Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knuckles' Adventures ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi again all!! Here's chapter 2 of my first fanfic. I hope you all like it, and LEAVE ME SOME REVIEWS!!! Please? It'll be a while till I finish chapter three, so you have time! Thanks again for reading!

WARNING (again)!!! This chapter also contains GRAPHIC SEX! So, once again, I'll say that if you don't like reading about 2 MALES HAVING SEX or if you're under the age of 17, DON'T READ IT!!!!

And once again, all characters herein are property of SEGA and/or ARCHIE! Got it? Good, now on with the show….

Knuckles' Adventures Chapter 2 by The Lonely Echidna

"Perfect landing! As usual!" I announce proudly as I touch both feet down on the ground. "Now I wonder where everybody is?"

As I'm walking through the secluded compound, I hear someone approaching from behind me. Then a young voice shouts,

"Knuckles! What're you doin' here?" I turn and smile when I see his beaming face.

"Hiya, kid. What's happenin'?"

"Not very much Rad Red. It's been so boring lately!"

"Yeah, tell me about it!" I say, chuckling. "So where's Sonic?" I then ask.

"Oh." He said, the smile fading slowly from his face. He's in the main kitchen cooking dinner. Is that why you came, to see Sonic?" I could tell that he was saddened that I hadn't intentionally come to visit him, but I had no idea why. He is never this excited to see me. And Sonic's his idol!

"Well, uhh, since he's busy, how 'bout I hang out with you for a while?"

"All right!!!" He shouted in elation with a smile from pointy ear to pointy ear! This was most unusual, but hey, I like the kid, he's not as annoying as he used to be, he's growing up!

"Hey! I have to show you my hut! C'mon!" With that he revved up his tails and took off ahead of me.

"Whoa! Hold up! I'm coming!" I follow behind him, moving at a good rate of speed, passing some of the other freedom fighters as we went. They all gave me a surprised look, and I just waved, grinning, and kept on going. Reaching his hut he makes a running stop as I come to a screeching halt!

"Come on in, Knux!" He says, opening the heavy wooden door. In all my years knowing Sonic and Tails, I have never been in Tails' hut. Switching on the lights, I could see we were in his living room. It was furnished as I would have imagined. A couch, table, chairs, photos of Sonic and himself in various locations around the room, and to my surprise, a single picture of the floating island centered above his projection TV.

"Tails, I have to admit, you really have good taste!"

"Thanks, Knux! Here, let me give you a tour!" I nodded and he took me around to the kitchen, the bathroom, stopping occasionally to tell me a story or to comment on an item setting around. Then he took me to his bedroom. When he opened the door and turned on the lamp, I almost fainted. I thought it would be just like the other rooms.

"Tails, those are all pictures of…me!" I say in astonishment.

"Do you like it Knuckles?"

"Well, uhh, I'm flattered, to tell you the truth!" He gave me a big smile and told me to go in. As I looked around, he had everything; photographs, sculptures, posters, his bed sheets, even the night light! "Wow Tails, where did you get all these pictures?" I asked looking at them, which were not only of me on my trademark stances, but there were many candid shots as well.

"Umm, I have my ways!" was his reply.

"But what about Sonic?" I ask.

"Humph! He rejected me as a partner! He says I'm too young!" This was certainly a surprise; I thought those two were inseparable! "These are my favorite pictures, Knuckles." He says, reaching into a dresser drawer, pulling out a hefty stack of photos. As I flipped through them, I couldn't help but smile as I saw images of me beating the crap out of my enemies, even some of Sonic and I fighting. As I continued, I suddenly lost my smile and felt the warmth of blood rushing to my face, as I turned beat red.

"Tails! These are pictures of me… of me…" I stuttered.

"Yeah!" he says enthusiastically. "I was so glad to see that I'm not the only one who jerks myself off!" Yep, they were pictures of me masturbating! How the hell did he get these?!? "You can REALLY shoot a load, Knux!" he says as I flip through to pics of myself climaxing.

"Tails? Where the HELL did you get these?!?" I asked. I must've sounded angry, because he immediately frowned and started rambling on,

"Knuckles, I'm so sorry! I was just so happy to see that I was just like you! I thought you would like them. I'm so stupid!" then he began to sob. "I was just hoping that since Sonic wouldn't…wouldn't…"

"Tails, I'm not upset!" I say as I hug the little fox. I could swear I heard him coo as I wrapped my arms around him. When I pull away, he is looking at me directly in the eyes.

"So will you?" He asks blatantly.

