Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast: Chronicles of a lost writer ❯ What a way to start a New Year ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a new fanfic. Is a Sakura Taisen story. I don't own Sakura or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.
Signed: Benji Himura.
“Text”= Talked or thought sentences.
(Text)= Talked sentences in a foreign language. As English when everyone else speaks Japanese.
Chapter ten: What a way to start a New Year
Teito December thirty first 1922 New Years eve.
In the dinning hall Benji is placing plates and more plates of food over the tables. “Why I am always forced to do the table?” Benji mutters under his breath while placing soba in the table. “Now I know how Donana feels every holiday that we passed. It is annoying.”
In the stage the hanagumi is finishing the last act of the last play of the old year. Tsubaki is setting the gifts and bromides to be sold to the wave of guests that will leave the stage after the play. While the hanagumi girls sing in the stage. And after a while the hanagumi moves to the dinning hall and Benji moves to close the theater while they eat the New Year dinner. The dinner goes well and the entire Teigeki plus Benji celebrate the birth of the New Year.
Teito January First 1923
Everyone goes to a shrine to pray for happiness and fortune in the New Year. Dragged by the others Benji follows. Hiding the fact that he is happy in seeing the hanagumi girls in formal kimonos. Unlike Ogami who is also wearing a kimono Benji is wearing his casual clothes and a heavy coat with fur in the inner side. In the shrine they all pray and the girls enjoy the festivities. Specially Iris when she founds how good Benji aims is to toss balls and rings on the stands to win many of the prizes. And how easy is to convince him to play for her with a couple of eye lashes bathing and a cute pout. After half an hour Iris is carrying two large bags full of prizes as dolls and stuffed animals. And she keeps pointing at stands and making Benji win her more prizes. Kanna chuckle seeing how Iris is making Benji win her the prizes. Ogami is feeling jealous about that. But his aim is not as good as Benji's. But unlike Benji, Ogami is gaining full attention from Sumire and the others. And he doesn't have to play games for them. After another half hour Benji actually forbidden to play since he is winning too much. Iris pouts very unhappy about it but doesn't force him to try playing anymore. Benji sighs happy and sits on a bench to rest. Especially his now sore right arm.
“Well at least Iris is happy.” Kanna says to Benji. “Yeah. With all that dolls she can play for a long time.” Benji replies to the red head. “By the way you got a really good aim.” Kanna says in a happy tone.
“I am a ninja Kanna. I am supposed to have good aim like that. It is like using shurikens.” Benji replies “I trained a lot so I got really good at it.” Kanna nods understanding.
After a while they move again. Now the hanagumi looks around the many people performing on the street.
“Cold…” Benji mutters closing his coat and sliding his gloved hands inside his pockets to keep himself warm. He looks around the festival feeling too cold to actually do anything. He sees the hanagumi members enjoying the fair. He walks unnoticed to a food stand where the air is warmer thanks to the constant food being prepared. He sits in a stall and asks for warm sake. Soon the drink arrives and the tropical country raised ninja sips happily the warm drink feeling the alcohol and the warmth spreading inside his cold body. “This feels much better…” he whispers in one of the few times that drinking alcohol feels good to him. The morning goes fine until a sharp scream cuts the air. Everyone runs away when a large winged demon grabs a little boy and flies away. The hanagumi runs trying to help the child. Benji jumps over a post and scream. “Kanna run for it!”
The red head runs faster and the others members of the hanagumi are confused. Benji moves his arms as he was pulling an arrow in a bow and shouts.
“Rai Bow!” And a large bow and a large arrow of electricity appear on his hands and the arrow of electricity flies cutting the air and hitting the demon square in the back between the wings. The boy falls when the demon turns into dust. Kanna leaps and grabs the boy landing on her feet.
“Got ya.” Kanna says to the boy. A woman runs to Kanna and gets the boy thanking the red head. “It is better you two move to a shelter.” Kanna says to them. And they obey running away. The others reach the red head. Kanna steal a glance at Benji. The bow disappeared but his arms spark a bit with the still flowing electricity. “There is more coming!” Benji shouts from the post. He jumps down and moves to the hanagumi.
