Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Life Wth You... ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Sonic and his Crew are the sole creations of Sega and their companies. But the day they want to give me a little piece of their action..I'll let you people know.

A/N: Ok..this continues my first series. "My Night With You..." Everyone is a year older now. And a year wiser. Anyway hope you guys enjoy it...If not...SCREW YOU!!!! LOL!!!


Sonic-19 Amy-17
Knuckles-20 Rouge-19

"My Life With You..." Chap. 2


The last bit of rain fell from the gray skies as Sonic found himself wondering the streets of Station Square. The hero had finished all his errands hours before, but for some reason he didn't really want to go home just yet. He had a lot on his mind at the moment and he believed the cool city air would help his thinking.

A car drove by splashing a huge amount of water onto the sidewalk. Luckily, Sonic dashed back just in time to not get hit. "Jerk..." He muttered to himself, as he shook his head. Sighing, the Hedgehog continued with his thoughts.

'Rouge and Knuckles' wedding cruise was coming up in a week.' Sonic said to himself. The more he thought about the event, the more he thought of her...

Amy...His angel.

The girl he had known for so long. It was funny... For a good part of his life he wished he'd never met the highly energetic, high catastrophe prone, bubbly young girl. was like, he couldn't imagine his life without her.

Sonic was in love. Yeah, that was no news flash. He cared for Amy deeply and probably would do anything she desired. And it seemed it was the girl's secret wish that was currently the item of Sonic's mental debate. A wish she had every since she was younger and first met the hedgehog.

Marriage. That's what's been on the Sonic's mind for so long. Something he always dreaded. It was probably the only bane in the hedgehog's existence. Even more so then Dr. Eggman himself.

Marriage represented so many negative things in the hedgehog's eyes: Commitment, Sacrifices, Responsibilities, White picket fences, Tubber ware parties, Cookouts with neighbors named Jim, Mortgages, and a whole slew of other concepts that on any given day would make the Hedgehog sick.

He hated the idea of that much confinement. All he ever wanted to do was be free. Free to be able to run. Free to adventure and fight crime. To be able to stay up all night trying to beat his chili dog eating record. Things like that was what Sonic was about. Not something dorky like marriage. Heh, marriage as if...

I mean, why would Sonic ever in a million years want to get married?

He chuckled to himself hard. His laughter rose louder and louder. Almost to the point where people that was walking around Sonic, gave the indigo defender mild looks of bewilderment.

His hysteria would have continued if one name didn't continuous ring through his mind, ultimately silencing his bliss. 'Amy...' He sighed as he leaned against the building watching the city people go by.

Sonic knew it would mean the world to his Ami-chan, if they did tie the knot. And honestly if he ever was crazy enough to want to get married, she was the only person he could see himself with.

I mean they weren't always the prefect fit at times. Like when they first moved in with each other. They had problems adjusting to each other's lifestyles. Amy always wanted things to be tidy and neat. Where Sonic didn't really care and would leave his clothes & stuff anywhere.

Yes, at first it was rough for the young couple, but they did seem to find away to make it work. And if anything their feelings for each other increased. Sonic knew there wasn't going to be another girl like Amy. Truthfully, he didn't want anyone else anyway.

'So why not just get married?' A small voice inside Sonic's mind asked. For the life of him, Sonic didn't have an answer. He just continued to wander down the street.

Every now-and-then, his sneakers would stomp through some of the puddles in roadway. Eventually he stopped and gazed into one of the pools of merky water. He didn't know why he was so enthralled by the sight, but he was. Then Sonic noticed a bright neon color that was reflected in the watery image.

He looked up to find the source of the glow. He found his answer across the street at a corner jewelry store. Slightly curious, Sonic walked over to take a look. Instantly he was amazed at all the jewelry that was on display. Granted he was never the type to sport such baubles. But he had to admit, they were nice to look at.

There was one ring in particular that caught his attention. It was a nice golden ring, that had diamonds along the frame of the face. And a tiny golden bird that had Rubies for it's eyes.

With a second glance Sonic thought, the image reminded him of that tiny bird that followed Amy around during the 'Chaos' thing. "Birdy....I think she called him." The dark blue hedgehog said to himself, as he recalled the fledgling.

Sonic seemed to be transfixed by the object. The more he looked at it, the more he seemed to be drawing to his decision. Images started to flash before his eyes. Images of his and Amy's wedding day. Images of them growing up and living with each other.

He even saw an old and gray Sonic, holding an equally elderly Amy while watching a sunset. And probably for the first time in his life, Sonic actually smiled when he thought about living his life forever with Amy.

"Ah...What the hell.." He said after five more minutes of deliberation. And slowly Sonic decided to go in.


(Meanwhile across town...)

Tic, Toc...

Tic, Toc...

