Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast: Chronicles of a lost writer ❯ Training and problems ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a new fanfic. Is a Sakura Taisen story. I don't own Sakura or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.
Signed: Benji Himura.
“Text”= Talked or thought sentences.
(Text)= Talked sentences in a foreign language. As English when everyone else speaks Japanese.
Chapter eight: Training and problems.
Teito December second 1922
The hanagumi watch Benji training on the koubu simulator. They can't help on gasping in surprise that he is doing much better than he should be. Ayame smiles at then and explain that he had a two weeks training on the simulator during his three months training. Like Sakura and the others did Benji basic training consists in dodging, blocking and attacking energy balls in a dark area. The holographic koubu is painted with a dark metal blue paint and with the shoulders, elbows and knees in dark blood red. Benji koubu have a katana on the waist, two combat knifes and a shotgun on the back. Benji is holding the knifes dodging the constants attacks. But he takes then occasionally. After few more minutes the simulation ends and Benji leave the fake cockpit.
(Fifty three percent of dodges, twenty two of blocks and twenty five of hits. And half of then was light. Not bad at all.) Ayame says to him. Benji stretches, his back pops loudly and he let out a pleasure sigh. The hanagumi stares at him. “He is faster than you guys. So he can react faster. But his piloting skills are far inferior.” Ayame says to the hanagumi. “He dodged out of instinct.” She adds. The hanagumi members enter in the simulators and Benji is led to another room.
“Okay Benji-kun. Is like I explained to you. It is time to test yours and Ogami-kun strategic abilities. Do your best.” Ayame says leaving the room before Benji can replies. He sits on a chair facing a computer and three women who are wearing the Tsukigumi uniform are facing other computer. “Each of you already know what to do. Let's make then sweat.” Benji says to the trio. They nod typing commands the respective computer. Benji does the same thing with his giving orders every now and then. In the command center Yoneda and Ayame watch a fight by a computer screen. The hanagumi koubus fighting against altered versions of the koubu. All painted patterns that resemble the Japanese Onis. As well build to look like then. The Onis are in thirty. Most of then are using axes, swords and spears. And the hanagumi is fighting then. The battle grounds are the Ginza district. And the hanagumi keeps pressing the attack. Ogami shouts orders to then keep pressing. Not knowing that two rooms away from there Benji smiles as a cat who caught his pray.
“Long range units begin the attack.” He says. And one of the girls who were no longer typing began to do so. And from houses and alleys twenty new Onis appear. All of then armed or with rocket launchers or handguns. And they fire at the hanagumi. Ogami curses loudly when the hanagumi takes the damage. Kohran can't respond the fire since her ammo had finished earlier on the combat. Maria is having problems to aim at the Onis since they are covered by houses. After long minutes the hanagumi manages to defeat the Onis. They leave the simulators covered with seat.
“How they where so smart?” Sumire says “The enemy never fought like that before.”
“You all need to plan on the unexpected.” Ayame says “You all did a great job. Rest for now. After the lunch we will hold another training section.”
The hanagumi nods and moves away. Iris looks at her friends. She saw the battle with Yoneda and Ayame. Benji leaves the room with a content smile.
“You where great Benji-kun. With the Onis and just the trio you managed to make then work really hard.” Ayame says to him. “It was hard you know. The Onis are weaker than the koubus. And the girls can act independent of constant orders.” Benji replies.
“You need to consider that they are used to fight like that. The trio isn't.” Ayame says and Benji nods. Iris looks at him. Ayame have explained to her the reason of that training. Not even the kazegumi knew about Benji and his small team. After all is a training for then too. The kazegumi needs to inform the hanagumi with facts about the battle. And if they knew about Benji they would tell then. And Yoneda wants to the kazegumi learn to act more independent so they can help even more in battle. Benji stretch letting out a sigh. And the man walks away. Iris moves to her team mates to hear what they thought of the battle.
A half hour after the lunch.
Benji is on his room typing in a small computer, courtesy of Ayame. He is with his head phones and hearing some songs from his CD player. His back is turned for the door and he types slowly. He stops and sighs tired. He closes his eyes resting his hands on the desk besides the computer. In silence two slender arms wrap themselves around his neck and chest like snakes. Ayame rests her chin on his right shoulder and softly tightens her arms around his chest and neck.
“How it is going?” she asks at him touching her cheek with his affectionately. “It is hard. I am used to write fanfictions. So I can place characters from others series on it. But now I have to make an original one. And I can't place anyone in it.” He replies opening his eyes.
