metal tekko on the right hand and wrist. And the left one is covered with black cloth and tied with a steel wire. He is no longer wearing the silk vest. He is with a leather straps on his shoulders that I recognize as a shoulder holster for something. His shirt is ripped and torn. And he is now more than ever looking that he left a war. On his right hand is the machine gun. On his waist and thighs are the knifes. I recall the harsh feeling of the fabric when he placed me on the cockpit. It felt bad and metallic. Then hit me. I grab his shirt and now I am sure. That is not fabric or ordinary clothes. That is the chain mail that Ayame gave to us and we refused. I touch my face and I feel the softness of silk and understand. He masked me with his vest. But his mask doesn't look like silk. “You got lucky. If the distance was smaller the mails would not have hold then.” Benji talks to me. I am confused but I recall being shot. I smile under the mask because I decided to put on the chain mail today to face the kishi and I putted two of then. And according to him it saved my live. “You can't fight like that. It is better that you close up the koubu and stay here.” Benji says moving away from the koubu. I notice that his mask is actually one of his sleeves.
And I am sure that it is not doing a good job in filtrating the smoke filled air. “I can fight.” I say trying to get up, just to fall back on my seat. “While you was out the kishi attacked us many times. And in a couple of then I fell and you slipped out from my grip and hitted a wall. You haven't broken anything. But it hitted a nerve. It will take a while to you walk again.” He says to me returning and making me comfortable on the koubu seat.
“Stay put and close up. I will take the kishi away from here. Soon you will be able to walk again. Then you move to where the others are.” He says placing my revolver on my hand and he run away.
“Don't get yourself killed! I want to set the scores!” I shout to him. I don't show a sing that he listened with the sound of the poundings growing louder. I close the koubu hatch and with the cameras I see him placing himself behind a pillar and taking out his belt. He wraps it around the pillar and places the machine gun barrel against it and he give a turn on the gun wrapping it on the belt and the pillar. The door falls after few minutes and Benji fires at the kishi. And I understand why he did that with the belt. It is preventing the aim to change keeping it on the same place. That is the kishi right shoulder. I see the robot holding a axe with his single hand. And Benji ammo ends. He removes the machine gun from the belt and run away. The kishi runs after him. Somehow the kishi is now running again. Now I worry about him. After all I want to beat Benji. I reach to the radio to inform the others of the events.
Benji point of view. (When Maria was shot.)
I race at Maria firing at the kishi. I grab her collar and begin to back off dragging her. I feel my left hand screaming in pain as I drag her. I enter in the first door with her and close it behind us. I can hear the kishi moving and I rip open Maria uniform jacket. Seeing three holes on the white shirt but no blood. I pull the white shirt from her pants and see a black shirt under it. I can't help on smiling at her. I pull it up too to found another one. And on this one I see the bullets. Three of then. Luckily they are made only of lead. I put then on my pocket as a souvenir to Maria. I pull it up too and see three large bruises on her milk while skin. I softly feel the bruises and she groans in pain. That is for sure a really good sign. I check her pulse by placing my index and middle finger on her neck feeling it strong and steady. I fix her clothes as best as I can and I place her on my left shoulder with some effort. I leave her head in the front to preventing me to get distracted by her backside and to prevent damage on her head. After all I will be running from the kishi and I can't leave her head directed to the danger. I gasp in pain feeing my ribs and wounds aching with her weight. I brace myself and walk away with the machine gun pending limply held by a shoulder stripe. I need to place distance between the kishi and myself. And if I get luck I may found the briefing room to leave Maria and call for help. I am not sure if I can continue this for much longer. The door behind us falls and the kishi walks in. but I am not on his range since I turned a corner. Recalling of Kohran words that the kishi as me don't have any idea of how walk around the complex give me some security. But