“Go away.” He says to them. “How dare you?!” Sumire shouts back at him. “Look here Sumire. You and the others are unarmed and with out the koubus.” Benji says to her “You really think that you can take those demons empty handed?” Benji asks
“Honestly Sumire I don't think that any of you can.” He adds. Sumire fumes in anger. “He is right.” Ogami says before Sumire can do anything. “What he wants is for us fall back and get the koubus.” The Japanese man adds and Benji nods to them.
“I will buy you guys sometime. Most of the people evacuated already. I will help the remaining ones too. Now go.” Benji says taking out his coat. “What weapons you got? I am sure that is nothing that can actually do some damage at them.” Sumire asks sneering him. “I don't recall using weapons to take down that one.” Benji says pointing to a pile of carbonized demon few meters ahead. Sumire stays quiet. “We will not take long. So don't die.” Kanna says to Benji. “Just hurry up.” Benji replies. “I don't want all the fame for this.” He adds teasing. And they run away. Iris looks back and sees Benji tying his coat by the sleeves around his waist before she turns and continue.
“I don't know if I will actually manage to hold on so long.” He thinks looking at his hands. The hanagumi missed the fact that Benji hands are bleeding from dozens of small cuts. And his arms are also covered by the same cuts and few burns. “The Rai Bow is still too instable I need to work on it more. All the capillaries on my hands and some in my arms exploded with the power…” he thinks closing his hands in fists. “I have two more shots with that intensity. And if I use the lightning destruction fist I have three. That if I manage to use it. I still can't charge it properly.”
More demons walk inside the shrine. Benji recognize them as the legendary Onis of the Japanese legends. They are armed with large metal clubs, axes and few of them with huge swords. Benji opens his hands and lifts the hem of his vest and pull two tanto daggers. “This won't do much good. But I can't waste energy.” He whispers charging at the closer demons. Benji shouts a war cry when slashing the demon on the stomach. The sickening sound of the demon flesh being cutted fills the air among the cry of pain of the demon and the war cry from Benji.
One block away from there
The hanagumi hears the war cry and the cry of pain mixed together. “It begun. We have to hurry.” Ogami says increasing his pace and making the hanagumi run faster. “How long you think that he will last?” Maria asks to Ogami. “I don't know. But I don't want to found out.” Ogami says “It will give me too much trouble explains to Ayame why he got killed.” He adds half joking.
“Come on pall. I am sure that you can make it.” Kanna thinks cheering up for Benji.
On the shrine
Benji dodges a metal club leaping back. His vest and shirt are now ripped. On the shrine ground there is large gashes and craters. Near of the stairs there is a fallen Oni and near of the main shrine building there is another one. And there is still ten Onis standing and attacking the ninja. Benji feels trapped facing the much taller enemies with out a proper weapon. The tantos are dented and blunt. Benji charges the demon who just attacked him and runs over the metal club and leaps stabbing the demon eyes with the daggers leaving there nailed deep on the demon skull. The demon roars in pain while Benji hovers over his head for a second before landing a couple of meters behind it. Benji dashes forward barely dodging a sword slash. On the air Benji moves his body barely dodging a club. He hears a scream and sees an Oni breaking his way on the shrine building.
“Rai Bow!” Benji shouts pulling the electric bow hard and firing the arrow at the demon. The Oni roars in pain before falling carbonized on the ground. Benji sleeves carbonize too and some blood jets from his cuts. Benji lands on the ground and he sees on the building few people. The Onis notice that too. Benji reacts faster than the Onis and dashes to the building. He stops in front of the large hole that the demon created and charges another Rai Bow. The Onis stop they charge seeing the large arrow on Benji hands.
