Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Invasion ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )
Chapter 11
Michael and his dad, Sonic, had been running for a good three hours with no sign of the ultamite Dragoon of Chaos.
"Where is he?!" Michael looked at his dad, hoping he might know.
"I don't know, my son...I can't see any trace of him!" Sonic replied.
Michael and Sonic turned a corner and there they saw the Dragoon of Chaos. It was a very impressive sight: about thirty times taller then Sonic and Michael put together, it had four eyes on its head, two large wings that spanned approxamitely 75 feet in length, it has rows of razor sharp teeth and one bad-as temper.
"What the hell is that thing?!?!?!" Sonic yelled, a fear in his heart awok to reveal it as the Dragoon of Chaos.
"Thats the thing we are looking for!" Michael shouted.
"Strange...why soes this place...seem so.....familiar?" Sonic looked around and saw doazens of buildings and homes leveled from the dragon, yet he still felt like he had been here before.
"What is it, dad?" Michael asked.
"!!" Sonic realized exactly where he was. "This is Knothole!!!" Sonic proclaimed, anger and saddness filling his voice.
"NO!!" Michael realized that Sally lived there, and that she probably didn't survive the attack from the dragon.
"You will..............DIE!!!!!" Sonic roared as he transformed into his super-form.
"Hey! Wait up!" Michael transformed into his super-form, and the battle to save the world was on.
Super Sonic and Michael tried attacking the beast from the front, but it merely batted them away with its claws and tried to bite them with its teeth.
"Damn, this thing is smart!" Michael shouted, barely missing a claw swipe from the dragon.
Michael was even more surprised when the dragon shot a purple beam from its mouth.
Michael had to dodge the beam, and saw the building that it hit vaporize into nothing.
"Fuck!! Dad! Watch out! This thing is damn seriously powerful!!!" Michael shouted to his dad, Sonic.
After much fruitless attacking, Michael found a weakness in the beast.
By waiting for the creature to attack with its beam attack, Michael would attack one way, and Sonic would attack the other way, when the monster launched its beam attack at Michael, Sonic would attack the creatures head, its only vulnerable area since it weas covered with a thinner pack of flesh.
After doing this a few times, a hole formed where Super Sonic had been attacking the monster. This pissed the beast of, and it took a swipe at Sonic, nailing him right between the eyes.
"Dad!!" Michael turned towards his dad for a split second and he found himself flying through the air.
The two super hedghogs hit a building with such force that the ground around it quaked.
"Damn...this thing isn't going to go easily..." Michael said.
"Well, we need to appraoch it differently...Yet, what else can we do?!" Sonic said.
"I don't know...I don't have any clue as to how we can attack this thing with it charged up and everything..." Michael replied.
Suddenly, Michael heard the voice of Tikal in his mind, speaking to him.
"Michael! This is Tikal! That beast is supercharged now, the only way for you and Sonic to beat it is for you two to combine your powers and use the Ultra Chaos Control! That will not only get that dragon gone, but it will also destroy it as well!! You two must do a fusion technique!" Tikal said right as the dragon took a swipe at Michael, barely clipping his right ear.
"Damnt! Dad! We need to fue our powers together!!" Michael said.
"What?!" Sonichad no idea what his son meant.
"Those seven Chaos Emeralds should give us the power we need to get our powers combined!" Michael said as he took out three of the Emeralds, he had kept them for safeguarding until he could return them to Angel Island.
Sonic took out his four and the energy of the Chaos Emeralds together with the powers of Super Sonic and Super Michael created a field of bright blue energy around the two super-charged heros.
Michael then felt his body being pulled on its own, as if a sort of magnet was pulling him.
Sonic had the very same effect, his body being pulled towards Michaels.
When the two of them met, the powers combined created a massive explosion around them.
When the smoke cleared, Michael and Sonic had fused together to become Super Monic (not the evil villains Monic and Mecha Monic!).
End Chapter 11