I really wanted to know how walk around her. Maybe getting a tour from Ayame. What a bad way to expend my birthday. I keep moving as fast as I can closing doors behind me to make the kishi take longer to get us. I found myself in a large depot. I carefully place Maria over few boxes and I sit taking time to regain my breath and plan something. My body is sore and my wounds are making me weaker. I try taking a deep breath but I begin to cough hard. I lean on a wall while I cough wildly. I close my eyes in pain and I feel something moving up my throat. A metallic taste fills my mouth and I spit a large glob of whatever is on my mouth. It falls with a loud splat and more follow it. After the crisis I take deep breaths an open my eyes. I can see many dark masses on the floor. Clotted blood. I must have cleaned my lungs with that coughing crisis. But the amounts worry me. I lost too much blood already. No wonder my stamina is gone. I kick a box in frustration it falls and breaks exposing the contents. Bolts and nails for something. I begin to open the boxes seeing what have inside. Maybe I might found a grenade launcher or a bomb. After ten minutes I see only tools and metal bars. Nothing much. But I guess that I can make a trap with then. Picking wire, bolts and few metal bars I begin to make a basic trap. I tie the bolts on the bar and I tie the bar near of the door frame and I pull it back tensing the bar. After tying on the place I place a wire on the door frame. So when the kishi walk in it will trigger the trap. With luck the bolts will give a small damage on it. I take Maria to another room and I backtrack until I see the kishi. He greets me with bullets and I do the same. I run to the room with the trap and the kishi follows me. I avoid the trap and I hide behind the door. The kishi walks in setting the trap. The tense bar moves in a high speed and it nails the bolts on the kishi thighs. I slam a metal bar on the machine gun making it drop it. I grab it and run away firing few shots on it. The kishi breaks the trap and moves after me trying to hit me with it. I grab Maria and keep running until I gain more distance from the kishi. I set another trap by a stairway. It is only a simple wire on the first step. Down the stairs I drop few nails tied together as tetsubushi. A good thing in being a ninja is be able to improvise weapons and traps. I know that this won't give much damage on the kishi. But any amount of damage on it is good for me. I run away hearing it falling the stairs. The fall for a human would be deadly. It is a good thing that the sensors here are not as good as in my time. Because the kishi can't see small things like tensed wires, fallen nails and others little things that give me advantage over it. Maria stirs on my shoulder and almost makes us fall down. She is muttering something in Russian and I can't understand. By the small hint of tears on her eyes I am sure that is about Yuri. I keep walking fast. Maria stirs again and I stop walking. For more that I want to carry her in a more gentle way I can't. I am too weak to carry her on my arms and I need then to fight. And I can't give her a pig back ride because she will be exposed to danger. She mutters in Russian again and I can only understand one word and it is `Yuri'. I sigh and keep walking. This time I sing in a soft voice. “sotto mezameru
hakanai omoi   zutto
donna toki demo negau yo
anata ni todoku you ni to...
`Ato sukoshi' to yuu kyori ga fumidasenakute
itsumo me no mae wa tozasarete-ita no
aitai aenai hibi wo kasaneru tabi ni
tsuyoi tokimeki wa setsunasa ni naru yo”
Maria stops moving on my shoulder as I sing. I smile a bit and continue to sing.
“moshimo eien to yuu mono ga aru nara
Toomawari shite demo shinjite mitai
"bukiyou dakara KIZUtsuku koto mo aru" to
wakatte mo tomaranai mou dare ni mo makenai
anata no koto wo   omou
sore dake de   namida ga
ima afuredashite kuru yo
hakanai omoi   zutto
donna toki demo negau yo
anata ni todoku you ni to...
tsuyogaru koto dake   shiri-sugite-ita watashi
dakedo ano toki kara   mayoi wa kieta yo
misetai to omou mono ga kitto atte
kikasetai kotoba mo takusan aru
egao nakigao mo zenbu mite hoshikute
matte-iru watashi wa yamete
`CHANSU' wo   tsukamu yo
I can hear the kishi moving and getting closer. Singing is quickly draining my stamina in this state. But I continue because Maria is no longer stirring and making me stop to prevent her from falling.
“Anata no koto wo   omou
Sore dake de   kokoro ga
tsuyoku nareru ki ga suru yo
hakanai omoi   zutto
donna toki demo negau yo
anata ni todoku you ni to...
