Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast: Chronicles of a lost writer ❯ Down to business ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a new fanfic. Is a Sakura Taisen story. I don't own Sakura or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.
Signed: Benji Himura.
“Text”= Talked or thought sentences.
(Text)= Talked sentences in a foreign language. As English when everyone else speaks Japanese.
Chapter eleven: Down to business
Teito January second 1923
Benji wakes in a hospital bed with his arms covered with bandages. Kanna and Iris are sited on two chairs near of his bed. “Hey you are finally up.” Kanna says in a cheerful tone. Benji makes himself seat on the bed. “Hey don't push yourself.” Kanna says “I can sit up Kanna.” Benji replies with a hoarse voice. “Here have some water.” The red head says moving to him with a cup with a straw. Benji drink from the straw. Benji leans to on the bed rest. “You gave us a good scare you know. Fainting like that.” Kanna says putting the now empty glass away. “Yeah. You made Iris very worried.” Iris says.
“Sorry.” Benji says to them. “It is ok. But try not going that far again. Iris here couldn't heal you fully you know.” Kanna says pointing to Iris and to his arms. “You won't be able to use them for about one week.”
“Damn that will delay things.” Benji mutters. “That was Ayame exact response.” Kanna thinks. They chat for while.
In Yoneda office
“Resuming Benji is out of combat for one week.” Ayame says to Yoneda. The old man sighs. “Not good. We need all help that we can get. I am not sure if Ogami and the girls have what it takes to fight someone like that Peçonha woman.” Yoneda says. “And the reform of one of the old prototypes to be used as Benji's koubu is also taking longer than the expected. Iris is refusing to enter in a koubu. Even though Ogami convinced her once she now is even more resolved to not enter on one.” Ayame says.
“Things aren't looking good like that. Two of our members aren't fighting. One for overdoing and the other for refusing. That not counting the fact that the hanagumi is divided in those who like Benji and those who dislike him. I thought that things would be easier.” Yoneda complains. “That we both knew that would take time. Ogami sees Benji as a threat to his command. Maria dislikes him because he injured her pride. Kohran is angry because the kishi. And Sumire sees him as inferior because he is not a pure Japanese man. Sakura is beginning to like Benji. Kanna and Iris already like him as a friend and Kanna sees him a reliable companion.” Ayame says explaining the hanagumi feelings to the commander.
Yoneda sighs again before sipping some sake. “The kazegumi is still suspicious over him. That is natural. But we need to make the hanagumi a team again.” Yoneda says. Ayame nods agreeing.
Teito January third 1923
Benji returns to the theater with Ayame. He is with his usual outfit. Blue pants, a white button shirt, a blue vest, black shoes and a coat over it all to warm him up. Benji hands are covered by bandages. Covered by the clothes his arms are also fully bandaged. “Damn I am tired.” Benji mutters. “I don't know why. You were on the bed until a half hour ago.” Ayame says opening the door to him.
“I am just tired.” He says not sounding as energetic as usual. He enters in the theater with Ayame close of him. “Well it seems that his body hasn't regained all the energy that it lost on the battle.” Ayame thinks looking at his back. “Now it will be an interesting period.”
Benji stops in front of his room and Ayame opens the door for him. He tosses himself on his bed. Ayame moves to his chair and sit down.
She has offered to aid Benji during his period of healing. So she will be doing most of the things that he would do with his hands for him. She picks a book that she left there earlier and opens it.
“Oi Ayame.” Benji says looking to the ceiling. “What Benji-kun?” she answers. “Mind in typing the play?” Benji asks to her. “You said that you wanted it as soon is possible.”
“No problem. Just tell me what to write.” She replies with a smile. She closes the book and turns on the computer and open the play script. “I am ready Benji-kun.” She says. “Ok. Here it goes.” He replies.
“Shimaru says to a villager….”
Teito January sixth 1923
The entire hanagumi is gathered on the dinning hall. “Well since everyone is here is time for us to go.” Yoneda says to them. “Why we all have to go if what are going to happen are you seeing why Benji koubu is taking so long to get ready?” Sumire asks to Yoneda. “Well I am sure that a change of scenery would be good for everyone.” Yoneda replies. Sumire snorts unhappy. Actually just an act. She is eager to go after all she might see her father if they go to the Kanzaki heavy industries after all.
