Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Megamorph ❯ Working on Closure ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Okay people. Before you begin reading this chapter, we the authors have to press a specific matter to all of you. Despite the interesting comical moments this story has had up to this point, we will now remind you of this story's rating. Remember that this story doesn't have this rating because of a certain fox's misfortune and a bit of "sour tongue" every now and again, but there will come instances later on in this story along the lines of what you are about to read. So if there are any of you that are squeemish about what this chapter is about to offer you, feel free to skip ahead. Just don't go whining about this portion being lewd. We would also like to point out that NO, This chapter does not mean that Cream and Tails are the official coupling of the story. We can promise you there will be other instances like this with other characters and the final couple has not been set in stone. I won't tell you who those characters are, but I will mention that at least 1 more instance like this is due.
Oh and Merry Christmas. I do apologise if this isn't a good enough chapter, however, by the end of the day, Chapter 8 shall be proofread and posted, so the `Christmas present' isn't over yet okay? <The end of the day applies to UK Time. Sorry for those who are hours ahead of me.>
With that said, it's time to DAMN THE TORPEDOES!
Tails saw Cream lying on the bed, her legs together and her body was as relaxed as she wanted to be. Yet the young doe was still uncomfortable. Tails positioned herself on the bed near Cream's ankles... she was slightly nervous, but knew that word is bond. Well, I guess I better get started. She thought.
"You're scared, aren't you?" asked Cream.
"Let's just say I wasn't expecting you to request something like this."
"I knew you didn't want to do it."
"Cream, I said that I would... just give me a minute."
"You do know how girls get head, right?"
"I remember seeing it from one of Knuckles' pornos that I was forced to watch with the guys."
"Knuckles has porn?"
"What guy doesn't have porn?"
"You didn't.... when you were a guy, I mean."
Tails' hands ran up the sides of Cream's thighs and under her nightgown. The fox swallowed, then pulled Cream's panties down her legs and eventually off of her, then noticed the print on them. Both of them blushed. "What, there aren't any stains if that's what you're looking for." said Cream.
Tails nearly fell off the bed. "No, I was looking at the design." she responded. "These tidy whities of yours have my trademark signet on them."
"Well, I feel for you." Creams blush deepened.
"So why wear them now?"
"I was hoping to wear them on the night you give me your fox rod and made me a woman... but since that's no longer the case, I might as well wear them to support you."
Hearing this made Tails fight back tears. Man, why do I have to have a mood swing now? She pondered, though it wasn't really a mood swing.
"I had these custom made... just to let you know about my private feeling for you." Cream continued. "Well, it's the main reason I remind myself on just how much you mean to me... even if you are a girl now."
"I see." Tails said, and then placed her hands on Cream's knees.
"Well, everything from here is on you." and Cream exhaled.
Tails then finally had a clear look at Cream's womanhood. Here is Cream's vulva. Thought the fox. She looks so healthy down here... I can only imagine what mine will be like after I give birth. But enough about me, this is all for Cream. The fox gently blew on Cream, causing her to twitch slightly. She's sensitive.... And thus begins my mending of Miles Prower's Inner Circle. Chapter One, Cream's labo...
"I don't mind you admiring me, but not so much." said Cream. "I'm already embarrassed as it is and I'm starting to feel uncomfortable."
"Right, sorry about that." said Tails. "I'm no longer under your hypnosis."
"That was corny."
"You aren't the only one that's nervous, Cream."
With this said, Tails "dove" in. Her tongue lapped at Cream's folds making her shudder in the process. This really feels weird. Cream thought as she felt Tails' tongue swirl around her outer folds. It's almost squishy...
It's just my tongue and Cream is already quiefing. Tails thought as she gave head. Oh well, I better do more than this. She parted Cream a bit more and stuck her tongue inside, bringing a coo from the doe.
Holy... Cream thought and placed her right hand on the back of Tails' head.
Tails was taken completely off guard by this. I guess she wants more... Then more is what she'll get.
Despite having her insides being rubbed by Tails' tongue, Cream kept Tails' head in place and kept herself from making any sudden out bursts to alert the other three people in the house. Despite her valiant efforts to hold out as much as possible, Cream's lower body started shaking uncontrollably. No, not now... I didn't even last three minutes yet. She mentally whined.
I hope she doesn't piss in my face. Thought Tails.
I'm sorry, but I can't.... anymore.... and for the first time in her life, Cream got off from the two-tailed fox she'd been pursuing. Her body spasmed and twitched as she left her mark on the fox's face, then let her head go as she panted on the bed.
Tails removed her face from Cream's crotch and saw her panting where her body lay. "You sure had a lot of pent up frustration." she said.
"I'm still frustrated." Cream told her. "Wash your face and rinse your mouth out, I want a bit more from you."
It took Tails two minutes to do that, then she rejoined Cream in her bed and the two began kissing each other. It wasn't the first time that Tails felt Cream's kiss in the lips... well, sort of. This was their first kiss as two girls and neither of them cared. For once, Tails and Cream had their unintruded moment together. Sure, both of them were girls and neither thought of being homosexual, but gender didn't apply this time. Despite the two of them having their moment, Vanilla managed to watch through the keyhole. She soon gave a sigh of relief and walked into the living room. Honestly, those two need that right about now. She thought.
