Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast: Chronicles of a lost writer ❯ Thoughts about a future companion. ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a new fanfic. Is a Sakura Taisen story. I don't own Sakura or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.
Signed: Benji Himura.
“Text”= Talked or thought sentences.
(Text)= Talked sentences in a foreign language. As English when everyone else speaks Japanese.
Before reading this chapter please read Outcast training days.
Chapter seven: Thoughts about a future companion.
Teito August twenty forth 1922
Benji and Ayame return to the theater. Both moves to the respective room to pack. Benji packs his newly bought clothes and weapons. Benji picks his bag pack filled with his belongings and moves to Ayame room. He knocks in the door and she answers it.
“Ayame I want to know where I can safely leave my things.” He asks to her.
“I will put on my safe box.” She answers “That is okay with you?” Benji nods and hands to her the bag pack. She walks inside and opens a safe putting on his bag pack. “Thanks Ayame. I will finish my packing.” He says to her. She nods and he walks away.
In that same day night
Benji and Ayame are in a train station. The hanagumi isn't there. The farewells where said on the theater and the duo is only waiting inside the train waiting it to leave. Ayame pulls a book and notebook from a hand bag. “Well since we have a long travel we can begin your studies.” Ayame says sitting besides him and opening the book. Benji nods and listen to the class carefully.
In the theater
“Things will sure be odd with out Ayame around here.” Kanna says sited on a chair in the dinning hall. The others nod agreeing. “But it will only be three months. It is not like she is not going to return.” Ogami says trying to cheer up the girls. The girls nod but they seem slight depressed.
Teito December first 1922
Teito is covered by a layer of snow. The pureness of the white snow shines on the early hours sun. The people of Teito sleep peacefully as the light takes away the last hints of the night darkness. The peace reigns on the still sleeping city. But the peace and the purity of the snow are maculated by a number of wakijis marching to a shrine destroying everything on its way. Far from there the hanagumi is in motion running to the koubus to defend imperial city. In matter of minutes they arrive in the place where the wakijis are and they fight against the demons to protect the city.
“Sakura, Maria you two attack the ones in the left!” Ogami shouts to the duo. “Ryokai!” They shout charging at the enemies on the indicated direction. “Sumire, Kohran you two attack the ones in the right!” Ogami shouts to the two. “Ryokai!” they shout back attacking the enemy. “Iris, Kanna you two will come with me and attack then in the center!” Ogami orders to the remaining girls. “Ryokai!” they shout back. They skillfully take down the wakijis but a feminine form moves between then. “Kurenai no Miroku!” Sumire shouts trying to attack the woman. But many wakijis get between then and Miroku just smiles moving to the shrine. She walks up the stairs with a wicked calm, savoring the pleasure of destroy the seal knowing that the hanagumi it is just behind her unable to do anything to prevent her from doing so. The roar of a steam engine fills the air. And before Miroku can react she is hitted in the neck and dragged down the stairs hard. The force that it is pulling her is a black steam bike with a rider wearing a metal dark blue with blood red clothes. His face is covered by a mask and ridding goggles. The motorcycle is slender and fast and runs down the stairs without losing control. With a hard turn Miroku is tossed into a wall breaking it. The motorcycle stops with a screeching sound and burning tire threads in the asphalt. The rider is holding a tonfa in his right hand.
“I wont let you get inside that shrine.” The rider says to Miroku. Miroku fumes in rage and tries to attack the rider who speed up and avoid the hit. Unaware that another dark form slips inside the shrine. The rider puts the tonfa in the side of the motorcycle and pulls a Winchester rifle and fires at Miroku. The energy filled bullets gives a good damage on the demon woman. With a skilful move he spins the rifle moving the leaver and firing another round. Miroku tosses at him many long and sharp hair pins. He dodges then and fire at her. Sakura who is closer sees the battle and tell to the others.
“Sakura can you take Miroku?!” Ogami asks to the samurai girl. “No! There is too many wakijis! That man will not be able to win!” she answers to Ogami. “Don't worry about him.” A familiar voice rings in the hanagumi radio system. “He can handle her.”