Benji is exactly eager to go there. And he is not acting. His arms are only half healed and hurt and itch like hell. As more interesting as a trip to a heavy military production company as the Kanzaki industries might sound he is not interested. All that he wants is take out the damn bandages and scratch his arms. Sadly Ayame is watching him closely with a pair or mittens with locks in case of him trying to scratch his wounds.
Iris is close of Benji and Ayame with a small smile. She got very used to the always together duo.
After few more protests they finally leave. Benji rests his chin over his right hand palm. It doesn't hurt so much. He looks out the window of the car where himself and half of the hanagumi is. The other half is in another car.
One hour later
They finally arrive in the Kanzaki heavy industries. They leave the cars. Benji stretch to Ayame displeasure. She scolds him while an elderly man that Benji recognizes as Kanzaki Shigeki walks to them. He greets them warmly, not sparing a couple of minutes to compliment Sumire and as every grandfather tell that she grew in such wonderful woman.
“Yoneda-kun, have been a while.” Shigeki says to Yoneda. “It has. Since the koubus where concluded.” Yoneda replies.
“About the koubu. The prototype is taking longer due the bad state that the machine was.” Shigeki explains to Yoneda. “We are in the middle of the changes of the wiring and the pistons.”
“I see. It was that bad?” Yoneda asks. “Worse. A koubu is a delicate piece of machinery. When left alone with out constant repairs many of the more sensitive parts begun to deteriorate.” Shigeki says. Kohran nods agreeing with him. “Now we don't need to discuss this matter here. Let's go to the meeting room, I asked to a small tea to be prepared and we have few snacks there too. And it will be more comfortable than speaking standing.” Shigeki says and Yoneda agrees. They move to the meeting room.
“So that is the so called new member. Quite tall.” Shigeki says measuring Benji up. “Is him strong?”
“Very strong.” Kanna replies defending her friend and sparring partner. “He fought fifteen Onis all by himself almost unarmed for half hour.” Iris and Ayame nod backing the Okinawan up. Benji covers a blush with his right hand trying to not seem as embarrassed as he is.
“And he killed five of them before we came to help. And then he helped us to win by distracting the Onis.” Kanna adds. Benji feels like smacking the red head on the head. But she is only trying to make him sound like a good warrior.
“And he got severe wounds because of that.” Sumire says sneering Benji. “He doesn't have any control over his spiritual energy. And that is the least that is expected from a member of the hanagumi.”
“Fine Dondoca. Next time of trouble I will let you fight by yourself. With luck it will be a demon with tentacles. And I will be close to watch you `fighting' it.” Benji says in a cold voice. Sumire stops for a moment trying to figure out what he meant by that. “Hey! I am not sure of what you mean by letting me fight a tentacle demon! But I don't like it!” Sumire shouts at him.
“I figured that you would understand. After all you are only a spoiled little girl, who doesn't know the facts of the life.” Benji says in a calm provocative tone. “You bastard.” Sumire mutters. Kanna smiles at that. She can recall very well a certain moment before Benji departure for Iga that made she laugh so much that she cried and had cramps on her side.
Teito August twenty third 1922
Kanna and Sumire are shouting at each other late in the night. They are in front of Benji room. And as usual Sumire began the argument. “Ape!” Sumire shouts. “Snake!” Kanna shouts back. The others watch the fight not sure of how stop it. Then the door of Benji room is open. The ninja is only wearing a pair of loose gray pants. The hanagumi stare for a moment. Taking out Kanna and Sumire who are too busy to notice. Benji takes a deep breath and then shouts at the top of his lungs.
“URUSAI OSABUTE ONNA!!!” The fight stops as soon he finishes the shout. The entire hanagumi stares at the ninja. (Fuck I am tired and I want to sleep.) Benji mutters before entering on his room and closing the door. Sumire stares in shock to Benji room where the ninja vanished. Kanna looks at the door and then at Sumire shocked face and recall Benji words before busting in laughter holding her sides. She falls on the floor crying hard because of the laughter. And Kanna is shouting.