“Wasn't you who said that our relation was only a one time thing?” he asks in a lightly teasing tone.
“Shush.” Ayame spouts. Benji smiles enjoying the closeness. Since the first night together Ayame and him never made love again. But she became very touchy, using every chance possible to hug or kiss the lost man. Lonely Benji never actually complained of the closeness. Both seeking comfort in those actions. But not sure if they are only seeking comfort in the arms of someone who are also lonely or it is something deeper. But that never prevented them of still doing it. Ayame moves her body back one step and Benji gets the cue, and moves the chair backwards. Ayame sits on his lap keeping her grip on his neck. He moves the chair back forward again. She looks at the screen.
“Desperate love. Shimaru, love above honor. Part one Tale of a fallen samurai.” Ayame reads in loud, “The title is good.” She adds, she moves a cursor on the screen moving it down reading a bit more of the just written script. After few minutes she reaches on the part where he stopped.
“Really nice.” She says giving him a quick peck on the lips. “But there are too many roles. One of the wives roles, the prince and one of the councilors roles will be empty.”
“I know. The wife and councilor can be removed since they aren't important. But the prince is needed for the story sake. He is the reason that Shimaru and the princess eloped.” Benji says explaining the play to her. “I see. But who will be filling the prince role?” Ayame asks to the writer.
“Well I was thinking on a certain someone.” Benji replies teasing.
“Well I will tell Ogami-kun to get ready.” Ayame says getting back on her feet. Benji hold her wrist and softly tug her down making her fall sited on his lap. She let out a cute cry of surprise with the action.
“I never said that the prince would be acted by a male.” Benji whispers to her. And Ayame finally understand what he was saying. “Wait! I never acted before!” Ayame cries. “That didn't stop you and Yoneda to placing the girls in acting. Even Sakura who never acted.” Benji says to her. “I am sure that you will do really fine. And we will need to change the play after all Iris is too young to be a wife or a councilor.”
Ayame blushes with his words. “Come on Benji-kun I can't act.” She says in a pleading tone. “Really? And how you made me believe that you was kidnapped by ninjas?” he asks teasing. She blushes in shame of being recalled about her fault. Benji gives her a kiss.
“I know that you will do it well. The prince part is really small. You will only show three times not more than six on the tops.” Benji says trying to cheer her. Ayame nods understanding. She knows that she can't blain him, all that idea was hers. So she has to make few sacrifices for it. “I will act. But if I embarrass myself I will punish you really badly.” She says getting up again. This time Benji don't stops her. Ayame bends over and gives him a kiss.
“It is time to train again.” She says after the kiss. And they move away.
In the training command room.
Benji and Ayame arrive after the others. “Good now we can begin the second part of this training.” Yoneda says. “Now Ogami you won't be leading the hanagumi on his part of the training.”
“I see sir. Maria will be taking the lead then?” Ogami says to his commanding officer. “Wrong.” Yoneda says. “For this part of the training Benji will be leading the hanagumi.”
“What?!” the entire hanagumi and kazegumi shouts in shock. “He doesn't speak Japanese!” Maria says pointing to him.
“Actually Maria I do speak Japanese.” Benji says to her in a perfect Japanese. “God he speaks like Ayame! They have the same accent!” Sakura says stating the obvious. “Sakura I teached him. It is only natural that he has my accent from Kanto.” Ayame says to Sakura.
“You mean that since he returned he could have talked to us?!” Kanna asks. “He could. But he already knew about this cross leading training. So he asked me to keep it in secret.” Ayame says.
“But why?” Kohran asks. “That is simple. Benji was the enemy that you faced this morning. And he could hear everything that you guys talked on the radio. And he understood it. Not only that, since you all thought that he didn't spoke Japanese you talked in front of him. He is a ninja. A spy.” Ayame explains to them. The hanagumi is shocked. Once again they underestimated him.
“And why he could hear our radio frequency?” Maria asks voicing Ogami question. “Because you never know when the enemy might do the same. He gave orders in a very simple way that anyone can understand. Even the enemy.” Benji answers for Ayame. “What would happen if the enemy could hear your radio talks?”
Maria doesn't answer but she and Ogami know the answer for it. “Fine. But why he will lead us?” Sumire asks trying very hard not to snap. “Because I want to see how he can command troops in combat. And we never know if a tragedy can happens and we lose both Ogami-kun and Maria. If that happen who would lead the rest of you?” Ayame says in a serious tone. “Think of Benji as a back up leader in case that Maria and Ogami-kun are unable to do so. Of course depending of how well he does in the training.”