“Ayame?!” the hanagumi shouts in surprise hearing the voice of the long gone vice-commander. “So that man is Benji?” Kanna asks to Ayame.
“That is right. We just arrived.” Ayame answers to the red head. A bust of light fills the air over the shrine forming a pillar. “NO!” Ogami shouts knowing that the seal was broken. Miroku smiles and moves to a shadow disappearing. Benji aims to a wakiji and fires to help the hanagumi to finish off the enemy. Switching the rifle for a shotgun Benji aims on the wakijis legs turning the knees of then in grinded meat. And soon the battle is over. The hanagumi leaves the koubus and move to check on the damage in the shrine. With Benji tagging along with then. Iris moves closer of the masked man. She smiles at him. Under the thin mask he smiles back at the girl. Kanna steals a quick glance at him. His clothes are slight loose blue. The blood red came from some long piece of fabric wrapped around his chest, ankles and forearms. His eyes are covered by the dark visor of the goggles and his hair is under it. She notices the single tonfa on the left side of his hip and two sheathes holding the two katars one in each thigh. She is not with the Fukushu or his two combat knifes. And next to the katar on his right thigh there is a holster with a pistol tied on the thigh. They arrive on the shrine seeing the holy grounds destroyed. Iris moves even closer from Benji feeling an evil energy on the air and she holds his left hand scared. Benji closes his hand gently around Iris small hand giving a gently and reassuring squeeze on her tiny hand. Most of the hanagumi misses this small event. Taking out Sakura who saw it. The silence is so heavy around then that is painfully uncomfortable. All of sudden Benji tenses and pushes Iris away from him. She falls sited and wails in pain. Benji vanished from the spot and he reappeared few meters away. The goggles on his face break and fall apart. Facing Benji is a woman. She has long black hair with a shade of dark silver and it is tied on a ponytail on the top of her head. Her eyes are in dark silver color. She is wearing a mask covering her lower face as Benji's. She is wearing a tight black kimono cutted in the middle of the thighs length showing her legs covering in mesh pantyhose. She is wearing tekkos and have a pair of tanto knifes on her sash. And one of then is on her right hand. She is wearing ninja shoes. Benji charges at her. His speed is enough to get the kunoichi out of guard. Benji and the kunoichi fall down the long stairway. And when the hanagumi tries to follow Setsuna appears with two wakijis.
“Now that the evil minded niichan is not here I can play with you all.” He says in a dark playfully tone. “Damn.” Ogami curses reaching for his swords. The hanagumi reach for they weapons. Taking out Kohran and Iris who move back since they are unable to fight a wakiji empty handed. Iris will aid with her powers from a safe distance. Benji and the kunoichi roll down the stairs hitting the other with punches on the way down. They finally hit the ground and break apart. Leaping backwards putting few meters of distance between each other. Benji charges at the kunoichi again. This time she is ready for it. Benji packs a punch and she blocks it, packing one of herself. Benji blocks attacking again. Both ninjas keep pressing attack but very few blows actually score the other. On the shrine the hanagumi easily defeats the wakijis to Setsuna displeasure. He moves down the stairs with the hanagumi on his heels. They found Benji and the kunoichi facing each other. They are about six meters away from the other. And both of then have a metal wire and a chain wrapped around the left wrist being hold by the other right hand. Both are pulling the chain keeping then on a standoff. Unable to do anything else than that because it will open a hatch for the other attack. With a stronger pull Benji unbalance the kunoichi. He charges at her with the tonfa. She blocks the attack with the tantos. Benji kicks her in the stomach making her stumble backwards. He dashes at her removing the longer part of the tonfa showing a blade. She blocks the attack recovering in time.
“This is no longer fun. Let's go.” Setsuna says appearing few meters behind the kunoichi.
She moves her face closer from Benji's and presses her lips over his. In a mockery of a kiss since both are using masks. Benji tries to attack her and she leaps backwards avoiding it.
