Slam Dunk Fan Fiction ❯ When Cupid Shot His Arrow at the Wrong Person ❯ I hate Fruity Pink Punch and Curly-Haired Point Guards ( Chapter 2 )
Author: Simply Kim
Title: When Cupid Shot His Arrow at the Wrong Person
Genre/ratings: Romance
Length: 2/3
Disclaimers: The series I'm referring to obviously do not belong to me, only the story does.
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PART 2: I Hate Fruity Pink Punch and Curly-haired Point Guards
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"Ah, you look a bit bland..." I announced as I looked at Hiroaki up and down. "You look like you're going to the mall, not a party! Here, catch!" I almost shuddered in revulsion at his taste in clothing, and tossed him a handful of my accessories... make that MOST of my accessories... those black, dark and gothic thingies that I still don't know what to call... It was almost comical as he peered at them, looking positively suspicious that they were slithering snakes in disguise, or probably magical trinkets that would put a curse on him the minute the clock strikes midnight.
"What am I going to do with these?" He asked, obviously confused as to what they were for.
"Slip the clunky ones on your wrist opposite your leather watch... and the black twist choker, fasten it around your blessed neck! Duh, Hiro... are you a kid from this age or not? Don't tell me you do not know what those are for?" I laughed, shaking my head in amusement at his naïveté.
He stuck out his tongue at me, and the minute he turned his back, I stuck out mine and gave him the weirdy-does I always give him when we're still young, you know, the cross-eyed 'Ne-ne-ne-ne-neh!' look...
I proceeded then to drag him from my room, because I know that if I don't, he'll stay inside, curled up on my bed, depleting my stash of potato chips while reading a Shakespearean Play. Koshino Hiroaki, the ever-unchanging bookworm. Sheesh, if he got his own way, he'll grow up to be a real hermit - endless beard and all! Yech! I believe in the saying that 'It's better to live life with too much excitement that it makes you go insane, than not live a life without excitement at all!' That explains my liking to parties and dandy stuff! I absolutely LOVE rowdy places! Hmm, I'm turning philosophical suddenly... actually, I just made that belief up... ehehe... after all; I have to have a philosophy in life, right? Ehehe.
Soon, we're out and into the middle of the raging party. My beloved parents were grinning as they said their goodbyes (they're staying away for the night - it's their gift to me, I guess), My sister is in boarding school (Arigatou, Kami-sama!), and everything was groovy.
However, I'm currently having a difficult time...
You see, I instantly saw Kaede lounging with the other Shohoku kids in one corner, drinking lots of punch (that I, without my parents knowing, spiked with a bit of alcohol... hush, don't tell anybody!) and laughing about something... surprisingly, Kaede was chuckling with them. The image I saw was so breathtaking (I'm not being dramatic here... it's true! I never saw the kid smile, or laugh like that in anyone's presence before...). That redhead sure is lucky to have the cute kitsune-chan as a best friend!
I glanced beside me, to see if Hiro saw the laughter too... however, I came up with an empty space and a gust of cold air that made me realize I was standing stupidly, virtually alone in that small amount of fucking cramped space. Heh. I wonder where Hiro is... Shaking the frustrated thoughts away, I gazed back at the raucous group. I wanted to join them, but...
I coughed as a sudden hand whacked me between the shoulders. I immediately turned around in surprise and almost flinched at the sight of former gangster-turned-sportsman Mitsui Hisashi, Kaede's OTHER best friend, grinning at me with a mischievous glint in his eye. I have to admit, even if I am a lot of inches taller than he is, I never fail to be scared of the older man. There's something in his eyes that gives you the impression that he knows more things about you than he's willing to let on... Those piercing eyes...
Koshino Hiroaki, I'm going to kill you for leaving me all alone in here...
"Uh, Mitsui-san!" I gave him a shaky smile. "You scared me!"
"I gathered." His grin widened and his eyes shifted towards the Shohoku group. "Why are you just standing there? Go on, whisk the princess away on your pure white horse!"
"Stallion." Kogure Kiminobu said cheerfully, popping out suddenly from behind him. Jeez, if I have heart problems, I swear I would NEVER want to be around these two! "Pure white stallion."
"Eh?" Mitsui-san asked, his features turning thoughtful. "Why Stallion? Isn't that just another horse?"
Kogure-san shook his head in amusement and turned to me, his kindly chocolate eyes boring into mine. "Ah, Kogure-san... thank you for coming here..."