Ogami is shaking with anger closing his hands in tight fists. He can feel the lost of power as a hit in the head. “Ogami-kun you will be leading the Onis. You girls obey Benji-kun as you would obey Ogami-kun.” Ayame orders to them. The nod agreeing. Not happy in doing so but obeying. “Ogami-kun, I am sure that you remember of the pre-battle set up that I gave you earlier. Do you?” Ayame asks to Ogami.
“I remember. But why that?” he asks. “That was the available troops and equipment that you will have in this battle. That is why had two sets. One was for the hanagumi. And the other is for the Onis. As you Benji-kun made a set up before this training. So don't think that he is cheating. He only planned in a different way.” Ayame explains to him. He nods and Ayame leads him to the Onis command center. And the training begins. They are in another area of Teito, on an industrial area. Benji quickly study the map and orders the hanagumi to move to access points. Blocking the path of the Onis who would try to attack the city behind the hanagumi. Benji moves alone to a bridge and stays there with his sword on his hand. Kanna moves to another one with Maria behind her. And Sumire moves to the last bridge. Kohran koubu is pulling a cart filled with ammunitions, a pair of spare swords for Benji and Sakura, spare claws to Kanna and a spare naginata to Sumire. Kohran is places between Sumire and Benji. And as Maria she is not on the first line of combat. They can see the Onis moving for them. And in the first line are the long ranged ones. Benji orders to Maria and Kohran focus the fire on the long ranged ones. Benji also fire at then. And soon the few long ranged equipped Onis are destroyed. Ogami curses himself for allowing that to happen. But unlike Ogami, Benji is not pressing the attack. And soon Ogami realize why. Benji is taking down two Onis at time. Since only two of them can pass by the bridges. And they form a long line that is vulnerable to Kohran and Maria fire. The hanagumi also notices the strategy. They are in a slow but steady rate destroying the Onis. And after sometime they move passing by the fallen army. All of them warrior used the spare weapons in the long combat. Ogami is cornered in a depot and he sends his last Onis to attack the hanagumi.
“Now Sakura.” Benji says in the radio. “Ryokai!” Sakura shouts. And Ogami watches in shock Sakura koubu breaking the depot wall and destroying his own unit with a single blow. As the others he forgot about Sakura. Since by Benji orders she wasn't engaged in combat. But moving by the sides to reach Ogami hide out. And Benji strategy was flawless. Ogami and his army were defeated. The training is over and they all gather in the briefing room. There is a tense silence in the room.
“To begin this briefing, I would like to say that you all did a great job.” Yoneda says to them. Ayame loads a graphic in the room large screen. Above two graphics there are the names Himura and Ogami. “This battle training was for sure something that gave to you all a very precious experience.” Yoneda continues. “And also shows the merits and flaws of both strategists. Benji haven't planned as Ogami. And he took a long time to defeat a large number of enemies. He took three times longer than Ogami to engage an attack. And the battle lasted longer than the estimated. But it also showed that Benji worried not only with the immediate battle like Ogami does. This is what each of then requested for the hanagumi.”
And with those words from Yoneda, the hanagumi look at the screen.
“Benji asked for extra weapons and ammunition. He gave then to Kohran to carry. After all she can only fight in long range. So she needs to stay far of the direct combat. So slowing her down is acceptable.” Ayame says to them. “Ogami-kun hasn't asked for anything other than the koubus regular equipment. And I am sure that you all recall that Maria and Kohran runned out of ammo and Benji-kun still had hidden long ranged units hidden.”
“This is the chances of the team fighting another battle after the first one.” Yoneda says and Ayame changes the screen. “As you can see after Ogami the chances of winning a following battle are below thirty percent. And after Benji the chances are higher than seventy five percent. If there was another enemy after the first one the battle would be much harder for Ogami. After all the koubus was pretty damaged and Maria and Kohran was out of ammo. And Benji with him the koubus was with light damage and Maria and Kohran still had half of they total ammo supplies. That after reloading.” Yoneda explains to them. “I admit that the damages would be even less if he used Sakura to fight. Not only to just kill Ogami. But it was a smart move.” Yoneda adds.
“Ogami strategy was fast and precise. But only focused in the single battle that he is fighting. Benji strategy was slow, careful and very precise. Focused in long term battles. I am sure that with others sections like this one we will see that today strategies was only one part of each of them strategies.” Yoneda says to them. “I am sure that both of you will become really good with this training.”
