Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast: Chronicles of a lost writer ❯ A day off ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a new fanfic. Is a Sakura Taisen story. I don't own Sakura or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.
Signed: Benji Himura.
“Text”= Talked or thought sentences.
<Text>= Talked sentences in a foreign language. As English when everyone else speaks Japanese.
Chapter six: A day off
Teito August twenty forth 1922
The hanagumi is discussing over the previous day incident on the briefing room watching over and over again the three hours records of the kishi incident. Edited on having both views merged together. “I simply don't get it. Why he held back so much while he was still uninjured? Why delay so much the attack and keep that low techniques and dirty attacks?” Sumire asks to the others in hope to getting an answer.
“If I wasn't able to beat the kishi when that machine was fully operational what make you think that he could?” Kanna says not with superiority but just stating a fact. “I am by far stronger than him. And I couldn't lay a single punch on it.”
“But Benji is faster than you. Much faster.” Maria says not happy on defending him. “And he is an amateur. You really think than an amateur can defeat any of us in fair combat.” She adds much pleased in talking badly about with. The others shiver feeling the poison dripping of her words.
“I have to agree with Maria on this. I am sure that Sakura can defeat Benji if they where fighting with kenjutsu. The same goes with Kanna on empty handed combat.” Ogami says boosting the girls abilities.
“I wouldn't bet in that Taisho.” Kanna says “My karate skills are unmatched. But he doesn't use karate. He uses ninjitsu. With few moves from others styles. Even some that I never saw before.” The red head adds with her voice showing that she is eager to learn from the ninja. “It would be a hard fight. And I am not even sure that I would win. In the best case we both have chances to win.” Kanna adds being humble over her skills.
“Kanna-san you are the best.” Sakura says trying to cheer the red head. “He beated the kishi because Kohran haven't programmed it with his moves, like she did with you.”
“Sakura I am not sad or depressed. Only a bit disappointed with myself.” Kanna says in a slight sad tone. “But I will get better. And I will ask for him train with me. I am sure that if I propose to teach him few of my moves he will teach me few of his.” Kanna adds in an energetic tone.
“And why you would want to learn such foul techniques? What good would do?” Sumire asks in honest surprise. “I thought that you had honor.”
“I have honor.” Kanna spurts with her voice shaking with barely controlled anger
Sumire is taken back by the tone of Kanna. “Look it is better that you two don't fight.” Ogami says trying to cool down the situation. Kanna takes a deep breath to calm herself.
“I am going to eat something. We are here since the breakfast and it have been three hours.” Kanna says getting up and walking away. Kanna makes her way to the kitchen thinking in how talk to Benji about training together. Especially how make he understand that since they don't even speak the same language.
<You get burning…> Kanna hears someone singing in a language that she doesn't recognize or understand but the song was interrupted by a soft crunching noise. She looks at the voice direction and sees Benji walking out of the kitchen with an apple on his hand that is clearly missing a part. He waves a greeting to Kanna. Who clearly understood that his mouth is filled with the missing chunk of the apple. She waves back and moves to the kitchen. Benji sits in one of the many empty seats and eat in silence his apple occasionally letting out a tune of the song that he was previous singing.
“I am not getting enough nutrition.” Benji thinks looking at the last remains of the finished apple “Japanese food is too light and I can't get enough protein and carbohydrates that usually compounds my diet. I can't exactly complain either. Things are different now I can't eat only meat, noodles, eggs, pasta and bread. I have to get used to a more balanced diet.” He adds to his thoughts sighing unhappy. Kanna walks out of the kitchen with a large tray filled with Japanese candies and rice crackers. Benji notices that it has two tea cups on the tray. He raises an eyebrow a bit confused with that. Kanna walks closer of his table and sits facing him. She smiles seeing the confused expression on his face. She places a cup in front of him and seats down facing him and leaving the tray between then. She sips her tea in hope that he will do the same. Benji snaps out of his confusion and picks the cup.
“Arigato.” Benji says before sipping it. Kanna smile is hidden by the cup. “I am trying to get friendly. It is not so hard. I hope that everything goes well.” She thinks while reaching for a cracker.
“Damn this tea is too bitter for my taste. I am too used to the sweet occidental tea.” Benji thinks trying very hard not to frown with the bitterness of the Japanese tea. He reaches to a candy to ease the bitterness of the tea. After sometime they move away. Kanna is few steps behind Benji who is moving to his room. Benji stops on his tracks looking tense.
