Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Creils Story ❯ how to hit the balls ( Chapter 18 )
Two days have passed have passed rather quickly and almost everything was ready for play. Cream sat at the table, looking out the window.... obviously still depressed from the forty-eight hours ago. It's not fair that I can't be with Tails. she thought. Well, I best enjoy myself just like the song says. "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with.
"Cream, honey, you're so sad, what's wrong with you?" asked Robert, pecking his wife-to-be.
"Take me out Robert, take me somewhere where I can forget about my cares that is fun."
"I know just the place."
Robert took Cream to the Station Square Billiard Hall. "Pool, you brought me to a pool hall?" asked Cream.
"Well, it was either this or the shooting range." said Robert.
"Pool is good."
With their sixteen ball and cue sticks ready, Robert racked the balls. "We'll play rotation." said Robert.
"Rotation, I don't know how to play that." said Cream.
"Simple, you start with the one ball and go all the way to fifteen. whichever balls you pocket will be added to your score."
"Simple enough."
"We'll play the best of seven games. And remember, you must hit the balls in sequence. Start with the one first and the fifteen last. If you scratch, or hit the wrong ball, the other player gets a free drop. First to 61 or sink the last ball wins."
"Okay, let's play."
"The balls are ready, you break the first round."
[Just so everyone knows, every shot was played as read.]Cream broke the balls up, landing the three and the one. Four points is an okay start. thought Cream. The majority of the balls after the break were still together, with the five near the corner. Well, since the one is already in, I guess I hit the two now. Cream lined up her shot, ricochet off the two and hit the five... miss. Robert was looking at an odd shot, I'll have to bank this one. he thought. The deuce is close to the fifteen, this bank should hit. Robert fired his bank... miss, sending the two a foot away from the five.
Let's try that ricochet again.... Cream tried to ricochet off the two and sink the five, it didn't work, but she was able to combo the fifteen in. Not what I wanted, but hey.... Cream decides to bank off the wall and hit the two... foul.
The deuce is between the left side and corner pocket, let's eye my shot carefully. Robert's free drop, he lined it up against the wall, This is going in. Pocket, Robert was on the board with a deuce. I'd have a clear shot on the four if the fourteen wasn't in the way... Let's ricochet off of it and try tosink the eight into the corner. Miss, landing the cue next to the eight and the four on the other side of the table.
That's a straight shot into the corner pocket. Cream shot the four, hittin it on its right side, foul.
Thanks for the free drop Cream, the four is so cleverly placed in front of the corner pocket. "I'll take this, thank you."
"I'm still winning."
"True, but I have a shot at the five now." Robert shot the five, nearly fouling, but got the pocket. The six was next. Well look at that, if I ricochet it properly, I'll knock either the nineof thirteen into the side, let's try it. Robrt ricocheted off the six, inbetween the nine and thirteen, his miss only set the six near the corner pocket.
"Thank you for the points" Cream missed the six into the corner and it almost went into the side, but she comboed the twelve, then sunk in the six.
The score was 37 to 11 and it was Cream's shot at the seven ball, she noticed the eight ball near the corner pocket. "Let's try this bank shot." said the confident doeshe hit the balls hard, pocketing the seven and hitting the eight with a cannon shot.
"That was an interesting shot." said Robert.
"All I gotta do is sink a ball and I win.Cream shot the ball, making it ricochet off the nine to hit the fourteen, and with one shot, she missed.
"That shot needed more power to it, it was too week."
"Just put the nine in the corner already."
"Let's see if this shot will work hard." Robert hit the nine hard on its right, he pockets the nine and lines it with the ten, too bad the eleven is slightly in the way. "I'll bank around the eleven to sink the ten in the corner." Robert did just that, adding ten points to his twenty and lining up a clean shot for the eleven, which had missed.
"Game over, this ball is mine."
"You missed, but I can try an interesting ricochet."Robert shot the ball to ricochet off the eleven to hit the fourteen, pocketing the eleven and setting himself up for the thirteen, but missed that shot.
If I don't sink this ball now, I've lost this first game. Cream banked off the wall and hit the thirteen, only to foul.
With a free drop, Robert pocketed the thirteeninto the side, taking the lead by two. He sunk the fourteen, giving him the game with 68 points to Cream's 52. "Close game."