"Will I what?" I ask, confused. With that he comes closer to whisper in my ear, which is obviously hidden by my dreadlocks.

"I want your cock inside of me!" He whispers.

"What?!?!" I shout, shocked.

"C'mon, Knuckles, you and I both know you enjoy that!" he says, pulling out another stack of pictures, which appear to be stained, of Yanar and myself getting it on!

"You haven't shown anyone these, have you?!?" I ask, panicked.

"No, they're for my own private pleasure!" he says smiling.

"Heh, yeah…" I say, still stunned as I stare at the photos. As much as I hate to admit it, I was starting to get turned on! But this shouldn't be happening, he's too young! Sonic is right. Wait a minute, if Sonic refused him…. "Tails, didn't you say Sonic refused you as a partner?"

"Yeah, I wanted him inside me first, but now I'm mad at him, and you're sooo much bigger!" he replies, looking down at my sheath.

"I am?" I ask snickering, "how do you know that for sure?" I then ask him scrutinizing.

"Well, um… you just are!"

"I see… well Tails, I don't know about this, I mean you're quite a bit younger than I am! You absolutely sure about this?"

"Of course I am Knuckles! Can't you tell?" he says, gesturing to his twin, rock hard cocks! Wow, he has 2 cocks to match his 2 tails! I guess it makes sense, I think to myself. They're pretty large for his still small body too!

"Wow Tails! You're always full of surprises!" I exclaim.

"I thought this was normal till I saw Sonic…" he stops mid-sentence.

"You know kid, the ladies would really love you!"

"But I want you Knuckles!" he says as he crawls onto the bed, lying on his side. It is at this time I notice myself getting hard, partly because he's staring at my lengthening cock. "Whoa…" he breathes, his eyes widening at the sight.

"Does that answer your question?" I ask him, grinning. I advance towards the bed and sit down on the side of it. "I have to ask you if I can do one thing first though, pal."

"What's that?" he asks, beaming with excitement once again! I then roll him flat on his back and say, "I want to give you your first blowjob!" And before he can reply, I've taken both of his stiff rods into my mouth, so far that my snout rubs tightly against his belly! He moans loudly as he pulls his pillow up and squeezes it around the sides of his head. As I drag my tongue up along the length of one of his cocks, his body goes entirely stiff, as I reach the tip of his glorious foxhood. He starts to thrust into my mouth a little as I engulf him again. I smirk and let him do so. Quickening the pace, he begins to moan continuously. It was obvious that this was his first time. "Now I know…why… Sonic liked this so much!" I hear him say, panting heavily. I make a note to ask him about that when we finish here.

His body was now glistening with sweat and his fur was matted in places. I knew I had to finish this now! I had to know what it felt like to have 2 cocks spraying in my mouth at one time! So I turn my head so that I can run my tongue in between his members and I scrape his tender flesh lightly with my teeth, avoiding using my sharp canines! That did it. With a hard thrust of his hips, his full length slams into my mouth, with his twin heads swelling and shooting my reward into my mouth! Moaning louder than ever the whole time he's climaxing! It was incredible, he is so powerful for a little guy, plus having 2 firing at once quickly caused my mouth to overflow! I tried to swallow it as fast as I could but it started to ooze out of the corners of my mouth, and over his spasming balls.

Once it was all over, he relaxed his body and tilted his head up to look at me with my mouth still sucking what I could from him.

"Knuckles…. That was so incredible! You were wonderful!" I then release his softening cocks and lick some of his seed that had dribbled from my mouth.

"Tails, you have a gift!" I say, smiling widely. He just stares at me, smiling. Thoughts, no doubt, flying through his mind at light speed of what were going to happen next.

"Knuckles," he says, finally breaking the silence, "You have no idea how much this means to me!"

"Well guess what, we're not through yet!" I say, still tasting his youthfulness in my mouth. "I have a gift for you! How do you want to accept it?" I tell him as I grab my own cock and bring it into view for him. His tired expression is quickly wiped away as his eyes light up with excitement.

"Oh my… you're even bigger than before Knux!" he says with great lustfulness. He turns himself over and props himself up on his elbows and knees, swishing his bushy tails out of the way and giving me a clear view of his virgin hole. "This is how I want to take it! Like an uncivilized animal!" He laughs as he spreads his legs wide, further exposing himself.

"Tails, you're sure about this? I mean... you really want me rather than Sonic?"

"YES! Do it NOW Knuckles, NOW!!!" He shouts. That's what I was waiting to hear! Myself on my knees, I move close to him so that my hard, burning erection just touches his ass. He jumps slightly at the feel of this, but calms when I place my hands on his hips.