“I could swear that his ears where almost moving!” Kanna thinks looking at him. He suddenly pushes her back and three shurikens nails on the wall between then. Benji charges at the direction of the attacker and a couple of ninjas leave a shadowed corner. Kanna recovers from the surprise and chases then to help Benji. One of the ninjas tosses a kunai at Benji. Benji grabs the throwing knife on the air and tosses back with out stopping. The ninja falls with the knife on his hip. The other ninja tosses more knifes and Benji grabs then all on the air. The ninja tries to leap out from a window but Benji catches him before it. He nails the knifes on the ninja sleeves keeping him on the place unable to move.
<You speak English?> Benji asks in a cold tone. The man shakes the head like he doesn't understand. “Shine!” Benji says raising one of his hands with one of his knifes and he moves to stab the man. Kanna grabs Benji wrist and prevents the killing blow.
“Oi! Yameru!” Kanna shouts holding his wrist. Benji looks at her eyes. She shakes her head telling to him not do it. He sighs and relaxes his arm. Kanna let him go and he sheathes the knife. Kanna grabs the ninja and drags him away. Benji gets up and follows the red head.
“What happened? Why we were attacked? And how they got inside?” Benji thinks looking at the defeated ninjas. “And why ninjas?” he adds on his mind. They reach the briefing room and the others look at then surprised. “Taisho those guys attacked us. I think that you would like to interrogate then.” Kanna speaks to Ogami. “That won't be necessary.” Yoneda says showing up. Benji turns all of sudden and grabs two kunais on the air. Yoneda claps at his actions. <Really good Benji-kun. I was right you are indeed skilled. Those ninjas were your admission test. And you passed in flying colors.> Ayame says walking closer of him holding a kunai.
<Congratulations Benji-kun. You are now officially a Sanada ninja.> Ayame adds smiling.
<What? I mean how? Better than that. Explain it to me.> Benji says clearly confused. <I will explain it to you. But now we have to shop you clothes. We will be leaving to Iga tonight.> Ayame says placing the kunai on the table and pulling Benji by the elbow.
<What?> Benji gasps being dragged by the older woman.
One hour later in the Ginza district.
Benji and Ayame are in a men clothes shop. Benji is inside a changing stall and Ayame is sited in a chair in front of it facing the closed door.
“So explain it to me. How you did that?” Benji asks to Ayame. “That was easy Benji-kun. In the elders council there are a member of the Sanada clan. I asked to him to train you in his clan mansion in Iga. During the time of the production of your koubu.” Ayame answers to him. A young woman walks in with a tray with a cup of tea and Ayame picks it thanking the girl.
“And why that test?” Benji asks closing up a button on his sleeve. “Well the elder wanted to see if you was worthy of the training. Thing that I was sure.” Ayame says before sipping her tea. Benji opens the door of the stall. He is wearing a gray blazer over a black shirt and gray pants with dark brown shoes. The shirt collar is a large circle that shows his collar bone and part of his shoulders. The shirt is not tucked inside his pants and covers his waist and gives a slight loose looks on him since the shirt is hanging slightly loose from his body.
“Nice.” Ayame says giving a small impressed whistle. “Turn around and make a small pose.” Benji frown a bit and begin to say something “Just do it Benji-kun.” Ayame purrs to him. He sighs and gives a twirl making the open blazer moves and he combs his hair with his right hand once giving a small and sexy wink at Ayame.
<Kyaaaa!!! Sukeeeee!!!!!> The three young women who work on the story cries in excitement seeing Benji like that. His light blush passes unnoticed in his tanned skin. “Really good Benji-kun. It suits you well.” Ayame says with a small smile. “With the others ones you have a respectable wardrobe.”
“I hope so. At least this one doesn't needs adjusts.” Benji says placing his hands on his pockets. “Well that is because this store makes Kanna and Maria clothes. So they keep many models in larger numbers for then. Now they will also make then for you.” Ayame says appraising him.
“You really have to stare like that?” Benji asks to Ayame not very happy with her hunger look. “Well no. But I want to.” She replies with a wolfish smile. “Now we need to buy you some suits and casual clothes.”
“More?” Benji asks to her. Clearly not used to having a huge amount of clothes in his wardrobe. “Yes. Much more.” Ayame says nodding.
Two more hours later
Benji and Ayame are in an outdoors café. Benji sips on a tea. Now shaved and with a simple but stylish haircut. “You know, I think that our first stop could be the barber shop. You look much better now. You look better shaved.” Ayame says looking at his face. “It is not like I had time to shave in the past days. I was shaved in the hospital but since then.” Benji says to Ayame.
“I know. I know. It was days of rush. But at least now you are enjoying a free time.” Ayame states with a smile. Benji nods agreeing happy to leave the theater for a change. After a couple minutes of silence Ayame breaks it.