(I am Peçonha. Remember me.) She says sheathing her knifes (I will remember. After all this match is not over.) Benji replies. And she disappears with Setsuna. Benji sheathes his blade and wipes his lips with his sleeve muttering something that the hanagumi don't hear or understand. Benji unwraps Peçonha chain from his wrist and tosses it away. Before pulling back his steel wire. Before anyone can question him the hanagumi plus Benji are ordered to return to the theater. Sometime later the hanagumi arrives in the theater and move to the briefing room. They see Ayame and greet her warmly. Benji enter in the room after the greetings and unlike Ayame, Benji is not warmly greeted. At least by most of the hanagumi. Iris jump off her seat and tackle hug the much taller man, managing to wrap her arms around his neck and stay there hanging over the air more than eighty centimeters.
(To gain a hug like this makes passing by that training all worthy.) Benji says in English. Iris tries to wrap her legs around his chest but she can't. Benji hold her waist softly. Ayame smiles at the sweet scene. Of course the hanagumi wasn't happy to see such display of affection from Iris to the Brazilian. They haven't even passed one week together and they actually never talked more than two words to the other at one time.
“Let Iris go!” Ogami says not happy at all. “Yeah!” the others say backing him up. Of course Benji don't understand a word of what they say. “You guys stop that. Jesus you sound like you are all jealous.” Ayame says scolding them. They blush for different reason but all of then also blush with shame. Iris with a soft nudge and some climbing makes her way to Benji shoulders and sits there comfortably. The tension over the battle is clearly forgotten with the tension about Benji. Benji sits on a chair that wasn't there three months before knowing very well that is for him. The others do the same taking out Iris who is on Benji shoulders and not willing to leave her seat.
One hour later they leave the room Iris is still on Benji shoulders who walks as if she wasn't even there. Of course he is taking care to not accidentally hit Iris head on something.
“He doesn't get tired? Iris is over his shoulders have more than one hour.” Sumire says looking at him. “Sumire he is by far the one with the larger amount of stamina from the hanagumi. And he is the second stronger one from the team. Only losing in strength to Kanna. Iris only weight eighteen kilos.” Ayame says.
“And he carried Maria-san over his shoulders running for one hour. And that wounded.” Sakura says recalling the kishi incident.
“I forgot that.” Sumire says recalling. After all Maria is much heavier than Iris.
“To Iris tire him up like that he would have to run a long way with her over his shoulders. I guess that two hours in a low running pace.” Ayame says
“Two hours?!” the hanagumi says in shock.
“Yes. In the training he used to train with me over his back. And I was using a weight vest. That when he wasn't with one too.” Ayame says recalling of Benji training. Sumire shivers strongly. “I don't want even picture what else he did on his training.” She says slightly scared.
“You won't need to picture anything.” Ayame says to Sumire who sigh relieved “You will see it. It was recorded.” Ayame adds making Sumire stop walking. “I don't want see him training.” Sumire says. “Don't worry is only a small tape of the first day.” Ayame says hiding a hint of sadness on her voice.
The hanagumi moves to they respectives rooms to change into they daily clothes. After the breakfast all the members of the hanagumi are in the briefing room, taking out Iris and Benji. The kazegumi and Yoneda are there too. Ayame arrive with a suit case “In this case have two versions of Benji's first training day. With full sound. One was edited to remove the most shocking images. And the other is unedited. I will show both. Beginning with the edited.” Ayame says.
“Wait. Why we have to see the same thing twice?” Kohran says not happy to wasting her time seeing some training from Benji. “Show the unedited already and we will save time.”
“Okay then. I offer you all a choice. Vote now. You want to see both versions or the unedited. But I warn you all I wouldn't edit the tape for nothing.” Ayame says to then in a serious tone. After a couple minutes they all vote to see the unedited tape. Taking out Tsubaki and Sakura who voted to see both.