“Osabute Onna! Osabute Onna!” Sakura cover her mouth with her hands to hide her smile. And she runs away before she also begins to laugh too. Then Sumire recovers and fumes in anger and curses Benji.
Present time
Kanna chuckles recalling of the event. She also doesn't have any idea of what Benji meant on letting Sumire fighting a demon with tentacles alone. But she is sure that won't be something that Sumire will like. Then the understanding fills Kanna mind. And she bursts in laughter picturing the scene. The argument between Benji and Sumire ends there. Sumire is confused with the sudden burst of laughter from Kanna. Benji can tell that she figured out what he meant by his comment. Kanna walks to him and passes one arm over his shoulders in a very friendly manner.
“Really funny! God Benji how you thought in that?!” Kanna asks between laughs. “How you think that I beaten Setsuna when I faced him soon after I joined you guys?” Benji asks not answering Kanna. “Oh my God!” Kanna says laughing even harder. She loses the strength on her legs and she only not fall because Benji is holding her. His arms are holding her strongly by her slim waist.
“You didn't?!” Kanna asks recovering a bit. “Yes I did.” He replies and Kanna laughs more. “You are Evil!” she manages to say. No one else understands why Kanna is laughing so hard. And why Benji have a naughty and slightly evil smile on his lips. Few minutes later they do arrive in the meeting room. Kanna is still chuckling.
“Evil minded-niichan indeed. Bad Benji.” Kanna says teasing. “Yeah, yeah I have a very polluted mind.” Benji says in the same tone. Sumire is not sure of what they are talking about but doesn't like it. Ayame is with a small smile seeing the tall duo getting along fine. Then they sit on the chairs and the tea is served.
“Well to begin with this let me say what is wrong with that boy koubu.” Shigeki says not recalling Benji's name. “The armor itself is perfect. But some of the internal equipments were damaged with the storage. Since it was the same koubu that was developed with Sumire aid some of the pistons and gears where very damaged. Some beyond repair.” He explains to the entire hanagumi.
“The steam chamber was also outdated so we needed to change it. Also because it was eaten by rust. The spirit crystal engine needed to be repaired and upgraded with the changes that Kohran made in the others. Resuming we are rebuilding the interior almost from the scratch.” Shigeki says ending the explanation about the koubu.
“But why not made a new koubu?” Benji asks not sure of the why he will be using the test koubu that Sumire used. “That would take even longer to build. Six months to one year. It is faster repair the prototype. Don't worry he will be as good as a new one when the repairs are over.” Shigeki says. “We just need two more weeks to finish the rewiring and the installation of the upgraded engine. Then you will be able to use it.”
Shigeki sips some tea. “And the others items that I requested? Are they ready?” Ayame asks. “Sorry. I forgot about them.” Shigeki says moving to a telephone. He says something after dialing and move back to the table. “They are bringing them.” He says to Ayame. After a couple of minutes a young woman arrives pushing a small cart. She places the cart besides Shigeki and excuses herself and leave.
“Now these are the brand new pieces of weaponry based on the requests of that boy.” Shigeki says. “My name is Himura Benji.” Benji says a bit tired to be called of boy. “I see. I apologize for not recalling it.” Shigeki says. Benji nods accepting the apology. “As I was saying. Using as models the pieces of weaponry and armors that you gave to us we have been able to create new pieces. And the firearms are the requested. First this one.” Shigeki says picking a medium sized wood box on the cart and passing to Benji. The ninja opens it and sees a pistol there.
“That is the MF-1HD Guardian.” Shigeki says to Benji who takes the pistol from the case. The pistol barrel is large. Four inches from the bottom to the top, ten inches long and one inch wide. The gun is pitched black and sturdy looking. “The MF-1HD fires ten millimeters bullets. The magazine has capacity for seventeen bullets. Eighteen if you carry a combat load. The accuracy of it is deadly. The design is to minimize the recoil. It has two firing modes. Single shot or three bullets rapid fire.” Shigeki says to Benji. The ninja already figured the magazine ejecting leaver and eject the empty magazine. Benji pulls back the slide locking it and put the magazine back magazine and release the slide leaving the gun ready and cocked.