"Ah, it's a pleasure to be here, after all, it's the Golden Boy's birthday, ne?" Kogure-san grinned.
Mitsui-san, obviously though with his puzzling, turned back to me and gave me his knowing look again. I gulped, wondering about his words earlier on. "Kaede's over there." He said, pointing at the group. "I saw you looking at him again, and I figured, 'what the heck, he should stop being the chicken and just sock fate in the eye!'"
Now I'm very confused.
Kogure-san's having a literary impact on this guy! I can't understand him anymore!
"Uh..." I started, rubbing the back of my neck. "Kogure-san... do translate... onegai... I did not quite understand what Mitsui-san had just let out..."
Tinkling laughter.
"What he meant was..."
I leaned closer to hear what he has to say.
"Go for it!"
I blinked as a moment of realization crashed on me. "Oh."
I blinked again.
Mitsui shoved me towards the Shohoku people's direction, knocking me towards one of the hired caterers. "Hayaku, hayaku!"
I whirled around, apologizing to the middle-aged person clutching a silver tray, probably trying to prevent me from hitting her... erm... melons... erm... nevermind.
I continued, breathing a little heavily as I reached their position.
"Oi, birthday boy!" Miyagi Ryota, lightning back fielder extraordinaire, greeted me loudly, raising a glass of punch in salute. "Thanks for inviting all of us!"
"Sendoh-kun! Arigatou! Here's Shohoku's gift..." Ayako grinned happily, as she momentarily stopped guzzling her glass of fruity pink (and alcoholic) punch and extended a hand clutching a huge semi-wrinkled gift bag. I immediately beamed. I LOVE presents! ^_^
I wonder what it is...
I took the gift from her and marveled at the way it was wrapped... Sugoi... the gift bag was so perfect! Just like Ayako-san! I snuck a glance at the blushing Miyagi. Hn. is Miyagi-san her boyfriend? He's one lucky guy then! Hiro needs someone like her... I wonder...
"OI! Sendoh! Baka porcupine! Oi, Hentai Smiley!"
I blinked, my eyes focusing on the tanned hand waving before my eyes. "Ah, Sakuragi-kun!" I grinned quite dazedly after being interrupted from my thoughts. "Gomen... I was just thinking..."
Sakuragi grinned slyly at that, his eyes glinting something suspicious in amusement. "Kitsune got you a gift too!" He announced, nudging the pale boy sitting quietly beside him.
"Do'ahou." I heard him whisper in a tone that sounded a bit embarrassed. My eyes immediately widened.
Rukawa Kaede bought me something for my birthday?
It's surprising, and yet, I felt an ache inside me that I translated as something nice... something... important...
I gazed at his even paler face. I knew that he was uncomfortable, but... I found his lost expression endearing. "Ka - Rukawa-kun?" I said softly.
He looked up at me, his blue eyes swimming under pools of confusion. Nevertheless, his hand involuntarily thrust a silvery package at me. The gift was not huge as the Shohoku Team's... but even if it was just a few inches long, for me, it was enough... after all, it came from the one I'm harboring a secret liking to.
I caught a few winks and triumphant grins across the table and I felt my cheeks heat up slowly. My hand minutely shaking, I caught hold of it and gripped it tightly, as if it was something so precious to hold on to. I smiled happily, my eyes, I knew, twinkling down in complete bliss.
"Rukawa-kun." Akagi Takenori, the former captain of Shohoku High, called out across the table, his eyes encouraging. "Why don't you go with Sendoh for a while? I mean, it's too boring to just sit here and listen to us yak, right?"
"Ah, sou!" Kogure-san grinned as he and Mitsui-san finally sat on the two vacant seats beside Ayako-san. "Go on, Kaede-kun!"
"Ah, Kaede, heh, don't glare at me like that, you know that that doesn't work on me, so might as well conserve your energy for something more productive..." He quickly glanced at me, making me feel hot again... all over. Great. I'm going to throttle that guy one of these days! "Itai!" Good thing Kogure-san's there to make him shut up..."
"All right, all right." Came the gruff voice.
Yosh! He's coming with me! YAY! I never felt so elated in my whole life! With a goofy grin I knew was painted on my face, I extended a hand out to him, which, gratefully, he took. We were walking towards the middle of the living room when I had a sudden burst of a great idea...