“Any of you are hurt?!” Benji asks to the people on the shrine. He keeps moving his aim to the Oni that dares to move closer until it sees the arrow aimed at him and steps back. Benji stole a quick glance to the room behind him. He sees four people. Two shrine workers, a priest and a young woman that is wearing a red kimono and she has blonde hair. He also saw quickly that the priest is holding something.
“Try running away from here. I will protect you all. Just run.” Benji says to them. The veins and arteries on his arms are bulging with the effort. His muscles are very tense too. “We will try.” The priest says. “Go!” Benji shouts when an Oni step back threatened by his arrow. The small group runs by the opening. Benji goes after them keeping the Onis away with his Rai Bow. He stops when the group is moving for the stairs and he is between the group and the Onis.
“Go fast!” Benji shouts at them. The group obeys and the priest and his workers leave first. The girl runs after them but she trips and fall. She let out a cry of pain. Benji dismiss the Rai Bow and runs to her. “Can you run?!” He asks holding her right arm and pulling her up.
“I think so…” she replies weakly. “Then run.” He says letting her go and giving her a light push to the stairs. She obeys hesitating. The Onis charge at Benji picks the fallen sword of an Oni and with a huge effort swings the massive weapon. He hits two of the demons with the slash. But the weapon is too heavy for the ninja and gives to the Onis an open that they use. Benji barely blocks a massive strike from a club. The sword shatters breaking in the half and Benji flies backwards with the huge impact. Benji flies all the way over the shrine stairs.
“Rai Bow!” Benji shouts shooting his last arrow at a demon that leaped after him. The demon falls on the stairs dead. The recoil of the bow tosses Benji even faster towards the ground. He lands hard on the side walk and let out a cry of pain while he curls up in pain. He gasps for air clutching his chest. Blood pools on the cement coming from a large cut on Benji left should.
“Are you okay?” the blonde girl asks to Benji crouching besides him. She stares in shock seeing how damaged Benji is. His face is covered with trails of blood and his hair is soaked with blood. His arms are also covered in blood and burns until his hands. His chest has few cuts and many bruises.
“Run…” Benji manages to say just above a whisper. Benji opens his eyes and fight to focus them. He sees a shadow and grabs the girl and leaps from that spot. He barely avoided being crushed with the girl by a demon that leaped down. Benji lands a mall distance from the demon and runs with the girl getting some distance between her and the Oni. He looks around and sees the lower half of the demon sword that he used. The blade that was once twice as tall as him is now just few inches longer than him.
“Run.” Benji says between deep breaths. “But…” “Go. I can deal with this.” Benji says cutting the girl protest. Benji give a gently push on her sending her to the direction where the priest went. The priest and his staff are just few meters away moving a bit down the street. Benji races to the tall sword and grabs it. With effort he rips it out from the new cement sheath.
With a smile he hears the sound of the girl wood sandals on the ground as she runs away. “Hurry up you guys…I don't know how longer I will last…” Benji thinks waiting the attack from the Oni. “I don't have much energy left…”
The demon attacks Benji. The ninja holds the sword horizontally and pulls the blade far behind his back and slashes the demon horizontally. Benji hits the demon on the thighs. He leaps backwards with the huge sword and avoid an axe strike from a new demon.
“God how many more are there?” Benji thinks seeing the demons leaving the shrine. “I killed five of them already…they were fifteen…” Benji looks at the closer demon who roars at him.
“Nine more to go…” Benji whispers to himself. Benji charges with the sword but a demon attacks Benji. He blocks the attack with the sword but the demon is by far stronger than Benji and sends the ninja flying back with the sword and everything. Benji hits a lamp post. With the impact he drops the sword. He slides down falling sited on the curb. Blood flows from Benji nose and he coughs some blood. Benji rolls to his left and dodge an attack from a club that smashes the post. Benji grabs stops facing the demon crouched low.
“Not good…I lost the sword and I am not sure if I can perform another Rai Bow…” Benji thinks leaping avoiding being crushed by a club. “Where are they?” Benji whispers jumping on a post and changing the direction of his flight.