But Ogami is not hearing the commander. He is too angry because Benji defeated him. Not only defeated him but his commander was saying that the amateur was a better strategist than him. The briefing continues for a few more minutes before it ends.
Benji is not exactly happy about the events. He saw how Ogami have taken all the training. And he recognized the look on the young officer eyes. He felt threatened, afraid of losing his position as the leader of the hanagumi. And because of those he is acting like his namesake animal a wolf. And he felt that Benji is a threat for his leadership and territory. Benji sighs moving to his room. He knows that things won't be easy for him.
“OI! MATTE!” a voice calls from Benji making him stops and looks over his shoulders. He sees Kanna running at his direction. “Damn.” He thinks seeing Kanna breasts bouncing up and down while she runs. “I need a cold shower now. Or some time with Ayame. What happens first.” He adds on his thoughts. “Nani o Kanna?” he asks to the tall red head.
“Hey do you mind in teaching me few of your moves?” Kanna asks stopping in front of him breathing a bit roughly. “I guess that it will be Ayame and a cold shower. That if I manage to convince her.” He thinks.
“But why you want to learn them?” Benji asks “I mean your karate is great.”
“I know. But you have some moves that I never saw before. And some of them are really cool.” The red head says excited. “Cold shower. Ice cold shower.” He thinks.
“We can spar. But I am not sure that you will be able to learn some of my moves. Most of then I changed to suit my needs. I tried to teach a friend once and she wasn't able to perform the move. You know men and women have different gravity centers.” Benji says to her. “Well I am taking the chances.” She exclaims dragging Benji to the training room. Benji smiles happy because Kanna is being friendly. On the way she keeps saying that she will be teaching him her Okinawan karate in exchange for his own style. And Benji is on the training room sited on the mats while Kanna changes to her karate gi. When she returns she sees Benji boots tossed in a corner. He is bare feet stretching.
“You don't want to use a gi? I have a spare one.” Kanna asks. “I am fine. I am used to fight in casual clothes. When I fight are more brawls and there isn't time to change into kimonos.” Benji replies. Kanna understand his reasons. Kanna gets in a basic stance of her style. Benji assumes a basic one too. His left foot is in front of himself and his left hand too. His right hand is closed into a fist, kept low by his right side.
“His stance is so wrong. His left hand should be closed not open like that. He seems to be holding something.” She thinks analyzing his position. His left hand is open as if he was holding a large can. “Do we need a signal or something?” Benji asks. “Attack when you feel up to. I will do the same.” Kanna replies. Benji nods. And then he charges at Kanna really fast. The red head is taken back and Benji left hand connects to her neck. She feels a very strong pressure around her neck. The tips of his fingers are pressing tightly two nervous centers on her neck, sending intense pain over her body. She chokes unable to draw a breath. And she feels his momentum forcing her behind fast as he continues to charge forward until he slams her into the wall behind her. And the new impact stuns Kanna. She feels him forcing his left hand strongly on her neck and she feels her feet losing the ground as he lifts her. He is forcing her up using his right hand under his left wrist to lift her.
“Do you yield?” Benji asks to her. Kanna nods too stunned to react in any way. Benji lower her and let her go. Kanna hands moves to her neck while she rubs her neck breathing deeply.
“Sorry Kanna. I guess that I was too rough.” Benji says apologizing to the red head that just sited on the mats taking deep breaths savoring the air. She waves her hand at him. “It is okay. I called the spar. You got me good.” She says between breaths. “That is why your stance was wrong. Your hand. You keep it like that to grab the opponent neck.”
“That is right. Let me see it.” Benji says carefully moving Kanna hands from her neck. He sees two bruises in the place where he pressed the nerves. He moves behind her and softly massages her neck. “That feels good.” Kanna purrs while relaxing and taking slow breaths.
“Sorry about it. When I fight I want to end it quickly. So my usual first move is that strangling tackle. If I manage to grab a neck the match is over.” He says to her. “I can understand why. The grip was really strong. And the constant pain prevented me from thinking in a better reaction.” Kanna says “It is an interesting move. But it isn't a good move to be used over and over again.”
“I know that.” He says massaging over the two sore spots and the area of the neck where he strangled her. “That is a surprise move. As well an ending move. In brawls you usually don't fight the same person over and over again. So having a strong move like that and using over and over until perfected it is not a bad strategy.” Kanna nods agreeing.
“You have really strong hands.” Kanna says enjoying the massage. “And you are good doing that.”
“I have experience.” Benji replies. He recalls that his grandmother had taken a massage course and she teached him. And he massaged his mother once and a while and he did the same with his ex-girlfriend in a regular basis of course that a very different way.