Anata no koto wo   omou
Sore dake de   namida ga
Ima afuredashite kuru yo
Tookute koe ga   todokanai dakedo itsuka wa
Kanarazu todoku you ni
Shinjite   la la   la la   la la...
Shinjite   la la   la la   la la...
shinjite   la la   la la   la la.......”
I became too absorbed by focusing on singing and walking with Maria on my shoulder that I forgot to watch for the kishi. The machine tackled me and we fall. Maria hits a wall and the kishi tries to punch me. I barely dodge and see the bulge on the floor. I empty my machine gun shooting it on the chest. Giving me time to get up and grab Maria and run away. I breathe in short gasps holding her in my arms. She wraps her arms around my neck and rests her head in my chest hearing my unsteady heart beat. If the situation was different I would for sure love the feeling of her doing that. But now is too painful and troublesome. The irony I have my hands full of Maria and I am unhappy with it. If someone said to me one week ago that I would be carrying Maria on my arms and I would be unhappy with it I would not believe on him. I drop the empty machine gun and Maria mutters something in Russian blushing while saying. Now I wanted to know what she said. After get distance between us and the kishi is try to remove Maria from me. Sadly she is not willing to let me go. Another thing that it would be great in another situation. Making a huge effort to make her release me and another huge one to control myself to let her go I lay her on the floor and I check for wounds on her back. I see a large bruise on her waist line covered by her pants. “Sorry Maria I will have to look and see that it is bad. And is not like I haven't seen you naked before. Because I have. And I am used to the female body. I will be quick and gentle.” I say in English. I pull the hem of her pants down. The bruise ends on the top of her buttocks. I press the bruise lightly seeing that nothing feel wrong. I fix Maria clothes and move to put her back on my shoulder. But something falls inside the room. I jump over her covering her with my body. And instead of an explosion smoke fills the room. Maria and I begin to cough. I remove my vest and cover her nose and mouth with it. I pick her up and run out of the room. More smoke bombs fall inside the room but I am no longer there. In the next room I rip the vest to make a mask to her folding the vest in two and tying on her lower face. She is no longer coughing and with my knife I cut my right mail sleeve. I tie it on my lower face making an even cruder mask than Maria's for me. I rip my left one covering the tekko with it and tying it with a wire. More grenades fly in the room. I place Maria over my shoulder and I run away to meet a smoke filled hall. I manage to gain distance again. So I set up few traps and run away. Thankfully the kishi ran out of smoke bombs. I enter in another room and smile seeing the seven koubus. I move to Maria koubu. The black one. After place her there I see that she is wake. After a quick talk I move away and set an ambush to the kishi. After he chases me I notice that he repaired his legs so he is running. That is bad for me. I have three bullets for the machine gun, two knifes, a throwing cross and a baton. Nothing good enough to destroy it. Why I can't found a steam bazooka or something like that?
In the briefing room (Normal point of view.)
The hanagumi watch Benji running in to a hall with the kishi on his heels. “I wonder if he can actually win.” Kohran states seeing the image. “You should put more faith on him. After all he is giving damage on the kishi and he is not dead.” Kasumi replies.
“Excuse me. But can't we do something. He is wounded, Maria-san is on her koubu and that horrible machine is still working. We could help.” Sakura says in a worried tone.
“We all know that. But Yoneda and Ayame want to let him do that alone. So we have to obey.” Ogami says in an unpleased tone. “Mina!! Benji is attacking!!” Yuri shouts to then and the entire hanagumi run to the screen.
In the hall
Benji charges the kishi dodging an attack from the axe. He touches the tip of the machine gun barrel on the kishi abdomen and fires the three rounds. The armor gives up and the shots hit the internal gears. Benji leaps backwards and toss the machine gun on the air and grabs the barrel and charges the kishi again. Now using the machine gun as a club. Benji hits the kishi neck twice before it breaks.