"You got lucky."
"Well It's my turn to break so rack them up."
"Yeah, yeah..."
The second game was won by Robert, because Cream fouled on the fifteen, 69 to 51. Robert racked the balls and Cream broke them up, scoring the one and three again. Many balls were still clustered nearby. Okay Cream, it's time to use what Tails taught you on the tables, let's take off the kid gloves now. thought the doe and banked her shot hard off the right of the two. All the balls were seperated now.
"Well Cream, you can certainly make a close game." said robert as he shot the deuce, which cannoned the eight and comboed the twelve, leadin with five times as may points as Cream early on. In one side he pocketed the deuce and in the other, cannoned the fourteen. His score climbed higher, 36 to 4 as he looked at the four, he shot at it, ricocheting off the four and hitting the six... miss.
Cream was relieved, Time to get systematic now. The doe ricocheted hard off the four and hit the six, only to combo in the five, but missed her straight shot at the four.
Robert banked off the wall, around the six, but missed the four. "Damn."
Though is seemed like a straight shot, Cream missed the four as well. "Damn." Robert's next shot put Cream's chances at hitting the four look bad, but she four and found a bank, too bad it didn't have enough power.
"Are you even trying?" asked Robert as he sunk the four. He then banked for the six and missed.
"Yes, I'm trying." Cream banked for the six, miss... but set it up for an easy shot for Robert.
"Doesn't look like it."
"Don't get yor hopes up."
"Sure, I only need fifteen more points to win this game."Robert ricochets off the seven hard and hits the nine, cannoning the eleven and with an easy shot, kills the seven, for a 63 to 4. Cream racked the balls and Robert broke them, pocketing the three, six and ten balls. Nineteen points, that more like my break starts. thought the confident buck.
Oh well, I lost this match, but at least I can give Robert a match... sometime. thought Cream.
Robert hit the one, which hit the eight, which ended up missing. "Try to win this next one, honey, I don't want this to be a shut out."
Cream ricocheted hard off the one to hit the twelve, pocketing the one, then ricocheted hard off the two hitting the five. She sunk the five, but fouled, so the five comes out and Robert gets a free drop.
Rober targeted the five instead of the two, either out of error or on purpose, bue hits the deuce and fouls. The two, four and seven balls were lined in a lin and Cream drops the ball behind them, sinking the twothen ricochets off the four hard to hit the seven, comboing the eight. She ricocheted off the four again hard to hit the fifteen, comboing the fourteen and kissing the four in the side, she now led Robert by ten points 29 to 19. She banked arond the nine to hit the five in an attempt to pocket the five in the other side, only to miss. "Well, at least I made some cool shots." she said, now content with herself.
She's finally cheering up. thought Robert as he shot the five, he fouled, giving Cream another free drop. She dropped between the five and seven, pocketing the five, then ricocheted hard off the seven to hit the eleven, only to foul. Robert's free drop graced him with the seven ball. He then decided to ricochet off the nine hard to the left where the thirteen was only inches away. It wasn't strong enough, but it kept him from fouling. "Well, at least it beats a scratch."
Cream banked off a wall hard to hit the nine, which of course drew another foul, too badthe nine went in after the cue. "What a game..."
Robert drop the ball to pocket the nine in the side, "35 to 34, my lead again." he said then banked off the wall to hit the eleven, miss.
Cream banked around the thirteen to hit the eleven, and comboed the twelve, then banked off another wall to pocket the eleven, but missed the thirteen into the side.
Cream led 57 to 35. Robert banked off the wall and hit the thirteen only to miss and set up the victory shot for Cream, which she missed. "Well Cream, better luck next match." said Robert and he lined up his shot, to ricochet hard off the thirteen and hit the fifteen. The fifteen is cannoned in the corner and only the thirteen ball remains.taking his bank off the wall to hit the thirteen, he missed.
Here's my final chance to win a game, steal it from him and break the next set girl, you can do it. thought Cream. Nervously, she took her shot.... missed.
"As I was saying, better luck next match." said Robert as he shot the thirteen, pocket.
"No fair, let's run that back."
"Sure, if you lose, we're having sex tonight."
"Deal. This time, you break."
Cream racked up a second rotation set and Robert broke, sending the nine and fourteen in off the bat. With the one and the two in the corner, Robert banked his shot, pocketing the one. With his shot at the deuce, came his miss.