Shigeki smiles seeing the ninja handling his company creation. “Smooth motions.” Benji says. “We took care of most of the sliding parts to make the movement as smooth as possible to minimize the part damage by constant use.” Shigeki explains. “It lacks the power of the 45 caliber revolver but it is by far faster.” He adds. Benji puts the pistol back on the case. “We also repaired the shotgun and the Winchester rifle.” Shigeki says showing the two guns in the holsters in the cart. Maria notices three different bullet belts with three different colored shotgun shells.
“Now this is the important part.” Shigeki says picking a large wood box. “Based on those gauntlets that Ayame brought we created these new models.”
“It is tekkos.” Benji says. “Well there were too many changes to be called as tekkos. But we also kept the shukos on the new models. Also the climbing wire and the cutting wire. And we add a pair of new features that we believe that you will like” Shigeki says giving the box to Benji. The ninja opens it. The hanagumi try to peek inside the box. Benji picks two gauntlets inside the box. The back of the left one is thicker and slight broader than the right one. The original design of the tekkos was kept the same. Benji notices on the right one a small circular lower area.
“Why this part is lower than the rest?” Benji asks showing it to Shigeki. “You found one of the new features.” Shigeki says sounding slight excited. “On the palm blade there is a small trigger that opens that small hatch and fires a very strong steel bolt from it. It has ten meters range. And within that range can pierce light armors. There are ten bolts loaded on it. It is the max load.”
Benji puts on the tekko and aim to the metal cart, he press the trigger and a silver trail leaves the small hatch in a amazing speed and nails itself on the cart. “Neat.” Benji says. “No recoil, fully silence. I like it.” Benji has a smile on his lips. Shigeki has one too. “I thought so. There is also a full auto mode. You have to select by changing a small leaver on the inner part of the wrist.” Shigeki says and Benji nods founding the leaver. “What fires the bolts?” Benji asks. “A powerful set of small coils. It is too complex to explain how it works.” Shigeki says and Benji nods again.
“On the left have two climbing cables. One that is fired from the inner part of the wrist and the other is fired from the fore arm. Ten meters long cables each. On the right there is only one cable on the inner part. Also ten meters long cable.” Shigeki says explaining to the ninja how to use a boosted version of his old toys.
“Where is the cutting wire?” Benji asks recalling how he finished the kishi. “Right here.” Shigeki says taking his hand and pulling from an almost unseen stop on the inner side of the wrist the thin razor sharp wire. “As the older one this one has an automatic reeling system. But this one is far stronger.”
“One thing. The climbing wires now have the same system. And they can pull up three hundred kilos. Or four people of average weight.” Shigeki adds. Benji eyes are almost glowing with excitement. “The wires can be fired and a small hook is released. It can pierce anything. And we pulled back it will close again to be stored.”
“Nice feature.” Benji says. “Well we worked very hard on those.” Shigeki says. “Honestly it is the latest pride and joy of the engineering staff.”
“Speaking of staffs. If I am not wrong it was also send to here a metal staff that could be dismantled. It was also a spear.” Benji says. “That is right. Sadly we hadn't time to work on it yet.” Shigeki says. “I see. Well I guess that it is ok.” Benji replies. “Now Benji put those back on the box. Your arms aren't good enough to you use them.” Ayame says to him. Benji obeys unwilling. Shigeki hands to Benji a leather bag filled with his new weapons and ammo for the firearms. Benji put the bag besides him.
“This bag seems like the one of that guy in the Mummy movie.” Benji thinks recalling when Shigeki unrolled the bag to store the weapons there. He also saw a large numbers of kunais and shurikens there. After he placed them there he wrapped it again forming a tight bag.
“Now that we dealt with the subjects of the weapons and koubu you are up to the tour?” Shigeki asks to the hanagumi. Most the girls especially Kohran nods. “What about the mails that I asked?” Benji asks in a whisper to Ayame. “They are made in another plant of the Kanzaki industries. And I got the word that they are almost ready.” Ayame replies to Benji. And they move away. Ayame complained when Benji picked up the weapon bag. But the ninja just putted the shoulder over his shoulders and across his chest and she decided to drop the subject.