“Useless piece of crap!!” he shouts in Portuguese. Not knowing that the kishi is transmitting to the briefing room where the hanagumi flinches with rage of the tone. Benji jumps backwards twice. He removes from his pockets eight long nails and he tosses then at the kishi. Sparks flow from the contact and two of then nails on two deeper cracks on the armor. Benji unsheathes his two knifes and he holds the larger one in his right hand with the blade up. And the smaller one on his left hand held upside down in a ninja style. The kishi charges raising high the axe. Benji blocks the attack and slams the butt of the large knife in one of the nails burying it deeper inside the kishi. Oil gushes out from the nail and Benji and the kishi leaps backwards.
“If I can't take you down easily I will show you why I won the title of war master in my school.” Benji says in Portuguese. He charges the kishi barely dodging the swing of the axe. He gives two slashes in the kishi creating large gashes on the armored plating. He packs a powerful kick with his right leg making the kishi stumble backwards. Benji charges again stomping on the kishi thighs and propelling himself upwards. He rises few meters above the kishi before begin to fall. He falls bringing the knifes down hard on the kishi breaking the armor and taking more fluids from the machine. Benji places his left foot on the kishi abdomen and kicks it forward removing his knifes and making the kishi stumble backwards again.
In the briefing room
“Oh my God!!!” Kohran shouts seeing Benji attacking the kishi. “Why he haven't fought like that before?!” Kanna asks in shock seeing the ferocity of the attack. They see Benji sheath the knife on the left hand and attack with a chain wrapping it on the kishi axe. Ayame smiles seeing the fight.
“I told that he could handle it.” Ayame says to then.
In the hall
Benji gives the chain a strong pull unbalancing the kishi. Benji grabs the axe and slams the knife on the kishi wrist making the machine release it. Benji moves backwards sheathing the knife and holding the axe on his right hand and quickly wrapping the chain around his left arm. He holds the axe as it was a sword and charges aiming at the kishi neck. Sparks flow at the contact and Benji keeps pounding the same spot over and over again forcing the kishi to move backwards. Benji pulls his arms and the axe as back as he can and then he slams it hard on the kishi. The blade burry deep on the kishi left side smashing the armor and forcing sparks to flow. The kishi grabs the axe preventing Benji from removing it. And the ninja let it go and packs two punches on the kishi head. He kicks the axe breaking the handle preventing the kishi from using it. He unsheathes the knifes but before he can attack the kishi tackle Benji. Both of then fall on the floor. Benji moves away from the kishi trying to get distance. But the robot grabs his right ankle and squeezes it hard. Benji shouts in anger and pain. His scream echoes on the halls and on the briefing room. He turns back to the kishi and slams the smaller knife on the kishi wrist not gaining response. He slams the butt of the larger knife on the smaller blade. Sparks flow and the blade buries on the kishi wrist causing the pressure to get weaker. Benji begins to raise his hand again but then the kishi tosses him away. Benji gets up forcing himself. The kishi gets up and runs away to recompose his plan. This time Benji chases it changing the parts. From the hunted he is now the hunter. He sheaths the smaller knife and uses the chain again. This time he wraps it on the kishi legs making it fall. Benji jumps over the faller machine and stabs it on the back hard using both hands. He does it many times. The kishi reaches Benji and tosses him away beginning to run again. Benji gets up and chases it again.
In the briefing room
“Ayame-san you are sure that it is good that he enters on the team?!” Sakura asks in a scared tone. “More than sure.” Ayame says with her voice dripping with desire and certain. “I was never so assured of something in my life before.” Ayame mutters under her breath. And a door bursts. The hanagumi looks upwards and they see a black form on the air and gleans of silver on the space. The sound of metal hitting metal is heard. The black form falls and stays hanging on the air. They can see the kishi head between metal bars of the rail. The robot is trying to reach Benji that is hanging on the air by a thin steel wire that is wrapped against the kishi neck. Benji shakes his head and looks up seeing the kishi. He places his feet on the wall and closes his right hand around the wire and he forces down. A sickening of metal being ripped is heard. A gush of dark fluids flow in the air. Benji leans gracefully on his feet half crouched. He gets up and they can see the wire being pulled back moving on the air and hiding itself on his wrist. The kishi head hits the floor with a bell like sound. Benji fixes his tangled and dirty hair softly combing it with his right hand once moving it away from his eyes. He picks the fallen head and walks to Kanna.