"I'll go slowly, kid, so that I don't hurt you, okay?" He nods his head a few times, preparing his mind and bracing his body for what was to come. With that I push forward, but his hole is resisting my entry. Could he be too tight? I don't want to hurt the little guy! But this is what he wants, so I push harder, until my head lurches in suddenly!

"Gnnnyaaaaahhhhhh!!" He screams in pain. I stop, thinking I have done something horribly wrong.

"Tails, maybe I should stop…"

"NO! DO…IT…NOW! FAST, PLEASE!!" He says interrupting me. So with that I close my eyes saying a prayer in my head so that I won't hurt him any more. With one hard thrust, I force my entire length deep within him, so far that my balls slap against his! "Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!" He screams through his tightly clenched teeth, with his head craning towards the ceiling. I pause, waiting for him to tell me whether or not he's all right. Feeling that I have paused and am fully inside him, he looks back at me, smiles weakly and tells me to go on.

I begin slowly pulling my length out of him until just my head is left remaining. Then I slide it back in. It is only when he begins moaning softly, I know everything's okay and pick up the pace.

"Ooooohhhhhhh…" he moans with his head slumping down between his shoulders. "Knuckles! I can see you moving inside me!" He says as he looks back at me from his underside. I chuckle and intensify my thrusting. When out of nowhere, I feel something grabbing my balls! I look down to see that he is now supported by only one arm, and his other is fondling my sack! "These babies seem really full!" he exclaims, knowing that I am well aware of what he is talking about.

"Ooohhhhhh, Tailllssssss…" was all I could say. My mind was becoming more and more clouded with my natural instinct to mate. I quickened the tempo yet again, slamming into him harder and harder, so that he had to stop playing with my balls, and use his arm to re-support himself. I had reached the point of no return. I now knew that I had to mate this fox, that there was no stopping it now. I lost all control as I began slamming into him, hard. I could feel our balls slapping together violently.

Our bodies were dripping with sweat, and we both had our eyes clenched shut, preparing to reach the climax. Tails was now groaning, louder and louder with each thrust of my hips.

And suddenly I felt why.

His ass contracted tightly around my cock as he sprayed his seed all over the bed sheets. His magnificent twin penises spilling his youth beneath splashing up on his arms. This was too much for me to take, and I was easily pushed over the edge. With one final, powerful thrust, I slam myself into him so hard I lift his hind end into the air! And I groaned louder than anytime that night, a groan that was purely animal, as my balls contracted and I shot my seed, with mighty force into my lover's ass. Shot after shot I fired into him for what seemed like an eternity, until my warm cream began gushing out in all directions around my cock, coating my belly and running over my balls and down my legs until it finally mixes echidna with fox.

After it was finally over, and I had softened enough to easily slide myself out of him, almost as if on queue, we collapsed together into the puddle of warmth we had created just moments before.

"Knuckles," Tails begins, breathing heavily, "thank you for your…gift!" He says with a smile. I grin and kiss him on the cheek. As I pull back from him I can't help but chuckle as I think about how pissed Sonic will be if he ever finds out! That really makes it all the more worthwhile!

He lets out a long sigh as we lay together on his bed and then falls asleep with a smirk on his face. I couldn't help it, but a tear came to my eye as I saw how peaceful he lay there, having been given all that he had asked for, and I realized how much this had meant to him and that he really did look up to me as a role model. And I loved him.

After a half an hour had gone by, I got out of his bed and headed to the bathroom to clean myself up. Upon shutting the door, I saw that he had a video camera turned on, sitting on a bookshelf. Oh well, I thought, he'll enjoy it for many times to come! And I shake my head and close the door.

Upon finishing my clean up job, I left his hut and continued my search for Sonic. It wasn't long before I found him in the community-dining hall, along with all the other freedom fighters.

"N-n-knuckles! What are you doing here?" Sonic asks, standing up from his seat at the table.

"Hiya True Blue! I just thought I'd pop on in and see what was going on, that's all!" And to have a night of wild sex with you, I think to myself. "Hi everybody!" I say, raising my voice to greet everyone.

"Pull up a chair Knux! By the way, where's Tails?"

"Thanks, don't mind if I do!" I say, taking Tails' seat next to Sonic. "Oh, he's taking a nap, he was showing me around his place!"

"You are very lucky, you know, he doesn't do that for everyone!" Sonic shouts seemingly shocked that Tails would do that.

I nod my head and smile. Yeah, I think to myself, if only you knew, Sonic, if only you knew….