Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast: Chronicles of a lost writer ❯ A cold day to remember ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a new fanfic. Is a Sakura Taisen story. I don't own Sakura or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.
Signed: Benji Himura.
Author pre-story notes:
Well I am going to try a new thing to spice up my fics. I am adding songs to certain scenes. Like Sakura Taisen did. For example the chapter nine when Maria recalls when she meet her captain. I have showed Benji humming, singing and hearing to many songs, in different occasions. Well I just love hearing musing when I am on the computer, when I got outside my house I always carry my CD player so I can listen to it when I walk, when I am not watching TV or anime on my computer I always have the winamp on with my favorite playlist. For example if I stay too long with out hearing music I began to think on music or sing. I will place the songs that suit more the scenes. Try hearing it sometime. If you can listen to the song when reading the scene might be even better. Sorry for taking too long. Now we can return to the normal fic.
“Text”= Talked or thought sentences.
(Text)= Talked sentences in a foreign language. As English when everyone else speaks Japanese.
;Text;= Title of the scene song.
Chapter twelve: A cold day to remember
Teito January seventh 1923
Iris runs by the theater halls clutching tightly to Jean-Paul. She founds her destination and using her powers she unlocks the door and races inside the room.
“Benji-niichan!!” Iris shouts leaping on the ninja bed over his fully covered form. She is straddling him. “Benji-niichan wake up! We have problems!” Iris continues.
A groan leaves the covers she pulls the thick blanket from the pillow. And she actually sees Benji feet in thick socks. Benji uncovers his head and Iris sees that he is sleeping over his stomach with the feet turned to the headrest. “What is wrong Iris-chan?” Benji asks in a sleepy voice. Iris leaps over him inverting her position. She lands over Benji back and hears his back popping loudly. She is now facing the ninja. Benji let out a surprised gasp of pleasure when his spine popped under Iris weight. He spins his body and faces Iris who is now sited over his stomach.
“What is wrong Iris-chan?” Benji asks “It is only nine AM…” he adds looking at his new watch that Ayame gave to him after Iga so his own watch wouldn't d noticed by others. “Kanna-neechan and Sumire-neechan are fighting.” Iris says in a worried voice.
“What it is new over that?” Benji replies “I am going to sleep again.” “This time is different. They are trying to hit the other!” Iris shouts. With this new piece of information Benji is fully wake. He is aware of how dangerous that is. He gets up gently taking Iris from her seat on his stomach. He jumps out of the bed. He is wearing his usual loose sleeping pants and a t-shirt. His arms are still covered with bandages.
“Where those two are?” Benji asks. “In the stage! We were doing a rehearsal for the new play. But Ogami-niichan and Maria-neechan left with Yoneda and Ayame-neechan.” Iris replies. The ninja runs out of the bed room. Iris uses her powers to keep up floating behind him. But Benji is by far faster. He skitters a bit on the turns since he is after all wearing only socks. He room reaches the stage and sees Sumire and Kanna charging at the other. Sumire is holding a prop spear and Kanna is packing a punch. Benji jumps unnoticed by the duo. Before the duo can attack the other they are stopped by Benji. The ninja grabbed Sumire spear and hand and Kanna wrist and fully stopped the duo momentum and motions.
“Now what you two think that you are doing?” Benji growls his question. Benji increase the pressure of his hands on the duo. Sumire stares to the broken spear not even sure of how it broke in the first place. Kanna stares at her friend and occasional sparring partner. The pressure on her wrist is very strong and she is sure that it will leave a bruise.
“I asked what you two think that you where doing?” Benji says. “It is not your business!” Sumire replies trying to release her hand from Benji strong grip. “Wrong.” Benji replies squeezing Sumire hand a bit harder. She cries in pain feeling her hand being hardly pressed against the wood spear and Benji hand.
“With out Yoneda, Ayame, Ogami or Maria here I am supposed to lead you in combat. Those where Yoneda words.” Benji replies. Iris nods seeing the scene. The kazegumi arrived there in time to see Benji stopping the fight. “Why you two where fighting?” Benji asks.
“Let me go!” Sumire says trying to pull her hand. Benji holds her a bit stronger. “Answer me.” Benji replies. The duo stays quiet. “Tsubaki!” Benji says looking to the Sannin musume. “Hai!” the brown haired girl replies. “Go to the kitchen and bring me a cup of raw rice.” Benji says. “Hai!” she shouts running away.