“Here a gift for you.” He says in English handing to her the kishi head. Kanna is confused looking at him but she picks the severed head. It drips fluids on the floor. He moves to Ayame and she smiles at him. No one can be sure but under the mask he seems to be smiling back.
“Had fun?” she asks in English “Not much. But it was a good experience.” He answers in the same language. Then the tiredness and the blood loss take it toll. Benji fall on his knees taking deep breaths.
“Call a medic now!” Ogami orders to the kazegumi. Iris moves closer of Benji. She pulls a small pink handkerchief from her pocket and cleans the upper half of his face. Benji looks at her half confused and half thankful. She places the handkerchief on her pocket and holds the sides of his face gently and kisses the bridge of his nose gently. A yellow light pillar surrounds then quickly fading. Iris giggles moving away after lowering his mask.
“Puta que pariu! Magia de cura!” Benji shouts in Portuguese. He no longer feels pain and all his wounds are healed. He easily gets back on his feet. Iris smiles at him and he smiles back. “I guess that we can call off the medic.” Ayame says.
“Actually I would like to see one. Just to be sure that I am healed up nicely. But I am feeling that Iris kiss did a excellent job.” Benji says moving his left wrist after removing the metal bar that is immobilizing it. “No pain at all.” He mutters seeing the joint moving perfectly.
“When you learned to do that Iris-chan?” Ogami asks curious. “Just now Ogami-niichan.” Iris answers smiling. “Benji go wash yourself. Then we will go to the hospital have a total check up on you.” Ayame says.
“Ryokai Fujieda-shousa!” Benji shouts saluting Ayame. She laughs while he relaxes from the salute. “Answer me honestly Benji. How much Japanese you truly know?” Ayame asks in English. “Not much. But enough to play tricks on you guys.” Benji says “But how I get in the shower room from here?” he asks. “I will take you there.” She asks and they walk away.
“He doesn't seem so scary now.” Tsubaki says looking him walking away with Ayame. Not noticing that Iris is moving after then. “He change faces really quickly.” Sumire says looking at the destroyed kishi. “Yo Kohran take this.” Kanna says handing to the Chinese woman the severed head. “Found what went wrong.” Ogami says to her and she nods.
“I am tired and hungry.” Benji says to Ayame. “I think that it is natural. I will ask for a large meal for you. Take a bath so we can go to the hospital and exam you.” Ayame says to him. He nods entering on his room to get his last set of clothes. Ayame finally notices Iris walking behind then.
“Where you are going Iris?” Ayame asks. “Iris is going to her room. Iris is tired and want to rest.” The little girl answers. “Okay. You did something really amazing now. You earned your rest.” Ayame says to her. Iris nods and walks to her room. Ayame moves to the office to set up everything. Few minutes later Benji walks out of his room and moves to the shower room.
One and a half hour later
“Fuck! Seven washes and I am still reeking like used motor oil!” Benji mutters angrily in Portuguese. On his right hand there is a ball of clothes and on the left his used jeans. “And my clothes are useless now. I am stuck with one set of clothes again!!” he keeps muttering moving to his room. In there he tosses the ball of clothes on the trash can. He looks at his jeans not sure of what do with then.
“I guess that I will keep it. After all it is not so weird use ripped jeans.” He mutters recalling of people buying ripped jeans for a high price in famous stores. He tosses it over the chair and walks away picking his pocket knife and the smaller knife. He founds the lunch already set and Ayame sited on her usual seat. And in front of his seat there is a large display of food. Benji sits and look at the food.
“ITADAKIMASU!!!” Benji shouts before start eating. Ayame don't get surprised with Benji showing how to act on Japanese standards. Unlike the others members of the teigeki. After eat Benji and Ayame go to a secret military hospital, after a huge series of exams they return to the theater.