“I see. To begin with it I will say this. When this tape begins you all will see many shocking scenes. I was supposed to be kidnapped by a group of ninjas. That was what Benji was thinking during the entire training. He never knew that was a training until was over.” Ayame says placing a large roll of tape on a projector. The image in a screen is fully colored and shows Benji smashing a girl head on a wall before walking away inside a large Japanese style mansion. The hanagumi gasps in shock seeing that. Sakura and Tsubaki scream in terror seeing Benji first raid against a small group of ninjas. The hanagumi, kazegumi and Yoneda faces changes with fear, horror, disgust, shock and nausea. Ayame watches it all with a neutral expression. Much later they all show expressions of fear and shock when Benji laugh evilly while torturing a kunoichi. Tsubaki is covering her mouth with both hands holding back her vomit seeing in shock Benji guts a samurai. Sumire is very pale and looking faint. Kasumi fainted seeing him cut off the arms of a samurai. Kanna watches in shock with her face in the same color of Maria's. Sakura run to a trash bin when she sees Benji ripping out from a samurai his guts pulling then out after cutting it. Tsubaki followed her. Soon the tape reaches a part where Benji screams at Ayame. They all understand what he said. Ayame ordered to be placed legends on the film. And then it ends.
Ayame turn on the lights of the room and turns off the projector.
“Against Setsuna and Rasetsu he was with a bad ankle. Twisted and swollen. And he made then run away. Against the Kishi he was with many broken ribs, wounds and his ankle was broken. And he destroyed the machine while protecting Maria. Against the Sanada ninjas Benji was in his perfect health. He maimed, crippled, gutted and defeated one hundred and fifty ninjas alone.” Ayame says “That before his training.”
“Oh my god.” Sakura says before diving for the trash bin again. “He killed then all…” Sumire says in a whisper.
“Wrong. He hasn't killed a single ninja that day.” Ayame says. “Win with out killing the enemy is much harder than only killing then.” Ayame have a smile on her lips.
“And you want him in our team?!” Ogami asks “Yes.” Ayame answers him. “I must say that you impressed me this time Ayame. You saw that skill on him where none of us saw.” Yoneda says. “He will be a fine acquisition to the team.” Yoneda says making the hanagumi gasp in surprise. Sumire already feeling faint faints.
“What made him fight like that?” Ogami asks swallowing a lump on his throat. “I said before I show the movie. As far he knew I was a prisoner of then. He went rescue me.” Ayame says in atone that makes her look like a teacher admonishing a child who haven't paid attention to the lesson “In other words Ogami-kun, it was me who made him fight like that.”
“That is why you said to Iris go study. You didn't want her to see this.” Maria says “Why you are letting Iris get so close of him? He is a danger to us.”
“As any of you are a danger to me and the others.” Ayame replies in defense of her protégé. “Maria, any of you can do what he did. And you know that.” And with a serious face and tone she asks “What make you less dangerous that him?”
Ayame question takes Maria totally off guard. As she stumble an answer the remaining hanagumi members ask themselves the same thing. All of then could do the same or even worse than him. In fact they weren't any different than him.
“Giving a reason Maria any of you would fight like that.” Ayame explains to then.
“And why you were his reason?” Maria asks with her voice just above a whisper. “Because Benji is an outcast. He is a man who is far from home unable to talk to anyone, far from his friends and family and listening to a unknown language. And I was back then the closer thing of a friend that he had. I trusted in him with out showing a reason to do so. And Benji wanted to pay back my faith on him. Even if costed his own life. As long I was save he wouldn't care about his safety or life. That is what I learned.” Ayame says to then.
“I learned in a very bitter way.” She adds to herself.
“And what guarantee that he won't turn against us.” Maria asks coldly. “What guarantee we have that any of you won't do so?” Ayame asks back to Maria that once again can't find a proper answer. “Maria I trust in Benji. I place my life on his hands if it is needed to. And I do the same to you and all the others.” Ayame says. The hanagumi listen carefully.
“Benji is a really sweet guy. Very gentle and kind. I lived with him for three months. I shared a room with him. I can say with out doubt that he won't turn against us.”
The hanagumi hear Ayame with surprise. “Unless I order him so he will always be in our side.” She adds in a serious tone.