“Fighter-san!” the priest shouts. Benji looks at his direction when landing. He sees a silver glean moving at him. He moves to his side and grab it. He spins over his heels and spins the weapon. The demon roars in pain as his arm falls on the ground. Benji stops his body motions and spins the weapon moving it in a high speed. Then he stops and touches the back of his shoulders with a blade. He is now holding a cross of a sword and a spear with his right hand. The weapon has about one meter and sixty centimeters long. And the blade is over half of it length. It resembles a katana blade. The long black shellac hilt is touching his arm on its length.
“A naginata?” Benji thinks trying to recall the name of the weapon on his hands. “No…the blade is too long and the handle is too short. This is more like a sword for knights…” Benji smiles “Now I can do some serious damage.” He thinks.
The silver blade shines with the winter sun. Benji coat moves with the cold wind. For an instant noting moves and the air stays still, until the wounded demon tries to attack Benji. With a fast and strong motion Benji cuts the demon on the hand by the waist. Then the chaos break again and the demons all at once attack the cornered ninja. Benji now with a light weapon made for humans and dodge all the attacks and give few attacks of his own on the demon horde. Not enough to kill or give severe wounds on the demons but enough to make them angry enough to forget any kind of low intelligence that they might have. Giving to the tired and wounded ninja a chance to stay fighting long enough for his back up arrive and save the day.
Half block from there
Kayama is seeing the combat with a pair of binoculars. “I can't believe it. The new guy is still holding up.” Kayama says seeing Benji leaping over a sword. “Sir the hanagumi will arrive in three minutes.” A soldier says to the masked sailor. “Three minutes…I don't know if he will last that long.” Kayama says.
Back in the combat
“Now why are holding them up so much?!” Benji thinks slashing a demon on the knee. “AAIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!” Benji looks at the shriek direction. “Damn it!” He curses seeing an Oni moving to attack the priests and the woman. Benji dashes to them. He reaches the demon and slashes it on the back of the knee making it fall down.
“You guys need to get away.” Benji says between deep breaths. “Go to those people down the street they will take you to the safety.”
“We can't leave. Those demons will get us.” A shrine worker says. “I am protecting you guys. But I can't keep this up for much longer.” Benji says in a harsh tone. It is true. He is very tired. Firing three Rai Bows in such short time drained almost all his spirit energy and stamina. “You guys run to them and I will be between you and the demons.” Benji says.
The priest nods make the workers run. The woman looks at Benji and then begun to run. Benji keeps a small distance between them and himself. He fends off the Onis keeping them far from the civilians. Benji stop half way to the Tsukigumi and the demons stop too. Nine demons against a single ninja. Two of the demons are with severe wounds. One is blind and the second is missing an arm. The others have small cuts one with a slight serious one on the back of knee slowing it down a bit. Benji is with both of his arms covered with cuts and burns. His chest has few cuts and bruises from the debris moved by the demon attacks. He has few cuts on his head and legs. And in top of it all he is very tired and with out energy. By far it isn't a fair fight. It never was and as long the hanagumi doesn't arrive it will never be. One demon let out a roar and the others follow all swinging the weapons menacing. A roar is used to intimidate an enemy when you are cornered trying to sound more dangerous than you really are. Or is a warning for an enemy that you are up a fight and you are showing your strength and anger. The demons roars can't be told from which group belongs.
Benji raises his sword/spear taking a very deep breath. He lets out a loud, deep, long and menacing roar that came deep from his being. And his roar can be placed for sure on the second class. Benji roar aren't loud as the demons but is by far more intense. The demons seems to hesitate for a second, losing in the show of strength. And then they all charge at the ninja. Benji moves backwards avoiding the massive impact of all the nine weapons on the spot where he was. But he is hitten by the pieces of stones and asphalt that the strikes broke from the road. More cuts and bruises for the ninja. Benji lands and he is partially off balance. He nails his weapon on the ground and regains his balance. He falls tired over his right knee.