“Twenty fractures on the ribs. Two punctures on each lung. Broken ankle and wrist. Severe blood loss. Damn that is too much.” Benji mutters to himself. “It sure is a record. At least we know that Iris kiss fully healed you.” Ayame says. Benji nods agreeing.
“Ne Ayame.” Benji says in a low and shy tone. “Nani yo Benji-kun?” Ayame asks. “I need training.” He says in the same tone. “Indeed you need. But I am happy that you asked for it.” She says in a content tone “It shows maturity admit that you need to get better.” Ayame says in a motherly tone. “I almost got killed yesterday and today. The same almost happened with Maria. If I was more skilled I could have finished the kishi sooner.” He says with his voice dripping with regret and sadness. “And if I have asked for treatment for my ankle and ribs before things could have been different. Kohran effort wouldn't be wasted, the base wouldn't be wrecked and no one would get hurt.”
“Benji that is a possibility. But even if you where in the hospital getting treated the events could turn in the same way. Kohran would show the kishi, Kanna would get wounded or killed, Iris too. The entire hanagumi could be killed. What is in the past can't be changed.” Ayame says comforting.
“But you were here and handed with the kishi. I am sure that Kohran is now thinking in making a new one even stronger. Kanna will train harder and Iris found a new ability that is for sure handy.” She adds placing a hand on his shoulder.
“I think that the results were good. Go rest, I will try go found a place to train.” She says with a smile. Benji smiles weakly and nods before walking away.
In bathroom
Maria is humming a song. “Maria-san what song is that one?” Sakura asks looking curious to the taller woman. “What?” Maria asks “I asked what song is the one that you are humming.” Sakura says
“I don't know Sakura. But I can't take it out of my head. I have no idea of how I heard this song.” Maria says “That is sure odd.” Kanna says barging on the talk.
Later in that day
Benji is on the kitchen leaning on the balcony peeling an orange. The hanagumi walks in chatting and stop looking at him. “Yo.” Benji says looking up at then pausing on his small task. “Yo.” Kanna says but after if they remain in silence. After peel the orange Benji cut it on four smaller parts, he nails his butterfly knife on a cutting board and eat the orange quietly. The hanagumi stays in silence looking at each other confused. Iris walks to him and softly tugs on Benji shirt. She looks at his eyes and then to the orange. Benji nods and picks the knife in silence. The girls gasp at it and try move forward but Ogami stops then. Benji picks another orange and quickly peels it leaving the white part of the skin. He cuts the orange in the half and with the tip of the knife removes the orange seeds and hand the two halves to Iris. She smiles at him.
“Arigato!” she chirps happily before eating the orange. And Benji nails the knife on the board again and resumes eating his own orange, this time with Iris besides him. And besides her Jean-Paul is floating. The hanagumi girl's blushes at the bad jump of conclusions and leave the kitchen.
“I am embarrassed. For a second I thought that Benji-san would kill Iris-chan.” Sakura says in a sad tone. “You weren't the only one Sakura. I thought it too.” Kanna says in the same tone. “We all have.” Kohran says “taking out Ogami-han we all have.”
“Actually I also thought that. But if Ayame-san trusts on him and Iris-chan trusts on him the least that I can do is try too.” Ogami says “He is part of the team.” He adds in a low tone. “I think that we are wrong in not trying to get along with him. Even that we don't speak the same language. I mean Iris and Benji didn't spoke a word but they are getting along. She is trying.” Kanna says
“And what we are supposed to do? Use body language?” Sumire says with her voice dripping with poison. “No. But we could stop staying away from him. Taking out the misunderstandings he is trying to be friendly.” Kanna says with a small edge on her voice.
“Friendly? He whipped me with a towel!” Sumire shouts “He did it to me too!” Kanna shouts back “And if I recall properly he did that after you smashed his skull with a broomstick!”