“What you mean?” Ogami asks not sure if he want to hear the answer. “Benji will obey any order that I give to him. That if he sees that the order it worth of being obeyed. If you turned into an enemy and I gave him the order to kill you. He would obey if that is the only choice for you.” Ayame answers. “And you want us to trust in a man that will kill us if ordered so?” Kohran asks.
“Kohran, Ogami-kun and Maria would do the same if I ordered so.” Ayame replies and Yoneda nods agreeing. Then they remember that both of then are soldiers. “My point here is not to make you all fear Benji. Or hate him.” Ayame says in a gentle but serious tone. “I want to show to you what he can do in combat so you can rely on him in combat. Be friends with him. Because if you are Benji will do the impossible to help you if you get yourself in problems. I can affirm this with no shadow of doubt, Benji is very loyal to his friends.”
They stay quiet. And Ayame gets up and begins to walk away. Kasumi and Sumire recover from the faint. “That fight really took that long?” Sakura asks to Ayame. “Yes Sakura. That fight happened in real time.” Ayame answers.
“Oh my god! He defeated one hundred and fifty ninjas in three hours!” Sakura says scared.
“An important detail about his attack.” Ayame says getting the attention of then all. “He arrived in the castle five hours before the estimated. In the time of his attack the Sanadas where with they guard down. The defenses where down and the best of then was away. Benji is not a kind of person to be underestimated. That is what caused his victory over the Sanadas. He was underestimated and he show us that it was a mistake.” Ayame walks away after her last words leaving the hanagumi to weight then down and think over then. Ayame walks around the theater looking for Benji and Iris. She found then on the stage. Iris is sited over a blanket with her books under a tree with Jean-Paul sited besides her. Four meters over Iris, Ayame sees Benji lying on the tree strong branches with his back resting on the trunk, one of his legs is lazily hanging down as well his right arm making a counter balance to the left leg. He is with a simple blue bandana on his head covering his hair and ears. His eyes are closed and he seems to be sleeping in the tree made as part of the scenario. She can't help on smiling at the scene sweetness. She can hear a very faint music from the stop where she is. Ayame now moves curious to then. She knows by sure that isn't Iris humming. Or even Benji. And she can't recognize the music. Moving closer she sees that Iris noticed her. The French girl smiles at her. Ayame smiles back and looking up at Benji she notices a belt bag on his belt. And coming from it a thin black wire that is moving up to his head. And she recalls of seeing that when examining his belongings.
“Benji-kun.” Ayame says under the face tree trying to get the man attention. “Benji-kun!”
Ayame notices that if he is not hearing her he is ignoring her. “BENJI-KUN!!!” she shouts kicking the tree trunk causing to the prop swing. Benji lost his balance and fall head first on the stage. Before the two females can gasp Benji stopped his fall landing on him right hand palm balancing himself vertically like that. Ayame and Iris let out a relieved sigh. Benji forces his arm and propels himself in the air. He spins on the air and land on his feet neatly. He removed the head phones. Ayame can hear the lyrics of the music that he was hearing. Know understanding why she heard the tunes in the other side of the room.
“What?” Benji asks to Ayame as if nothing happened. “The others will be busy for a while. So can you fix the lunch?” Ayame asks. “I guess that it is alright. But if they complain is your fault.” Benji replies. Ayame nods and Benji walks to the kitchen. Iris returns to her studies now with Ayame helping her. Benji places the headphones and enter in the kitchen. He picks an apron and puts on looking on the fridges and shelves seeing what have in there and what he can make with it. Putting the goods on a table he looks at then saying in Portuguese.
“I guess that I can make some spaghetti, steaks, French fries and a salad. But I will have to make the tomato sauce.” He picks a knife and start to cutting the potatoes humming the lyrics of a music.
About three hours later the hanagumi moves to the dinning hall. “Damn we was so focused in the meeting over that tape that we totally forgot about making lunch.” Kanna groans angrily. “Don't worry Kanna-san. I am sure that we can fix something really fast.” Sakura says trying to calm the tall Okinawan.