“Damn…this isn't good.” He thinks. The two remaining demons with the swords charge at him. Benji forces himself up.
“BENJI LEAP UP!!!” A feminine voice shouts from behind. Benji doesn't hesitate and summons his last strength to leap as high as he can. “SNEGUROCHKA!” on mid air Benji hears this cry and under his an ice made woman flies and slams on the two demons that were charging at him. With a body twist and a sword swing Benji changes his flight landing few meters to the right from where he was.
“TEIKOKU KADEKIDAN HANAGUMI SANJOU!” Benji hears those words with six voices. “What took you so long?!” He shouts kneeled to the six different colored koubus. “The traffic was bad!” Kanna replies with a smile that Benji can't see. She knows that he is happy to see them and he is only complaining for the sake of doing so. Kanna red koubu moves to Benji smoothly protecting the ninja from an attack from an Oni.
“Kanna make sure that the Onis don't attack him.” Ogami orders. “Ryokai!” the red head replies staying in front of the ninja in a defensive stance. “We will take the others down!” Ogami says and the others girls say in one voice. “Ryokai!” the battle is slight even now. Seven against five is better than nine against one. Benji uses the sword/spear to help himself up. Kanna doesn't see that because he back is in Benji direction and she is facing the enemy. Benji slides the weapon handle on his belt and gets in his basic empty handed combat stance and takes few deep breathes. Electricity slowly gathers around him and enters on his body.
(Um pouco mais. So um pouco mais.) Benji thinks with his eyes closed. The Onis keep pressing the attack trying to reach the ninja. And they are giving the hanagumi some trouble since they are stronger than the wakijis. Sakura faces an Oni that is using a club. Maria shot the Oni and Sakura moves to the next one. A blur pass by them and the Onis turn to face it. They see Benji ten meters behind them. He is with his legs separated and with the sword/spear on his hand held behind his back. Ogami and the others members of the hanagumi use the just acquired opening to attack the Onis. The demons barely dodged the attack and get severe wounds. But they ignore it and charge at the ninja. Benji run from them. Ogami soon realize what he is doing and give chase at them with the others. The Onis are following Benji giving the back to the hanagumi. Soon the fight ends. Benji stops and take deep breathes.
“Now what the hell you were trying to do?” Maria asks to him after leaving her koubu. “Helping up. I noticed have a while that they where after me. So I distracted them so you guys could have easier kills.” Benji says between deep breaths and leaning on a post. “We could have taken care of them with out that plan.” Maria says. “We could. But we took care of them with his plan.” Ogami says not happy for saying those words. “It was easier this way after all.”
“Oi Benji you look really bad. You need a doctor.” Kanna says seeing the state of the ninja. “I know.” He replies before losing his balance and falling. Kanna hold him. “Whoa you are really messed up!” she says worried. “Come on I help you to walk until we found a place to lie you down.”
“Thanks. But I need to do something first.” Benji says holding on the front of Kanna uniform and pulling himself up. Kanna doesn't flinch with the action. Benji let her go and walks toward the tsukigumi. The hanagumi follow him Kanna stays close to pick him up before he falls again. She is sure that he will fall. Well the fact that he is staggering a bit doesn't help her to be sure that he can walk by himself. But she doesn't hold him since he is trying to move by himself. Benji covers the one hundred meters of distance between where they where and the tsukigumi on a reasonably straight line. He found the small group that he led to them and moves to the priest.
“Thank you for allowing me to use your shrine holy treasure in combat.” Benji says in a respectful tone. He rips the remains of his shirt and cleans the blade and the handle and hands the weapon for the priest.
“I am the one thankful. I only lend to you a way to protect us and yourself.” The priest replies picking up the weapon and sheathing the blade. Benji gives a polite and respectful bow to the priest and he turns back to the hanagumi.