“What you will do with that?!” Sumire asks not sure if she want to found out. “Since you two aren't telling me why you two fought I guess that you two need some punishment for almost killing the other for stupid reasons.” Benji replies. Tsubaki arrive with a cup or rice. Benji drags Kanna and Sumire to one side of the stage.
“Tsubaki drop half of the cup here. Make sure to form a compact area.” Benji tells to the girl. She obeys. Benji kneels Sumire there making sure that she kneels over the rice with out the kimono between her knees and the hard rice grains. Sumire protest feeling the pain of the many rice grains burring on her knees.
“Stay there. This is a light thing comparing to what Yoneda and Ayame might do.” Benji says. And he picks the rice and pulls Kanna to the other side of the stage and he pours the rice on the floor. “Pull up your pants Kanna and kneel down.” Benji says to the red head. She does what she was told. She winces with the pain of the rice grains on her knees. Benji moves to the middle of the stage.
“You two are going to stay there until I say so. Think over what you two have done. You two could have got seriously hurt with that fight. Or worse hurtted someone else like Iris-chan.” Benji says to the two women who are kneeled facing a corner. “You think that Iris-chan would be able to survive if you two hitted her?”
The duo pale up recalling Iris calling for them to stop the fight. Benji was right, Iris might have stepped in the middle of the fight and got badly hurt, that if they didn't killed her by accident. Sumire swallows bitterly her protests and complains, taking the punishment for her actions as well Kanna.
“Both of you feel free to complain to Yoneda over this. Until they arrive if I haven't let you two go stay here.” Benji says walking down the stage. “You are bleeding.” Kasumi says pointing to Benji now red stained bandages. “Fuck.” Benji curses under his breath now feeling the pain of opening some of his wounds.
“Tsubaki you stay here and watch over them. Yuri you stick around in case they need water.” Benji says to the kazegumi girls. The two nods and move to the stage. “I will clean up your wounds and dress them up. Follow me.” Kasumi says to Benji. He nods and they move away. Iris moves to Tsubaki and Yuri who sited on two prop chairs in the middle of the stage.
In the infirmary
Kasumi is gathering medicines and bandages and Benji is sited on a chair unwrapping his left hand. He sighs seeing the blood flowing from a large cut on his wrist right above the vein. “That is looking pretty bad.” Kasumi says sitting down after placing the goods on the table besides them. “Well considering that I stopped Kanna punch with this arm is not as bad.” Benji replies. Kasumi nods and she finishes unwrapping his arm. She cleans his arm. “It is not so bad. What really happened is that the skin broke here and there. Nothing deep. Well taking out that cut on the wrist.” She says dressing his wounds again. She repeats the process with the right arm. Much less damaged than the left.
“I wonder how the old man will react when they tell him about this.” Benji says. “I am sure that he will understand. And won't be mad. After all you applied a punishment suitable to young children.” Kasumi says chuckling. “They sure deserved that.” Benji says.
“I am sure that you aren't happy in punishing Kanna too.” Kasumi says. “I am not. But it wouldn't be fair if I punished only Sumire, just because Kanna is my friend. Both of them did that.” Benji replies and Kasumi nods.
In the Count Hanakoji mansion
Yoneda, Ayame, Ogami and Maria are with the count in a room. “Well I don't see why you are so worried about this. The damages from the last battle was beyond the usual minimal.” The count says. “The front of the shrine was damaged, the ground in front of it and few square meters of streets and sidewalks. Nothing much.”
“We are worried with the fact that the demons that attacked the shrine weren't Wakijis or Masoukiheis. But the Onis of the legends.” Yoneda says. “I understand your worries Yoneda. But we are not even sure if the Wakijis aren't an altered version of the Onis. Or even why they attacked the shrine.” The count replies.
“About that, the head priest of the shrine gave to me a sword. It was the shrine treasure. It is an ancient sword knows because it killed thousands of demons. The head priest believes that the onis where after the sword. And when he gave the sword to Benji the Onis attacked him even fiercer.” Yoneda says “He gave the sword to me because he believes that it will be safer in Benji hands than it would be in the shrine.”
“That is a possibility. But we don't know for sure.” The count replies. “By the way how is him?”
“He is recovering from the remaining wounds that his own technique caused on himself.” Ayame answers. “That is good. But how he still can't control his own energy?” The count says.