Maria opens the door and Kanna says after sniffing the air. “What is smelling so good?” they all see the table set. “God! This seems tasty!” she adds moving to the table and checking the food. She reaches to a plateful of French fries.
“Kanna you can eat it when we finish setting the table.” Ayame says walking with a plateful of steaks with onions. Kanna moves hand away and sit down. “You cooked this all Ayame-san?” Sakura asks to the older woman.
Ayame smiles before answering “No. The responsible is walking in right now.” And she points to Benji who is walking with a large tray filled with spaghetti. Iris is walking behind him holding a small dispenser filled with grated parmesan cheese.
“He cooked?!” the hanagumi asks in shock. “Yes he did.” Iris answers placing her load on the table next to where Benji placed the spaghetti. Benji removes a bandana from his head and take out the apron.
“Well why you all don't eat?” Ayame says sitting nest to Benji with Iris on his right. The hanagumi obeys hesitating. Everyone is served and the hanagumi tastes hesitating.
“This is great!!” Kanna shouts after tasting. Sakura agrees with the red head statement. “It isn't as good as the ones that I usually eat but is acceptable.” Sumire says stabbing a French fry with her fork. Kanna is inhaling the food in a fast pace. Ayame can tell that Benji is glad to have made large amounts of food. And the lunch time pass with a light mood. After eating a simple but tasty orange tasting cake the lunch is officially over. With only a small amount of leftovers already claimed by Kanna as an afternoon snack.
“I didn't know that you could cook.” Maria asks to Benji before he walks away. “You would be surprised with the things that I can do.” He answers “I cook, clean and sew too.”
“And why you know how to do those feminine things?” she asks. “Cooking is basic for survival. And when I am hungry I can fix myself something. Clean is because it is needed. And sew, well you never know when you need to fix a button or close a rip on a shirt or pants.” He replies walking away leaving a surprised Maria behind.
End of the chapter seven.
Author notes:
Please read and review. I will answer every review. Good or bad. If you have time to read and send a review. I will send you an answer. And I would like to thank to SilverBlue Dragon, HaruNatsu and to Greyhound Master for the reviews. I am making two versions of this story. One with out explicit sex scenes and one with then. As well with sexual related omakes. The unedited version can be found in MediaMiner fanfiction page. The link is on my profile.
Portuguese glossary:
Peçonha: It means poison or venom in Portuguese.
Battle against the Kuronosukai.
“Now that the evil minded niichan isn't here we can play.” Setsuna says. “I wouldn't count on that.” Iris says to him. Setsuna freezes with the smile on Iris lips. He recognizes as the same smile that Benji hand when shooting at him those images. “Iris asked to be trained by Master Benji.” She says the others gasp at Iris statement. They can sense that the master that she used wasn't meant to be like teacher of something. “Feel the invincible power of the dark side of the hentai!!!” Iris shouts attacking Setsuna with a powerful mental probe.
“Stop! God please stop!” Setsuna cries falling on the ground trying to remove the images. “GOD NO!!!!!”
“Yes! Scream for me!” Iris shouts sending more images “Now feel the terror of the yaoi!”
“I don't think that I want to know what she is doing.” Ogami says voicing the words that all then are thinking. The others nod agreeing. Ten minutes later Setsuna escapes, Benji appears from the stairs with his clothes out of place. “Master! Master! I did it! I used the dark powers that you gave me to defeat Setsuna!” Iris shouts running to him and hugging his waist. “What I said about bragging?” Benji says scolding the girl. Iris goes a little down. “But you did a fine job. But remember don't brag.” Iris lithe up again.
“What you are teaching for her?” Ogami asks not noticing that Benji is speaking Japanese. “Nothing of your business.” Benji replies moving down the stairs.
“Please teach me about that dark side of the hentai!” Kanna shouts running after him. Benji stops and looks at her. “Are you sure the training isn't easy. And you will have to be totally submissive to me. I mean you are my slave. And I will do anything that I want with you.” Benji says to her “You still want to learn?”