“Now I am ready.” He says walking to them with a small and tired smile. Kanna notices the cross necklace on his neck, as well a tressed choker like collar on his neck. The collar is made of thin threads of black silk and black leather and it is wrapped in a comfortable tightness on the lower part of his neck. “That it is odd.” She thinks seeing the collar.
“Benji-san you are okay?” Sakura ask the stupidest question possible to Benji. “Yeah. I am okay Sakura.” Benji replies. But unlike his words tell Benji lost his balance and Kanna grabs him in a partial hug.
“Oi Benji…” she says before she notices that he is unconscious. Kanna can feels his chest movements while he breaths. His left arm is over Kanna right shoulder and his right hand is pending loosely. Kanna arms are wrapped not too tight around his chest preventing him from falling down. Kayama masked moves to her. “We will take him to a hospital. You guys should return to the base.” He says in a calm tone. Two members of the tsukigumi arrive with a stretcher. Kanna places Benji there and they move him away. “I will inform the location of the hospital to General Yoneda. I am sure that when he will inform you.” He says before saluting them and moving away with his troops. The hanagumi moves away too.
In somewhere else
It is a dark room. The only source of light is a strange looking pool of a dark liquid in what it seems to be the middle of the room. Barely lithe is a throne made out of mixed bones and skulls from demons and humans. On the throne partially covered by darkness there is what seen to be a man sited there. He is holding a clear crystal cup that holds a thick dark red liquid that is for sure blood. It can be see a long black leather coat partially covering the throne. Taking out his hands the other part of him that can be seen is his legs. His pants seen to be made of silk and his black boots shine in the minimal light. By his feet there is a very attractive woman wearing a long black dress that seen to be also made of silk. It has a low V-neck and it have a cut on the side of her legs showing them. She is wearing high heels black leather boots that also shine in the poor light. She is half sited on the floor half leaning on the man legs with her head resting on the man knees. Her skin is unnaturally white making an extreme contrast with her black hair and clothes. She has a leather collar around her neck connected to a chain that vanishes on the darkness. The man free hand is softly petting the woman hair.
“Interesting. Tokyo defenders seems to be reasonably strong.” He says with a deep and cold voice. “Master those minions where unable to steal and destroy the Oni Kessen En Satsu.” A robed figure says. The figure is standing besides the pool.
“That is not important. That sword isn't something troublesome. Besides for this spectacle that sword is just a small price. And sooner or later it will be destroyed.” The man in the darkness replies. “Right now I am more interested in those defenders find everything about them.” He adds.
“Yes my master.” The robed figure says before vanishing. “Soon. Very soon.” The man in the darkness whispers careless petting the woman while the light dims.
In the hanagumi secret hospital
Ayame, Yoneda, Kanna, Iris and Ogami walk in the waiting room near of the surgery room where Benji is being treated. They all stop but Ayame she walks to the door and knock there. A nurse came out and Ayame whispers something to her. She nods and walk inside the room again. Ayame sees the nurse whispering to the doctor in charge of the treatment. He nods and the nurse leaves. Soon she returns with two large syringes filled with a semi transparent liquid. But they are from different colors. She inserts one of the syringes needles on Benji IV line and press the bottom of it sending the liquid into his blood stream. She repeats the process with the second one. The doctor continues to remove small debris from Benji wounds as another one cleans his burns and cuts on the arms. Ayame turn to the others.
”He will be fine. He is just with light wounds considering the fight.” Ayame says to them. “He just ran out of spirit energy and he fainted because it.” “Can Iris heal him? Iris is sure that she can do it.” The French girl says. “I am sure of that Iris. But the doctors need to remove the dirty and foreign bodies from Benji wounds before we can let you heal him as best as you can.” Ayame says to the little girl who nods understanding.
“But how his arms got so badly hurt? Those Onis didn't have any weapon that could give that kind of damage.” Ogami asks to Ayame. “You all said that Benji used a technique called Rai Bow right?” Ayame asks to the three hanagumi member. They nod confirming. “Well Benji-kun is still unable to control his spirit energy properly. He can barely use his techniques. And when he does he gets massive collateral damages each time that he uses them. Those burns and cuts are results of his lack of control of his energy.” Ayame says explaining to them. “He ends putting too much energy on his attacks and the large amounts of energy give him that damage. I saw that too when he was training.”