“Benji-kun energy woke all of sudden. His body is not ready for it yet. The energy flowing system is underdeveloped and every time that he uses an attack the energy flows on his bloodstream and nerves giving him damage. Until it develops it is certain that he will still suffer to use his energy.” Ayame explains. The count nods understanding. And the meeting goes on.
Three hours later in the theater
Benji walks to the stage and tells to the kazegumi that they can leave. The duo move away. Benji moves to Sumire and stand a hand for her.
“I guess that you two passed long enough like this.” Benji says to her. Sumire takes his hand and he helps her to get up. She brushes her knees to remove the grains of rice from her legs. She tears up in pain as the blood runs freely to her legs in painful stings increasing the pain of the rice grains. They walk to Kanna and Benji helps her up too. She does the same as Sumire.
“I hope that you two understand that it is okay to argue. To be honest I think that is the way that you two let out the stress. But don't turn it on a fight.” Benji says to them. “Sumire that spear even being fake could kill. The same goes for you Kanna. Your punches are deadly.”
The duo nods understanding. “I got luck that the cut on my left wrist haven't busted open my vein. Kasumi said that a bit deeper and things would be bad for me.” Benji adds to them. The duo pale up hearing the consequences of they actions.
“You know that both of you set back my healing in at least two more days? Yes Sumire you also made me open my wounds.” Benji says “If it was someone weaker I am not even sure that it would have stopped you two. Or even got out of it alive. So think about what might happen to the others when you two decide to fight.”
They nod. “That is a scolding or an advice?” Sumire asks. “Both. Now you two go take a long bath. That will ease the pain in your legs.” Benji says “I will clean up the mess.” They nod and walk away feeling guilty over the fight. Benji sighs and pick a broom and move to places where Kanna and Sumire were and clean them up.
“That is an odd way to give punishment.” Sakura says coming from a backstage door. Benji continues to sweep the rice. “Make them kneel over rice is understandable. But then send them straight to bath to ease the pain sounds weird.” She adds.
“The punishment is over Sakura. There isn't need to them be in pain longer than it needed. They got time to think over what they did and all that the rice did is inflict a light pain that won't even hurt they skin.” Benji replies. Sakura picks a trash shovel and crouches near of the rice pile to Benji sweep the rice to the shovel.
“I am sure that now they will think twice before trying to fight.” Sakura says. Benji nods absent minded.
By the lunch
Yoneda and the others arrive in the theater. Maria and Ogami go to the respective rooms. Benji found Yoneda and Ayame. After a small but detailed explanation the ninja tells to them what happened during the morning leaving out the fact of this wounds opening up. To Benji surprise Yoneda doesn't give him any kind of punishment and tell to the ninja to leave. Benji does so.
“Well that was for sure interesting.” Yoneda says to Ayame. “Well for sure is. To be honest I am a bit surprised with the fact that Kanna and Sumire actually took the punishment that he gave so easily. I guess if we ever need a back up leader he will be up to it.” Ayame comments. Yoneda nods. “And I am impressed with the fact that he just came and told us about it.” Yoneda mutters.
Later Ayame found Sumire and Kanna on the dinning hall. Being aware of the morning event she decides to check something. “So anything happened while we were out?” Ayame asks to the duo. “No. It was a quite boring morning.” Kanna replies.
“I felt the same. There was nothing to do.” Sumire adds. “What? No comments about Benji's punishment or the fight.” Ayame thinks. “So every thing went smoothly?” Ayame asks. “Yes. Any reason for us having problems?” they ask. “No. Just that I thought that you guys might have done something else to pass the time.” Ayame replies.
“They aren't telling about it. But why?” Ayame thinks. She continues to chat with the duo trying to understand why they aren't telling about the punishment.
After the lunch
Benji is on the theater entry with his coat on and he is moving out. “Benji-san where you are going?” Tsubaki who was sweeping the gift shop asks him. “Just going out for a walk. I am not famous like the girls so there isn't much of reason for me stay locked here all day. If there is an attack I run for it.” Benji says to the much shorter girl. “I will be back by dinner time on the tops. If Ayame asks tell her that.” He adds and the shorter girl nods.
“Itekimasu.” Benji says opening the door. “Iterashai!” the younger girl says in a cherry tone.