“Benji-kun I know the truth about you. At least part of it. I am sure that you must be missing your family and friends. If you want you can talk to me.” Her tone is soft, warm and caring. Benji careless face gets just a bit harder.
“I am fine. I am used to long periods of loneliness. But thanks for the offer.” Benji says in a casual tone.
“Benji-kun, being away from one year in a near town is one thing. This is for sure another.” Ayame says in a worried tone. “You may never return.” Benji nods understanding. Ayame sees deep on his blue eyes that he is not up to talking on that subject because it is too painful to him.
“By the way Benji-kun, why you haven't used the Fukushu that I gave to you?” Ayame asks changing the subject. “Because I am not worth of it.” Benji answers when she stops speaking. “Benji-kun a sword is only a tool. It is not a treasure.” Ayame says.
“I am not worth of the trust that you have on me.” Benji says looking to his cup. “I am not a soldier, or a fighter. I am only a lame writer who when young practiced martial arts. I am not fit to the hanagumi.”
Ayame stirs her tea with her spoon and say “I don't think so. It is true that you are not like Maria and the others. The battle with the kishi showed that. You haven't won because you are like then. You won because you are so different from them. Your own way assured you the victory. You knew when to run away and when to attack. When to use traps and direct combat. And above all you risked your safety in behalf of someone else. Just this makes you equal to then. Even thought you fight dirty.” She smiles warmly at him “I personally like that detail on you.” Benji face shows a light blush that Ayame fails to notice. Ayame sips her tea thinking in something else to say.
“I believe that you ways will aid the hanagumi. You are carefree but still responsible. You fight dirty and still have honor. You are harsh but yet kind. I think that the hanagumi can learn much from you. And I think that you can also learn from then.” Ayame says in a motherly tone
“I have an idea.” Ayame states making Benji look at her curious. “After we return from our training trip we will bring in a script that you wrote. I will keep the author a secret. If the play is succeeded I tell then that you wrote the play. If fails we hide that fact. I am sure that no one will think that you can write a play.” Ayame says in a tone that drips with certain “I think that you will do a good job with that play. And I know that when the found out that they will see you in a different light.” She adds before sipping her tea. Benji stays in silence. He can't just say that he mostly writes stories of Sakura Taisen. He sighs confused.
“I need to learn Japanese first.” Benji says not willing to argue over something that he can't change. And by her eyes Ayame is not going to change her mind.
“That will change in the next three months.” Ayame says with certain on her voice. Benji sips his tea beginning to worry about his health in the following three months, sure that whatever she keeps stored to him, he will not like it at all.
End of the chapter six:
Author notes:
Please read and review. I will answer every review. Good or bad. If you have time to read and send a review. I will send you an answer. And I would like to thank to SilverBlue Dragon and to Greyhound Master for the reviews. I am making two versions of this story. One with out explicit sex scenes and one with then. As well with sexual related omakes. The unedited version can be found in MediaMiner fanfiction page. The link is on my profile.
Japanese glossary:
Shine: It means die.
Yameru: It means stop.
Suke: It means nice, beautiful, amazing and others words on this line.
Saijo: It means the best or a place for a Shinto funeral. In this case means the last one.
Benji giving the kishi head to Kanna.
Benji fixes his tangled and dirty hair softly combing it with his right hand once moving it away from his eyes. He picks the fallen head and walks to Kanna.
“Here a gift for you.” He says in English handing to her the kishi head. Kanna is confused looking at him but she picks the severed head. It drips fluids on the floor.
“Waaaa! He killed for me!!!” Kanna cries hugging him tightly. Benji creaked ribs pops under the strong pressure of the Okinawan hug. “Let me go!” Benji shouts trying to get escape. “Waaaa he killed my poor and innocent kishi!!!!!!” Kohran cries on her knees with her head buried on her hands.
Benji shopping trip with Ayame.
“Now we will dress you with this one Benji-kun!” Ayame cries holding on a white suit moving forward to Benji who is only wearing boxers. “Stop that! I am not a doll to you dress up!” he shouts moving backwards. “Be a good boy and let your mommy dress you!” She says sounding very childish. “Then we will get your cute date and you two will have tea!”
“Date?” Benji asks confused. And that second of confusion allows Ayame to leap on Benji taking him down. After sit on his chest keeping his arms between her legs she puts on the pants on his while he tries to get away.
“You two will get along so well!” she cries happily. After dressing Benji she drags him to a house and they enter in a room. “Ogami?!” Benji shouts in shock seeing Ogami sited in a chair wearing a frilly pink dress, make up and a blonde wig. In the table in front of him there is a tea set.
