Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Miles 'Foxy' Prower! ❯ Guitars, Dirtbikes, and STATUTORY?! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well, you are diligent, aren't you? Still readin' the ol' story an' all… SWEET! I love that… but I'd love it even more if you guys would crack your lazy fingers and use them to type me some reviews! PLEASE??!
Ok, enough of the foolishness! Miles `Foxy' Prower! Chapter 5: “Guitars, Dirtbikes, and STATUTORY! :O”
A rather handsome boy stood outside on a public sidewalk, polishing his dirtbike to a mirror sheen. On the side of the rather tricked-out, fast-looking bike was written the words “GlimmerBolt II” He took a moment to wipe the sweat from his head. It was a hot day, but a nice one. A good day for a ride.
His eyes were hidden behind some thick, silvery goggles, probably to keep stuff out of his eyes when he was storming down the road on his vehicle. The young man had a kind of roguish charm about him, clad in a shirt, which was a retro combination of a jacket and a long-sleeved shirt. On his legs there were longish , khaki shorts with lots of pockets, and a few holes, showing they were well worn.
His right shin had a white bandage wrapped around it creating an uneven, yet all together nifty look . He also wore a scarf, giving him an adventurous look. He wore a pair of slightly large tan sneakers upon his feet. Though it was summer, one who rode as fast as this young man did would probably need to be clothed warmly whenever they decided to go for a spin.
Simply put, the young man looked like a total and complete punk. One would think twice before crossing this kid. The radically spikey, unkept, brown hair might make you turn the other way as well, what with it's blonde dyed tips, and all.
“Hey Chris!” A voice called out. The biker-punk turned around, his goggles flashing in the sunlight.
The teenager took his eye-mask off, and greeted his blue hedgehog friend with a light wave and a smile. A transformation seemed to take place whenever he removed them. Though his clothes and hair suggested him a troublemaker, the boy's deep blue eyes and baby-like face resonated with kindness, just like they always had.
Christopher Thorndyke, now 16, had changed a lot outwardly, but, at heart, he hadn't changed one tiny bit. If anything, his benevolent aura had grown stronger. Hanging out with Sonic had a huge affect on the way he grew up, but it certainly wasn't a bad thing.
(By the way, I do have an picture I've drawn of the way Chris looks in the story… You know where to look.)
“Yo! Sonic! What's up?” The rock star inquired.
Yes, you better believe it! Chris became a musician. And quite a well-known one, too. He learned to play the guitar in his spare time, and he got so good, people started to notice. Not only that, but, having adventure after adventure with Sonic and the gang really worked in his favor as far as songwriting came. Chris came up with some catchy rifts he played on his axe, and Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Cream, and Amy all helped him write songs. Also, let's not forget that his parents were rich! They sponsored the publication of his first album, “It Doesn't Matter”. Within only a few weeks, it was a SMASH hit. The people loved it, it was all over magazines and newspapers worldwide. Chris and his whole family were famous.
However, no matter how much fame and fortune came his way, Chris remained that same kindhearted, adventure-loving boy he always was. He just had a little more style now, Sonic thought.
(I imagine Chris on stage, singing some ROCKED out versions of some of the classic, and newer Sonic themes.)
Chris was taking a vacation from the spotlight, though. After all, it WAS summer break. Not to mention he could use the R&R. It was a miracle that he wasn't being overrun by his fanclub at that very moment, really. He was quite like Sonic in that he seemed to be always on the move.
“Ahhh, you know. Same old, same old. Erh… by the way…” Sonic said, looking a bit awkward.
“…Yeah? What is it, True-Blue?” The daredevil prodded, coolly. Sonic scratched his head.
“…Hmmm. How to put this…? You've never held a candle for say… Rouge, or anyone… have you?” Sonic blurted, unsure how he was going to explain the little errand he was running for the violent bat. Chris looked perplexed.
“Rouge…? A… candle? I uh… don't get what you mean…eh, sorry. You'll have to say again.” The youthful Mr. Thorndyke stated, baffled. Sonic scratched his skull in frustration as he tried to think of another way to put it.
“Oh wait, wait, let me put it this way: If you were attracted to one of the girls, I mean like reeeeeaaaally attracted… weird attracted… You'd tell me, right?” Sonic said, stumbling over each word. He immediately scorned himself mentally for not being better with words. He was more of a man of action.
However, to Sonic's surprise, Chris blushed lightly, and looked at the ground, as if he were hiding something. The hedgehog raised an eyebrow.