;Canta per me Italian version. Noir OST;
Benji leaves the theater moving on the streets covered with a thin coat of snow. It is softly snowing. The lonely ninja walks with out a direction by the streets. Too distracted and too covered up to feel the cold that frost his breathes each time that he exhales. He stops in a small park and see a small group of teens walking by it. They are wearing school uniforms. The boys are wearing black suits and the girls the winter version of the sera fuku. Benji see them by a chain link fence. He holds on the fence with his bandaged hand.
“How long passed since I was carefree like them?” he whispers in Portuguese. He moves to a bench an after sweeping the snow away with his hand sits down on it. “Have been so long since I hanged out with everyone…how they are taking all this?”
He knows that won't found an answer for that question. “It has been exactly five months since I was transported to the inner garden and to this city. Five entire months…” he adds recalling how long he was there. “I promised to Rosetta to teach her few moves. Juli birthday passed. Kimi and Lisa so called contest of domino. Donana and everyone else from my family must be very worried. Especially Donana with her neurosis like worry. And mother…” Benji thinks recalling of everyone that stayed behind. “Not even two weeks before I ended here I was scolding Rosetta for jumping on my stomach to wake me up, so she could pest me to teach her to shoot with the pressure rifle…”
Jacaraipe, Espirito Santo, Brazil January thirteenth, 2005
A young girl races thru a hall. She has brow hair that reaches her shoulders length and blue eyes. She is wearing a slight loose green t-shirt and boxer shorts. She enters on a living room and jumps when nearing a sofa where Benji is sleeping. “Benjiiiiii!!!!!” she shouts on the air right before landing over the young man stomach straddling him. He let out a painful gasp as all the air of his lungs is expelled at once. He wakes instantly with the pain and the lack of air.
He coughs breathing. “Benji you promised to teach me to shoot today!” the girl says to the young man. “Rosetta how many times I told you to not leap on my stomach!” he shouts to the girl. “Especially when I am sleeping! Kenzo did that enough to me!”
“Well I just forget them. Now teach me to shoot.” She replies. “Come on Rosetta is too early. Last night we stood up until late.” Benji says to the girl. “It is ten in the morning it is not early.” She shots back. She raises her body by moving her legs, kneeling on the sofa. Then she let herself go falling on his stomach, making him gasp again. “Teach me!” she says to him. “Later.” He replies. She smiles evilly and repeats the process until he gives up. “Okay!” he says tired of having a thirteen years old girl jumping up and down on his stomach. “Damn Rosetta I am tired and you come with this!”
“This is fun.” She replies with a smile. “I could do this all day.” Benji let out a sigh. Rosetta lean back a bit and rest her back on Benji legs. “You have five minutes to get out of this sofa. Or I will return with the revenge.” She says before leaving her seat over his stomach. Benji sigh sitting up.
“Why me?” he complains to himself. “Don't feel so bad Benji.” A female voice says. “I am sure that there would be lots of men who would love to be in your place under Rosetta.” Benji turns to face a woman with black hair and a slight pale skin. Her graffiti black eyes smirking at him. “Give me a break Lisa. She is too young. I might be on the delay here but I am not that desperate.” Benji replies in an angry tone.
“I am not saying that you are. I am only saying that there are men who would love to have Rosetta jumping like that over them.” She replies clearly teasing him. “Feeling envious grandma.” Benji says teasing. “Grandma your ass! I am only twenty seven!” Lisa replies angry. Benji get up and grab a white t-shirt and puts on moving to the bathroom to deal with his morning needs. Few minutes Benji is walking by a large hall like garage with a rifle on his right hand leaning on his shoulder and a large candle on the left. Rosetta is besides him with a smile. After placing the large candle on the unused attic door he and Rosetta move by a backyard to a two store depot on the back. After getting on the second floor they move to the balcony.
“Okay first thing on this is founding the spot where you want to shoot. Since it is your first time we just stay in a straight line with the target.” Benji says moving so they are facing the attic door and the large white candle on it. “Then if you will stay long in the position you should make a nest.” He continues.
“A nest?” Rosetta asks not understanding what he meant. “It is a term. A sniper that stays too long in a spot waiting for its target appear to take the shot makes a nest. So he can place the rifle on a fix position. I used to make mine sitting and resting the rifle on the balcony. But you are too short for that.” Benji says explaining. “You can also make a nest where you lie down with the gun.”
They pull a table to the spot where he placed the rifle. “Now lie over the table with your stomach down if you will use it as the nest. But before I will give you the basis.” Benji says to her. Rosetta nods. Benji picks the rifle and pull the barrel down he is creating the pressure to fire the bullet. He picks a small box filled with small leap projectiles for the rifle and loads one. Then he fixes the barrel.
