Slam Dunk Fan Fiction ❯ Just a Little Love Story... ❯ Ask me out?! ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Eleven: Ask me out?!
Rukawa came towards Aki and asked - “Can I talk with you alone?” “Nope” - replied Aki - “You can talk right here.” He looked at Haruko for a fleeting moment and continued - “It's about Mitsui Hisashi.” He glanced at Haruko again, but since she was a soft person she immediately left with a small smile on her face. “Nani?” - Aki asked her brother as he sat down beside her. He gave her a teeny smile before asking her - “Do you have a crush on him?” “Who?” - She yawned, starting to become sleepy after having two huge burgers. “Mitsui Hisashi” - Rukawa replied, and laughed softly when her eyes shot wide open. “Have you been listening to me and Haruko's conversations?” - Aki asked worriedly, biting a finger. “No” - he answered a little suspiciously; raising his eyebrow, he asked - “Why would you tell her that you have a crush on Mitsui?” “SHHH!” - She shushed him immediately, her cheeks turning a little pink - “Damare! Not too loud!” “Whatever” - Rukawa muttered - “Well, you're in luck if you do like him coz he wanted to ask you out.” “Ask me out?” - Aki asked, her whole face enveloped in redness and excitedly she continued - “You mean `out on a date'?” Her brother nodded and told her - “I'll send him over, okay?” Then he added teasingly - “You desperate little girl. You've never dated before right?” She stuck out a tongue at him and talked back - “As if you have!”
Aki hadn't even counted to fifteen when Mitsui walked to her and sat down next to her on the bench. She smiled at him and he smiled back. Okay, she thought, when will we move to the next stage? “Don't you think this party is rockin'?” - He asked her over the volume of the speakers that Sakuragi had just raised. She nodded. “Anzai sensei just went back home because he said it was getting late” - he continued - “But do you have any time restrictions?” “No” - she lied; her mother would kill her if she was out after ten pm! “But the party's probably going to end soon without our guest of honor, so whether there's restrictions or not, we might have to leave soon” - he told her as she waited in anticipation. When's he going to tell me to go out with him? She thought nervously. “Thanks for helping me with the food, kid” - He said before finally asking her - “And you deserve to be treated to something, na? What d'ya say you and me go out somewhere tomorrow?” Her eyes brightened up immediately as she replied - “I'd say `Great'!” He grinned back and told her - “Kewl! Come to the stadium tomorrow morning at around eight am, okay?” She nodded her head and smiled at him. “We'll go to Shonan beach tomorrow. It's a great beach” - he continued, while she just nodded her head willingly. “Where would you like to meet up?” - He asked her, whereas she just stared back at him. He asked her again. “Ooops! Sorry. Anywhere's fine” - she blushed embarrassedly, and knocked her head mentally. Aki scolded herself; I shouldn't have my mind too far away from me. “Keep your head together, kiddo!” - Mitsui teased, punching her shoulder gently - “What were you thinking about?” She shook her head wildly in reply. “Whatever…” - he shrugged, and then continued - “Do you wanna meet up here? In Shohoku court?” “Sounds fine” - Aki replied, a smile playing on her lips. Wait till I tell Yue, she thought wickedly, she'll be so freaking jealous! “See you at eight” - he told her and then with a wave, Mitsui left her side to go towards his teammates. She clasped her hands to her chest, feeling her heartbeat reverberating throughout her body. It felt beautiful.
“Hey Yue. Guess what?” - Aki asked her old friend. “What's up with you Aki?” - groaned the other side, and in a sleepy voice - “It's ten pm! My sleeping time! Just make it quick.” Aki gave a haughty laugh and replied - “What can I do when I just came back from a party in Shohoku?” “You did?!” - Obviously, Yue was awake. You can't fool me, Aki thought to herself, giving a pat on her own back. “Yep! I did.” - She told Yue - “And someone asked me out on a date too.” “Oh, really?” - was the answer in a disbelieving tone. “Aww! Come on Yue! This guy's really hot!” - Aki yelled, and then sighed - “He makes me go crazy…” “Mm-hmm” - went Yue, still sounding bored. “Hey! Aren't you happy for me? That I'm going to go out with the guy I have a crush on?!” - Aki yelled, getting very irritated at the response. ”Well Aki, I am happy for you. But I beat you in getting a date.” - Yue replied in the same monotonous tone. This time it was Aki's turn to say `oh, really?' “I got Koshino!” - Yue shrieked happily and loud enough that Aki had to hold the phone a few centimeters away from her ear. “Aren't we lucky girls?” - Aki heard her pal sigh, and she sighed back despite her irritation - “Yes… definitely.” “By the way” - Yue asked - “who's he?” “Mitsui Hisashi” - Aki replied proudly, her chest swelling in size when Yue commented - “Wow! The MVP?! You sure as hell are lucky!”