“Now this is where the koubus where first developed.” Shigeki says taking them to the test room where the tests for the koubus were made. They look around. Benji recognize the room from the first OVA of Sakura Taisen. They move to another room. “Now this is where we repair the koubus. And where we are currently repairing Himura koubu.” Shigeki says. And they see an unpainted koubu dismantled on the middle of the room with many technicians working on it. Benji takes a look for the first time on his koubu. Kohran looks at it with interest since after all that was the first operational koubu. She can't help in feeling that it is being wasted being given to the ninja. Sumire feels a bit jealous about the fact that her first koubu is being given to Benji. They move to others rooms with Shigeki explaining everything to the hanagumi. After the visit that took half of the day. Benji notices that Sumire is feeling down. And he knows why. During the entire tour they haven't saw Sumire father. And Benji is aware that she likes him a lot and he almost never expends time with her. During the way back Benji notices that Sumire is hiding the fact to everyone. Benji plans something to try cheering her. But there isn't much that he can do. Sumire hates his guts because he is a half-breed. Oddly she hangs fine with Maria. But Benji knows that she telling him that she hates him for his blood it is just am excuse to say that she doesn't like him.
After the trip back the hanagumi arrives. The girls go change and rehearse. Benji drops his things on his room.
Later in that day night
Sumire enters on her room after taking a long bath. She sighs unhappy. She is feeling stressed and she took off some of her steam on Benji who was passing by the hall when she walked to her room. But it wasn't enough since he haven't argued back to her. She decided to sleep and forget the poor day that she had. She moves to her closet and pulls her night gown. On the mirror she notices a large vase filled with flowers on her dresser. She moves to her dresser. The vase is filled with large violets beautifully arranged in the stunning worked vase. The violets colors blending nicely against the other. Purple, white, pink, dark pink, all the colors possible where there.
“How this got in here?” she asks to herself. She notices a card over the flowers. She opens the card carefully and reads it on loud to herself.
“Don't feel so sad about things that you can't change. Shine with on your own and then you will see how people look at you. Keep a true smile on your lips and a shine of happiness on your eyes that you will gain everything. And attract everyone. Signed: A fan.”
Sumire smiles at the card. She is aware of how pricy the flowers are in the winter. And she is sure of who send it. “Otou-sama.” She whispers with a hint of tears on her eyes. She doesn't notices a dark figure on the window looking at her. She breaths the sweet scent of the flowers before leaving the room to pick up water to the flowers. The figure is hanging upside down the window hanging by a thin wire. With a smooth motion it turns and moves to the roof. The moonlight shows who the person is. Benji sighs with the effort on his still wounded arm rubbing it softly.
“That is better.” He says as the wire is reeling on the tekko. “You know that it is a crime to peek on others windows?” a male voice says to the ninja. “I was only making sure that she would get those flowers.” Benji replies. Kayama steps out from the shadows of the attic and face the taller Brazilian ninja. “Since you weren't doing anything wrong I won't tell to anyone about your small trick on Sumire.” Kayama says.
“What trick?” Benji replies. “I haven't tricked Sumire.” “Come on you make her think that her father send those flowers.” Kayama replies. “No. She came on that conclusion herself. I signed as a fan. I haven't said anything about being her father or any relative of hers who send them. It is not my fault if she thought of that.” Benji replies to Kayama.
“Whatever. Since it was a good deed I can overlook it. Just go rest. Your arms aren't all that good yet.” Kayama says to him. Benji nods and begin to walk to the attic. “You aren't as bad as I thought as you was.” Kayama says. “I am glad that I was wrong.”
“I am sure that I am as bad as you might have thought. I just couldn't let Sumire cry herself to sleep because she didn't saw her father on the factory. We just went there because of me. So it is my fault that she was sad.” Benji replies.