“Feeling better?” Benji asks. “Yes! Now I will win!” She replies energetically. Benji smiles and they get in the same stances. But this time Kanna is ready for what he called `strangling tackle'. So when it came Kanna blocked. But as a ninja Benji is not someone who fight fair. And he gives a low kick on Kanna making her fall after hitting her ankles. Benji jumps over her immobilizing her as a wrestler. Or at least trying. Kanna is stronger and manages to break free from the lock. Not used to ground combats like that she is surprised to see when Benji tackle her down. He sits over her stomach with one leg in one side of her straddling her. She sees him pulling back his arm and covers her face with her arms blocking the punch. But it never came instead came a light pat on her arms.
“Another round?” Benji asks to her. “Sure.” Kanna replies not sure of why he didn't beatted her up like that. She couldn't even try using her legs to take him off her. She is getting annoyed with the fact that Benji unknown style is taking her down time after time. And that before she can lay strike on him. Now Kanna tries taking the first move. Benji sidestep her and grab her arm. Before she can react she feels her body being lifted. She recognizes the moves as a usual judo throw. But in mid air Benji forces the move around twisting her arm and tossing her in the original direction of the wall on her back. She lands hard over her chest and hit her face on the mats. She gets up breathing a bit hard. She rubs her nose and sees some blood on it.
“You are pretty good. You just used a judo throw.” Kanna says cleaning her nose with her sleeve. “I changed that one a bit.” Benji says. Kanna nods softly rubbing her shoulder thankful that the joint haven't snapped or dislocated with the move. “I noticed.” The red head says getting up. “But coming from you I feel really flattered.” Benji says.
Once again they get in them basic stances. Now Kanna is not sure of how attack Benji. So far she only fell into his strikes.
“What I can do? His style is unknown and he is good.” Kanna thinks looking at him. “That it! He doesn't kick! He never gave a high kick. So that must be the strike that I will use.” Kanna smiles and attack Benji with a series of kicks. But she forgot a very important detail. Benji took off his boots. And if he didn't use high kicks why he would bother in taking then out? Kanna failed to notice that she fell in another trap of the ninja. Between a blocked kick and a new one Benji swings his body, Kanna stares trying to finishing her move. But a high speed foot impacts on her left arm. And being unbalanced Kanna falls again. Benji right foot lands on the mats and he recovers his balance.
“Are you hurt Kanna?” Benji asks kneeling close to her. “Gotcha!” Kanna shouts tackling him. Using the same straddling move that Benji gave. She raises her hand to pack a punch. But Benji shows how to get out of that. He holds her bottom and forcing themselves to the side he invert the position. Now Kanna legs are wrapped against his waist and he is over her. Startled Kanna reacts slowly. But she reacts. And punches Benji on the face. Benji also punch her. But on her chest. Kanna punch is by far stronger and makes the ninja dizzy. But Benji punch connected right over her diaphragm knowing the air out of her lungs. Benji falls over Kanna. She stays there breathing hard. Tsubaki passes by the training hall seeing the scene. She blushes into a deep shade of crimson and runs away to spread the gossip. After a couple of minutes recovering Kanna let Benji got and he moves to his side falling besides Kanna.
“Really good trap.” Benji says rubbing his injured eye. “Good kick.” Kanna says rubbing her still sore shoulder. “I thought that you didn't use high kicks. Only low kicks.”
Benji smiles at her confession “That is part of my basic strategy. I am really good with kicks. Especially high ones. So I keep then as a last resource. If I can win with punches and with strikes with the knee I will use that.” Benji says to her “And people think that I can't kick high. So when I do I take them by surprise.” Kanna nods knowing that she feel for that really good. “Another round?” the red head asks.
“Give me a couple of minutes.” Benji replies. Kanna nods also feeling the aftereffects of the hits. After recovering they got back up. “Okay can we fight all out? And with out you using tricks on me?” Kanna asks to Benji.
“I guess that it is okay.” Benji answers. “Hold on.” Kanna says running to the changing room leaving a confused Benji behind. She returns carrying protectors. She hands to Benji some and then puts then on herself. Benji follow her lead. The protection covers his fists, elbows, knees and foot. It also has a small helmet.
“I never needed to use them with Taisho because we just spar lightly. But I want to go all out with you. So we will need them.” Kanna explains to Benji while putting her helmet. “We don't want to get seriously hurt while training.” Benji nods agreeing. He tests the protection feeling slight uncomfortable with them. He tosses few kicks and punches to get used to them. Kanna let him get used, and using that moment to try seeing more of Benji personal style.