“He was attacking Maria-san! And he saw me undressed!” Sumire shouts “He saw Maria naked!” Kanna shouts making the Russian blush recalling it. “And that is something that deserved punishment!” Sumire shouts “He saw my most intimate part! And I am not mad at him anymore!” Kanna shouts with her face deep red with embarrassment and anger. That makes Sumire stop. “It is not like we are looking like we where forgiving him for us walking in him!” Kanna adds. Sumire stays quiet. “We all chased him like we where going to castrate him. I also don't blain him for running away and whipping you, Kanna and Maria.” Kohran says “And he did that after you three attacked him.” Sumire can't find words to reply the logic of the Okinawan and the Chinese. Benji and Iris leave the kitchen and Iris looks at the girls and Benji just walks by then.
Way later in that night
Benji is on his room sleeping. When someone knocks in the door. He stirs slowly waking. He gets up and walks to the door and opens it. He looks straight ahead and don't see anything else that a wall. He is about to turn around when he feels a soft tug on his sleeveless shirt. He looks down and sees Iris on her nightclothes holding a pillow and with Jean-Paul floating besides her. She looks at her with tearful eyes and with her lower lip shaking lightly. He nods and gives space to her walk in, she walks to the bed cuddling Jean-Paul in the warmer spot of the bed under the blankets. Benji closes the door and gets on the bed keeping a small distance from Iris. Soon the French girl is sleeping softly. Benji looks at her and sigh.
“Always a blonde in my bed. Always.” He mutters in Portuguese. Soon falling in sleep too.
In the next morning
Benji wakes feeling something warm wrapped around him. He looks around and sees Iris hugging him holding tight on his shirt. Her head is resting on his left shoulder. Her petite form is pressed against his upper half. Iris left leg is over Benji abdomen. “Why me?” Benji mutters in Portuguese recalling that he woke like that many times with his girlfriend. With a skill gained from years of practice Benji untangles himself from Iris with out waking the sleeping girl. He leaves the bed after covering her and leaving Jean-Paul between her arms. He grabs his bathing goods and moves to the bathroom sure that in five and a half in the morning the tub will be empty. He washes himself and after remove the soap he slides inside the bathtub with a towel around his waist. Enjoying the feeling of the warm water on his still sore muscles.
“This is sooo gooood…” Benji half say half moan with his eyes closed enjoying the feeling. “I hope that you don't mind company Benji-kun.” A feminine voice says. “What?!” Benji shouts opening his eyes “Ayame?!” he dives in the water seeing Ayame slowly entering on the tub with only a towel covering her body. “What the hell you are doing?!” he shouts his question.
“Taking a bath. I usually take an early bath to avoid the rush of the girls.” Ayame says sitting a couple of meters away from Benji. “That is not what I mean!” Benji shouts looking away from Ayame body “Why you entered with me here?!”
“Come on Benji-kun. It is nothing that you haven't seen before.” Ayame says clearly teasing. “Only because I am used to see the feminine body doesn't mean that it is nice to show off to me like this.” Benji says to her. Ayame chuckles at his actions.
“By the way Benji-kun I am going to a meeting this morning to request a new koubu for you. And I will also request training for you while it will be build. I believe that by the noon I will be free and we will go get you new clothes.” Ayame says in a casual tone.
“That is good. Because this is my last set and they are beginning to smell.” Benji says recalling that the clothes that are in the changing room are the same ones that he was wearing when he arrived on the theater. Ayame nods and they chat for a while. After a half hour soaking Benji move away leaving Ayame alone. He dresses up and leaves the bathroom. Sakura passes by him in the changing room door way. They trade greetings and they move to they own business. Sakura undresses and enter in the bathroom. She sees Ayame and she only stays staring in shock. Ayame notices Sakura and sigh.
“Before you jump conclusions I just got in when Benji-kun was dressing up.” Ayame lies to Sakura. The brunet gets out of her shock and enters in the tub. Benji walks to his room and Iris is leaving it. She tosses at him a smile before teleporting to her own room. Benji shrug wondering why she just didn't teleport for her room inside his room. He enters on his room and locks the door. He makes the bed and pulls his back pack from under the bed pulling the CD player and a pair of headphones. He turns it on and places the phones over his ears. He chose to hear a previous set playlist. Benji sighs happily hearing the first tunes of Love Hina ending theme Kimi Saeireba. He yawns softly as slow music have the usual effect of making him sleepy.