“Wait a minute! Why Ogami is wearing a dress?!” Benji shouts “You really think that Ogami is manly? Come on Benji-kun he loves with six girls and he never dated any of then. He is my private dolly.” Ayame spurts happily. “No way! I am not going to do this!” he tries to struggle harder. But Ayame tied him really tight. Far from there a shout is heard
Benji shopping trip with Ayame. Take 2
Benji opens the door of the stall. He is wearing a gray blazer over a black shirt and gray pants with dark brown shoes. The shirt collar is a large circle that shows his collar bone and part of his shoulders. The shirt is not tucked inside his pants and covers his waist and gives a slight loose looks on him since the shirt is hanging slightly loose from his body.
“Nice.” Ayame says giving a small impressed whistle. “Turn around and make a small pose.” Benji frown a bit and begin to say something “Just do it Benji-kun.” Ayame purrs to him. He sighs and gives a twirl making the open blazer moves and he combs his hair with his right hand once giving a small and sexy wink at Ayame.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!” Benji looks shocked when Ayame breaks in to a maniacal laughter “Finally I will be able to move on! My great plans on ruling on the world will be finally achieved!” Ayame gets up and snaps her fingers “Maria! Kanna!” she shouts. And from a side room the duo come out. Both of then are wearing similar suits than Benji. But Maria's sure is black and Kanna's is red.
“My boy's band is finally complete and the world of the entertainment will be mine!!!” Ayame cries looking at the trio with a wicked smile. Her hair falls from her neat bun and falls loose on her shoulders in a brown casket. Her eyes lose the motherly warmth that it once had.
“I will never do that! No world should pass by that! I saw the cursed results of a boy's band in my world! I will never join you!” Benji shouts recognizing Ayame on her fallen angel form. “I will never help you Saijo. And you can't force me.” Saijo smiles at him.
“I don't need to force you my dear Benji-kun. I just have to tell you what you will win by joining me as my lead vocal. To begin you can have sex with me, Maria and Kanna whenever you feel like.” She says in a sweet and seductive voice.
“You can have sex with any of the fans that you will have. You will be rich, powerful, famous and immortal. Because in my side, my beloved Benji-kun I will give you eternal youth and life. You will be forever young, virile and powerful.” She whispers the last part on Benji ear softly licking his earlobe. Benji feels his will crumbles under Saijo very convincing words.
“I saw how your world boy's bands was famous and powerful. And you will be one member of the very first boy's band in this world. You will be above then all.” And with those words of Saijo, Benji falls on the dark side of the music sealing his pact grabbing a handful of Saijo ass.
“I will do that. So you can begin to paying me.” He says in a seductive tone. “You will never regret that. Girls help me to pay him.” Saijo says to Kanna and Maria who walk closer of him. Taking out they jackets.
One month later in a private theater
The audience cheers wildly at the end of the Sannin. Benji, Maria and Kanna leave the stage and see Ayame smiling at then.
“Good. With this show we got money enough to open our own theater and then our goal will be closer.” She says in a happy tone. “Not if we can avoid it demon!” A male voice comes out from a side door. Ogami and the remaining members of the hanagumi bursts thru a door on they hanagumi uniforms and armed.
“You won't rule the world!” Sumire shouts pointing her naginata at then. “I will do that!”
“Benji-kun can you take care of her? But don't damage her badly. I think that we might use her as a background dancer.” Ayame says.
“Sure thing.” The man says moving in a blur and appearing behind Sumire and holding her from behind in what appear to be a very intimate hug. “Shhh. I will be gentle with you.” He softly whispers on her ear giving her a light kiss on the back of her ear. That alone was more than enough to make Sumire drop her naginata feeling her knees weak and a odd `warmth' growing on her lower abdomen and spreading on her body like a wild fire. With a last light lick on her ear lobe Sumire goes limp on his arms. Benji leaps backwards with Sumire on his arms hading her to Ayame.
“Give Sumire back to us!” Ogami shouts “I won't allow…” his words are cutted by a jet of blood gushing from his heart. Maria is with her right hand pointed to him and with a towel wrapped tightly around her fuming revolver. “Taisho!” the remaining girls shout.
“What we do with the others?” Kanna asks in a casual tone, not caring about what just happened. “I think that we can keep Sakura. Maybe Iris too. She will grow into an attractive woman. And we can use a new dancer in the future.” Ayame says
“Okay! I deal with then. And I will dispose Kohran.” Kanna says cracking her knuckles smiling evilly while walking to then. “Well now we have to prepare to the opening show of our new theater.” Ayame says while they move away ignoring the cries from Kohran and the sound of broken bones.