“To begin the basic is loading. You do just what I did.” He says and Rosetta nod. He rests the rifle butt on his right shoulder and lean his head taking aim. Benji fires and hit the candle. Rosetta let out a cry of excitement with it. She can see the dark lead on the white candle. Benji gives the now unloaded rifle to her. She holds like he did. “It is heavy.” She comments. “I know. Get used.” Benji replies to her.
“Rest your cheek lightly on the side of the butt. Make sure that the aim is centered on the target.” Benji says “This line must be perfectly fit between these two markers.” He adds showing the aim parts with his index finger. “Until you the moment when you take the shot rest your trigger finger on the trigger guard so you won't shoot by accident.” She nods hearing his instructions. “When ready squeeze the trigger gently. Not too hard. Just the enough to pull it back. Too much strength will make your aim goes slightly off. And in long distance shots that means that you will miss.” Benji adds. Rosetta nods again. “You can tie the barrel on a pillar, post or anything solid to help you to not miss. Resting the barrel on something solid and that won't move helps too. Less movement in the barrel means better accuracy.” Benji explains and the brown haired girl nods hearing with eager. “Now load it.” Benji says. Rosetta obeys carefully. And then get ready to shoot. Benji moves behind her and leaning to reach her holds the rifle over her hands. “Hold it with strength but also not too strong. Aim carefully.” Benji says near of her ear. She blushes and obeys. “Center the target on the aim.” He adds. Rosetta licks her lips while aiming. She moves her finger to the trigger and Benji finger follow gently pressuring hers to show how it is done.
“Shot between your breaths. You can also hold your breath when you fire.” He whispers. He hears Rosetta letting out a small breath and he presses her finger and the trigger gently. And she fires the rifle. The small recoil of the air gun hit her also small body. “Not bad.” Benji says letting her go. Her shot hitted the candle near of where his had.
“I did it!” she cries happy. “I hitted it!” Benji nods to her. “Now do it alone. You can do standing or lying on that table and resting the rifle on the balcony rail.” Benji says. “Okay!” she says excited while reloading the rifle. Benji picks the rifle. She is about to protest. But Benji with a sudden wrist move fixes the barrel with a loud clicking noise, make her reconsider protest. Benji holds the rifle with his right hand and Rosetta follow the line of his eyes and see Lisa with a beer can walking out of the garage. She sees Benji leveling up the barrel aiming at the brunette. She is too afraid to do or say anything that might cause the rifle to go off. Unlike his warnings Benji finger is on the trigger.
“Please someone tell me he is not going to shoot her…” she thinks. Benji smiles and pull the trigger. Rosetta hears the loud noise of the rifle going off. “Benji you bastard!!!” Lisa shouts from the garage. Rosetta opens her eyes and sees Lisa all wet with beer and the can gushing the golden liquid from two holes.
“That is your payback for this morning!” Benji shouts down to her. The girl let out a relieved sigh. Benji spins the gun like Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator two. “One very important thing. Never, ever aim to someone else. Even with the rifle unloaded. You never might know for sure if it will be unloaded. Even small the bullets of this can kill if hitting a sensitive spot or even blind someone. There is many ways of things going bad with a gun. Understood?” Benji says to her in a serious tone.
“Yes.” She says. “Good. Now have fun.” He says handing the rifle for her before moving to the stairs. Rosetta takes few calming breaths before loading the rifle again. “He scared me for good.” She whispers. “But that was a really good shot.”
“Benji how bare you shoot my beer?!” Lisa shouts to him. “Just shooting it.” He replies moving to the house.
Two hours later
On the end of the garage Benji is putting coal on a half of a steel barrel that is over a metal frame. He sets fire on the coal. “Juli the fire is on! How is the meat?” Benji shouts to the house. “I am finishing seasoning the chicken hearts! Come here and help me to chop the bull ribs!” a female voice replies. Benji walks inside the house. There is a young woman with red hair on the kitchen, she is shorter than Benji. “Where is the ribs Juli?” Benji asks to her. “On the fridge.” Julietta replies.
Benji takes out the large piece of meat from the fridge and a large cleaver from a drawer and cuts it even the bones. After sometime the duo walk to the barrel and place many trays of uncooked meat on a table besides the barrel. Benji picks a metal spike and stabs few pieces of meat on it and put over the fire on the metal frame. He repeats that with pork meat and chicken.