"My turn." The doe ricocheted hard off the tow, which hit a wall and combed the twelve. She next ricocheted hard off the deuce to hit the eleven, pocketing the deuce.
Cream's shot at the three missed, making it Robert's turn. Hmm, this'll be an interesting bank. Robert banked off the wall to hit the three... missed.
Cream banked the three in the corner and eyed the four in the other corner, which was clustered around other balls. Now, since I couldn't last time, let's get systematic. Cream shoots betwee, the ten and five to hit the four, "That was a nice kiss, wasn't it Robert?"
"Nice indeed."
"I'm three points down, time for the lead." Cream ricochets hard off the right of the five to hit the eleven, only to miss.
Robert ricochets of the five to hit the seven hard, "Five points for me."
The ten and the fifteen were stopping his clean shot at the six, so he banked aroud the fifteen, but the six came an inch from pocketing. No matter for Cream, she just sunk the six,banked hard off a wall to hit the seven, which hits the eight... only to miss. Robert pockets the seven in the side and fouls in the other side. Cream's free drop gave her an easy eight, but a miss at the ten. Robanks off the wall around the thirteen to hit the ten, only to foul. Cream took her free drop, hit the ten to combo the fifteen in the corner, which missed, but rolled into the other corner, she finally had the lead with the score of 50 to 36. Now for that win. Cream banked off a wall, trying to sink the tink in the side, only to foul in the other side. Robert took his free drop took the ten in the corner, he missed his shot at the eleven though. Cream tried her luck at it now and she got it, winning the game 61 to 46.
At the end of the second game, Robert had an amazing 25 point shutout in the first part, won it 66 to 39. "Not bad, huh?" he asked.
"That's your dick shooting." Cream answered as she racked the balls.
"Fine, but here's how you break the balls on the table, Cream." Robert shot the one dead centre, making a lovely break.
"I'll remember that one." I like my systematic shooting better. Cream rococheted hard off the one to hit the thirteen, comboing the thirteen, then pocketing the one in the corner. Cream gives a long bank to corner the deuce, but missed the three, nearly fouling, but kept the ball on the table.
Nice save. Robrt ricocheted hard off the three to hit the seven, comboing the seven and nine.
A quick miss gives Cream a shot at the three, and comboed the fifteen. "Not a bad exchange." A hard bank off a wall to hit the three resulted in many balls clustering around the cue, giving Robert a very difficult shot.
"You must love me, don't you?" Robert tried to find a shot for the three, but couldn't find one, so he shot blindly. He just barely missed the three and Cream giggled. "Just take your drop."
"Fine, you meanie." Cream dropped the cue and easily cornered the three, then ricocheted hard off the four to hit the fourteen, missing. Robert banked off the wall to hit the four, but it came up short from the side pocket, but Cream pocketed it instead.
She banked in the five and headed for the six, her hard ricochet missed and Robert was given a clear shot at the green ball. His shot got ripped, but so was Cream's. The buck was set up for a six-eleven combo which gave him eleven points, but he still trailed, 27 to 43. His attempt at the six drew a foul and a free drop for Cream, who easilt cornered the six. The doe then ricocheted off the eight to hit the fourteen... the hard ricochet ended the game 63 to 27. "You lose again, my break too." said the somewhat cocky doe.
Robert racked up the balls and Cream broke them, pocketing the three and the two, and giving her and easy shot at the one. With the one in, the doe got cockier, but her ricochet off the four to hit the five had cost her... though it did give Robert a tough shot at the four. The buck took his shot, but hit the twelve. "Right color, wrong pattern." said Cream.
"You got jokes now..." said Robert.
Cream took her drop and comboed the eleven, then missed for the four. Oh well.
Robert banked around the fifteen to hit the four, and almost took it to the side, but he missed. "What a rip."
"No, your angle was off." Cream banked off the wall to hit the four and almost comboed the fourteen.
Robert banked his shot at the four and fouled. "What is this?"
"Maybe you need to stop letting your dick shoot pool, 'cause you're getting nothing but blanks." Cream dropped and cornered the four. Then with a hard ricochet off the five to hit the eight, the black ball was cannoned, but she fouled and out came the eight.