“Uhh… m-me? Like…O-one of the girls? You mean… Like the ones from your planet?… Eh heh, Nah…” The rocker claimed, trying to play it cool. Unfortunately for him, Sonic wrote the book on cool.
“You sure? Not even a teeeeeeeeeny little bit?” Sonic said through a grin. It would be absolutely hilarious if Chris ended up being the one, in his opinion. Strange, but still funny. Now curious, Sonic felt a significant impulse to get it out of him.
“Psh. I SAID no. Geez, what is this, 20 questions or something?” He said back, defensively. His cheeks were getting ever redder.
“Hehehe… you suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure? Cuz you're face is turnin' red as Knuckles!” Sonic teased. Chris turned around and folded his arms, obviously hiding something. The blue blur had im' now!
“Oh, c'mon man, just tell me. You're a horrible liar, y'know, always have been.” The hero proclaimed, looking expectant. Chris turned around shyly and took a deep breath.
“*sigh*… Fine….” He started, “… I've been sorta keeping this to myself for a while… you have to keep this classified, ok?” He said, snaking Sonic's pinkie finger with his.
“So spill it. What's the big blushy-wushy secret?” Sonic said, obviously amused. He made his friend's face redden yet again.
“Well… you see I sorta…” Chris trailed, “kinda… maybe just a little… sometimes…”
“Cooome on, spit it out.” Sonic said, tapping his foot demandingly.
“I like Cream!” The musician/dirtbike legend blurted, blushing madly immediately after. Sonic snickered a little.
“Hahaha! Is THAT all? Peh, who doesn't?!” The hedgehog chuckled and shrugged. Seriously, if she were a little more his age, even HE'D probably consider. He shook his head. How cute. Chris didn't seem to think it was very funny, though.
“…Yeah, well, don't tell anyone, ok?” The teenager grumbled. Sonic considered, then nodded. So it wasn't Chris, either… huh. The boy was too innocent in nature to carry a match for the extremely aggressive Rouge, anyway, now that he gave it some thought… not only that, but he's rich, and would have no reason to steal anything in the first place… Sonic wondered why he even bothered.
“Hmmph. It's really nothing to be embarrassed about, man. I mean, you're that age, right?” Sonic said, seriously. The youth shook it off and smiled. Whenever he was near the hedgehog, his values changed into something more authentic, more him. These two retained a truly brotherlike relationship, no matter how much time passed them by, it seemed.
“I guess I am freaking out a little bit. But I mean, we're not even the same species…” He said, sweatdropping, praying that didn't sound as bizarre as he thought it did. Sonic just smiled in that `I'm here for you' way he does.
“Feh. Same difference.” He said, bluntly stating his opinion, “But just so you know… She's got her sights set on Tails.” the hedgehog added. Chris sighed, and his spirit seemed to sulk a bit.
“Yeah, I know… You don't have to remind me. The worst part is, Tails doesn't even pay her any attention. It's such a waste…” The young rock star said, a hint of jealousy in his voice.
“Well I--…” Sonic started, but was cut off by the sound of screaming….
“OH MY GOD! LOOK SARAH! THAT'S HIM! IT'S REALLY HIM! IT'S CHRIS!” A girl shrieked from the other side of the road. The group of girls about Chris' age all turned around.
“Chris? Chris who?” One girl said.
“RIGHT THERE! CHRIS THORNDYKE! HE'S STANDING RIGHT THERE!” another screamed almost too high in pitch to be understood. Upon hearing the full name of the most popular prettyboy rock star in the country, each and every one of the girls let out their own tone of high pitched SQUEALS, and they started stampeding toward them. Chris put his goggles back on, and popped his neck.
“Dangit. Seems like I can't go anywhere anymore without signing something. I'll catch you later, Sonic. Gotta split.” Christopher said, hopping on the GlimmerBolt II and revving it up.
“Heh, now you know how I feel with Amy.” Sonic mused. Chris gave the thumbs up, and then took off, the front of his bike shooting upward. He maintained the wheelie for a solid 5 seconds before hitting his top-speed. Within 10 seconds after that he was outta sight.
The entire crowd of girls all said “AWWWWW!” simultaneously.
“Heh, too cool, tooooo cool. He always was one for flashy exits.” Sonic said, admiring the boy's style.
“Darn! Now I'll never get a celebrity's autograph!” One of the girls whined. Sonic walked over, looking totally full of himself.
“AHEM….” Sonic said, waiting for all the girls to ask him to sign their shirts and foreheads and shoes. Only one girl turned to look.
“Hey, aren't you Sonic?” She asked. Sonic played it cool.