“Okay. I am ready.” Benji says getting on his base stance. Kanna nods and gets on her own stance. “One thing Kanna.”
“What?” the red head asks “No hits on my groin area okay?” Benji says. Kanna nods understanding and with a light blush. And they begin. This time Benji isn't using his large variety of tricks and distractions blows. Both block and attack. Kanna hits are stronger than Benji's. But his are faster than Kanna's. It is an even match. Kana manages to get a grip on Benji shirt and tosses him down on the mats. She moves to punch him. But his foot connects to her head. More precisely his hell on Kanna forehead. Kanna is surprised to see him giving a kick like that. She was coming from his shoulders direction. And he kicked higher than his own head. Benji jumps back up using the moment after the kick to put his guard up. Kanna does the same. After long minutes they end the fight with a high kick. Shinbone against shinbone. And Kanna feels the difference of powers of her kick with Benji's. His are slightly stronger and way faster. Both of them fall on the mats.
“So can we call this a draw?” Benji says not in the mood to get up. “Sure. I am beat.” Kanna replies agreeing. And the sweaty duo takes it time to recover. A half hour later Benji and Kanna moves to the dinning hall. Both freshen up after the sparring section. Of course with a handful of bruises.
“By the way you are religious?” Kanna asks to him in the hall. “No. But why you are asking?” Benji replies. “Well I ripped your shirt on the match. And I saw a cross necklace on your neck. And if I am not wrong that is the symbol of catholic religion right?” Kanna says.
“Well Brazil is a catholic country. I was baptized and did the first communion. But I am not exactly religious. I don't practice. Or even pray. And more than sure I am not exactly a follower of the Ten Commandments.” Benji says to her. “And then why you use it?” Kanna asks confused.
“It was a gift from a dear friend. I found it in the middle of my things. Since I am facing demons I might need every help that I can get. Even from religion. Even not being a follower. And it is a reminder of my friends back home” Benji replies. “Makes sense.” Kanna says “Well I just know that the exercise made me hungry. I hope that they have fixed something tasty.”
Benji smiles at Kanna remark. But he is also hungry. They get inside the dinning hall and are greeted by a very angry hanagumi. Out of his guard Benji is hitted by a punch throw by Ogami. But the ninja reflexes catch up and Benji grab Ogami arm and the next thing that fills the air is the nauseous sound of a joint dislocating. Ogami is on his knees while Benji keeps forcing the dislocated shoulder and pressing it with his free hand. Ogami screams in pain. Maria pulls her gun. Kanna gets between Maria and Benji.
“Get out of the way Kanna!” Maria shouts to the red head. “NO WAY!” Kanna replies to Maria. “If I leave you will kill him!”
“That is the idea!” Maria shouts back. They hear the sound of metal against metal, they turn and see Benji holding his open butterfly knife on Ogami neck. “I don't know what the hell is going on. But if you girls don't put the weapons down the sailor boy here will gain a second mouth.” Benji says pressing the cold metal against Ogami neck. And as Maria knows the light pressure causes to the razor sharp knife to begin to cut Ogami skin. A drop of blood escapes from the small cut and the blade. The hanagumi gasps. Kanna is surprised but she understands Benji action. Maria and Sumire look ready to kill him. The hanagumi girls put down the weapons. “Move to the other side of the table.” Benji orders. They obey. Kanna stays close. Benji removes the knife from Ogami neck and let the man go. Benji picks Maria revolver and unloads it. Kanna looks at him and at the hanagumi. Benji takes a deep breath to calm himself.
“Now why you attack me?” Benji asks to the hanagumi. “How can you ask that?” Ogami spat at Benji. “You attacked Kanna.” Maria says in a cold tone. “Attack?” Benji asks “Well that is true. Other wise how we would spar?” Kanna says not understanding. “He tricked you!” Ogami says “That is true. He has many tricks.” Kanna says not picking up the intended meaning. “He raped you! Stupid monkey!” Sumire shouts “He what?!” Kanna asks “What? I never raped Kanna.” Benji says “Don't lie to us. Tsubaki saw it all!” Maria says getting angrier. “I don't believe on this.” Benji mutters. “Kanna keep them far of the weapons. I will get Tsubaki and set the things straight.” Benji says to the red head moving away to the kazegumi office. Maria tries to reach for her gun and the bullets and Kanna pushes Maria away softly. “No. I do not understand what is going on. But I agree that letting you guys picking the weapons are not wise. Please Maria stay back. I don't want to hurt you for a misunderstanding.” Kanna says in a worried voice. “Kanna he is going to kill Tsubaki! Then he will make some odd story to cover it up! We can't let that rapist stay unpunished.” Maria says.