"Oi, Ka - Rukawa-kun... let's go!" I said cheerfully.
He glanced at me, obviously disoriented for some reason... maybe it's because I'm still holding his hand and dragging him away from the seat that he looks back at so longingly. "Go... where?" he asked, trying to read my thoughts as his eyes bored into mine.
I smiled at him.
There must be something weird in my eyes, for he took a hasty step back and muttered something under his breath. He tugged his hand away gently, trying to break my hold on him, but as a true basketball player I am, I held fast. I made him come here, and managed to get him away from his peer group (even if uh... It wasn't exactly me who had gotten him out of his seat in the first place), and led him here, in the middle of my living room... There's no use in making him withdraw from my clutches again.
I pointed towards the other guests who are currently dancing as if there would be no more tomorrow. "There." My smile turned a notch wider.
Kaede paled. Heh, he seemed VERY TERRIFIED. His eyes swung back and forth from me to the gyrating bodies defying scientific laws of gravity and stuff I read much from books... heh, I'm really not good in describing things... that's Hiro's department.
"Let's dance!" I said encouragingly, tugging almost forcefully at his hand. If it was possible (actually, I just realized that it is), he turned even paler. He was shaking his head in protest. "Oh, c'mon now, it wouldn't hurt!"
He shook his head again, his eyes wide. "Iie... I don't dance!"
He tried prying his hands away from mine - all to no avail.
"We're dancing, that's that!" I announced with finality. Still sputtering, I dragged him to the center of the sea of bodies and immediately moved my hips in time to the music. I winked at his surprised (if not too terrified) features. I saw the tiny markings of a frown then... and, suddenly... he was moving too!
I almost drooled right then... he looks positively... I can't think of a better word that would not sound very hentai... erm... Control... control... keep your control...
I'm trying to repeat the mantra in my head to keep my hormones from responding. Heh, for the first time in a span of two years, it actually obeyed. I wonder why... maybe it's the measure of respect I have for this guy... or maybe I really am growing up some... I can finally have something to be proud of that I can tell Hiro... heh, the minute he tells me I'm being a pervert again, that is... ^_^
I gazed down at the flushed features of Rukawa Kaede.
With him here with me...
I felt as if I won the local lottery.
Everything's so perfect...
And then...
"Gomen nasai.... umm... I... I... It was an accident..."
That voice...
I recognize that voice...
"Oi, baka! What did you do to Aya-chan?" came another very angry and VERY familiar voice.
My eyes widened in realization, and as if rehearsed, Both Kaede and I turned to the commotion.
Oh no.
And -
Sensing impending turbulence, I hurried over to the trio.
And I was so glad that Kaede ran close behind me.
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I was bowled over by another frantic body in a hurry to get more to drink.
I straightened up, steadying the smaller frame squished in front of me when we collided. I looked down, feeling wetness spreading out and soaking my shirt thoroughly.
Oh no! My poor shirt!
Then, my eyes traveled to the perpetrator.
I was ready to give whoever it was a good piece of my mind when I encountered the apologetic, guilty, sheepish smile, and pleading eyes.
The face, was delicate-looking, framed with curly hair... and seemingly familiar...
I peered closer, making her more nervous than she already was.
"Gomen nasai.... umm... I... I... It was an accident..."
That voice...
I recognize that voice...
"Oi, baka! What did you do to Aya-chan?" came another very angry and very familiar voice.
Of course... how could I have forgotten?
I hissed in pain as a hand jabbed on my shoulder. I scowled angrily at the equally angry features of Miyagi Ryota, the infamous "Fastest Point-guard" In the Kanagawa prefecture.
Great. What does he want NOW?
"Oi, baka! What did you do to Aya-chan?"
Oh, right. Protecting his Aya-chan.
"I did not do anything to her." I answered back with as much venom.
"Then why is she flushing? You're bothering her!"
"Eh?" I stared at him in disbelief. "I'm bothering her? Excuse me, but my memory seems to register that I was the one she bumped into! Now, you're accusing me of bothering her when SHE was the one who bothered me?"
"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" He spat back. "I saw you! You blocked her way so she ran straight to you! Don't you dare deny it! I saw the whole thing clearly!"
"Then you don't see as clear as you pride yourself to do so." I said quietly, the fight in me subsiding by half its power a while ago as I glimpsed the mortified and pleading look in Ayako-san's perfect features.