Amy glanced at the clock that was mounted in the doctor's waiting room. The young Hedgehog had been sitting in the waiting room for a while now. She had been early to her appointment, so she had to wait a bit for the Doctor to get ready.

The girl tried to flip through some of the magazines, as an attempt to pass the time. But honestly, none of the images could really take her mind away from her worrying.

Why was the young Hedgehog waiting in the doctor's office? You may ask. Honestly, Amy didn't know herself.

But Amy did know that for the last couple of weeks, she had been feeling really weird. Often times she woke up in the mornings really sick. So sick she would spend a good part of it the morning by the toilet. Of course she didn't tell Sonic any of this. She knew how much he worried over her that one day she had the flu. There would no telling what he would do, when he found out about this.

So instead she just went to Rouge for her advice. After Amy told her friend her symptoms, Rouge advised her to go to a Doctor to find out what was wrong. So here she was. In Doctor McClain's office patiently waiting for an hour to be examined.

Amy's emerald green eyes scanned the office room from side to side. The room was very busy for such a tiny amount of space. Various different Doctors and Nurses running around to different rooms. All checking on other patients, handing out papers to be filled out. One nurse was even taking lunch orders from the other members of the staff.

The Pink Hedgehog sighed. She really didn't want to spend all day in this waiting room. But as she looked up, it appeared she didn't have to.

"Umm..Excuse me." A young Fox came over to Amy. The fox looked in her mid-twenties and was dressed in all white. Amy instantly recognized her to be one of the nurses. "Are you Miss. Amy Rose?" The nurse asked, while looking through the pink Hedgehog's chart.

Amy nodded, while putting her magazine away. "Ok honey, the Doctor will see you now." The nurse stated while leading Amy to the back room.

For a brief second Amy prayed. Prayed that everything was Ok with her. She also prayed that if not, she and Sonic could work it out some how.

And slowly the young girl disappeared through the double doors.


It was an hour later when Sonic exited the jewelry store. The Hedgehog held a small box in his hand and a small frown on his face. "I must be out of my mind..." Sonic declared, as he opened the box again and stared at the shining diamond ring with the "Birdy" design on it.

'Quit complaining...' A voice from inside Sonic stated. 'You know, you want this too...' Sonic made no rebuttal.

In fact he smiled. Probably for the first time in his life, marriage didn't seem so bad anymore. He knew that actually things between him and Amy wouldn't change too much. They were already living together and they were already in love. This was just the next step. A step they would come to eventually. And the more he thought about it, the more he realized that he was ready.

"I can't wait till tell Amy! She's gonna flip!" Sonic cheered as he placed the jewel box on his person. Then in a flash, Sonic sped off toward home.


It had been a while since Amy took the last test with the doctor. The young Hedgehog was kinda glad she wasn't with the female Doctor anymore. The Doctor was really making her uncomfortable, asking so many questions...

Questions about Amy's strange midnight cravens she had been getting lately. A lot of questions. Even real personal questions about her and her Sonikun. Sometimes the questions revolved around, what they did behind closed doors.

That's what really made Amy uncomfortable. She didn't really want to discuss her lovelife with a complete stranger. But she knew the only way the doctor would be able to help her would be if she complied.

"Miss. Rose," The doctor said, awakening the girl from her previous thoughts. Amy could tell by the expression on her face that whatever news the doctor was going to say was major. "I have to inform you that your...."


It was later that evening when Sonic returned home. The hedgehog would have been home earlier, but he spent the last couple of hours thinking up ways to accurately propose to his love.

In the end, his practicing proved futile. He just couldn't think of any slick way to actually say it. So he just decided to do it like how he did all things...Just wing-it and see how everything went.

Slowly he turned the knob to their home. He walked inside and hung his jacket up on the coat rack. He noticed Amy's pink coat was hanging up also, so it meant she was back too.

"Ami-chan!" He shouted as he wandered around the ground floor looking for his love. He didn't see her on this level, so he decided to go upstairs to their bedroom. As soon as he opened the door to the darken room, he saw her lying on the bed asleep.

Smiling, Sonic slowly walked over to her. He ran his hands over her soft quills as he placed the covers over her body. He gave her a small kiss on the forehead then quietly exited the room, so not to awaken his love.

Sonic sighed. He could wait till tomorrow to pop the question.


A few minutes after Sonic went back downstairs, Amy's green eyes opened. She felt guilty for fooling Sonic, but for right now she didn't want to really talk to him at the moment. She had so many things going on in her mind.

She was just glad Sonic went back downstairs to watch Tv. She was also glad he didn't try wake her up and ask how was her day, or where did she go...

The girl was glad Sonic didn't see the tears stains that were matted all over her pillow, from hours of endless crying....

And she was glad he still didn't know they were soon going to be parents....


To be continued...!