“Maria he didn't raped me. We were sparring.” Kanna says “He was tricking you! He convinced you that it was training!” Maria says with Ogami backing her up. “Then it wouldn't be rape because I was consenting.” Kanna replies. The duo stays quiet. They know that Kanna is right. Benji walks in carrying Tsubaki by the scurf of her neck. She is protesting against the treatment.
“Now what the hell you saw and what you told to them?” Benji asks to Tsubaki in a strong tone. Tsubaki gets hard with fear. “I saw you and Kanna in the training room. She was with her legs wrapped around your waist and panting. Your clothes were ripped and was bleeding. I told them that.” Tsubaki says too scared to lie. “That was what you saw. And what you said?” Benji asks knowing that Tsubaki tends to distort the facts. “I said them that!” Tsubaki says.
“Ah that!” Kanna exclaims “I ripped his shirt by mistake when I tossed him on the floor. I punched him over the left eye and he punched me in the stomach. He knocked the air out from me.”
The hanagumi look at the red head and the brunet. And then to the chestnut haired girl. “So you all jumped conclusions and were willing to kill me for a mistake of your own judgment.” Benji says in a cold tone. “We was sparing because Kanna asked.”
“And the bleeding was because we weren't using the proper protection.” Kanna adds.
“And if I was raping Kanna I would need to tie her up and strip her!” Benji shouts in anger. “It is not possible do it fully clothed! And I would never rape Kanna!” Benji looks at Kanna. “No offence. You are a very pretty girl. But I would never force anyone into sex.” Benji says to Kanna in a normal tone. “No offence taken.” Kanna replies feeling oddly warm inside for being called of pretty. “By the love of God guys. You are all smarter than this. You all hate him so much to use a small fact heard from Tsubaki of all people to try to kill Benji?” Kanna asks to the hanagumi members. Iris isn't there. Sakura wasn't armed but when Benji ordered around she followed afraid for Ogami's life. “I already said many times in the past months what I wanted to train with him. And when I do you blow the things out of proportion.” Kanna continues to scolds the hanagumi. Benji smacks Tsubaki in the head.
“Before spreading a gossip or lies try to think the damage that it will cause.” Benji says walking away. He closes the knife while moving to the door. “And you guys could at least try asking before hitting. And go talk to Ayame about the shoulder.” Benji says closing the door behind him. “He is right.” Kanna says “What happened to you all?” and after saying that Kanna leave following Benji. When she reaches the hall he is not there. As if vanished in the thin air. Outside the theater Benji walks by Teito snow covered streets. It is one hour past noon and the city is empty because the cold.
“How long how long will I slide
Separate my side I don't
I don't believe it's bad
Slit my throat
It's all I ever…” Benji sings in a whisper. His hands are in his pockets while he careless strolls by the cold city.
In Yoneda office.
“What you mean by he vanished?!” Yoneda shouts to Kanna, Ogami and Maria. “And what the hell you two had in mind by trying to kill him?!”
Ogami and Maria cringe with Yoneda shouts. “Benji doesn't have any knowledge of how walk on the city. And what if the enemy decides to attack? And worse than that what if you two caused him to lost his trust? You really think that he will bother to aiding one of you two in battle? In a life or death situation?” Yoneda continues.
“Benji might not be able to properly pilot a koubu yet. But he is still a precious part of this team.” Yoneda adds calming himself.
“And what he can do that any of us can't?” Ogami asks.
Yoneda smirks “Can you take over a ninja castle by assault alone against over one hundred ninjas, armed only with a three pairs of knifes?” Yoneda asks sarcastically. Ogami pales and his shoulders fall a bit. Yoneda notices and continues. “Can you stand after doing that pass over a twenty hours training every days for three months? Doing exercises with a fifty kilos bag pack over you the entire period? Doing push ups with Ayame and the bag pack over your back? Or pulling yourself over a bar with Ayame and the bag tied on your feet?”
Now Kanna and Maria pale, none of them heard what exactly Benji passed during his training.
“Can you do all that and more to return back to a place where you were attacked many times with a smile on your face and act like nothing happened?” This last question Kanna was the one who asked. “Taisho you can pass by all that and give an honest smile like the ones that he gives to Iris?”