“Still you are nice enough to set up this.” Kayama says. “Just don't bet that I am that nice ocean boy.” Benji replies entering on the theater. “How he know that I love the ocean?” Kayama wonders moving away too. Benji moves down the stairs of the attic covered by the darkness of the unused room. “What's up hitomi wo kawashite nazomeita kaze ni mi wo yudane you. Get up mirai wo mitsumete yokubarina ai to yume wo kanae you…” Benji sings in the dark while moving to his room.
End of the chapter eleven:
Author notes:
Please read and review. I will answer every review. Good or bad. If you have time to read and send a review. I will send you an answer. And I would like to thank to SilverBlue Dragon, HaruNatsu and to Greyhound Master for the reviews. I am making two versions of this story. One with out explicit sex scenes and one with then. As well with sexual related omakes. The unedited version can be found in MediaMiner fanfiction page. The link is on my profile. I own the man in the dark, the robbed figure and the chained woman. As well Benji and Peçonha. Those are my original characters. Even thought the man in the dark is a small homage to a friend. I won't reveal his name for a while. But I have his permission for the man in the dark. The MF-1HD Guardian pistol it is a fictitious gun that I created and it belongs to me.
Japanese glossary:
Otou-sama: It means father.
What's up hitomi wo kawashite nazomeita kaze ni mi wo yudane you. Get up mirai wo mitsumete yokubarina ai to yume wo kanae you: This is the first part of the opening theme of Bakuretsu hunters also know as Sorcerers hunters. And it means What's Up Avert your eyes from the puzzling wind so you can trust someone
Get Up Look to the future to let greedy love and dreams come true
Urusai osabute onna: Literally means “Shut up cactus woman” I am not sure if it spells this was the osabute part but it is ok.
Urusai: I t can mean loud, shut up and few more things.
Osabute: It means cactus.
Onna: It is means woman.

Benji returning to the theater:
Benji returns to the theater with Ayame. He is with his usual outfit. Blue pants, a white button shirt, a blue vest, black shoes and a coat over it all to warm him up. Benji hands are covered by bandages. Covered by the clothes his arms are also fully bandaged. “Damn I am tired.” Benji mutters. “I don't know why. You were on the bed until a half hour ago.” Ayame says opening the door to him.
“Well that is true. But it didn't get any rest. Those nurses didn't leave me alone. One after the other for days…” Benji says. “And then Kanna came visit. Not that I minded the fruit basket. But she had to serve it over her naked body and then…”
Ayame looks at the tired looking man. “Now how you could just bang them like that?” She says clearly jealous. “I was on a bed and unable to use my arms. Isn't like I had a choice on the matter.” Benji replies. And Ayame ignores him and keeps scolding the ninja.
Benji and Sumire argue with tentacles:
“And he got severe wounds because of that.” Sumire says sneering Benji. “He doesn't have any control over his spiritual energy. And that is the least that is expected from a member of the hanagumi.”
“Fine Dondoca. Next time of trouble I will let you fight by yourself. With luck it will be a demon with tentacles. And I will be close to watch you `fighting' it.” Benji says in a cold voice. Sumire stops for a moment trying to figure out what he meant by that. “Hey! I am not sure of what you mean by letting me fight a tentacle demon! But I don't like it!” Sumire shouts at him.
Then the understanding hits the Kanzaki heiress. “Mmmmm….now that sounded so naughty….” Sumire voice is dripping with raw sexiness and her face shows some lust and desire. “All those phallic tentacles all for me…probing and squeezing me everywhere…”
Sumire begins to droll.
“Slut.” Benji and Kanna say as one. “Now where I can found a demon with tentacles…” Sumire whisper.
Benji and Kanna chatting over Benji's evil mind: (Read as evil mind as a mind filled with thoughts inappropriate to people under eighteen.)
“Evil minded-niichan indeed. Bad Benji.” Kanna says teasing. “Yeah, yeah I have a very polluted mind.” Benji says in the same tone. “So what you showed to him?” Kanna asks
“Nothing that I can talk about on a place like this.” Benji replies. “Mmmmm…then mind in telling me later?” Kanna says with a sexy smile “Maybe even showing few things.”
“I wouldn't mind that.” Benji replies Kanna smile with an equal one.