“Please Master I will do anything! Own me! But please give me your dark power!” Kanna begs to him. “Fine then. Come I will begin your training as soon we get in my room.” Benji says. “Yes Master! Thank you very much!” Kanna cries moving down with him.
Ayame and the hanagumi meeting about Benji training.
“I will be showing to you all what happened in the first day of Benji training.” Ayame says turning on the projector. It shows Benji bonded chains wearing only a pair of boxers. Ayame appears on the camera wearing a tight and figure hugging leather lingerie and very high heels leather boots. And the leather is shining. She is with a whip on her hands. She cracks the whip on his skin.
“You will obey me!” she says before whipping him one more time. “I won't!” Benji shouts. “You will!” and she whips him again. Every time that she whips him she shouts that he will obey her. “Ack! Wrong tape!” Ayame gasps trying to turn it off but she is stopped by Kasumi and Yuri. Then Benji manages to escape from the chains and pull the whip from Ayame, she protests and he ties her on the ceiling and spanks her butt. He doesn't say a word but after one minute Ayame cries “Please master hit me more!!”
And the scenes get even darker and Ayame manages to turn it off. “Master?” Sumire asks teasing. Sakura, Ogami and Tsubaki fainted with severe nosebleeds and Ayame is in a dark red shade blushing until her hair line.
“You never did that to me!” Maria cries at Ayame “Why you never bondaged me?!”
Ayame blushes even more. “Don't worry Maria, I am sure that her Master will love to do that to you.” Kanna says teasing.
“Well he told me that he is attracted to you.” Ayame says. “If we beg properly I am sure that he will punish us.” Maria lithe up and run to the theater trying to found him with Ayame on her heels. “Yoneda is dead, Ogami, Sakura and Tsubaki are out of cold.” Kohran says “SO you girls want to see what else he did to her?” Kanna asks cheerfully.
“Sure!” the remaining girls shout at the red head.
The dinner.
“So why you learned to cook?” Maria asks to Benji. “Because I like to cook. Specially a breakfast to take in the bed for a special someone after a tiring night.” Benji answers to Maria in provocative tone. The Sannin musume grabs Benji and drag him away.
“Tire us!” they shout dragging him to Kasumi room. Kanna races after then.
“He will be tiring me!” she shouts removing Benji from the trio iron grip.
“He will be tiring me!” Sakura shouts removing Benji from Kanna using a rubber snake. “He will make me breakfast!” Sumire shouts tripping Sakura and grabbing Benji by the elbow. “Benji-niichan will make Iris breakfast!” Iris shouts zapping Sumire. Soon the hanagumi and the kazegumi are in a major fight over who will be the one who will be bedded and get a special breakfast.
“This is kind of flattering.” Benji says seeing the dust cloud over the fighting group. And Ayame also joined then. “So you make pancakes?” Ogami asks standing besides Benji.
“I can make then. But I don't play in your team sailor boy.” Benji replies.
Ogami pouts “Why can't never find a handsome man to myself.” He says in a high pitched voice.
“I knew that he was gay. Otherwise why he wouldn't go after then?” Benji mutters. “You have all those girls who would be happy to have you. How could you turn in to a gay?” Benji asks.
“I was so lonely on the navy training camp. And then I was comforted by him. And my life changed.” Ogami replies.
“Let me guess, Kayama?” Benji says. Ogami nods with a dreamy look. Benji groans disgusted. “I need to get the Yama-chan now.” Ogami says moving to the rooms. “I don't even want to know what it is.” Benji mutters.
“What you can do involving fruits and a sweet syrup?” Maria asks casually. “In the bed or for breakfast?” Benji asks back. “For both.” Maria answers. “Well for breakfast a fruit salad using the syrup to add an extra touch.” Benji says “Now for the bed, that needs demonstrations.” He adds.
“Sound interesting. Let's get then.” Maria says, Benji nods to her. “Can I get whipped cream, honey, jelly and some chocolate?” Benji asks while they move to the kitchen.
“Can you take it all?” Maria asks teasing. “I will not be eating then alone.” He replies “I will make sure that you get some too.” Maria smiles while they gather the goods before moving to her room.