"There goes my shutout problem." Robert sunk the easy five and the easier six thereafter. His bank off the wall to hit the seven missed.
"No more points for you." Cream shot the seven and missed, but Robert did also. The doe ricocheted off the seven to hit the fourteen, but comboed the eight in, then missed the seven.
"Okay, let's try this again." Robert banked off the wall to pocket the seven in the far corner, the easy nine thereafter, a bank to corner the ten, but missed at the bank for the twelve.
The twelve was set up for an interesting ricochet to corner the fifteen and Cream took it... her bravery cannoned the fifteen in the corner and the fourteen in the side, raising her lead 58 to 37. With a simple bank of the twelve, she ended the game with 70 points. The doe racked the balls well for the fifth game, as she wanted to clench the match here. "Break 'em." she called out.
"With pleasure." said Robert, giving him an easy deuce. A bad angle made him miss the one.
"Interesting shot you gave me, I gotta bank around the twelve... Let's see if this hard bank works." Her bank kisses the ace. Her next shot was a hard ricochet off the three to hit the five, which comboed the six and drew a foul.
"Out with the six... and an easy triple for me."
"Too bad you missed it." Cream ricochet hard off the three to hit the eight, cannoning the black ball. An easy three followed, then another hard ricochet off the four to the fourteen, comboing the six and being robbed of the seven. Cream banks off near the cup of the sid to hit the four, combing the seven and five, followed by the easy four. With the nine in play, she attemps to bank and side the nine, it failed... but with 34 points to Robert's two, she simply brushed it off like dirt on her shoulder. Robert decided to hit the nine where it was, pocketing it in the very side where Cream had missed it. Okay, comeback time. thought the young buck as he shot fot the ten.
"Your angle was off again." Crean decided to ricochet the balls once more.
"You sure like that fourteen."
"It's a good luck ball."
"If it's such good luck, why did you foul?"
"Just drop already."
Robert dropped and sides the easy ten, then ricochets hard off the eleven for the thirteen, pocketing the eleven and bringing Cream's 34 points close to his 32 point score. "Now, let's work on getting another game." Robert banks around the fifteen to pocket the twelve, but missed the thirteen.
"Sorry, but I'm going to shatter your dreams of winning this game here."
"Well by all means, try."
"I will." An easy shot at the thirteen, but a fould at the fourteen, gives Robert the free drop.
"Better luck next game, my dear." Robert ended the game sinking the last to ball and winning 73 to 47. "Well, I do believe I'm racking the balls this time."
I won't get robbed twice, this match is mine.... And thus match six began.
Cream and Robert return home from the pool hall, Robert wasn't to pleased. "That's bullshit, simply, purely, bullshit." said the POed buck.
"You're just mad because you lost 64 to 19 in the sixth game." said Cream. "I didn't piss a bitch when you won 63 to 57 against me for your match."
"Because you didn't get smashed on. I didn't even score twenty points, it's an outrage I tell you, outrage."
"You're just mad 'cause you aren't getting any pussy."
"That has nothing to do with it."
"Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! Since I won, I guess I'll has some sympathy for you."
"You mean, we're really gonna do it?"
"Oh yeah, let's go to the room."
Thank the gods....
It didn't take long for those two to get into the room. Robert ripped off his clothes and sat on the bed. "Come on baby, spread eagle." said Cream.
"Of course, we'll be doing much of this on our honeymoon." said Robert.
"You really are ready, aren't you?"
"Oh yeah."
"You really want it, don't you?"
"Oh yeah, I want it."
"Are you sure you want it?"
"Okay, close your eyes."
Robert closes his eyes and has a cheese grin on his face, as did Cream. "Here it comes, Robert." said Cream.
"Hit me with it, babe." said a happy Robert.
And in one quick movement, Robert was hit with it, Cream's Piko Piko Hammer that is, straight to the nadz. Robert bottled over and fell to the floor. "Why that hell did you do that for?" asked a trebled Robert.
"Because that's what you get." answered Cream. "Next time you'll learn that I'm no easy girl. Now while you lay there, think about thinking with your brain from now on, because I don't do guys who are lead by their cocks." Robert was rolled out of the room by Cream and the doe closed and locked the door behind him. She then sat on the bed, removing everything except her gloves and panties, which she kept on. Oh Tails... I sure hope you're okay.....