One hour later
Benji is cutting some already cooked meat. Lisa and Julietta are chatting near of the table sipping beer and soda. “Rosetta it is ready come down to eat!” Benji shouts. The girl is surprised and looks at him. Her aim goes off and she fires at Benji. He reacts fast and blocks with the cleaver. Sparks flow with the contact and the small bullet hit the ground. Benji sigh in relieve seeing that he managed to block the lead before it hitted him in the face. Julietta and Lisa look impressed with his reflexes. Rosetta comes down running.
“I am sorry! Benji I am sorry!” she says tackling hugging him. “You surprised me and the gun went off!” Benji pats her in the head. “I know. It is ok. I am not hurt or angry.” He says to the crying girl. “I managed to block it.”
Lisa picks down the small bullet and the cleaver. “Damn. It even scratched the cleaver!” she says seeing the items, specially the side of the cleaver. The bullet is fully bended out of shape. “How you blocked it Benji?” Julietta asks.
“A mix of luck and skill.” Benji replies. “I calculated where the bullet would hit me by seeing the barrel.” Julietta stares at him. “How you can calculate that you suck so bad doing that in the math classes?” she asks in disbelieve. “I may suck in the theory part, but that doesn't mean that I will suck applying it. Just like physics.” Benji replies. Rosetta stops sobbing hugging him.
“Now eat some meat and drink some soda it will make you feel better.” Benji says to her. She nods and obeys. “You were for sure lucky that you reacted fast enough.” Lisa says and Benji nods agreeing. “By the way where are Kimihito and Luziandro?” Benji says changing the subject.
“They went to the beach a bit.” Julietta replies. “Bad for them. More for me.” Benji says picking a piece of meat for himself. The older girl's chuckle deciding to let the incident behind.
Teito January seventh 1923
“Damn I miss them…” Benji whispers finally breaking the memory spell from that long passed Sunday. Benji sighs again cleaning few cold tears that forced the way from his eyes. He gets up and walks again. The sun is beginning to settle as the ninja wanders on the cold city.
“Hitotsume no kotoba wa yume
nemuri no naka kara
mune no oku no kurayami wo sotto
tsuredasu no.
Futatsume no kotoba wa kaze
yukute wo oshiete
kamisama no ude no naka e
tsubasa wo aoru no.
Tokete itta kanashii koto wo
kazoeru you ni
kin'iro no ringo ga
mata hitotsu ochiru.
Mita koto mo nai fuukei
soko ga kaeru basho
tatta hitotsu no inochi ni
tadoritsuku basho.
Furui mahou no hon
tsuki no shizuku yoru no tobari
itsuka aeru yokan dake.
We can fly
we have wings
we can touch floating dreams
call me from so far
through the wind
in the light
Mittsume no kotoba wa hum ..
mimi wo sumashitara
anata no furueru ude wo
sotto tokihanatsu.” Benji sings lowly to himself as he returns to the theater
Vitória Espirito Santo, Brazil
Julietta looks to Kaori. “That is Voices.” Julietta says looking to the older woman. “It is.” She replies in a wistful tone. “Benji's very top favorite music. I recall that he said that he seeked that song for years after only hearing it once.”
“Macross plus. When passed on the Multishow channel years ago. Benji used to say that it was his holy piece. The single thing that turned him into an anime fan. But he only truly turned into a fan years later. But he never forgot that anime.” Julietta says in a sad tone. “I was the one who found that song to him.”
“I remember. He played it so many times that song over and over. I hated to hear because it was early in the morning and the singer voice was too high to my taste.” Kaori says. “Still over the years I learned to like it. As well many others of his anime songs.”
The duo smile bitterly. “Why you sang it now?” Julietta asks. “I just felt like it. He loved that one so much.” Kaori replies. Julietta nods agreeing. “He sure did.”
End of the chapter twelve:
Author notes:
Please read and review. I will answer every review. Good or bad. If you have time to read and send a review. I will send you an answer. And I would like to thank to SilverBlue Dragon, HaruNatsu and to Greyhound Master for the reviews. I am making two versions of this story. One with out explicit sex scenes and one with then. As well with sexual related omakes. The unedited version can be found in MediaMiner fanfiction page. The link is on my profile. I own the man in the dark, the robbed figure and the chained woman. As well Benji and Peçonha. Those are my original characters. Even thought the man in the dark is a small homage to a friend. I won't reveal his name for a while. But I have his permission for the man in the dark. The MF-1HD Guardian pistol it is a fictitious gun that I created and it belongs to me.