“I am a dreamer. Yoake no hikari sosogu ka no chi wa doko?” Benji sings softly at the music slow rhythm.
End of the chapter six:
Author notes:
Please read and review. I will answer every review. Good or bad. If you have time to read and send a review. I will send you an answer. And I would like to thank to SilverBlue Dragon and to Greyhound Master for the reviews. I am making two versions of this story. One with out explicit sex scenes and one with then. As well with sexual related omakes. The unedited version can be found in MediaMiner fanfiction page. The link is on my profile.
Japanese glossary:
Tetsubushi: Small weapons used by ninjas. That is made of sharp nails or blades melted together on the base to form a spiked ball. It is usually left to delay the enemy dropping then on the path. If the pursuer doesn't notice or move careless it will have painful wounds on the foot pierced by then.
The song: It is the First ending of Inu-Yasha called My Will here is the English version
Quietly awakening...
I always, always wish
that these fleeting thoughts
would reach you...
Unable to move forward across "just a little more" distance
The way I see before me is always blocked
Every time the days I want to see you but can't pile up,
My strong heartbeat turns into heartbreak.
If there is such a thing as "eternity,"
I want to believe, even if I have to take the long way.
Although I know that I've been hurt before because I'm clumsy
I won't stop; I won't give in to anyone.
I think of you
and that alone is enough
to make the tears start to flow now
I always, always wish
that these fleeting thoughts
would reach you...
I've known all too well about pretending to be strong.
But since then, my doubts have vanished.
There's definitely things I want to show you
And so many words I want to hear
I want to see all sides of you, when you laugh and cry
So I'll stop waiting
and seize my "chance."
I think of you,
and I feel like that alone is enough
to make my heart grow stronger.
I always, always wish
that these fleeting thoughts
would reach you...
I think of you
and that alone is enough
to make the tears start to flow now
My distant voice can't reach you now, but so that someday
it definitely will...
Believe.   la la   la la   la la...
Believe.   la la   la la   la la...
Believe.   la la   la la   la la...
Mina: It can mean `people', `everybody', `guys' and others things on this line.
Ryokai: It means understood;
Shousa: It means the military rank of major.
Ryokai Fujieda-shousa: It means literally `understood Major Fujieda.”
Yoake no hikari sosogu ka no chi wa doko? : It is the first line of the ending theme of Love Hina. It means `Where does the light of dawn pour down?'
Kimi Saeireba: It means `If you were here'.
Portuguese glossary:
Puta que pariu: A Portuguese swearing. Translating literally says `whore who gave birth.' It is used when expressing rage or surprise or both. But it means more like son of bitch or motherfucker.
Magia de cura: It means literally healing magic.
Author observation:
“Always a blonde in my bed.” My ex-girlfriend is blonde. Iris is blonde. Get it?
The title of `war master'. In my old boarding school there was an informal and unofficial event in the beginning of the school year. And it is also illegal and dangerous. It is called Dorm wars. The students of the many dorms fought among themselves for the superiority. Each year have one. One for the freshmen, one for the juniors and one for the seniors. The dorm that was victorious on the respective war ruled the others dorms of the same year. The war master was the person of that dorm who scored more victims, pardon me. More knock outs. The only rule of the war was that no firearm was allowed as well knifes, blades or stab weapons. Hits in the head with weapons were also forbidden. But taking out that everything was permitted. In the freshmen year there was the 120's, the 20's and the 40's. That was the dorms names. But the number of students on then was not those. For the juniors it was only two as well the seniors. But they fought divided in smaller groups of five. The number of students on each room of the advanced dorms. The freshmen where pilled up in communitarian dorms with about fifty students each. The war takes place in an empty ground near of the school. The terms of the winning were simple. If all members of a dorm are knocked out the dorm loses. Or if the dorms members give up they lose. The prize for winning was respect. The war master was the student with higher respect of the dorm. There was more advantages on winning that will be explained on the story.