I saw a couple of streaking figures straight toward us. Ah, right. This argument is also intruding on Rukawa-kun and Akira's time together. Great. Another would-be brawl and I'm in it - again. The first time was in the Shohoku-Ryonan practice game with the redheaded baka who happens to be Rukawa's current best friend. Great. Another important day ruined.
Kami-sama, why is it always I?
Why not Akira for a change?
I sighed, shaking my head as Akira finally settled standing between Miyagi, and me gauging the extent of the future damage of we would come to blows. "Look, let's stop this, okay, because frankly, this senseless dispute is giving me a headache. My shirt is soaked, and I don't want to catch some random virus tomorrow. This is Akira's birthday, and we should just settle it out of here some other day, alright?" I sighed. "Now, just... go."
I should have known that my words would have a negative impact on Miyagi, because the next thing I knew, a fist was flying straight towards me and pain was exploding on my jaw. My hand twitched involuntarily and clasped into a shaking fist. My body demanded retaliation, and I'm not gonna let the surge of anger die inside me. The verbal abuse is bad enough... but this... this is too much! Without much effort, the fist flew, answering my body's call.
I hit him, and I'm so damned proud of it! He touched his bleeding lip.
He's bleeding.
The knowledge elated me. This guy is as bad as a gangster and still I was the first who made the other to bleed. His blow meant nothing to me. Heh - looks like I'm tougher than I gave myself credit for.
"Ryota!" Came Ayako-san's voice, filled with worry. I admit I felt a twinge of something inside me. Heh, it's I who had been the victim of all this, and now, she's worrying over him. I grimaced.
"OI! STOP!" I heard Akira yell frantically, standing instinctively between us, Rukawa, I saw was straining to pin down Miyagi's arms behind his back to prevent another blow. My best friend's hands locked down on my shoulders, shaking me as if to bring me back to my senses.
"Stop shaking me Sendoh." I said quietly. My eyes caught his frantic blue ones. "I'm still sane, if that's what you're worrying about."
"Then why did you do it?" He asked me just as quietly.
I flicked a fleeting glance at Ayako's care for Ryota's bleeding lip. My eyes narrowed in annoyance. "He started it, not me."
"I know, Hiro... but you're not the type to stoop so low as to answer back a blow with that deep vehemence..." Akira's eyes pleaded for me to at least apologize to the other party.
What the heck is he saying? Sometimes, I don't understand this guy... I mean, I'm the one who's at a loss here, not Miyagi, so why do I need to apologize for something that isn't my fault? I shook my head. "No apologies, Akira."
His eyes widened.
I had denied him something for the first time in years.
I sighed (... again. I seem to be doing that a lot tonight...). It's a good thing Akira's parents went out for the night, or else I'll be in more trouble at home than I already am! "Look," I said, running a hand through my hair. "I'll just go, alright? It would be better that way. Then, everything would be peaceful. No use in making that guy and everybody else leave early."
"Hiro! You're not making sense! You're not allowed to go -" Akira protested.
"What, you'll tie me up?" I asked wryly. "Look, it's better for everybody... or else, you would be affected by this too. You don't want to mess up your chance tonight if the whole group's to leave because of single old me, ne? That guy's their captain, after all." I gave him a small smile. I turned back to where my previous nemesis enjoyed Ayako-san's attention.
"Ayako-san." I called out. She trained surprised eyes at me. "Take care of your boyfriend. The next time he butts into something I'm involved in, he's gonna get it."
I shrugged out of Akira's hold and made my way through the buzzing crowd. This is going to be tomorrow's talk - I'm so sure of it. What do I care?
* * *
Very irritating.
I couldn't quite understand why people should celebrate something so... cheesy.
Post-Valentine's Day... Ch'!
It's already after Heart's Day, and still many cuddle gifts from various partners. I even saw a five-foot flat girl cuddling a five-foot-two teddy bear when I entered Ryonan High! She looks as if she's gonna topple over! Sheesh! For all I know, the gifts they hold now came are much cheaper, since they're virtually Valentine's Day rejects - sold at a MUCH lower price...
Poor sods.
I must have been looking too crabby as I trudged wearily towards my locker... people are starting to stare at me as if I'm some sort of a loser.
Actually, I know why they're looking at me that way... after all, majority of these people came to Akira's party last night, which I heard was still in full swing at one in the morning. My decision was right after all. It did not ruin the birthday bash.
But... it did ruin my reputation.