“The one and only! Want my autograph?” He offered, pulling out a pen he, for no reason whatsoever, had tucked in his glove. The girl's face twisted in disgust.
“Ew! Why would I want YOUR autograph? You're just an ugly blue porcupine who talks!” Everyone in the group laughed and pointed at Sonic, then walked away.
“…But I'm a hedgehog! There's a difference… I think… ;_;”
(and just to let you know, YES, I really like the character Chris, so I decided to make him kickass. Did I do a good job?! I think I'll draw and scan what I pictured him looking like and link it for you guys next chapter. Don't worry, my art's not too shabby. You'll see.)
Miles `Tails' Prower was in quite a predicament, indeed… There he was, on a loveseat next to none other than Amy Rose, whom was looking at him like he was Sonic times a million. Was this some kind of bad joke? What was it, `freak Tails out' day?
“Amy… heh… erh, what, what are you doing…?” The fox muttered nervously.
Amy only grinned, her eyes lidding in a seductive manner, as her gloved hand slowly trailed up his thigh.
“H-hey! Stop… Amy… Amy, stop…Amy..AMY?!” Tails said, flinching when she got too close to a certain part of him. He looked upon her with a mixture of confusion, horror, and embarrassment. Amy made an amorous noise, making the fox's fur stand on end.
“Ohh… Don't fight it. Just… let it happen…” Amy purred. Tails shook his head no, slinging sweat across the room. What was he supposed to do?!
“Amy, just… calm… Calm down! You-you, you don't want me, you want Sonic! Yeah, ahahaha… remember Sonic?” Tails stammered, trying to talk his way out of this. Amy's hard-set expression didn't change.
“Sonic's a loser.” Amy stated, simply. Before Tails could even respond, she had him hunched over with his ear in her mouth, softly but firmly nipping at it, various moans kept seeping from her mouth. He had to get outta here.
Tails would've hopped up, but Amy was stronger than he suspected, and she clung to him like she always did to Sonic. This was a problem. His physical strength wasn't as good as Sonic's except for his tails, which Amy was sitting on. He could catapult her across the room, but he didn't want to hurt her.
“Amy! AMY! Get OFF of me right NOW!” Tails commanded, angrily. It only seemed to arouse the girl even more, as he noticed she had straddled him now.
She said nothing, but made plenty of physical, almost sexual noises. Tails couldn't believe it… he was about to get raped… by a GIRL?! What would the guys think of that!?
Tails had to think of something, and quick. Amy had already, at this point, removed and discarded his vest and thrown her hair barrette aside. Then he looked behind him. There it was, sitting within reach, the Piko Piko Hammer… Tails weighed out his options. Amy then bit him on the nape of his neck, HARD, mrowlling like a cat.
“OUCH! Ok, that's it! I'm sorry to do this to you, Amy, but you leave me no choi-mmph!?” The foxboy was suddenly silenced by a set of lips pressing firmly against his. His stomach did a somersault… Amy was KISSING HIM!!
In a last ditch effort, the two-tailed teenager grasped the hammer and brought it firmly upon the girl's skull, making a loud `TINK!' noise. She was sent flying into a wall. Tails underestimated the lightness of the massive hammer and had accidently swung way too hard!
Needless to say, he felt horrible. He immediately went up to go check on her. She was laying in the floor with cartoony spiraly eyes… just knocked her out.
Tails wondered what to do now. He scooped up his vest and put it back on. He figured it couldn't hurt to leave her like that… well, honestly he was just afraid moving her might wake her up.
He walked out her door, shut it quietly, and breathed a sigh of relief.
“Why, hello Tails. Fancy meeting you here…” Rouge the bat said sexily, perched upside-down from above him. She scared him half to death, but before he could run, she flipped to his other side and tripped him up with her powerful legs. He fell, HARD.
He tried to get up, but a white boot prevented his head from lifting, pinning him firmly and easily to the ground. He looked up… his face twisted in horror at what he saw next… she smirked evilly as she pulled , out of what appeared to be her cleavage, a tiny whip….
*SNAP!* (Hawt! XD)
“…uh oh…” Tails whimpered.
*End chapter*
Oh god, I'm just so evil sometimes… Wanna see what happens to poor wil' Tails? Well, hopefully Rouge won't get her way, or I'll have to change the rating to X and add the Hentai genre… Anyway, reviews… yeah, they'd be great. This story had TWO HUNDRED TWENTY SIX before… You guys can do better than those guys at, can't you!? I don't think you can!
Please prove me wrong, for God's sake!