Ogami is taken back by Kanna questions and stays in silence. “Why you are defending him Kanna?” Maria asks. “Because I think that he is a nice guy. I admit that my first impression of him wasn't a good one. But no one that can give a smile like the one that he gives to Iris can be bad. He can fight like a bad person. But I can see on his eyes that he isn't.” Kanna answers.
“You really think that a man that can do what he did to those people can be good?” Maria replies. “Can you say that you would have done different?” Kanna asks to Maria. “In his situation. That was an understandable action. I can't even say that if was me I would have let them live.”
With those words Kanna leave the office leaving Maria and Ogami shocked behind and a smiling Yoneda. “Benji got friendly with Kanna fast. As well Iris. I hope that the others will see that he is needed to the team soon.” Yoneda thinks looking at the shocked duo.
Far from the theater
Benji leaves an alley cleaning some snow from his pants. On the alley there is the battered form of seven men on the ground. There is five knifes on the ground and Benji have two knifes just like the ones on the ground on the back of his belt. He pulls a pack of notes from his shirt pocket and counts them.
“Two hundred yens. I guess that this might be enough for a night in the town.” Benji mutters looking at the bettered pile. “Now remember stealing is bad.” He says to them pocketing the money and walking down the street covering the knifes with his jacket.
“Dream of Californication...” Benji sings softly now in a far better mood than few minutes before. Benji walks under a simple gate dividing the city block where he was and the pleasure district. He walks around for a while and enters in a random house. A young geisha greets him. Benji asks for a discrete table and some sake. The geisha takes him to a small room and leaves soon returning with a small bottle of warm sake. Benji sit sin Indian style and lets the young woman serve him the warm drink trying to just forget the incident with the hanagumi. The geisha softly reaches for a biwa and plays a gentle tune that helps Benji to relax.
End of the chapter eight:
Author notes:
Please read and review. I will answer every review. Good or bad. If you have time to read and send a review. I will send you an answer. And I would like to thank to SilverBlue Dragon, HaruNatsu and to Greyhound Master for the reviews. I am making two versions of this story. One with out explicit sex scenes and one with then. As well with sexual related omakes. The unedited version can be found in MediaMiner fanfiction page. The link is on my profile. I don't own Other side and Californication, both songs performed by Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Japanese glossary:
Geisha: Geisha is a professional hostess. Do not confuse with a prostitute. Geishas only have sex with a man when she truly likes him. There is many times where samurais, shoguns and nobles fell in love by geishas. They married by honor. So the love was usually found in the arms of a geisha.
Biwa: A kind of Japanese guitar with three strings. A very traditional Japanese instrument.
Oni: Japanese demons
Kanto: Area of the Japan where Tokyo is located.
Kanna asking for be trained.
“OI! MATTE!” a voice calls from Benji making him stops and looks over his shoulders. He sees Kanna running at his direction. “Damn.” He thinks seeing Kanna breasts bouncing up and down while she runs. “I need a cold shower now. Or some time with Ayame. What happens first.” He adds on his thoughts. “Nani o Kanna?” he asks to the tall red head.
“Hey do you mind in teaching me few of your moves?” Kanna asks stopping in front of him breathing a bit roughly. “I guess that it will be Ayame and a cold shower. That if I manage to convince her.” He thinks.
“But why you want to learn them?” Benji asks “I mean your karate is great.”
“I know. But you have some moves that I never saw before. And some of them are really cool.” The red head says excited. “Cold shower. Ice cold shower.” He thinks.
“We can spar. But I am not sure that you will be able to learn some of my moves. Most of then I changed to suit my needs. I tried to teach a friend once and she wasn't able to perform the move. You know men and women have different gravity centers.” Benji says to her. “Well I am taking the chances.” She exclaims dragging Benji to the training room. Benji smiles happy because Kanna is being friendly. On the way she keeps saying that she will be teaching him her Okinawan karate in exchange for his own style. And Benji is on the training room sited on the mats while Kanna changes to her karate gi. When she returns she sees Benji boots tossed in a corner. He is bare feet stretching.
“Okay Kanna here is what I actually want in exchange for the training in my dark ninja techniques.” Benji says and Kanna nods paying attention. “Well as I am sure that you know you are a very attractive woman. I am sure that you can understand that I…” Benji sentence is interrupted by Kanna who kisses him deeply. After long minutes she breaks the kiss. “I know what you want. I am going to like paying you the classes very much.” She says removing her kimono top.
“It wasn't that. But I won't complain.” Benji thinks. “I was going to ask for setting me a date with Maria but since she is so willing.” Benji kisses her enjoying his `payment.'