"You know, the television programs here are bonzor interesting." said Marine.
"Somewhat, but their infomercials are boring." said Blaze.
"All right you two, let's get going." said Vanilla.
"But where are we going?" asked Marine.
"Twinkle Park."
"What is Twinkle Park?" asked Blaze.
"Something fun."
"Is Twinkle park even open at this time of night?" asked Marine.
"And what about Cream and Tails?" asked Blaze.
"Out, now." said Vanilla and managed to get the cat and raccoon out of the house.
Back in the room, Cream managed to pull Tails on top of her while they continued kissing. What's sad is that I want more from Tails, but I can't have it. Cream thought. And now that I know what is going on with Tails, would sex be accepted? Can we still enjoy the physical pleasures that a couple is meant to enjoy? Would it be wrong to elope with her?
Now If I were a guy, Cream would probably be letting me have my way with her. Thought Tails. In a way, I think it's best that Cream knows I'm a girl. If we would've had sex and then I told her about being a girl, she would probably feel betrayed and devastated.
Cream broke their kiss. "Don't be scared, Tails." she said. "Enjoy me."
"I... I can't really do that." said Tails.
"You can still use your hands, right? Well, use them."
"Cream, let's just stick to second base."
"At least try to steal third."
"What all do you want me to do?"
"Run your hands all over me...."
"Maybe next time, I don't want to tease you."
"Fine. But you have to break me off again..."
After a while, Vanilla opened the door to the house and went inside. Blaze and Marine soon followed and went back on the couch. "So, what about our 'angsty duo' in the back room?" asked Blaze.
"They're fine." Vanilla answered. "It's my watch tonight, so get some sleep."
"You know I can't do that."
"You know you have no choice this time."
"Fine, but wake me up if any problems occur."
"Will do."
And Blaze went in to retire for the night.
Morning came along and Tails finally woke up. What a night... she thought.
"You're awake." Tails turned to see Cream sitting at her vanity table. "Did you sleep well?"
"Somewhat." Tails answered.
"That's good to know." Cream sat next to Tails on her bed. "I really needed that last night, Tails."
"I think we both needed that." and Tails giggled. She then turned to Cream. "Is my hair messed up?"
"No. This is just the first time I've seen you smile since you know what. I would like you to be happy more often."
"I... I understand."
"I also learned something last night, something that I don't really want to address. However, I will right now."
"Um... o-kay."
"It's time for you to go now, Tails."
Another blow to the fox from the rabbit. "What the hell..."
"Don't take it like that. I just learned that you can't stay here for your entire term... And as much as I want you to be here for all of it, you can't be here any longer."
"What about us?"
"We always have each other and I will obviously come and visit you. But if you stay here any longer, Eggman won't have to second guess your location."
Tails felt a bit sad, but she nods anyway. "That's true... Plus, you guys need your rest without having to worry about me. I've seen the look on Blaze's face in the morning after an all-nighter; princesses shouldn't have to sacrifice sleep for other things."
Tails left Cream's room and walked into the kitchen. "I didn't expect you to be up by now." Tails looked to see Vanilla.
"Were you up all night?" asked Tails.
"I was. Blaze needs a full night's sleep too, y'know."
"So how can you keep guard if Blaze and everyone is asleep?"
"The same way you manage to keep your breasts hidden, it's a secret."
"Speaking of breasts..."
"A bit sensitive, but otherwise fine. Rouge said it's a sign of my body wanting to lactate."
"No, I think you should look at your chest."
Tails looked at her chest and saw oddly matted portions of her white fur with crystalline residue. "Great, this must've happened last night." and begins to wipe her chest.
"You might want to start taking cold showers for a while."
"But I like my showers warm."
"If warm water stimulates blood flow, just think about what it might do to your mamma."
"Oh yeah."
Vanilla handed Tails a washcloth. "I remember that I started lactating ten days into my pregnancy with Cream, I had to wear more than one kind of shirt and I always leaked through my bras."
Tails' ears drooped. "That's nice to hear..."
"And judging by the way your milk crystallized, you're not using a bra and you're smothering yourself."
"Is there anything you don't know?"
"When you're due."
"You'll learn about that later."
"That's fine. Now go and wash up, I'll make breakfast."
"Thanks, Vanilla. You're the closest thing to a mom that I have right now."
"No problem, sweetie. Just let me know when you have any other confusing 'chest issues' and you will have them."
Tails ended up taking a cold shower that morning, which didn't really help her chest and carefully dried off. Once she was ready for the morning, the five females gathered around the table for breakfast. With that done, Tails asked Blaze to escort her off to the next "rest area" amongst her friends. Tails made sure to grab her prescriptions, and hugs from Cream and Marine, then a kiss on the nose from Vanilla before walking off with Blaze. The moment was warm, but also needed as she and Blaze head towards more inner circle.