Japanese glossary:
Itekimasu: It means I am leaving. It can also be translated different. Japanese people usually say it when leaving a place.
Iterashai: It means something like leave safely. Or go with god. Or other sentences of on the line of wishing someone a safe journey.
Benji song: It isn't mine song. It is a song from Macross plus. I do love that song and know the lyrics of it by heart. Here are the English lyrics.
The first word was "dream"
From the middle of sleep
Which secretly accompanies
The darkness in my heart
The second word was "wind"
Directing my journey
From God's arms,
Fanning wings
As if counting
the melting sorrows,
Yet another golden
apple fell
Not even looking at the scenery,
There is the place you're going
With merely a single life,
You struggle to reach that place
An old magic book;
Moon drops; the curtain of night--
Only a premonition of meeting someday
We can fly
We have wings
We can touch floating dreams
Call me from so far
Through the wind
In the light
The third word was "hum"..
Caught by straining ears
As I softly release
Your trembling arms
Author pos-story notes:
In this chapter I showed few of my friends on the story taking a more active part. Let me explain few things.
First this is a fic. So I am romancing, changing and adding few memories. With the permission of my friends who where there. Like the barbecue. That was a changed memory. The incident with the pressure rifle too. I am not sure that I would be lucky enough to block it if truly happened. But who knows. To put it simple some of my life history was changed to make the fic more interesting.
Second my friends. All my friends that appear allowed me to use them. Some even asked to be used some of my old characters instead of them. Julietta for example. She is a character of mine based on an old friend that moved away many years ago and I lost contact with her. But another friend asked to be show as Julietta. Just adding the things that happened between us on the story. Like an event between Benji and Julietta might be an event between me and this friend. And this friend of mine asked to be divided in two characters. Kimihito and Julietta. One thing this friend is a male. It was his choice on the matter and I won't argue.
Lisa. A good friend of mine when I was a kid. She moved away many years ago and I lost contact with her. I changed the character a bit. On the real live she is much older than me. Lisa actions are a mix of her real personality and my creation.
Rosetta. Based on a childhood friend. I based her on an old friend from my school when I was about seven. An original character. Some of her actions were based on my cousins and on my younger sister. Her appearance was created by me.
Kaori. My mother. Her name was changed and she picked the name. Most of her actions and character are taken from her.
Third some of you might notice that most of the characters that I just named appear in some of my other fics. That is true. I used characters based on my friends and family since the beginning.
Fourth on the future story I might mention the pen name of my past reviewers on the fic itself. Please don't ask me to mention your name. Especially if you began to review me after Outcast was first posted. Please remember that on the fic I was warped to the world of Sakura Taisen. As far as `I' know `I' living that. So I won't know that it is a fic and that I got reviews. And I might only mention the reviewers and fellow writers that I am friend of before the story begins. As a good friend of mine that we chat every other day on the MSN. But if I do so I will ask for his or hers permission first.
Sorry for this long note but it was needed. Thank you for your attention.
Benji mad dash to stop Kanna and Sumire:
The ninja runs out of the bed room. Iris uses her powers to keep up floating behind him. But Benji is by far faster. Benji makes a tight turn. “SHHIIIIIIIITTTT!!!!!” Benji shouts skittering on the polished wood floor only wearing his socks and crashes on Tsubaki gift shop. Iris closes her eyes seeing him crashing and breaking the stand.
Benji punishing Kanna and Sumire:
“Tsubaki bring me rope and a wet towel.” Benji says to the brown haired girl. “Hai!” she replies running away to obey the taller man. Sumire and Kanna froze at the word towel coming from his lips. Tsubaki returns quickly and Benji tip up the duo against a wall with them back turned to him.
“Please Benji reconsider!” Kanna says hearing him flicking the towel. “MMmm…no.” Benji says slapping Sumire buttocks with the damp towel. Sumire let's out a howl of pain. Not like the scream on her first time taking a towel whipping. Then Kanna knew that the damn towel hurts much more by being whipped too. Kanna howls too when Benji whip her.
“This would be much easier if you two just told me the reason of the fight and make up like good girls.” Benji says giving a new whip on each girl. “But no. You two have to be bad. So take the punishment”