“You mean that he did that to himself?” Kanna asks surprised. “In a way yes. But that wasn't meant to happen. Think that is like when the koubus reacted to Sakura spirit energy and they destroyed themselves. It is more or less the same thing.” Ayame replies.
“Lack of control.” Ogami says while the new information sinks in. Ayame nods. “That can be corrected with time.” Yoneda says to the young officer. “But how he managed to use his energy like that?” Kanna asks. “Well it is like Maria uses her Snegurochka. But Benji-kun does that with out a koubu help.” Ayame answers. Kanna absorb the information. One doctor comes out to speak to them. He is quite young.
“Excuse me. I was asked to give a preliminary report to the commanders.” He says in a soft voice. “Go on.” Yoneda says. The doctor nods. “Well most of his wounds weren't serious. He got some bad bruising and few nasty cuts on his thorax. But his arm wounds was slight severe. The burns are from second degree. Oddly they are very thin lines forming a pattern. The cuts are shallow. But many and few of them where deep. Nothing that will give any permanent damage on him or make him unable to use his arms.” The doctor says to them in a clinical way. “But after he recovers his conscious he should not use his arms for a certain period of time until all the wounds heals properly. That can take two weeks to one month.”
The hanagumi members listen to the report with mixed feelings. “We believe that in two or three days he will be able to leave the hospital. That if can receive help while his arms heal. He must use them as less as possible.” The doctor adds.
“We understand. Can you warn us when the procedures are finished?” Yoneda asks. “Sure. Excuse me but I need to return.” The doctor says before entering on the room again. “Well that will delay the things a bit more.” Yoneda says with a sigh. “But I think that is acceptable considering what happened.” Ayame nods agreeing.
End of the chapter ten:
Author notes:
Please read and review. I will answer every review. Good or bad. If you have time to read and send a review. I will send you an answer. And I would like to thank to SilverBlue Dragon, HaruNatsu and to Greyhound Master for the reviews. I am making two versions of this story. One with out explicit sex scenes and one with then. As well with sexual related omakes. The unedited version can be found in MediaMiner fanfiction page. The link is on my profile. I own the man in the dark, the robbed figure and the chained woman. As well Benji and Peçonha. Those are my original characters. Even thought the man in the dark is a small homage to a friend. I won't reveal his name for a while. But I have his permission for the man in the dark.
Japanese glossary
Oni: It means a kind of demon. Legendary Japanese demons. They are usually draw with the colors red, blue, green and many others. They have small horns. They are basically humanoids and giants. It is usually show that an Oni is at least two to three times bigger than a man.
Oni Kessen En Satsu: It means roughly translated “Destiny of killing a demon on a decisive battle.” Note this is a fictitious sword that I created. Thought this sword is based on a real Japanese sword.
Kessen: It can mean decisive battle. It has few more meanings. But I am placing the one that I used.
En: It can mean destiny. It has few more meanings. But I am placing the one that I used.
Satsu: It can mean kill. It has few more meanings. But I am placing the one that I used.
Portuguese glossary:
Um pouco mais. So um pouco mais. : Literally in Portuguese “A bit more. Just a bit more.” The word `so' has an accent and is written like this `só'. It was left unaccented on the story because the page might not have support for it.
Só: It can mean just or only. It has few more meanings but those two are the main ones.
Donana: It is a nickname to my grandmother that is called Ana. Our family calls her of Donana joking. It is taken of Dona and Ana.
Dona: It can means owner or Ma'am. The one used on Donana is Ma'am.
Errei porra: It means roughly translated `fuck I missed'.