Well, I shouldn't worry about that... most of the Ryonan population knows me as some ill-tempered bastard anyway, so what's to worry about them having their impressions proved true?
Ah, yes. Another of my reasons why I'm such in a lousy mood today is the fact that my loud-mouthed mother reprimanded me again... for absolutely no reason at all. Heh, what's new?
She told me I was such a bastard that I'm always out of the house. She said I don't have time for the family anymore... that I'm useless. I mean, it's not my fault that I'm the fruit of her indecent affair with a man who left her before I was born... She should have just aborted me if she wanted to. However, she was too afraid if her husband knew of the affair... so what she did, was cry and look pitiful, and then say that she was raped. She actually had the whole story set up! I wish she had just aborted me... Really. Heck, it would be better if she just did. Maybe she just wanted someone who she could vent her frustrations on... and a punching bag to boot.
My elder sister, her first child from her true husband (who seemed to hate me too, as much as she does), once asked me why I put up with what both elders do to me time and time again. If she was in my shoes, she declared, she would run away... off to Akira's.
I told her then that running away is no use. I would only be a burden to other people who are not even my relation. Besides, it would only prove their accusations right if I do leave. That shut her up.
She's always trying to defend me in front of them... she had always been on my side - until our mom mistakenly trashed her school paper and blamed it on me.
She failed, and had to repeat her whole course.
She was delayed for a whole term.
And she hated me for that... until now.
Now I had no one to turn to, so I just suffer my parents' insistence that I was a true sicko... a bastard who is so damned ungrateful that all I do turns out wrong. Frankly, I'm getting used to all the abuse. Heh, I'm actually looking forward to them day after day! It felt as if my life's not complete if I don't get them on a daily basis.
Weird huh?
I opened my locker and took out my Calculus notebook and Problem Set. Putting them on top of my duffel bag, I closed the door and scrambled the numbers on the lock. Taking a deep breath, I turned around and saw the muted features of Akira.
"Why didn't you wait for me in the lobby?" He asked, his eyes tired and somehow... scared.
What should he be scared of?
"I was..."
"You always wait for me in the lobby before we go up to the locker rooms every morning." He said quietly.
"I just... want to be alone for a while."
It was not a question... it was a command.
"Just because." I answered, stooping down and picking up my bag. I slung the strap over one shoulder and started toward the student-filled hallways. A strong hand gripped my wrist. I stopped.
Akira's grip was usually strong... but now, it was... unsure.
"That is not the answer I was hoping for." He said in a steely tone. "We're best friends, Hiro."
This is getting old.
What does he want me to do? Fawn over him and apologize my guts out for being suck a jerk, telling him he I don't deserve to be his friend?
I mean, I know that I AM not that deserving to have a friend like Akira... but... last night... last night, I had a glimpse of what's between us. It's not a friendship of give and take at all. It's more like, a friendship wherein I always give and take so little, and he takes so much and gives so little.
He wanted me to apologize yesterday.
He knew it was not my fault, and still he said that, as if I'm the one to blame, and I should do everything just to appease the other party. What was he thinking then? That this scuffle would ruin his chance with Rukawa, since the guy's from Shohoku? That was what I took his words for. I thought about that... that's part of the reason why I left anyway, right?
I wouldn't have left if he had just, for even one slight word, stood up for me!
That was what I was waiting for...
He could have just stood up for me!
But no...
His plans are much more important than I am.
And I'm supposed to be his best friend.
"Stop shaking me Sendoh. I'm still sane, if that's what you're worrying about."
"Then why did you do it?"
"He started it, not me."
"I know, Hiro... but you're not the type to stoop so low as to answer back a blow with that deep vehemence..."
Those pleading azure eyes... hoping for an apology from me.
I don't understand him... I'm the one who's at a loss here, not Miyagi, so why do I need to apologize for something that isn't my fault?
"No apologies, Akira."
"Look, I'll just go, alright? It would be better that way. Then, everything would be peaceful. No use in making that guy and everybody else leave early."
"Hiro! You're not making sense! You're not allowed to go -"
"What, you'll tie me up? Look, it's better for everybody... or else, this would affect you too. You don't want to mess up your chance tonight if the whole Shohoku group's to leave because of single old me, ne? That guy's their captain, after all."
I snorted and pulled out of his grip.
"Some best friend you are."
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A/N: So... what do you think, guys? ^___^