Attack name note:
Rai Bow: This name is a small change of the Portuguese way of calling lightning. Raio is the Portuguese word for lightning. And Rai is a Japanese way of calling lightning. Or lightning related things. I am sure that you guys heard about Raiden of the game Mortal Kombat. That is an example. So Rai is a small fused and corrupted word for lightning. And bow is from bow. There isn't need for explanation to that. But I will say it to make sure. The Rai Bow attack was created by me on a RPG game that I was playing with few friends.
Kanna run for it:
“Kanna run for it!” Benji shouts to the red head. She obeys. Benji tosses at her a large bag filled with breads. “Thank you Benji!” the red head screams grabbing the bag and taking a break and biting it. Sadly the child is forgotten and it will turn demon food.
Rai Bow:
“Rai Bow!” Benji shouts releasing the arrow aiming at the flying demon. But Benji aim with a bow sucks and he hits the kid instead. “Errei porra!” Benji shouts in anger seeing the demon fall dazed with the shock but the kid is dead. “You suck!” Maria and Ogami shouts at Benji at the same time. “Gomen.” Benji says.
Benji getting the weapon:
“Fighter-san!” the priest shouts. Benji looks at his direction when landing. He sees a silver glean moving at him. Too tired and surprised to react properly Benji reaction is too slow. And the sword nails itself on his chest piercing his heart and killing the ninja. “Damn I missed.” The priest curses. But the demons charge at them aiming the girl to rape as they always did on the past. And eat the priest. Benji lie on a pool of his own blood cursing priests with his last breath.
Kayama watching the battle:
“Sir you would like more popcorn?” A tsukigumi soldier asks offering to Kayama a fresh large bucket of popcorn. “Sure. This is so much better than movies.” The sailor says picking the bucket. “Bring some soda too.” He adds and the soldier nods saluting the officer. “Ogami would die to see something this exciting.” Kayama whispers between mouthfuls of popcorn.
Why the hanagumi too so long:
“You are lost.” Kanna says at Ogami that is leading the group on unfamiliar street. “I am not lost! I know exactly where we are.” Ogami replies angry. “You said that four minutes ago!” the red head replies. “WE are just taking a LONG way.” Ogami says harshly. “He is lost.” Maria whispers to Sakura who nods agreeing.
Why the hanagumi too so long (Take two: The revenge.):
“You want some tea Ogami?” Yuri asks to the running officer. “Sure. It is not like we have anything important to do.” Ogami replies. The others taking out Kanna and Sakura nod. “We should help Benji to fight.” Kanna says. “He can hold for a while. After all he is Ayame pet.” Ogami replies and Maria nods backing him up. “Wasn't him who took a ninja mansion by assault?” Maria asks sneering Benji. “You guys are hopeless.” Kanna says moving to the koubu.
Why the hanagumi took too so long (Take three: The revenge of the sequel.):
The hanagumi is on the Gouraigo. “The damn thing isn't starting!” Tsubaki shouts pressing a button with fury. “Keep trying!” Ayame says. “Why you haven't repaired the ignition yet Kohran?!” Kanna asks. “I was too busy building a new kishi to defeat Benji and please Ayame-han in the bed!” Kohran says “There wasn't enough time or money to do so!”
Ayame blushes madly. “YOU will PAY for this Kohran.” She says menacing.
Unbalanced Benji getting up:
Benji trips and Kanna holds him. “Thanks. But I need to do something first.” Benji says holding on the front of Kanna uniform and pulling himself up. “You look pretty bad pall.” Kanna says. “You need to go to a hospital.”
“Okay thanks. But I have to do something first.” Benji grabs Kanna. His intention was holding on her jacket and pulls himself up. But he missed and grabbed Kanna left breast. “AH!” Kanna let out a tiny moan of pleasure blushing madly. “Uh…sorry.” Benji says releasing her. “Keep doing that.” Kanna says to him pressing his hand against her breast. “Do it harder.” She adds. “Can we save it for later?” Benji asks “Like when I recover the feeling on my hands?”
Kanna seems thoughtful. “No.” she replies. “I like this.”